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Thai govt asks retailers to slash prices


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On 11/13/2017 at 8:00 AM, twig said:


How about making ALL taxes voluntary for however long this shopping stimulus is intended to continue?

Ok, how about a compromise then: what if the government gang agreed to cut all taxes for everyone by the same percentage they want the merchants to cut the retail prices?


Then run commercials showcasing all the useful services the government gang provides, and asking the citizens to pay whatever they can for those voluntarily to make up for the tax cuts.


Thais are as reasonable as anyone else in the world; seems they would pay for useful government services voluntarily if a convincing case is made for them. That's how all public charity is funded.


That's how the merchants have to do it too: they can't just say to their customers, "you'll pay us for the useful services we provide in our common marketplace, whether you want to or not, and here is how much, or we'll come and take it by force".


I'm sure the government gang would never take that approach, but why do y'all think that wouldn't work?

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:49 PM, Jonah Tenner said:

"When you can stick a rotten twig into the ground and pick fruit off of it six months later, what need is there to plan anything." This was my father's lament when he worked for a Development agency in my youth...

If you look at the manufacturing world most of it is in the temperate zones or near.  "Necessity is the mother of invention" If you live in the tropics walk out the back and there it is "food"  not much incentive to invent anything.

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