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Trump, meeting with Republican leaders, says welfare reform may have to wait

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I did not state every business will not hire or re-invest- but there is ample evidence from past business tax cuts that the monies were given to CEOs and stockholders and the workers were not hired nor their salaries increased.


Iam sorry- but you are wrong. Trump won because he had a poor opponent; people wanted a change and they believed that Trump would help the poor and the middle class. The truth is that they were deceived; lied to and not one thing Trump has done or plans to do will improve their lot.

Where is the increase in the minimum wage?

Where is free college tuition or technical school training?

Where is universal health care for all?

Where is a fair tax system that actually  provides real relief to the middle class and poor?


As far as redistribution of wealth- no one is advocating going into you bank account and taking money from it- what I am advocating is raising the rates of taxation on those making $3,000,000 and more to a level where their taxes go up by $200,000 per person and giving a tax credit  up to $20,000 to the poor and middle class.  If you're a millionaire - you will still be one after the tx increase but  if you are poor with a $20,000 a year income and all of a sudden you have $40,000 a year to work with you start to build assets and credit.  Why didn't Trump propose it if he really wants to help the poor.


As far as the poor and lower middle class- they may have an IRA but they don't trade on the stock exchange nor currency markets or have brokers, but honestly most people earning less that $30K per year can't even afford that.  


While I am not a Trump supporter neither am I a supporter of mainstreet Democrats. I did not vote for Ms. Clinton. Neither Trump or Clinton represent any ideology that America needs to thrive with a fair and just economy.  




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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

what I am advocating is raising the rates of taxation on those making $3,000,000 and more to a level where their taxes go up by $200,000 per person and giving a tax credit  up to $20,000 to the poor and middle class.  If you're a millionaire - you will still be one after the tx increase but  if you are poor with a $20,000 a year income and all of a sudden you have $40,000 a year to work with you start to build assets and credit.  Why didn't Trump propose it if he really wants to help the poor.


And what you're advocating is called socialism. Nobody is going to do that. Dude you're straight-up inventing a tax plan with feelings-based math and then turning around and getting pissy that trump didnt do it like you're some kind of genius that knows how to solve the worlds problems in one go. Its retarded. 


9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

While I am not a Trump supporter neither am I a supporter of mainstreet Democrats. I did not vote for Ms. Clinton. Neither Trump or Clinton represent any ideology that America needs to thrive with a fair and just economy.  


Either you didnt vote, or you voted for the Bern, witch would explain alot. 

21 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


You've certainly got your grandstanding mind made up dont ya? Even when faced with an example of a prospering local business due to the tax cuts & economy. 


Some businesses will line their coffers and some will invest. Some want to expand R&D to provide all those little tech gadgets that people love so much. 


You just can not logically pigeon-hole every business into a demon possessed conglomerate that wants to take over the world. 


This is why political debate is over, and people like trump win. Because no-one can be objective. 


Besides - fundamentally, I cant get down with the re-distribution of wealth on a scale that you and your people favor. 


History has shown that cutting taxes for the rich does not benefit the low-middle income. Of course there will be business that do create jobs and grow as a result of this policy. Trump claims that it will have a huge effect and create jobs, this is false. Why not create policies that will benefit the low-middle income directly? Instead of relying on the trickle down effects from the wealthy business owners?


The bill will add over $1 trillion to the national debt, thats more that enough to give free education and basic healthcare to Americans.




4 minutes ago, mike324 said:

History has shown that cutting taxes for the rich does not benefit the low-middle income


No, history has shown that tax policy and money is an extremely complicated business with so many moving parts its almost impossible to pin one single thing (like you're trying to do with tax cuts) to income inequality. No matter what you do, you will be screwing someone. 


History HAS shown that tax cuts DO stimulate the economy, and that DOES create jobs and wealth, but other factors play into how long that goes on for. 

