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The week that was in Thailand news: The convenience of blaming karma.


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The week that was in Thailand news: The convenience of blaming karma.




Like any news organization Thaivisa regularly gives us stories where Thailand is named in lists as the most this or the least of that. This is especially true in the modern era of internet sound bites and Twitter character limitations where many people want an easy reference without having to employ too much grey matter.


And, after all, isn’t most of the pleasure these days not in the news itself but in the relative absurdity of the comments and reaction to it! Sometimes I wonder why I bother to translate the news in any depth at all – many seem to just read the headline.


But two stories – perhaps even three – that gave us world and Asia standings this week were worthy of note, even worthy of reading until the end, highlighting two major problems facing the land I call home.


In the first it was feared that Thailand would soon be named the world’s most dangerous place to drive. Embedded in the story was the main reason for this unwanted accolade – the connivance of millions of us – and I take responsibility too – in breaking the law and conspiring with the constabulary.


In my first ten years or so of fledgling residence I was always of the opinion, young as I was, that it was the lawlessness of Thailand that was one of its major attractions. I believed it would change but that would take the gloss off the kingdom when it did.


The lawlessness has not waned and neither has my enthusiasm for my adopted homeland – but I am tired of the law breaking and the fact that it disadvantages the downtrodden meaning that when officialdom talk about justice for all they are in fact referring to only a select few.


There is no room in this column to burble on about the carnage suffice to say that we all need to take some responsibility for its cause and do something about it.


That is not easy; I recall years ago when I was joshing about saying that I wanted to be the first “farang” member of Thai parliament. My platform, even then, was to be to the appalling death toll on the roads.


My Thai work colleagues said I would never be elected – not for the fact I was a foreigner, that seemed quirky and even vote catching – but for the fact that no one would care about the issue!


Later in the week in a story that gave us different watered down figures came news that would surprise none except a complete newbie to Thailand – 32% of people believe road accidents are just fate or karma.


Studying the Thai language early in my stay in the kingdom, Rooster learned many Thai words and expressions for ‘fate’ as early as “pay nai” and “gin khao reu yang”…..it seemed they have as many ways to express the concept as Brits do for rain or the Eskimos have for snow.


It struck me that such words were all very convenient to explain away the most serious of problems.


The second unwanted top two placing was the news that Thai women are now the second fattest in Asia. Whether it included the “ghee guzzling masses of Gujarat” I know not, but it was damning news especially as it was accompanied by all the stats about related diseases.


Whenever it is my misfortune to be in hospitals it is patently obvious how many Thais are there for diabetes. And it is also clear how many have the condition but do nothing about it, except perhaps waddle instead of walk.


While the authorities bang on about smoking on the beach, high speed trains and buying submarines the people are dying in their hundreds of thousands both on the roads and from being poisoned by fat and sugar.


When is someone going to stand up and be counted – and when are the people going to not just demand action but take responsibility themselves.


Somehow related to both of these damning statistics was the third list I saw on the BBC that named Thailand as the 19th most dangerous country on earth after Colombia.


The article cited the 6,500 plus deaths in the far south as the main reason for the danger though they might just have easily have mentioned making a U-turn or having a ready meal from 7/11.


It was not known if karma had also caught up with the couple who had their tire slashed after refusing the attention of “parking attendants” outside a Chacherngsao temple.


I suggest the tire cut had a more earthly origin, rather like the time I found myself with my football mad sister and her then boyfriend in the streets around Anfield ahead of the Liverpool vs Spurs First Division match in 1978.


We were rather naïve Londoners who turned down a little Scouse scamp’s “50p to look after your car” offer thinking it unnecessary.


We lost the game 7-0, were spat at by the lovely northerners and returned to an empty car parking space after the match.


At least we got the vehicle back on the Monday….minus the gearstick. And at least Spurs are much better than Liverpool these days.


It must be karma!


For those that believe in past lives catching up with us a security guard at a medical facility must have been particularly horrible in a previous existence.


For in this one he was driven into by a revolting specimen of a drunk doctor who then dragged his body under the wheels of his car.


Not surprisingly the story dominated the news as Dr Yorn tried to wriggle his way out of responsibility and the guard fought for his life after two brain operations.


