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Two Frenchmen Arrested After Atm Card Robbery In South Pattaya.


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Two Frenchmen arrested after ATM card robbery in South Pattaya.


Police Lieutenant Colonel Sirichai from Pattaya Police Station received an urgent complaint from Mr. Karl Huber aged 59 from Germany on Thursday Afternoon. He stated that he had just been robbed by two foreign men as he withdrew money from a Krungthai Bank ATM Machine opposite the Lek Hotel on Pattaya Second Road. He explained that three men approached from behind and snatched Mr. Huber’s ATM card from the machine and ran away. Descriptions of the three men were given to Police who managed to locate two of them nearby. Mr. Nabil Hamdikene aged 32 and Mr. Haseem Hagrim aged 26, both French nationals, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and identified by the German victim. The stolen MasterCard was recovered from one of the suspects and a machine used to scan ATM card magnetic strips was found in a bag belonging to the other suspect. Both suspects were later taken to their Hotel rooms and we understand the investigation is ongoing at this time.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 11th January 2007

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Doesn't really matter where they are from. If guilty, I for one hope they enjoy a long stay in the worst monkey house in Thailand before deportation. SCUMBAGS

Both suspects were later taken to their Hotel rooms.
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Two Frenchmen arrested after ATM card robbery in South Pattaya.


Police Lieutenant Colonel Sirichai from Pattaya Police Station received an urgent complaint from Mr. Karl Huber aged 59 from Germany on Thursday Afternoon. He stated that he had just been robbed by two foreign men as he withdrew money from a Krungthai Bank ATM Machine opposite the Lek Hotel on Pattaya Second Road. He explained that three men approached from behind and snatched Mr. Huber’s ATM card from the machine and ran away. Descriptions of the three men were given to Police who managed to locate two of them nearby. Mr. Nabil Hamdikene aged 32 and Mr. Haseem Hagrim aged 26, both French nationals, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and identified by the German victim. The stolen MasterCard was recovered from one of the suspects and a machine used to scan ATM card magnetic strips was found in a bag belonging to the other suspect. Both suspects were later taken to their Hotel rooms and we understand the investigation is ongoing at this time.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 11th January 2007

French passport , but look as North african...

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Two Frenchmen arrested after ATM card robbery in South Pattaya.


Police Lieutenant Colonel Sirichai from Pattaya Police Station received an urgent complaint from Mr. Karl Huber aged 59 from Germany on Thursday Afternoon. He stated that he had just been robbed by two foreign men as he withdrew money from a Krungthai Bank ATM Machine opposite the Lek Hotel on Pattaya Second Road. He explained that three men approached from behind and snatched Mr. Huber’s ATM card from the machine and ran away. Descriptions of the three men were given to Police who managed to locate two of them nearby. Mr. Nabil Hamdikene aged 32 and Mr. Haseem Hagrim aged 26, both French nationals, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and identified by the German victim. The stolen MasterCard was recovered from one of the suspects and a machine used to scan ATM card magnetic strips was found in a bag belonging to the other suspect. Both suspects were later taken to their Hotel rooms and we understand the investigation is ongoing at this time.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 11th January 2007

French passport , but look as North african...

Try them quick, sentence them heavily, send them in the worst prison of Thailand, keep them there for the whole time of sentence, and then send them back to wherever, and then, see if they still need to act like they did !

Besides, wherever they are from is not relevant.....

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Try them quick, sentence them heavily, send them in the worst prison of Thailand, keep them there for the whole time of sentence, and then send them back to wherever, and then, see if they still need to act like they did !

Besides, wherever they are from is not relevant.....

Exactly. All this talk of OK, the're French nationals but they look North African or they have Arabic names.

What has that got to do with the fact that they are a pair of theiving <deleted> and deserve what's due to them. "nuff said"

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What has that got to do with the fact that they are a pair of theiving <deleted> and deserve what's due to them. "nuff said"

Its got quite a lot to do with it. Remember the Paris riots just over a year ago?

Its the N. African contingent who don't like being made to obey sovereign law of a country that they try to corrode and take advantage of from within.

They'll get theirs here, hopefully. :o

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Amazes me to read of people committing an offence which'll certainly be reported, and the police find them nearby.

Reminds me of the mugging which took place in soi Bukhao coupla weeks ago, and the police found the muggers in a local gold shop trying to sell the nicked chain.

Oh well, takes the mugs to make the rest of us appear intelligent.

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Irrespective of nationality etc, I am grateful the scum sucking gutter trash, <deleted> for brains were caught and presumably/hopefully will receive swift justice. Thus enjoying their stay at a monkey house with all 'mod cons', excuse the pun!!

Back in Australia where I come from, the Aborigines are able to administer their own 'tribal law', where appropriate.

I wonder if the Thai Police, upon receipt of an appropriate administration fee would hand these mongrel bustards over to the likes of myself.

I would be only too happy to administer 'tribal justice'.

Big Paulee.

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some unbelievably racist replies here. not good.

they are french , end of story.

and like another poster said ,

And maybe they thought that Thailand is like France and you can rob people 20 times before being sent to jail...

lets hope they get a heavy sentence.

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At first I thought they may be army deserters but then I remembered they are French. :o

I'm really glad to see that not many people here blame it on the French (except some not so educated maybe) - These people are as French as my non-existant poodle is Martian.

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The worst of the racist comments have been deleted from this thread.

Really? This must have made pretty shameful reading before then! Never knew there was so much inherent racism among ThaiVisa members...

This thread is quickly turning into the kind of trash that often happens when something of this nature is emailed out to the entire email database. It's unfortunate really because it stops people who want to discuss the topic sensibly from having their say.

On another point, I agree with the people who have pointed out how bizarre it is that these suspects were taken back to their hotel rooms!

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What has that got to do with the fact that they are a pair of theiving <deleted> and deserve what's due to them. "nuff said"

What's really of note, in my opinion, is the fast and effective work of

the Pattaya police. Let's give credit where credit is due, after all

the bashing that goes on here.

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