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"not their native tongue"

Many may be surprised to know that for many Filipinos (in the upper classed families), English is the FIRST language.

The first language of upper classed Filipinos is usually English, Spanish, or Fookien Chinese... afterwhich they learn the local Philippine language as a subject in school starting at grade 1.

Spanish? mmm.... interesting to know. that explains why most of these dudes have spanish surnames.

now back to the topic! :o

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"not their native tongue"

Many may be surprised to know that for many Filipinos (in the upper classed families), English is the FIRST language.

The first language of upper classed Filipinos is usually English, Spanish, or Fookien Chinese... afterwhich they learn the local Philippine language as a subject in school starting at grade 1.

Spanish? mmm.... interesting to know. that explains why most of these dudes have spanish surnames.

now back to the topic! :o

Yes, I agree. Back to the topic please...


Thanks for all the replies.

My post was about working on a tourist visa, and doing so is wrong and makes it harder on all of us who don’t break our visa restrictions

It was about a Philippine woman her family and friends and her attitude. How she did not think it was wrong to live and work here for 5 years on 30 day VOA’s.

I also said it was EQUALLY the responsibility of the schools to ensure all teachers had proper visa's i.e. give them legal status to work so they don’t break the law.

How the actions of people who go before us can influence how we are treated and perceived in the future. Hence the reason a visa is refused now to many Philippino’s in the Australian Consulate.

I also made it as an example of why immigration is getting stricter here in Thailand with tourist visas. It was about Philipino’s only because they were the ones who related their situation to me.

Its very simple; If working on a tourist visa is legal then I am wrong and so is Thai Immigration and dr pat Pong, Krystian, Thai narak and all those who wrote disparaging replies, have every right to call me a troll or what they like.

He who throws mud looses ground and credibility. So no matter what we all think or believe, it does not change the truth.

Working on a Tourist Visa is illegal and people who do so are making things harder for the rest of us who don’t break our visa restrictions.

I dont begrudge these people from going here to work and earn a living. I only question weather the ones who are here and still use 30 day voa's and 60 day tourist visa's care that they are making it harder for those who will follow. If they continue to disregard the situation they leave those that follow open to abuse and exploitation and they give all Philippino's a bad reputation. filipina_26 you should agree its those that do no wrong that often have to suffer for the few kababayan that have a bahalan na attitude to their fellow Pinoys.Alam mo ang Alamang Isip de ba.

Seems like you are missing the point - Filipinos speak poor english with a wierd accent.

I know some farang english teachers with weird accents. Can I therefore conclude that ALL do?

However, I agree that the Filipino teachers that usually go for 13,000 a month (as mentioned in OP) are usually the ones with weird accents.

The upper classed Filipinos tend to have very good "neutral" accents, but Filipinos from that social strata don't go for 13,000 a month.

The weird accented Filipinos are usually from the lower classed who try too hard to put on a fake american accent.

Ironically, many CEOs and top executives of Multi National Companies in Thailand like Unilever or Proctor and Gamble are Filipinos earning 1 Million Baht a month plus perks like free 4 bedroom apartments in Centrepoint or Emporium Suites plus big car with driver.

(Don't believe me? ask Sunbelt... these Filipino top executives go to Sunbelt to process the work permits of their Filipino nannies, and the incomes of these Filipino executives can be seen on their tax returns which is a requirement when guaranteeing their nannies.)

Anyway, talk to these top Filipino executives earning 1 million baht per month and I guarantee you, they will not have a "weird" accent.

I have a filipino colleague who earns as much or even more than farangs do. These highly skilled dudes just don't go for 100,000 Baht salary but for 3X more. We are working in a Telecom Industry. Anyway, just trying to point out that not all filipinos you see in Thailand are english teachers and some are even earning more than you do.

yeah not all filipinos here work as a teacher.I am not a teacher I work for a company here and earning better than most farang teachers.I agree that some has problems with the accent but you can't blame them that is not their native tongue, given a chance to study the correct one who knows maybe even better than most farangs.

The point I am making is that Thai's have poor English language skills. Having teachers who can't speak proper English teaching them sure will not help.

I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

You Filipinos sure have a chip on your shoulders. Truth hurts I guess.


[ filipina_26 you should agree its those that do no wrong that often have to suffer for the few kababayan that have a bahalan na attitude to their fellow Pinoys.Alam mo ang Alamang Isip de ba.