What is so sad is that in a case that resembles the Red Bull police murder fiasco, and one that has clear and unequivocal video footage, the hi-so doctor is still claiming the absurdity of “darkness” and sobriety when all evidence points to the contrary.


Rooster – as well as the outraged Thai public – calls for this disgrace of a so called human being to be barred from practice and jailed for a very long time. Nothing else will do.


The police have promised justice for both sides – whooppeedoo! Meanwhile it was the constabulary themselves who seem to be on the end of rough justice in Koh Lipe where they look toothless in the face of “influential figures” regarding encroachment on land long since slated for police station use.


Influential figures means mafia, of course, and takes its place in the pantheon of Thai phrases that roll off the pages of the kingdom’s news stories – fled the scene, transferred to an inactive post, set up a committee, not enough evidence, brake failure…..the list is as endless.


QUOTES – the Queen of the Eastern Seaboard – again provided us with the bounty of her news stories. Amusingly, almost everything that came out of Pattaya was connected with the international boat show.


The hotels were 90% full – because of the boat show, dancing fountains replaced shuffling Go-Go dancers, because of the boat show, Sophon said the beach was tidy – yawn, because of the boat show.


By the end of the week the FBI were patrolling Walking Street arm in arm with Chonburi plod talking nicely to bar stool tourists about not downloading internet kiddie porn.


But such a serious campaign was still happening because of the bloomin’ boat show! When PR clearly stands for Pathetic Rozzers.


Rooster’s wife saw me on the verge of smashing my computer screen – I think she thought I had maybe just won the lottery and was worrying about the inevitable attention of her friendly relatives…..


About the only thing that wasn’t connected to Bali Hai was news that more than 50% of Pattaya’s 2000 CCTV cameras are bust, taking away about 98% of the constabulary’s ability to solve crime in the process.


Bus accidents killed several young school students this week causing heartache to innocent families. It reminded me of my time as head of outings at my international school and my policy of engaging with Thai and Thai-based operators as well as using my nous.


We dealt with only one reputable bus company the managers of which were often called into my office for a private dressing down if they so much as used a different route to the one announced.


One Brit who lost one of our children for an hour on a school trip was similarly summoned.


I think he always regretted using the words “minor incident” at the start of our meeting in my office behind closed doors. While I used my Thai language and cultural awareness to get the message across with the locals, I felt no need to avoid ear bashing when it came to fellow Brits who had let the side down.


For fifteen years I presided over hundreds of adventurous trips with a broken toe here and a sprained ankle there. It was the attention to detail that was important and the knowledge that anyone who thinks Thailand is safe is 50 satang short of a baht.


However, Rooster will not be avoiding the “Bullet Train”, plans for which were announced this week, but I might let some other “nuu thot long” (guinea pigs) try it out first.


The line from Bangkok to Phitsanuloke could be ready as early as 2022.


I loved the juxtaposition of this positive story about Thailand’s “Shinkansen” and one I saw online about profuse apologies offered by the railway authorities in Japan itself when a train was scandalously 20 seconds early.


It made me smile recalling that three hours late on the overnight sleeper from Bangkok to Chiang Mai in the past was not too bad.


Finally, today, Sunday, is the prestigious World Toilet Day.


I have always been of the opinion that you could judge a restaurant as much on the quality of its restrooms as by its food.


If the same could also be said of a country I wonder what most would say about Thailand?


We may get a mixed bag of responses though for Rooster so long as a Thai loo is equipped with a gun I am a happy cockerel.


A bum gun, that is.




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-11-18
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Agreed!    the lack of a bum gun while back in Oz was keenly felt.

Last week a Thai in QLD, Australia, announced he was standing for Parliament.  Yes, he can do that as he now has Oz citizenship. He also has no 90 day reporting, no TM30 and is allowed to own property and to work!.

Good for him!

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Re the bum gun or bottom sprayers, that was the one thing my Thai  bf as was (we're now married) particularly  missed when we visited the UK 2 years ago! Wonderful improvement on non-hygienic toilet paper and something that makes Thailand kinda civilised! 

I won't add it's particularly appreciated by the gay community because I know that would be inviting all sorts of ribald or even abusive comments! But there I've said it! Cheers everyone!

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1 hour ago, Godang said:

In England at the moment and really miss the bum gun.