3 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


No, history has shown that tax policy and money is an extremely complicated business with so many moving parts its almost impossible to pin one single thing (like you're trying to do with tax cuts) to income inequality. No matter what you do, you will be screwing someone. 


History HAS shown that tax cuts DO stimulate the economy, and that DOES create jobs and wealth, but other factors play into how long that goes on for. 

Can you share some of that history with everyone else? Certainly the Bush tax cuts did virtually nothing to stimulate the economy but did massively encourage foolish investments in COD's that caused the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression.


Giving tax credits is hardly communism and I am not advocating communism at all.  The US tax code which I am very familiar with is filled with tax credits in which monies -not refunds- are sent back to business and individuals based on the law. Unfortunately, most of the Trump tax bill is eliminating things like credit for  higher education; the American Opportunity Credit and other incentives to help the poor.


The function of any Government Is to care for its citizens, especially those that are less able to care for themselves or do not have the opportunity to  improve themselves.  Government must function for all citizens and be fair to all.  If I had $3million in income every year but knew that my raised taxes of an added $200K wold be given to those less fortunate- I would be delighted to be doing something for my country and for others. I would still be a millionaire with plenty of assets and resources.  These added credit to someone who is only able to make $20K  per year would push them into the middle class- giving them an opportunity to purchase a car; get into an IRA or save money . In addition- it would help the economy as these low earners then would have money to spend in the economy and this is what would create jobs and business expansion. I never said I had all the answers but Donald Trump is no smarter than me or anyone else on this board but he is sure a lot more selfish and greedy and the rhetoric he uses dismisses anyone else who may have an idea other than his.  I wonder if his supporters do the same?


As far as who I voted for- that is no one else's business but it wasn't Trump or Clinton and Bernie Sanders wasn't running.





25 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Giving tax credits is hardly communism and I am not advocating communism at all.  The US tax code which I am very familiar with is filled with tax credits in which monies -not refunds- are sent back to business and individuals based on the law. Unfortunately, most of the Trump tax bill is eliminating things like credit for  higher education; the American Opportunity Credit and other incentives to help the poor.


The function of any Government Is to care for its citizens, especially those that are less able to care for themselves or do not have the opportunity to  improve themselves.  Government must function for all citizens and be fair to all.  If I had $3million in income every year but knew that my raised taxes of an added $200K wold be given to those less fortunate- I would be delighted to be doing something for my country and for others. I would still be a millionaire with plenty of assets and resources.  These added credit to someone who is only able to make $20K  per year would push them into the middle class- giving them an opportunity to purchase a car; get into an IRA or save money . In addition- it would help the economy as these low earners then would have money to spend in the economy and this is what would create jobs and business expansion. I never said I had all the answers but Donald Trump is no smarter than me or anyone else on this board but he is sure a lot more selfish and greedy and the rhetoric he uses dismisses anyone else who may have an idea other than his.  I wonder if his supporters do the same?


As far as who I voted for- that is no one else's business but it wasn't Trump or Clinton and Bernie Sanders wasn't running.





Or we could return to the tax regime prevalent when the American economy was growing at at an average rate of over 4 percent a year. You know, when the wealthy were taxed at a marginal rate of 90%.

The USA could also start taxing dividends and capital gains at the same rate as earned income. Which was advocated by that arch-communist Milton Friedman.

48 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Unfortunately, most of the Trump tax bill is eliminating things like credit for  higher education





Colleges, students, and higher education groups can breath a small sigh of relief: In putting together the joint GOP tax plan, Republican House and Senate lawmakers have agreed to back off the most controversial of a set of tax proposals that would have drastically changed tuition benefits.


In total, only one big education-related change made it into the GOP tax plan, which was released late on Friday and is aimed at reconciling differences between dueling versions of the tax bill passed by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Lawmakers are expected to vote on the tax bill next week.



52 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The US tax code which I am very familiar with





56 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If I had $3million in income every year but knew that my raised taxes of an added $200K wold be given to those less fortunate- I would be delighted to be doing something for my country and for others. I would still be a millionaire with plenty of assets and resources.


