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we now have in the household a poodle dog and her surviving pup. I have noticed that when the folks go away for the evening or during the day they don't lay out any food or water for the animals. The food, of course is scraps...no dog food in sight. I tried to point this out to my wife and she looked at me as if I were mad...dogs are supposed to look after themselves?

The principle of having to look out for animals if you choose to have them as pets seems to be lost on thais. I try to help the miserable animals as best I can short of buying bags of kibble, but it looks like it's coming to this. But when I go away to work again it will be status quo ante.

Anyone have the same experience or suggestions?

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The principle of having to look out for animals if you choose to have them as pets seems to be lost on thais.

Seems pretty mixed. My neighbor has 3 or 4 scruffy looking muts and I don't remember seeing them being fed. They stay out on the street most of the time. However my wife (Thai) is very consciencious of our dog being fed properly. For a long time she worried about my feeding him properly when she was out of town. She stopped worrying about that and now complains he gets too fat when she's gone. :o

She also will put food out in the street for the neighbor's dogs - she says she feels sorry for them and doesn't understand why they aren't better cared for. He always has a bowl full of fresh water, but only feed him once a day in the evening - fairly large portions though (big dog). Not necessary to leave more food out when at work, need to control his diet somewhat.

Basically I see both ends of the spectrum regarding pets and Thai owners. Perhaps if you set an example the others will follow (though from the viewpoint of your wife, maybe not). Also, if in a rural area perhaps it's more common.

Now that I think of it, it seems more common with your generic Thai dog (muts) that less care is taken. The purer dogs (more expensive) do seem to be taken care of much more so by the Thais. Another neighbor is definitely taking care of their dog very well. He's not even allowed out into the street.


Like with all people, some love animals some don't. Unfortunately, the ones who don't are more apparent than those who do.

My Thai neighbor has a dog that she loves dearly and takes better care of than some people do their kids. My sister-in-law is absolutely hopeless, gets a puppy for her kid when he wants one and then neglects it when it gets older. So far, I have taken all of her unwanted dogs over the years.

I suggest you firmly tell your wife to feed the dog when you are gone. Scraps are fine, certainly better than some dog foods. Rice is good for the digestion and mixed with meat leftovers, one meal a day is ok. I fed mine two a day but they were getting too fat.

But, tutsi, here's the rub, you'll have to make it clear to her that it matters to you. That this is something you want done --she won't care about the dog, but she will care about you. Sorry, but some people just aren't animal people.

Good luck to you :o

Like with all people, some love animals some don't. Unfortunately, the ones who don't are more apparent than those who do.

My Thai neighbor has a dog that she loves dearly and takes better care of than some people do their kids. My sister-in-law is absolutely hopeless, gets a puppy for her kid when he wants one and then neglects it when it gets older. So far, I have taken all of her unwanted dogs over the years.

I suggest you firmly tell your wife to feed the dog when you are gone. Scraps are fine, certainly better than some dog foods. Rice is good for the digestion and mixed with meat leftovers, one meal a day is ok. I fed mine two a day but they were getting too fat.

But, tutsi, here's the rub, you'll have to make it clear to her that it matters to you. That this is something you want done --she won't care about the dog, but she will care about you. Sorry, but some people just aren't animal people.

Good luck to you :o

I find myself alone with the dogs at home and they are obviously hungry. I'm sure that they get a good slop meal once per day but that does not appear to be enough. The dogs should at least have water available and I have to provide it...the others don't give a shit...

it is a country way ob doin' things...the animals look after themselves...no middle class pampering and etc...trouble is that I am very middle class when it comes to pets. I blame meself when my beloved cat was killed 25 years ago...in bed with sum slut rather than looking after her properly...

but this scenario is unique in that there is a desire to have pets but no dedication for their wellbeing...if the shit comes down I will have the dogs have other families that can take care of them and to issue a dictum that there shall be no other 'pets' in the house without proper care...

