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Pattaya is serious! 100,000 baht fine for smoking but no jail time mentioned


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8 hours ago, aguy30 said:

Absolute stupidity!


If a person (think farang) smokes a cigarette on the beach, he can get a fine of 100,000 baht. This is absolutely absurd and even more so when you consider that a Thai can violently assault a farang and receive a whopping 500 baht fine and then walk away without jail time. I'm all for "no smoking" but the realistic fine should be about 1000 baht.


Seems the government is trying its best to destroy the Pattaya beaches frequented by farangs. The beaches were enjoyable more than 10 years ago. Now they are dirty, very compressed limited seating and soon no more food and beer. Doesn't anyone in charge know what beach users want?


The people in charge of Pattaya need to go to Bali (Kuta and Legian) for a few weeks and learn from them how to make a success of the beaches both daytime and also allow night time use. Bali beaches are far better that Pattaya. They might also investigate why Bali's night life is prospering while Pattaya is in a downward spiral.


On second thought these are not a reasonable suggestions as Thais already know everything and have no need to learn anything different or new from non Thais.


"Thais already know everything and have no need to learn anything different or new from non Thais."


Correct - and the only way to get a Thai to adopt a new idea is to persuade them that it was their idea in the first place!

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Zero waste on the beaches:cheesy:...while the very same authorities enforcing this law/rule...pump 10's of thousands of gallons of untreated sewerage..wastewater..and god knows what else (daily) into the sea directly in front of the "Zero waste beaches"........




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17 minutes ago, jackh said:

I don't smoke, but this insane law will keep me from visiting anymore. Thailand has lost it's mind and many other choices better than Thailand to give tourists a welcoming experience.

Never mind - TAT will just put the tourist figures up again.

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I just now cancelled my hotel bookings for Pattaya and Patong for Songkran next year.i don’t want to be set up by someone crook.i will book else where in Thailand as there are heaps of nice places to go instead.bye bye Pattaya,Phuket,Patong you will never get another cent from me!

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10 hours ago, aguy30 said:

Absolute stupidity!


If a person (think farang) smokes a cigarette on the beach, he can get a fine of 100,000 baht. This is absolutely absurd and even more so when you consider that a Thai can violently assault a farang and receive a whopping 500 baht fine and then walk away without jail time. I'm all for "no smoking" but the realistic fine should be about 1000 baht.


Seems the government is trying its best to destroy the Pattaya beaches frequented by farangs. The beaches were enjoyable more than 10 years ago. Now they are dirty, very compressed limited seating and soon no more food and beer. Doesn't anyone in charge know what beach users want?


The people in charge of Pattaya need to go to Bali (Kuta and Legian) for a few weeks and learn from them how to make a success of the beaches both daytime and also allow night time use. Bali beaches are far better that Pattaya. They might also investigate why Bali's night life is prospering while Pattaya is in a downward spiral.


On second thought these are not a reasonable suggestions as Thais already know everything and have no need to learn anything different or new from non Thais.


How is it that other countries beaches and the water are clean, yet let the tourist who works hard all year and saves for a holiday in the sun stay clean and tidy and safe to bath in even though they can have a meal, drink and smoke on, yet here its worse than visiting your local rubbish dump back home. Add the fact that two days aweek the beach is close to chairs and umbrellas so sunstroke and a visit to a PAID hospital is on the cards. It's nothing more than a money grab and twice a week push towards the malls that are dying, to spend your money. Keep that Amazing Thrilland, there are much better places to go and you will not get ripped off or arrested for clicking the wrong FB button. Time has come to move on me thinks.

Edited by wakeupplease
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The usual excellence in reporting here,

When first proposed months ago it was stated that, rather than making new legislation, the government  was sticking the beach smoking ban under the umbrella, ( yes I did!) , of the existing anti- pollution statute, which provides for UP TO Bt. 100,000 fine and jail time.

Same hysteria then, and the same irresponsible journalism that seeks notoriety  over accuracy on a regular basis.

At that time I figuratively slugged it out with some TV ignorants who went on about how Thailand has no pollution standards  etc., etc.

