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Top 5 Places to live in Thailand, Really?


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Top 5 Places to live in Thailand, Really?




Thailand is one of the world’s most popular locations for good living abroad. And there are lots of reasons why. Its still relatively cheap depending on what you eat and drink – although by the same token may I add, it can also be far more expensive.


Now according to website International Living they suggest the following places in Thailand as the best 5 locations to live for an expat and you know what, after living in Thailand, I am not so sure. Here they are.


Chiang Mai: Mountain Views and a Slower Pace of Life, Koh Samui: A Tropical Island Haven, Bangkok: Modern and Affordable, Hua Hin: Relaxed Seaside Retreat, Phuket: A Beach Lifestyle with All the Amenities.


OK I can buy into Chiang Mai and Hua Hin – they are both wonderful locations, fresh air, nice people and plenty of things to do to live as an expat. But I have to draw huge question marks over Samui, Bangkok and Phuket.


It may surprise you I say Bangkok as after all its been the #1 tourist destination in the world for 2 years, but to live here – unless its for work reasons – you have to contend with the worse traffic in the world, super hot streets and a hustle and bustle that will grind you down. It can be very claustrophobic and even Thais living there and admit periodically they just have to escape the capital to relax, get some space and fresh air! For a retired expat it would be horrendous.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/pattaya/top-5-places-live-thailand-really/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-12-10
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"Chiang Mai: Mountain Views and filthy air and a Slower Pace of Life, Koh Samui: A Tropical Island Haven for rapist and murderers, Bangkok: Modern and flooded and not very Affordable, Hua Hin: A once Relaxed but now polluted Seaside Retreat, Phuket: A Beach Lifestyle with All the Amenities for the Mafia Police.

Edited by NCC1701A
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What? i cannot believe they have left out Wichianburi, in Phetchabun province.

  There are at least 3 farang bars in town,which does not have a double lane main highway through it [one of the few],there is the river to look at,rice fields,tree's ,a couple of hills,and soon a big c on the outskirts!!

  As the Bush tucker man said in that add for Foster's years ago when he surveys the Kimberely ranges from atop a mesa,while cracking a cold one "it doesn't get much better than this".

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3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

can you give me a better idea where they are located?

In the town,we have The local bar[for local people-ncc1701a,are you local?]. Then we have Norm's bar also known as the Angry Trawler man, and then Maurice and Ouat's international beer bar, located in an aircraft hanger like structure opposite the main market,nice if you enjoy watching pigeons roost among the metal rafters.

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"OK I can buy into Chiang Mai and Hua Hin – they are both wonderful locations, fresh air......" 

Fresh air?  That statement alone makes me question as to whether the author has every truly 'lived' (as opposed to simply visiting during Nov - Jan).  During the hot season the air is absolutely ghastly and that can last upwards of four months out of twelve.  Yes, Northern Thailand including Chiang Mai is a wonderful place and is where I reside, but 'fresh air' is a commodity that we only enjoy 8 months out of 12.

Edited by connda
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17 minutes ago, billinparadise said:

Down the eastern seaboard


Well said.


The writer has just trotted out a very standard list of package tourist holiday locations.


I am surprised nobody has mentioned Mukdahan yet, Thailand's unfeted jewel in the crown.

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12 minutes ago, billinparadise said:

Down the eastern seaboard


You may be getting confused with Phetchaburi,i am talking Phetchabun,sort of central Thailand but classed as north,about 360km north of Bangkok.Many expats live here,many having met there wives/gf while working in Bangkok or other area's, for multi nationals or of course in the teaching/medical worlds,and of course hospitality.

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1 minute ago, marko kok prong said:

You may be getting confused with Phetchaburi,i am talking Phetchabun,sort of central Thailand but classed as north,about 360km north of Bangkok.Many expats live here,many having met there wives/gf while working in Bangkok or other area's, for multi nationals or of course in the teaching/medical worlds,and of course hospitality.

It is not clearwhose post @billinparadise is referring to. If the original post, he lives in the same area as me, unless he is trying to hide the fact he lives in Pattaya, if he is referring to Marko's post, he is very geographically challenged.