So how much of your wealth are you currently giving away, and what charity are you going to give your tax cuts to? 


I assume since you've been living in Thailand that you've been exempt from paying taxes, if you're making an income - so what have you done with that? 


Ah yeah, thats right, you just like talking about what other people should be doing with their money. 

On 1/7/2018 at 2:06 PM, rudi49jr said:

What would this 'welfare reform' entail? Steal even more money from the poor to givetne rich?it

No, a revolutionary new Initiative.......steal less from the rich to give to the poor, the ones who don't want to work and think they're owed a living by those who show  Initiative and enterprise, the ones who work and pay taxes.


Remember that the government can't give to somebody what they haven't already taken from somebody else!!



Why are you taking this so personally?  I have not attacked you personally nor asked you to provide me with your income or whom you support or give  your money to..


I live on social security and a pension and I do pay taxes each year.  Who I support and who I give my money to- is none of your business nor do I care what you do with your money. I am nowhere near a millionaire but if I was, I would be happy to give $200K to those who are poor or otherwise in the form of taxes as long as I knew the Government was using the money to help others. You can only live in one house at a time  and drive one car at a time.


It's obvious that you like Trump because you talk like him- incredibly rude and unable to make a cogent argument proving me or others wrong.  Calling people liars and communists isn't the way business is conducted  in the normal World of discourse. 


While I do not care for Trump or his ideas and will debate others on the issues- I hold no personal grudge.  You obviously do.


Oh yes- I did not see the final house-senate conference report on the tax bill- the education credit was kept- much to my delight and it should help the poor because it actually sends up to $1000 in the form of real money back to the taxpayer.  Initially, the House wanted to strip it out but the Senate prevailed.  There are a few Republicans that actually care about people.  Calling people a liar is not only not nice- it is rude!!!



Just now, F4UCorsair said:

No, a revolutionary new Initiative.......steal less from the rich to give go the poor, the ones who don't want to work and think they're owed a living by those who show  Initiative and enterprise, the ones who work and pay taxes.


Remember that the government can't give to somebody what they haven't already taken from somebody else!!


That's why the rich are flocking to Somalia where there is no almost no government to speak of.

Just now, ilostmypassword said:

You accused somebody of lying which means stating something false with deliberate intent to deceive.


Thats 100% exactly what he did. And I really just cant stand that kind of nonsense. "Most" of the tax bill has NOTHING to do with education, let alone scaling back. 



Just now, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Thats 100% exactly what he did. And I really just cant stand that kind of nonsense. "Most" of the tax bill has NOTHING to do with education, let alone scaling back. 



So you know he wasn't mistaken? How?

4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Why are you taking this so personally?  I have not attacked you personally nor asked you to provide me with your income or whom you support or give  your money to..


I live on social security and a pension and I do pay taxes each year.  Who I support and who I give my money to- is none of your business nor do I care what you do with your money. I am nowhere near a millionaire but if I was, I would be happy to give $200K to those who are poor or otherwise in the form of taxes as long as I knew the Government was using the money to help others. You can only live in one house at a time  and drive one car at a time.


It's obvious that you like Trump because you talk like him- incredibly rude and unable to make a cogent argument proving me or others wrong.  Calling people liars and communists isn't the way business is conducted  in the normal World of discourse. 


While I do not care for Trump or his ideas and will debate others on the issues- I hold no personal grudge.  You obviously do.




Im not taking this personally. Throughout all your grandstanding posts on what other people should do with their money, you forget that those people might not actually want to do that. So when you spin things to make it look like the devil is making tax codes and welfare reform, you should be prepared to get some push back from the people you want to be screwed over. 


You say that what you do with your money is none of my business, yet out of the other side of your mouth you talk about what I should be forced to do with mine, in the form of higher taxation.