Yeah I agree. But isn't it a fact to everyone?be it filipino or americans its the same all they suffer from few all illegal workers. seems to me you know some filipino language, must have stayed in the Philippines because you know the bahala na attitude and the isip alamang thing. :o With regards to the Australian embassy who keeps on denying tourist visa, we'll i don't have the estimate, what i know is that in australia there are a lot of Filipino workers especially nurses who are mostly legal and I did it ever crossed your mind why australians prefer these nurses? Maybe because they are good in what they are doing if not these employers and hospitals will not be geeting their service. I mean just don't brand us Filipinos like we are the only citizens in the world who do illegal work here and other country. Maye you should try to live longer in the phil and see for yourself how it is to live by just earning 5, 000 a month. I am sure if given the chance to be legal here, they will and if it happens maybe the reputation of the Filipinos here will be different.



The point I am making is that Thai's have poor English language skills. Having teachers who can't speak proper English teaching them sure will not help.

I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

You Filipinos sure have a chip on your shoulders. Truth hurts I guess.

your opinion :o

Thanks for all the replies.

My post was about working on a tourist visa, and doing so is wrong and makes it harder on all of us who don’t break our visa restrictions

It was about a Philippine woman her family and friends and her attitude. How she did not think it was wrong to live and work here for 5 years on 30 day VOA’s.

I also said it was EQUALLY the responsibility of the schools to ensure all teachers had proper visa's i.e. give them legal status to work so they don’t break the law.

How the actions of people who go before us can influence how we are treated and perceived in the future. Hence the reason a visa is refused now to many Philippino’s in the Australian Consulate.

I also made it as an example of why immigration is getting stricter here in Thailand with tourist visas. It was about Philipino’s only because they were the ones who related their situation to me.

Its very simple; If working on a tourist visa is legal then I am wrong and so is Thai Immigration and dr pat Pong, Krystian, Thai narak and all those who wrote disparaging replies, have every right to call me a troll or what they like.

He who throws mud looses ground and credibility. So no matter what we all think or believe, it does not change the truth.

Working on a Tourist Visa is illegal and people who do so are making things harder for the rest of us who don’t break our visa restrictions.

I dont begrudge these people from going here to work and earn a living. I only question weather the ones who are here and still use 30 day voa's and 60 day tourist visa's care that they are making it harder for those who will follow. If they continue to disregard the situation they leave those that follow open to abuse and exploitation and they give all Philippino's a bad reputation. filipina_26 you should agree its those that do no wrong that often have to suffer for the few kababayan that have a bahalan na attitude to their fellow Pinoys.Alam mo ang Alamang Isip de ba.

nucopia, your topic "Replying to 60+30 Day Work Visa For Philippine English Teachers" (abuse of system 101) and it's content implies that you have singled out and incriminated these people for your difficulties of getting your visa in Thailand. We would not have replied blatanly if we have thought otherwise. Our desparaging replies would have made you felt like how these people will feel if they have a chance to read your post (I hope they won't because you might get kicked in the arse the next time you go to their consulate) but that is just our own opinion. Cheers!

I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

They will not have a teaching degree if they were unskilled. Now, how the helll Jon Benet Ramsey managed teach in one international school in Thailand?


I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

They will not have a teaching degree if they were unskilled. Now, how the helll Jon Benet Ramsey managed teach in one international school in Thailand?


I strongly agree! :o

I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

They will not have a teaching degree if they were unskilled. Now, how the helll Jon Benet Ramsey managed teach in one international school in Thailand?


Which reminds me,, these where the people who started everything, Jon Benet and the other British Indian guy who slautered his family in the U.K. who was arrested at the padang besar border,, AND THEY ARE NOT FILIPINO!!!


I didnt know filipinos make 13k baht per month teaching? so they get what most thai teachers make? Isnt that kinda low though, I mean considering there a how many filipinos in thailand right now? The thai peolpe abuse them? in what way?


I cant believe this thread is still going, the OP was over the top on the first post and anyone that calls someone FLIPS should be sent packing, Its intolerable here and is about as derogitory as dropping the N-Bomb on people of color.

There are lots of Fillipina workers here and well beyond just simple school teachers. The reality is there arnt enough of any kind of school teacher here to be choosy. Basicly if they're (Any non Thai teacher) not a pedophile and arnt to drunk to show up for class on monday morning they're valued staff. My wife was bored a few years ago and started teaching a few classes at a local Tech, My wife speaks fluent English and has a Thai Bussiness degree and by all accounts is a great teacher, She was replaced by a young pretty single girl who spoke no English as she was a Mia Noi to someone connected to the school.

