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Injured cat needs urgent medical assistance


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I stumbled upon this cat this morning and I felt sorry for his condition, he was hit by some car, I am looking for some welfare animal foundation that could treat his injuries even basically, as I can not afford to pay expensive vet clinics, I've tried to contact the foundation Paws Bangkok but they refused to help him, any clinic or even person could try to save his life ? I am located in the Bangkok area near Huay kwang.


Edited by heroKK
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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

it doesn't look well .... take it to the local vet. Even if you don't want to spend money for the bill,  he may know a shelter who cares for sick or injured animals.

I've tried with a nearby clinic but they refused to take him, do u know any address whom they will provide him with any form of assistance even if it s basic ?

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All the best for the little kitty. I trust you were able to resolve this for the cat, it is not a positive outcome to let the cat suffer.   Bless you for taking care of the cat.  At least the cat was not left out in the street.


Trust it turns out for you and kitty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your kindness, unfortunately he already died, I took him to a vet who in fact was very helpful with the situation, administered some injections and gave some pills, a nurse volunteered to wash him up, however he died 3 days later, it was expected as the vet told me earlier that it was hopeless trying to save his life.

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