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Police to get tough with cars with loud engine noise


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I think we all know who is the problem,,it s not the responsible bike owner who likes a few mods,this is about younger drivers who just want a loud bike and have no respect esp when people are sleeping ,but that defeats the purpose of the retarded scooter bullie, who wants only to be noticed...downtown life has become so polluted with noise from buses and scooters, it is time to end this insanity...I LIVE DOWNTOWN ....GO TO YOUR OWN BACKYARDS AND BEHAVE LIKE FOOLS..

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Bangkok is not the only place in Thailand with a noise problem!  Here in the village you have unmufflered motorcycles, crowing roosters, barking dogs, blaring PA systems mounted on pick-ups peddling their wares and the morning PA newscasts.  The frequent rock concerts or music concerts at 200 decibels are the icing on the cake.


Does anyone care?

Edited by Prairieboy
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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 10:03 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

LMAO.  I am tempted  to  tweet  Trump and  let  him  know I  just  pushed  a  button!

But  not.  I  would  not  want to  encourage selfish indulgence  at a  level  above unnecessary  irritation. 

I'm sure you know what you're talking about and I also assume that you think that that comment is intelligible.

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On 1/4/2018 at 2:16 AM, 01322521959 said:

Could they pop down my soi and sort out the noisy Ferrari. They wouldn't dare. I think hes part of the Elite mob. 

Another 7 day wonder non crack down crack down crackpot job.

they ain't talking about cars like that for sure 555. i like the noise from a ferarri, would like it more if i owned it though. i was watching the grand tour the other day and i can't remember the care unfortunately but you could set the engine to quiet mode and on a timer. so say you leave the house in the morning you could set it to quiet mode from 5am til 8am so when you leave it doesn't annoy the neighbours and same for anytime basically or just set on quiet when required, i thought it was pretty smart

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Interesting that it only covers Bangkok.  In other countries, such regulations are far more reaching and they are generally enforced.  Sorry, I forgot that Thailand authorities are only allowed to make and use such regulations in areas as small as their minds or the traffic rules, taxi meter implementation, etc., would be expanded and people in places such as Samui, Phuket, etc., would not have to fight to have the same taxi fares, etc., as we enjoy in Bangkok.


I guess this is just another GET TOUGH CAMPAIGN that will either not last, or not get off the ground as not riding in the back of pickups has done.

Edited by wotsdermatter
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