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Trump refers to a 'Pocahontas' in Congress at meeting with veterans


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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Even snopes gives it a mixed ranking for being true. Nothing significant there, and some, like growth, is attributed to his predecessor.


Nothing significant.

At least they gave some credit a flicker of light.After all they aren't bias lol

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4 hours ago, fakename said:

Trumpet is lucky that the Navajos didnt walk out. I guess most people still have a lot of respect for the office of president, but not for long. He will ruin the respect for everyone after him.

Why would they walk out ? He was honoring what they did for their country as veterans.They even thanked the "honorable President of the United States" for inviting them to the WH. Veterans respect what President Trump is doing by not abandoning them, despite being demonized.Google it,then pick the source that fits your narrative


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Warren is a wacko who lied about her heritage, claiming falsely she was Indian to get into Harvard.  Call her out is fair game. Only problem is it is probably unfare to Pocahontas who would never want to be associated with a twisted freak like EW. 

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1 hour ago, Jsinbkk said:

Warren is a wacko who lied about her heritage, claiming falsely she was Indian to get into Harvard.  Call her out is fair game. Only problem is it is probably unfare to Pocahontas who would never want to be associated with a twisted freak like EW. 

Calling her out at an event honoring native American war heroes?  Dude, Warren has addressed this issue publicly multiple times.  trump is a total troll.

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1 hour ago, Jsinbkk said:

Warren is a wacko who lied about her heritage, claiming falsely she was Indian to get into Harvard.  Call her out is fair game. Only problem is it is probably unfare to Pocahontas who would never want to be associated with a twisted freak like EW. 

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing



Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."




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20 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Please get your facts straight. Stop reading fake news sites like zerohedge and Breitbart!



Perhaps you should read the sites you quote...


"the senator has often spoken of her Native American ancestry."


She has ... wait for it ... none!

Now, she could easily prove her claim with a DNA analysis, but it seems that is just too much trouble.


Even Harvard bragged about having a Native American on their teaching staff.  "Bragged" until the scam was revealed.


Warren does not miss an opportunity to bash Trump. It seems she has a glass a$s and can't take it when he turns the tables.


My comment about Warren still stands.  She appropriated Native American culture not to help Native Americans, but for her own personal gain. She is "user" and a the perfect flag bearer for the liberals.


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45 minutes ago, Watchful said:


Perhaps you should read the sites you quote...


"the senator has often spoken of her Native American ancestry."


She has ... wait for it ... none!

Now, she could easily prove her claim with a DNA analysis, but it seems that is just too much trouble.


Even Harvard bragged about having a Native American on their teaching staff.  "Bragged" until the scam was revealed.


Warren does not miss an opportunity to bash Trump. It seems she has a glass a$s and can't take it when he turns the tables.


My comment about Warren still stands.  She appropriated Native American culture not to help Native Americans, but for her own personal gain. She is "user" and a the perfect flag bearer for the liberals.


My family went through the exact same thing as Elizabeth Warren. You have no idea what you are talking about. The real problem is Trump and his disparaging remarks towards others. That should outrage you. Absolutely amazing it doesn't. He creates this chaos and you fall for it.


Read this for your education.



FYI. Many in the US have a bit of Indian heritage. Especially those from places like Oklahoma. Fantastic they are proud of it.

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6 hours ago, riclag said:

Why would they walk out ? He was honoring what they did for their country as veterans.They even thanked the "honorable President of the United States" for inviting them to the WH. Veterans respect what President Trump is doing by not abandoning them, despite being demonized.Google it,then pick the source that fits your narrative


From that same article, only 10% of democratic vets respect Trump.


Here's what is important.




Navajo Nation delegate slams Trump over 'Pocahontas' slur and says Native Americans are 'not pawns to promote false narratives'


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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

From that same article, only 10% of democratic vets respect Trump.


Here's what is important.




No, here is what's important, the actual ceremony. 

