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Interpol yet to confirm Yingluck whereabouts, ministry seizes four passports


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7 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Father u are right This is just a thought I reckon she is 6 foot under


2 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

Seriously if the authoritis have harmed the lady all Thaksin has do do is ask where is my Sister what have you done to her. Then the manure would hit the fan.

There is another possibility, as mentioned in the preceding post. It is just that - a possible explanation for her disappearing trick. There is no evidence, but there is no real evidence that she has left the country, or that she is in Dubai or the UK.

This possibility is that she is detained here in Thailand. The conditions of her detention may be comfortable enough, but her being detained here, as a hostage in effect, could explain the total lack of information (or even gossip) about here, and her brother's unusual silence. A silence so total (and sustained for over three months now) that I for one find it uncanny!


It is an interesting thought though, as apart from anything else it poses a problem for the junta. What to do with her in the long term?

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1 hour ago, Sid Celery said:


I don't think it's obvious at all. Occams Razor, the simplest solution to any problem is likely to be the right one. How likely is it that YL would disappear and have no contact with her supporters? Even her own family have not reported any contact, and knowing how well Thais keep any manner of discretion quiet, I doubt that if she had they would have kept quiet. It seems much more likely to me that their silence is a matter of fear. And how many mothers would do a runner in the middle of the night, leaving her husband and son behind to an uncertain future?


Pull the other one, friend, it's got a bell on it.


Not sure how your one assumption ends up counting for less than my one assumption in your ossams razor calculation, please explain why yours is more likely according to this method.


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5 minutes ago, JAG said:


There is another possibility, as mentioned in the preceding post. It is just that - a possible explanation for her disappearing trick. There is no evidence, but there is no real evidence that she has left the country, or that she is in Dubai or the UK.

This possibility is that she is detained here in Thailand. The conditions of her detention may be comfortable enough, but her being detained here, as a hostage in effect, could explain the total lack of information (or even gossip) about here, and her brother's unusual silence. A silence so total (and sustained for over three months now) that I for one find it uncanny!


It is an interesting thought though, as apart from anything else it poses a problem for the junta. What to do with her in the long term?


I expect her family do not want to put her at risk by exposing her whereabouts until she has been granted asylum somewhere, a little duller a story than the army holding Thaksin to ransom by kidnapping his sister but also a little more believable and less bad movie like.

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10 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Not sure how your one assumption ends up counting for less than my one assumption in your ossams razor calculation, please explain why yours is more likely according to this method.



No, I don't think so, I've set out my view. Not my job to persuade you to it. People must draw their own conclusions based on evidence or the lack of it. I draw mine from a lack of evidence, if you disagree then you disagree, I'm certainly not going to explain it to you, and you would probably find it demeaning if I did. At least you ought to.


There is no point in arguing a faith stance, and I don't propose to do so beyond what I've already said.


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20 minutes ago, Sid Celery said:


No, I don't think so, I've set out my view. Not my job to persuade you to it. People must draw their own conclusions based on evidence or the lack of it. I draw mine from a lack of evidence, if you disagree then you disagree, I'm certainly not going to explain it to you, and you would probably find it demeaning if I did. At least you ought to.


There is no point in arguing a faith stance, and I don't propose to do so beyond what I've already said.



Ossams razor assumes that the theory with the least assumptions is most likely, both of our theories having one assumption I questioned how you have come to the conclusion that your theory is the one that is most likely according to ossams razor.  How about the families silence being due to losing face, one assumption so no more or less likely than your theory according to ossams razor.

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Ossams razor assumes that the theory with the least assumptions is most likely, both of our theories having one assumption I questioned how you have come to the conclusion that your theory is the one that is most likely according to ossams razor.  How about the families silence being due to losing face, one assumption so no more or less likely than your theory according to ossams razor.


I'm sure you're right.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


I expect her family do not want to put her at risk by exposing her whereabouts until she has been granted asylum somewhere, a little duller a story than the army holding Thaksin to ranssom by kidnapping his sister but also a little more believable and less bad movie like.

You may of course be right. I was suggesting a possibility. As I said, there is no evidence for or against the suggestion. The puzzle is that there is no evidence at all. She seems to have disappeared into the air.


As for bad movies, perhaps there are several episodes n recent Thai history which would belated out of a movie producers office.

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1 hour ago, kingkenny said:

A simple search on the Interpol website shows this to be a fact.