I get all emotional about this shit...they are just dumb animals that look to humans for their support...


as an aside...I just bought a bicycle and the dogs start yowling and barking when they see me riding...shades ob the mexica when they saw Cortes and his pirates on horseback, they thought that the horse and the man was a single entity, and ran screaming...

a mesoamerican ethnographic observation in central Thailand...dem dogs is clazy mothers...

as an aside...I just bought a bicycle and the dogs start yowling and barking when they see me riding...shades ob the mexica when they saw Cortes and his pirates on horseback, they thought that the horse and the man was a single entity, and ran screaming...

a mesoamerican ethnographic observation in central Thailand...dem dogs is clazy mothers...



my (thai) husband cooks for each of my kids and includes our boxer: one plate w/o meat, one plate slightly spicey, one w/o certain veggies and for me and him, basic spicy, and nala the boxer gets rice, and anything i didnt clean off my plate plus always some of the liquids from our meals (almost always thai food) thoroughly mixed in to her food... i dont give her table scraps, she gets expensive dog food for older dogs.

he makes her pita and humus sandwiches when thai food is finished. she gets dry bread and chocolate spread when he makes for himself.

she gets (expensive!!) raw liver when raw liver is prepared for us (issan style).

this is a boxer. she farts. he farts too. he blames her.

btw, those village pariah dog 'mutts' if they are like our canaan dogs, can deal with water given only evening and morning... they are hardy, and in 'real life', most animals go to drink a.m. and p.m. , not during the day since they either sleep or are busy doing other things, and also most animals if they aren t in arid areas will find water sources they will drink from. after all, where i am, animals go out to graze and get watered a.m. and when they come in from pasture, grazing etc. in evening. no water anywhere in site, including four the dogs.

a dog in the house though is sort of a captive audience and cannot search for food or water unless he is a counter cruiser or drinks from the toilet or finds the beer can unfinished on the floor. dogs love beer.

and tutsi, if nala the boxer was to be believed, then she is a poor starving street waif who has never had a decent meal, at least if u just look at her wrinkly forehead drooling lips and large brown soulful eyes as she watches u move your spoon to your mouth with that delicioius piece of spicy chicken and she is really good about making a little moan /whimper that just adds to her 'waifness'... she has my huband well trained.

my (thai) husband cooks for each of my kids and includes our boxer: one plate w/o meat, one plate slightly spicey, one w/o certain veggies and for me and him, basic spicy, and nala the boxer gets rice, and anything i didnt clean off my plate plus always some of the liquids from our meals (almost always thai food) thoroughly mixed in to her food... i dont give her table scraps, she gets expensive dog food for older dogs.

he makes her pita and humus sandwiches when thai food is finished. she gets dry bread and chocolate spread when he makes for himself.

she gets (expensive!!) raw liver when raw liver is prepared for us (issan style).

this is a boxer. she farts. he farts too. he blames her.

btw, those village pariah dog 'mutts' if they are like our canaan dogs, can deal with water given only evening and morning... they are hardy, and in 'real life', most animals go to drink a.m. and p.m. , not during the day since they either sleep or are busy doing other things, and also most animals if they aren t in arid areas will find water sources they will drink from. after all, where i am, animals go out to graze and get watered a.m. and when they come in from pasture, grazing etc. in evening. no water anywhere in site, including four the dogs.

a dog in the house though is sort of a captive audience and cannot search for food or water unless he is a counter cruiser or drinks from the toilet or finds the beer can unfinished on the floor. dogs love beer.

and tutsi, if nala the boxer was to be believed, then she is a poor starving street waif who has never had a decent meal, at least if u just look at her wrinkly forehead drooling lips and large brown soulful eyes as she watches u move your spoon to your mouth with that delicioius piece of spicy chicken and she is really good about making a little moan /whimper that just adds to her 'waifness'... she has my huband well trained.

get outta here bina...yer dog eats better than me...pitta an' hoummous sammiches? yum!

maybe I can come and live at your house...I won't take up too much room, sleep curled up under the kitchen table, etc...I'll haveta fight nala for dem sammiches, though

if u fart, its out the door instantly.

yeah...well, inna previous shared arrangement my housemates condemned me to the basement toilet so as not to stink up the upstairs living arrangement...sounds like a no hoper...

sure would like one ob dem houmous sammiches though...