So if Fillipinas can get hired its a good thing, anyone who knows the system knows the schools themselves are whats behind the illeagle visa scemes, Its not like they came here to rip off kids and evidently English is being taught on a pretty high level since every person I dealt with from there can hold conversation where degreed Thais often cannot. The current problems have much more to do with lazy students and bad administration than with bad Fillipina teachers.

I'm not a teacher. I wouldn't want my child having an unskilled teacher.

They will not have a teaching degree if they were unskilled. Now, how the helll Jon Benet Ramsey managed teach in one international school in Thailand?


Which reminds me,, these where the people who started everything, Jon Benet and the other British Indian guy who slautered his family in the U.K. who was arrested at the padang besar border,, AND THEY ARE NOT FILIPINO!!!

The guys name was John Mark Karr and by all accounts he did have a teaching degree.

I didnt know filipinos make 13k baht per month teaching? so they get what most thai teachers make? Isnt that kinda low though, I mean considering there a how many filipinos in thailand right now? The thai peolpe abuse them? in what way?

Yes, there are Filipinos who many who make only 13,000 per month.

There are also quite a few Filipinos who earn 1 MILLION baht a month as CEOs or top executives of Multi national companies like Unilever or Proctor (and they are Sunbelt clients to process their Nanny permit papers).

Some very qualified Filipino teachers also get around 50,000 per month or more. The 13K a month bunch usually had some very low job in the philippines and have a "degree" from some "diploma mill university" and then came to thailand.

Thanks for all the replies.

My post was about working on a tourist visa, and doing so is wrong and makes it harder on all of us who don’t break our visa restrictions

It was about a Philippine woman her family and friends and her attitude. How she did not think it was wrong to live and work here for 5 years on 30 day VOA’s.

I also said it was EQUALLY the responsibility of the schools to ensure all teachers had proper visa's i.e. give them legal status to work so they don’t break the law.

How the actions of people who go before us can influence how we are treated and perceived in the future. Hence the reason a visa is refused now to many Philippino’s in the Australian Consulate.

I also made it as an example of why immigration is getting stricter here in Thailand with tourist visas. It was about Philipino’s only because they were the ones who related their situation to me.

Its very simple; If working on a tourist visa is legal then I am wrong and so is Thai Immigration and dr pat Pong, Krystian, Thai narak and all those who wrote disparaging replies, have every right to call me a troll or what they like.

He who throws mud looses ground and credibility. So no matter what we all think or believe, it does not change the truth.

Working on a Tourist Visa is illegal and people who do so are making things harder for the rest of us who don’t break our visa restrictions.

I dont begrudge these people from going here to work and earn a living. I only question weather the ones who are here and still use 30 day voa's and 60 day tourist visa's care that they are making it harder for those who will follow. If they continue to disregard the situation they leave those that follow open to abuse and exploitation and they give all Philippino's a bad reputation. filipina_26 you should agree its those that do no wrong that often have to suffer for the few kababayan that have a bahalan na attitude to their fellow Pinoys.Alam mo ang Alamang Isip de ba.

nucopia, your topic "Replying to 60+30 Day Work Visa For Philippine English Teachers" (abuse of system 101) and it's content implies that you have singled out and incriminated these people for your difficulties of getting your visa in Thailand. We would not have replied blatanly if we have thought otherwise. Our desparaging replies would have made you felt like how these people will feel if they have a chance to read your post (I hope they won't because you might get kicked in the arse the next time you go to their consulate) but that is just our own opinion. Cheers!



Give Nucopia a break!

His highly revised "clarification" (playing a clearly different tune as his OP) as some sudden "nice guy" is obviously an attempt to climb himself out of a hole like a poor little soul... don't you pity him? :o



Give Nucopia a break!

His highly revised "clarification" (playing a clearly different tune as his OP) as some sudden "nice guy" is obviously an attempt to climb himself out of a hole like a poor little soul... don't you pity him? :D

sorry nuc.... :o

i'll keep quiet now.

Seems like you are missing the point - Filipinos speak poor english with a wierd accent.

They have a different accent much like there are 8 basic accents in the US some of which sound decidedly strange. Speak poor english - no worse than southern US or Irish or Melbournians.

The reality is most of the Filipinos teaching here have a teaching qualification as opposed to a lot of Farangs who have nothing.


A lot of Filipinos do all their high schooling in English - they have to learn in oredr to maintain ttheir studies.

What is more scary is the Universities in Thailand with Thai English teachers. My girlfriend is at a good local University that has some of its own textbooks with some totally rubbish English..

