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So whats wrong with your home country

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On 26/11/2017 at 4:07 AM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

True we have digressed from the topic.

No problem with what you say, I would just add the EU are not cooperating or "negotiating" just dictating.

The Irish border is tied in to a trade deal.

But they don't want to know. Money up front first is the game.

Who is trying to force through an unacceptable deal here?

"Hard Brexit" has to remain an option.

Neither side want it. (Remember we buy more than we sell.)

Have you ever bargained over a price at a street stall?

Walking away has to be a threat.


Thanks, G :wai:



Never at any stage of joining the common market was ireland and the north of ireland mentioned as a reason to join.  So once again we have it:The English Cant remember what the Irish cant forget! ' The EU benefit ed the political elite and businesses that needed cheaper and cheaper labour. Freedom of movement became freedom to permanently  settle by people who came far from the EU and never had any intention of intergrating into any EU country .

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9 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


I presume you are living in the Eurostan which you puport to love.  So why are you on an expat thread based in Thailand. Is it because the theoretical dream of the European superstate 555,is in fact a nightmare and you do not live there.  'Never trust a hippy!'

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19 minutes ago, The manic said:

I presume you are living in the Eurostan which you puport to love.  So why are you on an expat thread based in Thailand. Is it because the theoretical dream of the European superstate 555,is in fact a nightmare and you do not live there.  'Never trust a hippy!'

You presume wrong - greetings from Chanthaburi.


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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

What is unhealthy about msg ?

Its no different to salt or pepper

If you do the research theres no evidence or study to prooves msg is bad.


Some claim bad for heart, but in my experience it seems you can be satisfied quicker with eating a small amount that have a little msg 


What you canot deny to be unhealthy is like American style, oversize plate packed sky high with heavy fry food.


I thought Germans and Italian can eat, until i went to U.S


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6 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

If you do the research theres no evidence or study to prooves msg is bad.


Some claim bad for heart, but in my experience it seems you can be satisfied quicker with eating a small amount that have a little msg 


What you canot deny to be unhealthy is like American style, oversize plate packed sky high with heavy fry food.


I thought Germans and Italian can eat, until i went to U.S


I never realised just how fat the average American is till the riots and such of the recent past. When even obese men and women are allowed to join police forces and the National Guard in the US, it has to mean that they can't insist on normal body size, which is very troubling.

Every time in a US movie where people eat in diners I can't believe the amount of food on the plate, but I now suppose it is normal diner helping. I can't even eat half of what they do, and I thought I was a big eater.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I never realised just how fat the average American is till the riots and such of the recent past. When even obese men and women are allowed to join police forces and the National Guard in the US, it has to mean that they can't insist on normal body size, which is very troubling.

Every time in a US movie where people eat in diners I can't believe the amount of food on the plate, but I now suppose it is normal diner helping. I can't even eat half of what they do, and I thought I was a big eater.

I think the TV diner thing is probably not far from reality.

If you been around some Americans , i known some guys to attack 2-3  plate fulls of really greasy shlt just breakfast alone.


A normal person probably handle half that serve for breakfast and then are done for the whole day


But the Americans will be backing up again for a huge lunch and dinner!


Like you said, no wonder they are huge.


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On 24/11/2017 at 12:24 AM, oldhippy said:

I am not in a position to distribute trade agreements. Sorry for that.


In the brexit discussion I express my own ideas, not what may be, or not, the ideas of others, including top EU politicians and bureaucrats. I am my own man, I own a brain.


I am glad that the UK leaves the EU, because they were a hindrance to the EU becoming one country, just like the US or Russia.

And just to avoid misunderstandings, while I am in favour of 1 tax system, 1 trade system, 1 currency, 1 social security system, 1 legal system, I also love cultural differences, such as food ( I love your national dish, curry - a vast improvement on the previous one, sweet spagetti on toast), music, humour, etc.


Why do you take everything in this discussion so personal? You are not really a Monty Python fan, are you?

You prefer  Benny Hill I guess?







And you think that litany of peurile internationalist goals are your ideas?  It just second hand communism or fascism... take your choice... oh i forget.. The UK was the only EU country  to haveca vote. Let all European nations have a vote on the current sructure of The EU and see what happens. 

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16 hours ago, Mac98 said:

What's wrong with my country - USA - is that 12 million illegals can move  in, but they won't let any Thai girls in, even to visit.

Same in UK, get there in the back of a lorry, eat your passport, and so can not be chucked out.

Ireland is more sensible for Thai gals.

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2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

oh dear

Are you aware of the history of your royal family too?


Stop being such a patronising PITA! I knew it 52 years ago.  Go away with your nonesense and live in the Europe you love. Stop bothering me.  Nobody asked you to introduce Brexit to this forum. Only a remoaner like you would think Brexit is of any relevance to the people on this thread.  Stop being a Brexit bore!  Not your business!  And not the subject of this thread. 

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