Tutsi, you mebbe should consider worm tablets, too, if the doggies are always hungry, especially if they have fat bellies. Cheap.

I beg to differ with Bina about water -- I refill the bowls whenever they're low, three or four times a day.


the dogs look healthy and well fed...the pup is a little sausage...but they are always foraging for food. The neighbors across the street have a food preparation business and sell food around town to food stalls and the dogs are always over there nosin' around...

I was just always useta leaving a little sumpin' in their dish so that they could have a little snack...yesterday I set out sum pan scrapings from a meat loaf an' they went ape shit...


Its a case of becoming accustomed to the Thai culture in relation to there dogs:

My GSD has all our walled land to run and excercise on he does not go out the gate as you got this pack syndrome in the village hence there are always dogs fighting for domination I hate this:

As regards feeding they are more or less left to fend for themselves finding scraps etc mother-in-law puts the left over rice etc out for the dogs and if we go away she feeds our shepherd as well:

His diet is rice and all in one dog biscuit mixed with the rice and we get bones from KFS as well sometimes normally fed once a day as were my working dogs.



i wouldnt leave any dog alone w/no access to water, sitting in direct sun ,however, our yard dogs tend to drink a.m. and p.m. also their food is moist (leftovers mixed w/high quality kibble). dogs fed only on concentrate and not on rice mixed w/thai food leftovers will need more water.

also, google 'pariah dog' and u will find that these types (thai pariah, canaan, african 'village' dog) deal better with long periods w/o water, and are more oppurtunistic about dealing with lacks of food/water. they are hardy animals.

they are different than a house raised non local dog, especially heavy furred dogs, squishy nosed dogs, etc.

worming definitately a good idea.


We have several watering points for our dogs around the garden and plenty shaded spots.

Worming recommended every 6 months tablets available from any pet food supplier, also regular grooming if you got a well coated dog .and not forgetting Tick/Flea shampoo


most dogs love to eat, even though well fed or even fat, they always want to eat when they see a chance of getting something. my dogs here are fed on dry dog food and raw meat and bones and cooked fish. most of them would eat until they burst if they had the chance. kibble is not that popular, sometimes a lot is left in the bowls but as living in a pack they still eat out of greed even not that interested in this kind of food. occasionally my dogs get left overs or freshly cooked food, this and the cooked fish they go crazy for and would eat it until they burst. even if they have just eaten a lot, at the sound of a wrapping or plastic bag being opened they would come up and beg and look as if they havenät eaten for days :o so don't worry about your dogs always being 'hungry'. just make sure they get all their vitamins in a well balanced food, constant craving can also be a sign of lack of nutritients which cannot be provided in a one sided diet eg rice and bones.

for water, i see my grown thaidogs rarely drink, mostly after feeding or exercise or in the very hot months more, the purebreeds drink all the time...


depending on the age of your dog, once they get older it is better to not feed them more than twice a day. we used to feed our dog with rice and whatever meet we cooked in our meals for food in the past. in her younger days she ate these rice meals twice a day, and during the day shared any snacks I ate..bread for breakfast, cheese, biscuits, chocolates, fruits....basically whatever we ate :D (I was a kid at the time..so it was half for you half for me logic :D) anyway, as we got older, particularly as SHE got older, only then she switched to dog food. initially mixed in with rice, then this was replaced by the dry tablet looking dog food mixed with the other meaty dog food. at one point when she had pups that was the only time she'd drink milk (stealing from her lil ones actually). once she got really really old it became strictly dog food.

she lived to be 20.5 years old....and I still wonder if I had fed her any differently in her younger days would it have made any difference? most vets that have seen her say she has truly lived well beyond their average age of dogs......

but yes, back to the point...there are thais who do feed our dogs :o

  • 2 weeks later...

I heard some screaming and yelping to find our dog being raped by a soi dog...I had this afternoon run him off and another alpha type male that were hanging around...I hadn't realised at the time that our lady dog is in estrus, hence all the attention...

I whacked him with a rubber hose but he was 'attached' to our dog so no satisfaction...he was just doin' what comes naturally but I have observed his behavior and he is disruptive and fights a lot...he hangs down the street in front of one of the houses where he gets fed, presumably...his owners obviously don't give a shit or he woulda been neutered by now...

