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Tourists call for water quality check at Hua Hin beach


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Tourists call for water quality check at Hua Hin beach

By The Nation



Photo from Fone Sevennight's Facebook walll


Tourists have called on authorities to check the quality of sea water at the popular Hua Hin beach in Prachuap Khiri Khan after a lot of small fish were found dead in the area on Tuesday morning.

A photo posted by Facebook user Fone Sevennight showed a lot of fish littering the beach.


Some people said it was a normal phenomenon after heavy rains on Monday night, while others have reported a foul smell in the sea at the popular beach.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30329474

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-10-17
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I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








Edited by NCC1701A
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28 minutes ago, Xonax said:

Let´s have a Water Quality check at all beaches and pools in Thailand, like they have in most civilized countries.

yes. lets do. 

if the govt wont do it, local hotels and restaurants can form associations to look after the natural assets they share and they can pay for it. testing water quality is not expensive. if there is a problem, doing something about it can be expensive. this is where the association can flex muscle and pay fees if the f'''''ng govt wont do it.


but this requires a sense of shared ownership and cooperation which has not been seen in Thai society since, like forever. 

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A water quality check? A VISUAL water quality check will tell you that if the fish, who actually LIVE in the water, cannot survive, then probably you shouldn't swim there.

But if you do decide to swim, and find yourself in distress, grab on to as much plastic as you can and float back to shore.

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2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








Try Pattaya and you'll know all about itching!

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Just now, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








You are not alone.


I stopped swimming at Hua Hin beaches a couple of years ago, after a series on eye and ear infections.


When you see the crap floating down Khao Ta Kiab creek, through the fishing village, and into the sea it is not surprising the number of infections people pick up after swimming at that beach.

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The locals are neglecting destroying the main attractions of their own country....assorted with their dogma of  "you no like, you go away"....


..if no actions are taken,  the long wanted high revenue quality tourists and quality ex pats will flee Hua Hin and Thailand to more welcoming shores in Asia.

Edited by observer90210
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I was up on Hin Lek Fai yesterday around 3pm. And I've been up there countless times over the past 8 years, and I've never seen this kind of anomaly on the water. At first I thought it was oil from the boats, but that is a lot of oil.. My second guess would have been some kind of sewage run off? It seemed to be coming from 2 areas and floating out to sea on the current, in the direction of HH beach. I can't upload the image for some reason.. 

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16 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

I was up on Hin Lek Fai yesterday around 3pm. And I've been up there countless times over the past 8 years, and I've never seen this kind of anomaly on the water. At first I thought it was oil from the boats, but that is a lot of oil.. My second guess would have been some kind of sewage run off? It seemed to be coming from 2 areas and floating out to sea on the current, in the direction of HH beach. I can't upload the image for some reason.. 

Here it is 

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








could have been sea lice, happens now and then

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








You have acute huahinitis, stay away from Hua Hin. 

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Isn't it obvious to you? All these people worrying about the water quality needlessly, surely the fish enjoyed their time so much on the beach at Hua Hin they decided to stay there instead of swimming back into the sea. But as usual, everyone jumps to conclusions, I notice no one bothered to ask the fish their line on the story?


I really don't know what the fuss is all about anyway, it isn't as if we can drink seawater anyway, it is just too salty, could use it for cooking vegetables though.

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4 hours ago, Xonax said:

Let´s have a Water Quality check at all beaches and pools in Thailand, like they have in most civilized countries.

You are having a laugh aren't you, do that and its the end of tourism that is for sure, more turds floating and swimming around here than in the whole of Europe.

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








That's Stone Head Scratch, endemic to the beach. 

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This is a regular phenomenon at this time of year.  The explanation given previously is the amount of fresh water being drained into the gulf from dams and heavy rainfall cause stress to the marine life.  These are salt water fish. It has nothing to do with the water quality in Hua Hin which gets the dead fish due to the existing currents. 

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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.









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7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin.


I remember the first time I went into the water here. About a hour later I started itching. I thought I was having a reaction to too many UV rays.


But walking on the beach a few days later I was fine, but the second trip into the water I began to itching again.


I have been in the ocean in many places swimming on many beaches and scuba diving. California, Florida, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Greece, Spain and Tahiti and I have never felt itchy all over.


Except in Hua Hin.








I too had the itchy sensation swimming in Hua Hin, but my experience was about15-20 years ago - and at this time of the year.

I was told, reliably that it was due to very small jellyfish which appears at this time of year.

I have since returned to Hua Hin countless times - but not in Oct- Dec. I have never felt itchy since.

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