You talk about "if you had a million dollars" you would do xyz because you are such a big hearted guy. The truth is, you dont know what you would do and thats hardly evidence of what others should do, let alone be forced to do.  The chances are that that 200k you'd be happy to give to the fed.gov wouldn't even go to help the people you want to help. Yet you think everyone who makes over (insert arbitrary made-up umber) should do this and that. 


Im happy that you're satisfied with where your at in life, and im glad that SS will help you, because it wont for me. 


If a politician can get in there and re-balance the budget so that everyone can get healthcare and free education without raping the working class and wealthy (using states income & GDP) then im all for it. But the dems dont want to do that. They want to tax tax tax and spend spend spend and screw the people that make all the money. 


Sorry, but after coming off of obama and the implementation of his healthcare plan that added $14k/year to my budget, higher taxes (from HRC) would have been a punch in the face. 

19 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

No- I was addressing Uncle Touchy  who is somewhat -well.... touchy. It's a discussion'.... why all the hostility?


Those of us who are seen to be 'right' are accustomed to hostility from those who are seen as 'left', right around the world.   A generation ago, the left were defenders of freedoms, free speech, etc., and now all they want to do is shut it down if it doesn't fit with their beliefs.  I don't see hostility in UTF's posts, just reasoning on why the rich shouldn't be financially crucified to give to those who don't show any initiative, or desire to provide for themselves.


We have an obligation to take care of the genuinely disadvantaged, but a lack of motivation is not a genuine disadvantage.


Quote Uncle Touchy Fingers.....If a politician can get in there and re-balance the budget so that everyone can get healthcare and free education without raping the working class and wealthy (using states income & GDP) then im all for it. But the dems dont want to do that. They want to tax tax tax and spend spend spend and screw the people that make all the money. 


The left of politics, socialists, is the same the world over, tax the rich into oblivion and give it to the less deserving, the so called poor.


Remember, a government can never legislate the poor into wealth by legislating the rich into poverty.



1 hour ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


And what you're advocating is called socialism. Nobody is going to do that. Dude you're straight-up inventing a tax plan with feelings-based math and then turning around and getting pissy that trump didnt do it like you're some kind of genius that knows how to solve the worlds problems in one go. Its retarded. 

A man-child supporter really, really shouldn't call anyone retarded. That's bigly a case of the pot and kettle.

3 minutes ago, Becker said:

A man-child supporter really, really shouldn't call anyone retarded. That's bigly a case of the pot and kettle.


Read and comprehend.......the PLAN is retarded!!


I never advocated that the rich should be made poor.  I advocated a tax credit to those who are poor or lower middle class.  While this idea may seem revolutionary- credits in the form of checks back to  business are common in America. Farmers; the oil industry and others have been getting tax credits in the form of actual money back for years.


If a multimillionaire lost $200K per year to the tax man and these monies were sent as a credit back to a poor working person- it would change his life for the better. The millionaire would still be a millionaire- his life would not change.   I am not advocating a raise in taxes for anyone else- simply the 1 % of America who can afford it. 


As far as Obama care- I agree completely that it was a bad program and did take money from people who could least afford it while providing little or no relief to Americans struggling to pay their medical bills. Please remember- every industrialized country in the World has universal healthcare except America.  Their economies are much less that the US- why can they do it and America cannot?  It's called greed- greedy government; greedy insurance companies and greedy hospitals.  If the Government wanted to help Americans in this area- it could simply extend Medicare benefits to everyone- Americans already pay for it out of their salaries.

I must add that I am neither a Democrat or a Republican.  I have become completely disgusted with the American political system and know full well that nothing is ever going to change until America gets a president who comes from the middle class or poor who completely understands what really needs to be done to make America a great country and has walked in the shoes of the average  person.


Trump presents the right problems to be solved that could make America a great country again but most of his solutions are wrong.  I do agree that getting companies to bring offshore funds back to America is the right thing to do and even lower the corporate rate to 21% could help but I am concerned that greed will kick in and unless corporate America is forced to spend this money it will go into the hands of wealthy CEOs and top management.