I said to the wife 'you hear all that screaming an' yelling? THAT'S YOUR DOG!!!'...silence...'WHY DO YOU CHOOSE TO HAVE PETS IF YOU DON'T FEED THEM OR LOOK AFTER THEM???'...silence...I've had enuf, it's the dog express to the nearest wat where at least they will be fed...

fcukin' thais are stupid when it comes to pets... an' please don't tell me to go back to where I came from...proper care of pets has no boundaries...

...I've had enuf, it's the dog express to the nearest wat where at least they will be fed...

sorry to hear that...but they might not really be better off there though :o atleast with you we know theres you worrying about their welfare, and in time you will be able to share that with your family so that they learn to properly take responsibilities for the dog


u can neuter her w/pups in her (if a thai vet will do that) just wait out the next few weeks to see that she is over her 'heat'... then that will put an end ot that problem. trust me it wasnt rape. bitches are experts at preventing an undesirable male from entering her....

maybe he had a motocy or gave her some gold....

u can neuter her w/pups in her (if a thai vet will do that) just wait out the next few weeks to see that she is over her 'heat'... then that will put an end ot that problem. trust me it wasnt rape. bitches are experts at preventing an undesirable male from entering her....

maybe he had a motocy or gave her some gold....

:o Hear that, Tutsi? There's money in them thar dogs.

u can neuter her w/pups in her (if a thai vet will do that) just wait out the next few weeks to see that she is over her 'heat'... then that will put an end ot that problem. trust me it wasnt rape. bitches are experts at preventing an undesirable male from entering her....

maybe he had a motocy or gave her some gold....

yeah...I tole de wife we gotta get the bitch cut but she now has conceded that she can't look after her properly so the dog shall be exiled to de 'ol tin shack that was the former family home out inna countryside...we'll keep the small sausage dog but she is a female as well an' I shall insist that she is cut...don't wanna go around poisoning the local soi dogs...just don't want anymore trouble...

(tutsi runs down de street widda 2 meter length ob 2" PVC to scare off de dogs...all ye gotta do is crouch like yer pickin' up a stone an' dey are off down de street soon enuf...but de step daughter an' de nieces loved de display, later fer dem to enfold me in their arms an' fer me to bury me heid an' weep an' to have dem say 'it's OK tutsi...'...a soi dog subterfuge...)


Back to the subject of dog food.

I have a 17 month old Golden Bitch. I bought her from a reputable breeder when she was about 5 months old.

He told me to feed her on dry dog food (Pedigree or whatever)and provide plenty of water.

I bought a few books on goldens which seem to have conflicting advice on feeding and diets, but they all said to feed either once or twice per day, and not to give treats or snacks outside the main meals.

Now, while my golden gets plenty of daily attention from myself, the family and maids, I am frequently not around at feeding time, so I have trained my maids to ensure she gets the stipulated amount of dried dog food mornings and evenings. Apart from the odd bone (real and rawhide) she dosen't eat any other food and has thrived on this and is very healthy, and maybe a little over weight, but only slightly.

Many people I meet or read about, feed their dogs rice and mix in fresh meat and other stuff (vegetables etc) and it worries me that I don't do this. I stick strictly to the dried dog food, partly because I worry that if I change her diet to fresh food and I am not around, the maids might not feed her properly, but at least with dry food, I know she is getting her daily portions.

I reititerate that my dog is very healthy - took her to the vet last week for a check up and was told she was fine - and her coat, teeth etc are the picture of health.

Question for the experts. Is it OK to continue with dried dog food only? Should I change her diet? Should I buy tinned dog meat, or fresh meat and mix with rice?

My question probably is a bit stupid but I just want to do the right thing.