A simple search of Thai Visa forums a month ago would tell me what I asked on 31-10-2017.  But I cant be bothered doing that either.  But at least I now know that whatever I asked about a month ago is definitely a fact.

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

This possibility is that she is detained here in Thailand. The conditions of her detention may be comfortable enough, but her being detained here, as a hostage in effect, could explain the total lack of information

Oh yes.....along with

The Iluminati are controlling the world...

The terrorist attacks on 9/11 were actually orchestrated by the U.S. government

The Moon Landing Was Faked...

FDA is Withholding the Cure for Cancer....

Lizard People aka “Reptilians” Are Running the World ....


Leave her alone--she is now finding out that she will most probably spend most of her life living with the sand People-- No genuine Western government will ever take them in. Her brother found this out when he tried Britain...they wouldn't even let him own a football team (and look at the shady characters that own them)

But life isn't to bad..... one time her brother was a failed Police officer owing millions in Chiang Mai....now he is on the Forbes 50 list of the worlds richest....

All through hard work ...of course.


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2 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Oh yes.....along with

The Iluminati are controlling the world...

The terrorist attacks on 9/11 were actually orchestrated by the U.S. government

The Moon Landing Was Faked...

FDA is Withholding the Cure for Cancer....

Lizard People aka “Reptilians” Are Running the World ....


Leave her alone--she is now finding out that she will most probably spend most of her life living with the sand People-- No genuine Western government will ever take them in. Her brother found this out when he tried Britain...they wouldn't even let him own a football team (and look at the shady characters that own them)

But life isn't to bad..... one time her brother was a failed Police officer owing millions in Chiang Mai....now he is on the Forbes 50 list of the worlds richest....

All through hard work ...of course.


Well I'm not sure what to make of your post.


If the first part is intended to rebut my plausible suggestion ( and again I say it is just that, a suggestion with no evidence to support or refute) then all it does is reveal a sound knowledge of various conspiracy theories from the whackiest corners of the internet. 


The second part serves to display your animosity towards the Shinawatras (fair enough, you are far from alone in that) together with a dim view of the British football authorities.


None of which really has anything to do with the suggestion which I made, but never mind.

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On 12/1/2017 at 8:32 PM, sanuk711 said:

they wouldn't even let him own a football team

I'm not sure he was forced to sell Manchester City but regardless,, he still doubled his money in a year to make 20 million quid profit.

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1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

She is welcome to settle in Dagenham any time. We could do with some culture and dosh; not just good looking women. YinShin Essex girl!

So nothing has changed in Dagenham since I was there 40 odd year ago. 

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10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

So nothing has changed in Dagenham since I was there 40 odd year ago.

The A13 is much quieter now due to the new motorway that links East London with Dartford crossing.


Girls have started dying their underarm hair in West Ham Utd colours.


A lot of the pubs have gone; same with the churches.


That's about it.

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On 10/30/2017 at 2:02 PM, Suradit69 said:

Sometimes people don't answer questions for reason other than their difficulty.


Thailand is hardly unique in having police or politicians who are reluctant to share all they know (or don't know) about some subjects. or who are selective in choosing with whom to share. 


Interpol is a collaborative organization useful in collecting or exchanging information, not a band of super heroes, as some posters seem to believe.

Try a visit my friend you will not recognize the place, much nicer than it used to be and those who live there can click the like button on FB without going to jail for 30 years. You know its quite a civilized place as not one resident has to run to the border every 90 days or do any report as to where they are during those 90 days. But the best thing is you can go for a daily drive and not have the fear of a loony driver killing you. Mind you the radio these days ain't what it was but the culture is not dumb. Ah Dagenham a bullS>>> free zone, no turds floating around there mate, Even Yingluck would like it there and she would probably go for a coffee with Interpol and laugh at those nondescripts around you.

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25 minutes ago, HHTel said:

I'm not sure he was forced to sell Manchester City but regardless,, he still doubled his money in a year to make 20 million quid profit.

Yes HHTel..I think it was more a case of .."Did he jump....Or was he pushed"

Taksin managed to buy the club over a lot of criticism.. Mainly because his lawyers kept declaring that he had no convictions against him.... this changed after he had brought the club as he was convicted in absence in Thailand. So he was the sitting owner with convictions and  an arrest warrant outstanding from Thailand, so was once again under the spotlight.