Time will tell.  I hope for the best and always prepare for the worst .

29 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Those of us who are seen to be 'right' are accustomed to hostility from those who are seen as 'left', right around the world.   A generation ago, the left were defenders of freedoms, free speech, etc., and now all they want to do is shut it down if it doesn't fit with their beliefs.  I don't see hostility in UTF's posts, just reasoning on why the rich shouldn't be financially crucified to give to those who don't show any initiative, or desire to provide for themselves.


We have an obligation to take care of the genuinely disadvantaged, but a lack of motivation is not a genuine disadvantage.


Quote Uncle Touchy Fingers.....If a politician can get in there and re-balance the budget so that everyone can get healthcare and free education without raping the working class and wealthy (using states income & GDP) then im all for it. But the dems dont want to do that. They want to tax tax tax and spend spend spend and screw the people that make all the money. 


The left of politics, socialists, is the same the world over, tax the rich into oblivion and give it to the less deserving, the so called poor.


Remember, a government can never legislate the poor into wealth by legislating the rich into poverty.



All those awful northern European nations with higher tax rates than the USA and yet somehow the middle class is doing much better there. Evil socialists.

On 1/7/2018 at 7:45 AM, jackh said:

Good for him. Concentrate to deport all illegals, DACA, etc for the US first. That alone will take care of 90% of the welfare problems in itself.


credible figures please


The American politicians and those who claim they are right or left have been able to brainwash the American public into thinking that any time the Government does something it must be Socialism or Communism.  This is the tactic that has been used for decades to keep people poor; the middle class from expanding and the wealthy becoming more wealthy as well as the politicians getting re-elected. You have been conned and lied to for decades and you believe it.


Why should Government exist if it has no function other than collecting taxes and funding defense ?  The American constitution  espoused the concept of the right to life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as fairness and equity to all.

- Healthcare is a human right- the government should be providing it

-Education/Training is a necessity for life and to be able to achieve- the government needs to provide it.

-Assistance to the disabled and handicapped and yes the poor- Government assistance is mandatory.

-Provision of basic housing for the poor is a government function.


Why does every industrialized country in the World except America provide universal healthcare for its citizens. Even Thailand- provides it- and the World's largest economy cannot provide it?  The politicians and Big Insurance and Big Pharma will tell you it's socialism but every other industrialised country does it.  These countries do not have people dying or going broke because of lack of healthcare like America does.


Many countries provide free tuition to their citizens so they can go to College or technical training centers which helps put people into good paying jobs. Americans can get college loans but these are funded through the banking system and are paid back from the salaries of the graduate.  My own daughter just finished he Masters Degree and owes $202,000 which she will pay back  with interest over 20 years.  In America ,a University Education is essential but the cost is prohibitive. Why?  Banks are making nice interest off struggling graduates. Other countries students are getting free tuition and saving their money which will be invested back into the economy..Americans will continue to toil away trying to pay back loans to already wealthy banks.


Socialism?- I think not.  If Trump could actually change the above 2 things- America would become a great country.  It's not going to happen because of  greed and Trump is one of the greediest.


I already said I am not against people being wealthy- but I, like one of the posters said, am tired of being screwed over so the rich can get richer and the poor getting poorer. It's time for Americans to take back their country.


29 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The American politicians and those who claim they are right or left have been able to brainwash the American public into thinking that any time the Government does something it must be Socialism or Communism.  This is the tactic that has been used for decades to keep people poor; the middle class from expanding and the wealthy becoming more wealthy as well as the politicians getting re-elected. You have been conned and lied to for decades and you believe it.


Why should Government exist if it has no function other than collecting taxes and funding defense ?  The American constitution  espoused the concept of the right to life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as fairness and equity to all.

- Healthcare is a human right- the government should be providing it

-Education/Training is a necessity for life and to be able to achieve- the government needs to provide it.