Im no expert on raising dog...only ever had 2 my entire life, with one that lived for longer than half of my life.....Id say that it is quite fine that she is getting only dried dog food. in her old age I was advised to infact give my dog only the dried food as it would be easier for her to digest. i still gave her normal food as it was what she grown used to since younger days. but infact most vets are against giving them human food. I spoilt mine since childhood with all the same junk that I ate.....but as she got older we tried to switch her gradually to the dog stuff...both tinned meat and dried tablets.

what you COULD do is , there are also some more specialised dried dog food....can never remember the exact name...some science diet brand or similar..you will see them in pet clinics. (just a better more expensive version of pedigree type food I suppose...)

but will let the real experts on this forum also give their views :o


if she eats it and likes it stick to it. goldens tend towards fat so u may change her to a lower protein/calorie dry food as she gets older unless u breed her (dry food for adult non working dogs). pay attention to the ingredients on the bag: if it is all flour and powder and corn and soy first, hten not a good brand; meat or meat by parts should be some of the first ingredients listed.

actually my middle older spayed boxer is only now getting table (thai) food as husband insists... has more stomach upsets (farts like hel_l) but she's old for a boxer so she might as well enjoy the spoiling at this time (also ahs gums growing over her teeth, a boxer thing).

as long as she chows doen on the food, dont bother to add stuff. dogs dont go by taste as much as scent and feel anyway and they have less of a boredom factor concerning food. that is mostly a higher primate and human thing. (maybe cats and some large birds also).

if she eats it and likes it stick to it. goldens tend towards fat so u may change her to a lower protein/calorie dry food as she gets older unless u breed her (dry food for adult non working dogs). pay attention to the ingredients on the bag: if it is all flour and powder and corn and soy first, hten not a good brand; meat or meat by parts should be some of the first ingredients listed.

actually my middle older spayed boxer is only now getting table (thai) food as husband insists... has more stomach upsets (farts like hel_l) but she's old for a boxer so she might as well enjoy the spoiling at this time (also ahs gums growing over her teeth, a boxer thing).

as long as she chows doen on the food, dont bother to add stuff. dogs dont go by taste as much as scent and feel anyway and they have less of a boredom factor concerning food. that is mostly a higher primate and human thing. (maybe cats and some large birds also).

Thanks Bina - that reassures me.

There was a period, not long ago when she took a long time to eat her food and didn't rush to eat as soon as it was put out for her. She's now more enthusiastic and eats it more or less straight away.

The breeder recommended Eukanuba, which I have been giving her since I had her, but I am having so much trouble finding places that sell it (even my regular supplier has stopped stocking it) that I am now about to switch her to Pedigree.

I'll study the ingredients on the packaging.

The breeder recommended Eukanuba, which I have been giving her since I had her, but I am having so much trouble finding places that sell it (even my regular supplier has stopped stocking it) that I am now about to switch her to Pedigree.

I'll study the ingredients on the packaging.

I started a topic a few months ago on what to feed my golden (if you don't find it, I'll post the link later). There is some excellant responses in the topic and posters and my research shows Pedigree is a very bad choice for dogs. I've switched to Alpo dry food but still mix it with pork, chicken or fish and occasionaly add an egg or two. He no longer will eat just the dry food unless really hungry. I used to mix a can of wet dog food with the dry mix, but he is not interested in it anymore - prefers my cooking as my wife says. Think I've spoiled him.

The breeder recommended Eukanuba, which I have been giving her since I had her, but I am having so much trouble finding places that sell it (even my regular supplier has stopped stocking it) that I am now about to switch her to Pedigree.

I'll study the ingredients on the packaging.

I started a topic a few months ago on what to feed my golden (if you don't find it, I'll post the link later). There is some excellant responses in the topic and posters and my research shows Pedigree is a very bad choice for dogs. I've switched to Alpo dry food but still mix it with pork, chicken or fish and occasionaly add an egg or two. He no longer will eat just the dry food unless really hungry. I used to mix a can of wet dog food with the dry mix, but he is not interested in it anymore - prefers my cooking as my wife says. Think I've spoiled him.

I've found the thread, thanks

As a matter of interest the thread seems to come out in favour of Eukanuba and Science Diet, so why are you now buying Alpo. Is that also good?

I only bought 10 kilos of pedigree so, maybe I'll jus mix a little in with one of the better brands. I can find Eukanuba for medium sized breeds , but not large breeds, so maybe I'll just get that.

Seems to me that if the dog is fit and healthy on dry foods than leave well alone, unless some problems develop. :o

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