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Dependants Visa

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Does anyone know if a person applies for a Non Immigration O-A visa (Longstay/retirement)and their spouse applies for the Dependants Visa, does the person holding the dependants visa have to do visa runs every 90 days until they are 50? :o
Any alien who stays in thailand for whatever the reason has to have a valid, within date, permit to remain in the country. If the stamp in your passport giving you permission to stay in the country is about to expire then you must do something to renew the permission. If that means a visa run then thats what you must do.
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Thanks for all the answers. I posted this thread because I was interested to know what the situation with the dependants visa is, as I will be appyling for the 'retirement/longstay' visa when we arrive sometime in 2007 and my husband who is not yet 50 was thinking about the dependants visa. I was hoping that the dependants visa was valid for 12 months without doing a visa run and renewable every 12 months like the 'retirement/longstay' :o

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