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Video: Thai man gets machete as woman driver innocently blocks his path


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He too busy waving his machete around when another car and a big truck manage to drive past !!!

what a nutter, hope he gets booked  and then it is thrown at him... 

A lot of Thais have no patience when it comes to driving..  Sometimes I give a short quick toot when I think maybe someone looks like they may not stop, and I usually get a longer blast back.

I guess they just think I'm a friend saying  ' Hi ' .... YEAH RIGHT !!


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5 hours ago, DavisH said:

The police should call him in for a bit of driver attitude adjustment....but not likely to happen. 

perhaps all too likely he is the ...

Edited by IAMHERE
weasel words added.
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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

She should have driven into him, and blamed that old chestnut "brake failure".

His machete would not have been much use to him then.


Geebus why escalate the issue? no one wins


People don't think rationally when triggered. why make things worse by getting triggered yourself and do something stupid that could affect how you live out the rest of your life????

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22 minutes ago, reallybigken said:

Did I miss something, or wasn't he on the wrong side of the road?

This is Thailand!

There is no such thing as a "wrong side of the road"!

Neither is there such a  thing as a sidewalk, a zebra-crossing or a red traffic light!


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Exactly...that's a scumbag if I ever saw one. Tough guy with a knife. How would have ran like a mofo if she pulled a gun on him. 

The police should call him in for a bit of driver attitude adjustment....but not likely to happen. 

If it was the incident shown on TV this morning - and it looks like it was - there was some footage of him at the police station, looking rather smug and chatting away. Best mates perhaps?

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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5 hours ago, Thian said:

Yesterday i walked on the sidewalk in Chinatown, just relaxed, nice cool weather.


Then out of an alley came an old Chinese-Thai lady with a pushcart, she just had a new hair-do since it looked perfect. 


She pushed that cart straight on the sidewalk expecting me to jump aside i guess which i didn't. So she drove the cart with the wheel against my shoe, i stopped and so did she. I told her i was just walking there on the empty sidewalk and she had to wait for me to pass. She refused and starting pushing the cart against my shoe/leg. I shouted AU AU loud so she stopped pushing it. I told her to go back and wait for me to pass, but she wouldn't.


If this happened in Europ i would have thrown her whole cart full of vegetables on the street and her as well probably but i behaved myself.


Some people (even old ladies) just ask for it since they're so rude.

The Chinese have a word for it: "Kiassu" meaning me, me, me No.1. I am important.

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37 minutes ago, alien365 said:

This man is clearly a danger to society, but sadly he will be let back out on to the roads to do the same again. I wonder if his reaction would have been the same if it was a Thai man behind the wheel or a westerner.

Yes the RTP should be disbanded and replaced by temporary soldiers until new intelligent men are hired at good salaries and every dime back into the state coffers 

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The ironic thing is that as a vehicle driver you do need to carry a machete with you in the car so that when you breakdown you can cut some branches from a bush to use as your Thai safety triangles.

Don't laugh but recently a man was charged with the death of a young girl who was the pillian passenger on a scooter that ran into the back of a broken down pick up in daylight. the reason the pick up driver was charged was that he did not display the Thai safety triangles at the rear of his vehicle as a warning to other vehicles.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

This is Thailand!

There is no such thing as a "wrong side of the road"!

Neither is there such a  thing as a sidewalk, a zebra-crossing or a red traffic light!


Yes the education and law had failed the public and it's come to that correct. 

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7 hours ago, Thian said:

Yesterday i walked on the sidewalk in Chinatown, just relaxed, nice cool weather.


Then out of an alley came an old Chinese-Thai lady with a pushcart, she just had a new hair-do since it looked perfect. 


She pushed that cart straight on the sidewalk expecting me to jump aside i guess which i didn't. So she drove the cart with the wheel against my shoe, i stopped and so did she. I told her i was just walking there on the empty sidewalk and she had to wait for me to pass. She refused and starting pushing the cart against my shoe/leg. I shouted AU AU loud so she stopped pushing it. I told her to go back and wait for me to pass, but she wouldn't.


If this happened in Europ i would have thrown her whole cart full of vegetables on the street and her as well probably but i behaved myself.


Some people (even old ladies) just ask for it since they're so rude.

A back hander would have been in order

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7 hours ago, mercman24 said:

anyone caught with a knife or a machete, that should be 6 months in jail, no remission, period, if you carry a knife that means you are prepared to use it, we see this every day.

Another Thai man baby throwing a tantrum. Pull this stunt in another country and the police would kill you. Time Thai man babies learnt their behaviour has consequences.

The Police should make an example of these neanderthals starting now.

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8 hours ago, Thian said:

If this happened in Europ

Yes but it wasn't in Europe and neither are you.  Why do you expect people in Thailand to change their lifestyle to suit a European?  It is for you to adjust if you want to live in their country.  Thais and Chinese are known for their arrogance and their "impoliteness" just like many of their western counterparts.

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