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A senior Defence Ministry official said yesterday that the United States had provided financial assistance to its own organisations and to NGOs to carry out anti-Cambodian government activities. Speaking at a presentation to several hundred military officers, secretary of state General Neang Phat said the US provided finance through national and international organisations to advocate an anti-government mindset among the public.


He said the US had provided funds to the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, Equitable Cambodia, Sahmakum Teang Tnaut and the Housing Rights Task Force, which he said all called for a colour revolution after the 2013 election, including the so-called “Black Monday” campaign. “We have often seen Sahmakum Teang Tnaut incite people at grassroots levels,” Gen Phat said.


He said the NGO incited the movement of Boeung Kak, led by activist Tep Vanny, as well as the Borei Keila and Thmar Koul communities. “Some organisations created a group that always held demonstrations,” he said.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5086991/us-funds-foes-top-official/

-- © Copyright Khmer Times 20/10

So as well as arresting and persecuting all opposition the Cambodian dictator now thinks it's a good idea to portray the US as the evil bogeyman. Nothing to do with the US wanting money repaying!


And who is he trying to get into bed with - the Chinese, the Russians, NK? 

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