Too cold for that mate and you will find the toilets there are not just a stoop in the ground and yes they work and you can put that soft non grease like paper down it, hey don't forget to flush it, you can do that by the silver handle or button as you will not find a plastic bowl that never gets cleaned, so has everyone else s crap on it. Enjoy the hygiene while it lasts.

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Keep up the Pressure on this one Rooster !!! … Keep on reporting every atrocity !!! …


So Hopefully one day, the Little Big Men, with the BIG trucks (Not so big really, just driven badly) .. will eventually take Notice !!! and stop just being dicks, …  … Or be Fined in to bankruptcy, or Incarcerated.


This was all that I was going to say on this one, but well, … as Back Ground.


I came to Thailand in 83, and then did India, China and Europe etc. But I started Living in Bangkok in about 87 … and then here up country at Bangpaharn, just off the Asia Highway, near Ayutthaya in say 1990.


Now back then, the Asia highway was a pretty bad Road, and only 2 lanes, only one in each direction !!! …  Like all the way to Changmai !!!  And well the Carnage was Horrifying, d/t the frustrated drivers, trying to overtake, and then having really bad Head On’s !!! .. And particularly at Night, as they say !!! and this is not even considering Alcohol and excessive speed !!! ..All better than GOOD stuff back then !!!


Then they made the Highways wider … like 3 to 4 lanes around here now which well !!! Is some REALLY Impressive and efficient Road !!! … Even for the much Higher Traffic Volume !!! …  And well, I may be Imagining this, but, the Road toll seemed to come down !!! … Like the people ALL had had Relatives Killed, and seen the Really bad pile ups when song tows and Busses were Involved … and well, I might be Imagining this, as I say, but in Oh say 98 to 2010 say ??? …  I had the feeling that the Thais had figured it out, as we all know that they ARE good at (If they want to be) !!! … And they seemed to have calmed, and slowed down, and on the better roads also, …  reducing the road Carnage !!!


But well, then the new Industrial Revolution !!! Along with Good old Tony Fernandez and Air Asia, “Now everyone can fly” we got The new Detroit at Chonbury, … so now, “Everyone can own and Drive a Really F'n BIG Car” and make everyone else get out of their way !!! … …  And the Little Big Men, measure their lives now, with how big and fast their cars are, … Mia Nois having gone out of fashion a bit, d/t the excessive expense ??? … So now instead of being in the restaurants or Knock Shop, …  proving who the Boss really is !!! (???)   …. They all Are all out there, !!! …  On the highways !!!   …. Just Going for it !!! … Men with High powered Pickups. That have only been driving less than 5 Years !!!


  So keep on getting the Photos of them, and Posting them, when they F’ up and murder other people. !!!


  And Keep on Hammering them, until someone wakes up ???


Mark Mark  


(Who drives a Toyota Vios, has no problems with the Little Big men, as he just gets out of their way, ….  and he Really likes it, and everyone else who drives well !!!     Though well he does not drive in Pattaya, Chonbury or Phuket Either I suppose.  ???)

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Well, I think that anyone who doubts Thailand’s Great standing in cleanliness (inside the house at least), and in their Toilets ... should take an overland trip down to Malaysia, … and start that Cameras roiling just before they get to the Thai Border !!! To provide a benchmark of Cleanliness, ….


   and well the deterioration would be swift I am sure as you crossed that border, ….. and well, it would Culminate in the Bus station at Jahore Baru I am sure, if their toilets are anything quite terrifying, like I remember them to be !!! ....

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22 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Too cold for that mate and you will find the toilets there are not just a stoop in the ground and yes they work and you can put that soft non grease like paper down it, hey don't forget to flush it, you can do that by the silver handle or button as you will not find a plastic bowl that never gets cleaned, so has everyone else s crap on it. Enjoy the hygiene while it lasts.

That, or just get a thermostatic bum gun like this....


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On 11/20/2017 at 6:16 PM, mrfill said:

This is certainly the Number one thing I love about Thailand. Now I've been living in the LOS for 14-years, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else where this item was not installed; it is essential. It would be nice though if they had these in Central Festival's toilets. As sometimes when I have a simple 'bad tummy', this is the reason that puts me off from seeing a movie.

Thank you then mrfill for providing a link.

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