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49 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"Chiang Mai: Mountain Views and filthy air and a Slower Pace of Life, Koh Samui: A Tropical Island Haven for rapist and murderers, Bangkok: Modern and flooded and not very Affordable, Hua Hin: A once Relaxed but now polluted Seaside Retreat, Phuket: A Beach Lifestyle with All the Amenities for the Mafia Police.

NCC1701A - you missed Hua Hin:  Home of Thai men who engage in group beat downs on  elderly farangs including 65 year old women, no doubt considered a from of chivalry.

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     I'm surprised Pattaya isn't in the top five.  (Ready, set, cue the jeers.)  Probably its past reputation sank it but my partner and I have made a nice life living in Pattaya for the past 7 years.  We like visiting Bangkok and Chiang Mai and will continue to visit both.  We find for short visits they are interesting and enjoyable but we would not choose to live in either year-round.  Hua Hin was ok but we didn't find a good selection of condos with seaviews--at least not in our price range--and there seemed to be less of interest than Pattaya.  Just not as good a vibe as Pattaya.  Haven't been to Samui or Phuket--they may be wonderful-- but since we haven't made the effort I guess we don't desire living in either.

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4 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

What? i cannot believe they have left out Wichianburi, in Phetchabun province.

  There are at least 3 farang bars in town,which does not have a double lane main highway through it [one of the few],there is the river to look at,rice fields,tree's ,a couple of hills,and soon a big c on the outskirts!!

  As the Bush tucker man said in that add for Foster's years ago when he surveys the Kimberely ranges from atop a mesa,while cracking a cold one "it doesn't get much better than this".

Rice fields? I visit regularly Phutoey just in neighborhoods, and there is only sugar fields. And not even one farang  bar :P

Edited by MuuDaeng
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Four tourist traps and a smog trap!

I'd rather have four weddings and a funeral!


Thailand can offer better than that.


What about Chiang Rai in the North, Trang in the South, Kanchanaburi in the West, Koh Chang in the East and, say, Ubon in the Northeast?








1 hour ago, superglue said:


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"[Bangkok] can be very claustrophobic..."


Claustrophobic?  That's life on an island or some small village in Issan where you don't need to use turn signals because everyone already knows where you're going...


BKK is more spread out which makes commuting more time consuming.


Also more impersonal and nonchalant (as every big city tends to be), hot, muggy, & materialistic. ?



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5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

What? i cannot believe they have left out Wichianburi, in Phetchabun province.

  There are at least 3 farang bars in town,which does not have a double lane main highway through it [one of the few],there is the river to look at,rice fields,tree's ,a couple of hills,and soon a big c on the outskirts!!

  As the Bush tucker man said in that add for Foster's years ago when he surveys the Kimberely ranges from atop a mesa,while cracking a cold one "it doesn't get much better than this".

You have to be joking...this is a two street town/village with nothing to offer. I was seeing a lady there, and there wasn't even one decent restaurant , the one she took me to offered French fries and that was the summit of the gastronomic world there. It is also hot as hell. I was told by one farang there that there were around 250 farang in the surrounding area.....probably all married to farmers. And Petchabun an hour north has nothing to offer.....if you go a bit further there are the mountains which are much cooler.

Chiang Rai is a semi-industrial place with not much to offer besides the Queen's Gardens in the mountains, and they were beautiful. 

I moved from Phuket on a quiet beach, to Korat. And I am really enjoying it here. If you are into malls they have three huge ones here that make Phukets one look like a dump.....just my opinion.

I am sure everybody is happy where they live in Thailand, if not....Move!

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6 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Well said.


The writer has just trotted out a very standard list of package tourist holiday locations.


I am surprised nobody has mentioned Mukdahan yet, Thailand's unfeted jewel in the crown.

Ah yes the sleepy hamlet on the Mehkong. Personally I love Mukdahan though it's a bit too hectic for me and I have to retreat to nearby Dong Luang for peace and quiet (except for the damned cockerel crowing at all hours). :D

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