I watched the entire ceremony .Love was in the air.Watch 15:21 to 15:36 in the video below..Those Marines know how awesome President Trump is and the respect they gave him after the EW comment was  heart wrenching.



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21 minutes ago, riclag said:

No, here is what's important, the actual ceremony. 

I watched the entire ceremony .Love was in the air.Watch 15:21 to 15:36 in the video below..Those Marines know how awesome President Trump is and the respect they gave him after the EW comment was  heart wrenching.



And yet every Native American Indian organization is condemning Trump for his comments. Love. Right. :bah:


Sorry, but can't stand to watch Trump talk. He's a horrible public speaker. He should stick to scripts.

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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

And yet every Native American Indian organization is condemning Trump for his comments. Love. Right. :bah:


Sorry, but can't stand to watch Trump talk. He's a horrible public speaker. He should stick to scripts.

 No Trump wasn't talking during the video at15:21 -15:36, it was when the Navajo Marine was talking Love and Respect for America and The President of the United States.

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It's probably a good thing that Native Americans were able to retain their native language, even though the Government made that illegal. /irony


Watching Trump fidget like a five-year old during Peter MacDonald's eloquent speech was very off-putting.



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10 hours ago, riclag said:

Why would they walk out ? He was honoring what they did for their country as veterans.They even thanked the "honorable President of the United States" for inviting them to the WH. Veterans respect what President Trump is doing by not abandoning them, despite being demonized.Google it,then pick the source that fits your narrative


Some veterans approve, some don't. From your link " The poll also found that 54 percent of them also approve of the president. "

So it's about 50-50.


Or look at it differently, he was up 60-34 over HRC, so the poll could also be interpreted he is losing support amongst veterans.


So thanks for the link, but your post does not support your statement.

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Look, as far as Warren's presidential ambitions, there is no doubt that this history about her claimed Native heritage is going to haunt her. It's not nearly as objectively damaging as the dirt on trump, but amazingly he got elected. But there are double standards it seems, especially when women are involved. For that reason and others (her personality doesn't particularly resonate for me) I am hoping that some other democratic stars emerge with less baggage. All candidates have some problems of course though. 

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Look, as far as Warren's presidential ambitions, there is no doubt that this history about her claimed Native heritage is going to haunt her. It's not nearly as objectively damaging as the dirt on trump, but amazingly he got elected. But there are double standards it seems, especially when women are involved. For that reason and others (her personality doesn't particularly resonate for me) I am hoping that some other democratic stars emerge with less baggage. All candidates have some problems of course though. 

Trump got elected because he saw what the Washington insiders did not - unlimited immigration and unfair trade was wipeing out the middle class. While the Democrats were whining about ladyboy toilets in grade schools he focused on helping Joe Sixpack make more money. And it's working. Dems lost the middle class. Repubs got them now. 

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Just now, Jsinbkk said:

Trump got elected because he saw what the Washington insiders did not - unlimited immigration and unfair trade was wiping out the middle class. While the Democrats were whining about ladyboy toilets in grade schools he focused on helping Joe Sixpack make more money. And it's working. Dems list the middle class. Repubs got them now. 

He doesn't have the middle class. He has the WHITE middle class and the WHITE just about everything. His election was all about WHITE resentment, hatred, and FEAR. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm talking about majorities not small gains. 

You said you were amazed he got elected in your post. The small but crucial gains he made with the middle class and nonwhites as opposed to Romney in 2012 got him Elected.


Anti immigration and international trade message was one few thought would win the MidWest but here we are. All Republicans in near future will mimic him. Will be studied for years. Some idiot huh?





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On 28/11/2017 at 8:27 AM, Credo said:

You might actually want to read the history of Pocahontas.   It is not Warren who is being besmirched, it is an amazing Native American woman by a not very amazing president.   

But it was ok and not racist when bill maher said...They don’t like you, Pocahontas,” the comic said to Warren’s face on Real Time with Bill Maher earlier this year. The liberal audience laughed hysterically.



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