Q. Tell me more about the Premier League's `fit and proper person' test? It's accepted Shinawatra would pass it because he does not have any criminal convictions. Is that true?            A. That's partly true. The "test" exists in an attempt to ensure that the people involved in the running of our football clubs are fit and able to do so and are not involved in any dubious activities.  http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/10-key-takeover-questions-997171

After the sale Taksin  held the position of Honorary President, but was removed from the position in February 2009 after a Thai court convicted him for corruption. The following month, the club ceased their operations in Thailand.

So hold onto the club HHTel....after the conviction he couldn't even hold onto an honorary position---

Taksin Paid nearly twice the amount the club was thought to be worth at the time, paying up to 40p and more a share that was rated at 19p—25p at the time---but he did still sell it at a profit , but also managed to miss out on its real wealth. As Forbes explained--- However the value of the club has soared nearly fivefold from £210 million in 2010 to £900 million in 2015** according to Forbes representing a realistic opportunity of profit on Mansour's investment if he was to sell the club to a willing buyer.[4]----Wikipedia

** Its now a Billion £ club

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On 10/30/2017 at 9:11 PM, Krataiboy said:

Yet again, more questions than answers. If four of her passports have been revoked, on what passport is she travelling? If  it was acquired from another country then that is the only destination one she could possibly have entered without her arrival details being recorded on a computer. This should make tracing relatively simple. 


Why hasn't a blue notice been issued - and why are the Thai authorities, after a month of shilly-shallying, not insisting that this is done forthwith, to increase the chances of the fugitive former PM being apprehended - if and when a red notice is actually issued.


The whole sorry saga, including putting all the blame for Yingluck's vanishing trick on a lone "rogue" cop, reeks of collusion and  bid to sweep The Yingluck Affair under the carpet away from further public scrutiny.


Eventually, the truth will out - probably in a year or two when Yingluck publishes a "tell all" book to help her recoup some of the 30 billion baht bail money and other assets she sacrificed by doing a runner.


That undoubtably will make a good read

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7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I must be missing something here. Revoking four passports! How does this work?

Well, let's see:


Passport #1:   REVOKED

Passport #2:   REVOKED

Passport #3:   REVOKED

Passport #4:   REVOKED.


Done.   (Revoking four passports which happen to be in the same name is no different than revoking four passports in different names.)


(The usual filings and notices are sent to the usual recipients and entries posted to the usual systems.  If any of the passports gets used at any checkpoint where the relevant checking is done, or for purposes of making an air reservation, etc., it comes up showing INVALID or REVOKED.  Whether or not the entity doing the checking cares or can be persuaded to let it pass, is a whole different question for the entity concerned...)






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9 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Well, let's see:


Passport #1:   REVOKED

Passport #2:   REVOKED

Passport #3:   REVOKED

Passport #4:   REVOKED.


Done.   (Revoking four passports which happen to be in the same name is no different than revoking four passports in different names.)


(The usual filings and notices are sent to the usual recipients and entries posted to the usual systems.  If any of the passports gets used at any checkpoint where the relevant checking is done, or for purposes of making an air reservation, etc., it comes up showing INVALID or REVOKED.  Whether or not the entity doing the checking cares or can be persuaded to let it pass, is a whole different question for the entity concerned...)

Thanks for that H9000.


I assumed that she had one Thai Passport. Why have more than one? 4!? Unless she is up to fishy things!


I've travelled the world and only ever had one Passport.

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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Thanks for that H9000.


I assumed that she had one Thai Passport. Why have more than one? 4!? Unless she is up to fishy things!


I've travelled the world and only ever had one Passport.

There are a number of reasons for holding more than one passport.  My wife and kids here have two passports, Thai and English.  You can hold 2 passports of the same nationality if you travel constantly therefore covering the renewal time.  In YL's case there would be an extra one, diplomatic passport.

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Interpol knows , but the person concerned has fled a country that has a unelected  military junta in charge, that overthrew  this persons elected government , put bluntly,  Interpol has more things to do than to help this mob of spiffs..........................................:coffee1:

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2 hours ago, HHTel said:

There are a number of reasons for holding more than one passport.  My wife and kids here have two passports, Thai and English.  You can hold 2 passports of the same nationality if you travel constantly therefore covering the renewal time.  In YL's case there would be an extra one, diplomatic passport.

My daughter also holds two Passports; Thai and English.


Yinluck has four! Or did have! Seems strange to me. Why should she want four Thai Passports?


Yes OK, a diplomatic one, for official business and one other for personal travel. That's two.

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