I do not know why the powers are shy about an ordinance specific to smoking. They seem to rejoice in passing legislation at the drop of a hat on every other subject.

Anyway, " Up to" for major dumping of garbage, oil spills, and so on does not indicate that a smoker IS going to be charged the maximum amount, though I would not be surprised to see some efforts to increase the tea money fund with Bt. 10,000 extemperaneous efforts.


Edited by Bill Miller
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6 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

This is a local rule, also applying to several other beaches (once) popular with foreigners. It is not, as far as I know, a law that has been passed by parliament. Therefore it is all pie in the sky. As far as I know, only the courts, under direction of laws passed by parliament, can impose fines or jail time.

Or perhaps this is Thailand where anyone can say and do as they wish, threaten and intimidate and exploit, merely by saying it's the law. When it isn't.

It is a law that already exists.  Using an existing maritime law for this purpose is equivalent to 'creative accounting'.

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9 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Just another sign that the lunatics are running the asylum.:crazy:

This quote above may well serve to better understand "Thai-Ways".
Far better than trying to desperately try to find some "logic" as far as Thay-Ways are concerned.
I will retain this quote in the back of my head, like a compass, guiding me thru daily live in Thailand, keeping me from trying to explain the unexplainable.

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I am a smoker and for this I like to apologise to the 90% (?) of non smokers.
Of course, non smokers sitting in a Bar near or at 2nd Road are smokers too, inhaling the exhaust of thousands of cars.
Some years ago, smoking in enclosed Bars's / Go-Go's was banned. The "non-smoking" sighns are still in place, smokers sitting next to them, puffing away happily.
- 6 months from now, smokers will be smoking next to "non-smoking" sighns on the beach. Wanna bet?
Always remember: Laws made in BKK are considered as mere "recommendations" in the rest of Thailand, to be freely interpreted, adjusted, modified or ignored by local authorities.
Long live Thai-Federalism!

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I think it would make sense if the press got more serious.

They aren't going to be fining anyone that ridiculous amount, nor hauling people off to jail until they can. The international media would have a field day and the negative reports, as we know, soon make them change their mind. Most of Pattaya's tourists probably don't have that much money available to them.  And surely such a huge fine would require a court hearing.

This is a City that fails to keep pedestrian crossings working, taxis using their meters and helmets worn on motorcycles and tarts off the street.

I can't wait for the first report of a policeman trying to extract a chunk of money off a big burly Russian for having a smoke.

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16 hours ago, giddyup said:

What Thai is going to be able to cough up (pun intended) 100,000 baht fine for smoking? This outrageous fine is obviously aimed at the tourist market, as if they aren't doing enough already to deter tourists.

You are so right You think this is for the Thais Its purely and simply to milk the tourists They know Thais cant afford the fine A small fine like 1,000 take there name and address where they are staying in Thailand and warned happens again the next fine is is 100,000 Now we can guess where the keystone cops in Pattaya will be paying their attention to most Dont worry about the idiots on the road who kill  Get the tourists on the beach they are worth big money

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18 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

I'm not a smoker but will avoid beaches. For sure it will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes. 

"...will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes."


Hope not.


I am not a smoker either so the threat of a 100,000 baht fine does not worry me.


As an aside, I do enjoy a drink. The residue of my drink is to urinate. The residue of a smoker is smoke (and butts). I wonder how smokers would feel if I were to urinate all around them? :whistling: 

Quid pro quo? :coffee1:

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3 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

"...will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes."


Hope not.


I am not a smoker either so the threat of a 100,000 baht fine does not worry me.


As an aside, I do enjoy a drink. The residue of my drink is to urinate. The residue of a smoker is smoke (and butts). I wonder how smokers would feel if I were to urinate all around them? :whistling: 

Quid pro quo? :coffee1:

I have no problem with the ladies doing this, what so ever.

Pattaya water sports are great :thumbsup:

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19 hours ago, giddyup said:

The difference might be that the falang gets put in jail until his friends or family can send the 100,000 baht.