Some of the comments from the teachers are hillarious - such as she should not say "I am hot" but should say "I am very warm" to avoid the double meaning. As I pointed out to her that to avoid all double meanings from everywhere English is spoken one would have to remain silent.

Sat one day when I was sick and bored listening to an English lesson on one of the channels on UBC. Some of the things she said were ridiculous.

Much better a Filipino!

A lot of Filipinos do all their high schooling in English - they have to learn in oredr to maintain ttheir studies.

What is more scary is the Universities in Thailand with Thai English teachers. My girlfriend is at a good local University that has some of its own textbooks with some totally rubbish English.. :o

Some of the comments from the teachers are hillarious - such as she should not say "I am hot" :bah: but should say "I am very warm" :bah: to avoid the double meaning. As I pointed out to her that to avoid all double meanings from everywhere English is spoken one would have to remain silent. :D

Sat one day when I was sick and bored listening to an English lesson on one of the channels on UBC. Some of the things she said were ridiculous. :D:D:D

Much better a Filipino!

nice one...


The Content implies that its wrong to use a tourist visa's to work and the "I don’t care I am breaking the law" attitude that this women had is not to be condoned in any way, yes she is a flip (a flip is a dumb person) and its dumb to break the law. And by the way in the P.i calling people of colour Nigger is quite a common thing for Philippine’s to do. I don’t agree with it but its what they do.

As for being kicked in the ass for my opinions, the condoning of these peoples actions and all the others that do it (work on a Tourist Visa)Regardless of nationality is not some thing to be proud of or excused read` all the replies to my post. Most came out supporting those that work here illegally or focused on the poverty excuse, the English skills or some other unimportant point, Like my grammar; was I a disgruntled want to be teacher, or why was I in the Embassy in the first place! Its not about English Teachers and their skills its about working on a tourist Visa !

It’s shameful what this woman and her friends and family are doing and it reflects poorly on the Character of all Philippino’s who are here Legally.

Maybe if more people made her feel ashamed about her actions she would stop. Who knows; but supporting her actions only encourages more people to do the same, work here illigally !

Its an embarrassment to the Philippine Government, when Philipino’s go over sea’s to work illegally and some thing they actively discourage because it bring the whole country into disrepute and makes the situation of legal workers that much more difficult.

Maybe you and the others who thing its ok to come here on a Voa and work need to be kicked up the ass. Or maybe you need to rethink your position.

Stop supporting, condoning and sympathizing with all the people who blatantly go here with an intention of breaking the law and maybe the rest of you who are genuine tourists will have an easier time with immigration.

It also seems, as the thread has shown by the replies posted, that most people don’t give a damb that there are people out there breaking the rules and making things just that little bit harder for the rest.

I don’t really care if you can’t get your head around my logic. Maybe some of you don’t like to see the truth, and maybe you also don’t have a clear conscience in relation to this thread.

All of us as foreigners are going to be judged by the actions of the few who are caught breaking the law; if we don’t act responsibly and speak out against those whom we know are doing the wrong thing then we have no reason to complain when things get tough.

This forum is a place were we can post and hopefully help each other and it’s a place to make each and every one of us aware that there is an element with in the foreign community that don’t give a damb they break the law. Its also a place were we can inform these people that their actions are unacceptable and hopefully we can exert a little pressure and influence on them to changing their ways.

Its not about English skills or accent or about 1million Bhat Exec's THATS ALL IRRELEVANT

Its about all the people( every Nationality) who abuse the system break the law and don’t give a damb they do so or care that their actions will ultumitly affect all of us in the future.

Today I accompanied a friend to the Philippine Consulate; whilst we were there we struck up a conversation with a Philippine Lady who is working as an English Teacher here in Bangkok. :D She told us 3 of her children and thier Philippine husbands were also teaching in schools here as well .She said 5 of her friends from the Philippines also worked as English teachers on a salary of 13,000Bhat per month and all of them used the technique of going to Laos to obtain a tourist visa (to work here 60 days plus 30 extension) This Philippine women has been living and working here for the last 5 years, all the time working on 30 day VOA's and she and all her family and friends intend to continue doing so indefinitely . Now I know why we are all having such a difficult time staying here as genuine long stay tourists,(I am 48 and on a Military Pension) and why the new rules have not stopped Flips and their Thai Employers abusing the tourist visa system. :D

I am glad that the Australian consulate in Manila rejects 99% of the applications for tourist visas going to Australia as 99% of Flips applying are economic tourists just like the ones here working as English Teachers and making life hard for the rest of us. :o

Soon they will spoil it for the genuine Philippine Tourists and all Philippine passport holders will be given a hard time in Thai consulates because of these cheats and their lazy employers.