Now that will be good publicity for Thailand's tourist industry. If nothing else it will support the phrase "Amazing Thailand"

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19 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

I'm not a smoker but will avoid beaches. For sure it will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes. 

foolish , stupid , childlike people thought this op . 

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22 hours ago, aguy30 said:

They might also investigate why Bali's night life is prospering while Pattaya is in a downward spiral.



Bali should investigate why Pattaya has go-go bars and add them to its pathetic nightlife.


The Perpetual Pattaya Death Spiral has been invoked, often twice yearly, for more than a decade--or randomly when a TVF Poster doesn't like something. Waiting for this year's Worst High Season Ever??? thread & the chorus. Meanwhile things are really picking up around town. Whoops--those arriving "tourists" are all shills paid by TAT.

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9 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


Bali should investigate why Pattaya has go-go bars and add them to its pathetic nightlife.


The Perpetual Pattaya Death Spiral has been invoked, often twice yearly, for more than a decade--or randomly when a TVF Poster doesn't like something. Waiting for this year's Worst High Season Ever??? thread & the chorus. Meanwhile things are really picking up around town. Whoops--those arriving "tourists" are all shills paid by TAT.

That is EXACTLY what my friend and I were discussing at dinner last night. TAT's economy with the truth in reporting ever increasing tourist figures - is laid bare. Go see for yourself on Dongtan Beach if you don't believe me. Concessions have been squeezed to such a degree that packed concessions 4-years ago, which were twice today's size...are today only half full.

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1 hour ago, marginline said:

That is EXACTLY what my friend and I were discussing at dinner last night. TAT's economy with the truth in reporting ever increasing tourist figures - is laid bare. Go see for yourself on Dongtan Beach if you don't believe me. Concessions have been squeezed to such a degree that packed concessions 4-years ago, which were twice today's size...are today only half full.


Yeah I was sittin' at the Red Cat bar the other day, havin' a cold one, enjoyin' the sea view, talkin' to the ladies and watchin' police pull over people. Bar had 3 times more customers than it did a few weeks ago and so did all the others around. I overheard several congratulating themselves on getting free airfare, hotel, and beers from TAT just for going around and pretending to be normal tourists! Great deal. Then I kept seeing all these fake farang tourists getting off baht buses dragging suitcases behind them, which I also hadn't seen a few weeks ago. But they didn't fool me!!! I been a member of TVF since 2004. The suitcases were being dragged too effortlessly. They were obviously empty! I bet they just hopped baht buses throughout the day all along the circuit and made a point of getting off and dragging those empty suitcases around! TAT! Unbelievable what they'll resort to!

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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 1:16 PM, Sakeopete said:

I'm not a smoker but will avoid beaches. For sure it will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes. 

As I pointed out when this farce was first posted on TVF.


However, none of the tourists I have spoken to have even heard of it. I reckon it's going to be a huge surprise when, and if, they do go through with it. They backed down on already implementing it ( probably ) because of the impact it would have on high season, but it isn't going to make any difference when they do it- it's as though they don't understand the internet exists.

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5 hours ago, lvr181 said:

"...will not take long before bogus charges are laid on a non smoker for bribes."


Hope not.


I am not a smoker either so the threat of a 100,000 baht fine does not worry me.


As an aside, I do enjoy a drink. The residue of my drink is to urinate. The residue of a smoker is smoke (and butts). I wonder how smokers would feel if I were to urinate all around them? :whistling: 

Quid pro quo? :coffee1:

So you think you're immune because "you are not a smoker" :cheesy:.

Takes no brain at all to carry around a few butts to fit someone up, especially if a big pay off is waiting.

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@ sambum


lightening up precious


It's because the death of Pattaya tourism is predicted on a daily basis and still they come.


You can make the fine 1 million dollars and it won't change a thing


the what happened to high season thread usually appears every year in low season. it's a tad overdue and I fear the bashers have gotten to fat and lazy this year.





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A nice beach holiday, first get scammed for a 100k by jetski fellas and when you light up to calm the nerves the BiB assisting the jetski folks will hit you up for another 100k. Almost makes you want to risk your life and try to escape by swimming through the turd flotilla.


Welcome to Phathayaaaah!

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