The new laws have not stopped the Honest from continuing there activities nor has it stopped the dishonest as it was supposed to have done.

Do you have the average number of Filipino teachers here in Thailand working Illegally?Because its seems your to me that you only see filipinos here working illegally.Maybe try to visit some schools and ou will know how many Farang are working illegally too, maybe shocked to find out that it is double the number of what you call illegal Filipino workers. It just happened that thse guys need a job for their family and these schools are allowing them not be be legal. I think if given a chance and proper docs, they want to be legal, I mean who want to work illegal right?


I wish you luck with your own visa situation it must be hard for you, waiting to see if your employer will really give you the documents to get your work permit.

lets hope it all works out well for you.

Ingat Ka !

Thanks for all the replies.

My post was about working on a tourist visa, and doing so is wrong and makes it harder on all of us who don't break our visa restrictions

It was about a Philippine woman her family and friends and her attitude. How she did not think it was wrong to live and work here for 5 years on 30 day VOA's.

I also said it was EQUALLY the responsibility of the schools to ensure all teachers had proper visa's i.e. give them legal status to work so they don't break the law.

How the actions of people who go before us can influence how we are treated and perceived in the future. Hence the reason a visa is refused now to many Philippino's in the Australian Consulate.

I also made it as an example of why immigration is getting stricter here in Thailand with tourist visas. It was about Philipino's only because they were the ones who related their situation to me.

Its very simple; If working on a tourist visa is legal then I am wrong and so is Thai Immigration and dr pat Pong, Krystian, Thai narak and all those who wrote disparaging replies, have every right to call me a troll or what they like.

He who throws mud looses ground and credibility. So no matter what we all think or believe, it does not change the truth.

Working on a Tourist Visa is illegal and people who do so are making things harder for the rest of us who don't break our visa restrictions.

I dont begrudge these people from going here to work and earn a living. I only question weather the ones who are here and still use 30 day voa's and 60 day tourist visa's care that they are making it harder for those who will follow. If they continue to disregard the situation they leave those that follow open to abuse and exploitation and they give all Philippino's a bad reputation. filipina_26 you should agree its those that do no wrong that often have to suffer for the few kababayan that have a bahalan na attitude to their fellow Pinoys.Alam mo ang Alamang Isip de ba.

nucopia, your topic "Replying to 60+30 Day Work Visa For Philippine English Teachers" (abuse of system 101) and it's content implies that you have singled out and incriminated these people for your difficulties of getting your visa in Thailand. We would not have replied blatanly if we have thought otherwise. Our desparaging replies would have made you felt like how these people will feel if they have a chance to read your post (I hope they won't because you might get kicked in the arse the next time you go to their consulate) but that is just our own opinion. Cheers!

I do not have a problem with my visa nor in getting one if and when I need to, unlike others here who do have a problem and will likely have more of a problem because of the few who do so by illigal means.


To the OP:

If you are this mad or disappointed on the Filipino lady's behaviour on working illegally, why did you not tell her frankly that she, her friends and her family are working illegally, so it would not be unfair for them to learn or know that you are writing their situation in Thai Visa? And, why did you not tell the Philippine Embassy about your concern?

To the OP:

If you are this mad or disappointed on the Filipino lady's behaviour on working illegally, why did you not tell her frankly that she, her friends and her family are working illegally, so it would not be unfair for them to learn or know that you are writing their situation in Thai Visa? And, why did you not tell the Philippine Embassy about your concern?

where are all the "get a proper visa or get out" folks from the other threads. Is this tough love only reserved for westerners?????

To the OP:

If you are this mad or disappointed on the Filipino lady's behaviour on working illegally, why did you not tell her frankly that she, her friends and her family are working illegally, so it would not be unfair for them to learn or know that you are writing their situation in Thai Visa? And, why did you not tell the Philippine Embassy about your concern?

I told her, which is why I wrote the post in the first place. Her I dont care every one else does it and its allowed because its so easy why not whats the problem the Thais dont care I been doing it 5 years we all do it its so easy etc etc

Tell the Embassy ? ..waist of time they have no power to act.

Look the lady was very nice she just refused to believe she was doing any wrong.

look at other replies to the post who show the same thinking... we not the only ones working more Americans Australians.. every one else are illigal and working with out a work permit etc etc Excuse and Justification... dont point at us every one else is doing it... look at them not us.

People are sheep, they follow the flock and their logic is this; its not wrong if every one else is doing it.

if every one has a limp its the person who walks straite that is looked on as having the disability.

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