-Assistance to the disabled and handicapped and yes the poor- Government assistance is mandatory.

-Provision of basic housing for the poor is a government function.


Why does every industrialized country in the World except America provide universal healthcare for its citizens. Even Thailand- provides it- and the World's largest economy cannot provide it?  The politicians and Big Insurance and Big Pharma will tell you it's socialism but every other industrialised country does it.  These countries do not have people dying or going broke because of lack of healthcare like America does.


Many countries provide free tuition to their citizens so they can go to College or technical training centers which helps put people into good paying jobs. Americans can get college loans but these are funded through the banking system and are paid back from the salaries of the graduate.  My own daughter just finished he Masters Degree and owes $202,000 which she will pay back  with interest over 20 years.  In America ,a University Education is essential but the cost is prohibitive. Why?  Banks are making nice interest off struggling graduates. Other countries students are getting free tuition and saving their money which will be invested back into the economy..Americans will continue to toil away trying to pay back loans to already wealthy banks.


Socialism?- I think not.  If Trump could actually change the above 2 things- America would become a great country.  It's not going to happen because of  greed and Trump is one of the greediest.


I already said I am not against people being wealthy- but I, like one of the posters said, am tired of being screwed over so the rich can get richer and the poor getting poorer. It's time for Americans to take back their country.



There are two other activities not on your list which I firmly believe should also not be handled by private companies.

The first one being prisons (because it's too susceptible to corruption) and the second one being air traffic control (which Trump wants to do).

5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The American politicians and those who claim they are right or left have been able to brainwash the American public into thinking that any time the Government does something it must be Socialism or Communism.  This is the tactic that has been used for decades to keep people poor; the middle class from expanding and the wealthy becoming more wealthy as well as the politicians getting re-elected. You have been conned and lied to for decades and you believe it.


Why should Government exist if it has no function other than collecting taxes and funding defense ?  The American constitution  espoused the concept of the right to life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as fairness and equity to all.

- Healthcare is a human right- the government should be providing it

-Education/Training is a necessity for life and to be able to achieve- the government needs to provide it.

-Assistance to the disabled and handicapped and yes the poor- Government assistance is mandatory.

-Provision of basic housing for the poor is a government function.


Why does every industrialized country in the World except America provide universal healthcare for its citizens. Even Thailand- provides it- and the World's largest economy cannot provide it?  The politicians and Big Insurance and Big Pharma will tell you it's socialism but every other industrialised country does it.  These countries do not have people dying or going broke because of lack of healthcare like America does.


Many countries provide free tuition to their citizens so they can go to College or technical training centers which helps put people into good paying jobs. Americans can get college loans but these are funded through the banking system and are paid back from the salaries of the graduate.  My own daughter just finished he Masters Degree and owes $202,000 which she will pay back  with interest over 20 years.  In America ,a University Education is essential but the cost is prohibitive. Why?  Banks are making nice interest off struggling graduates. Other countries students are getting free tuition and saving their money which will be invested back into the economy..Americans will continue to toil away trying to pay back loans to already wealthy banks.


Socialism?- I think not.  If Trump could actually change the above 2 things- America would become a great country.  It's not going to happen because of  greed and Trump is one of the greediest.


I already said I am not against people being wealthy- but I, like one of the posters said, am tired of being screwed over so the rich can get richer and the poor getting poorer. It's time for Americans to take back their country.


And  that  absolutely  defines  the  illusion  of  the   "Democratic"  absurdity  that  has  been  sold ! 

Wealth  by   virtue  of  merit is an acceptable.

Wealth  by  virtue  of contrived subjigation  derived  from that  subjigation  and  the  distortion  of  egality  is a  denial  of   democracy !

But being as it is the  empathy  for  those  in  society who genuinely have little  capacity  for  intiative are used  as a yard stick  by  the  rich  to  suppress a  far greater   majority into  a  similar   category.

In  general those  with any real  potential are  disallowed to form  any  challenge to  those  already  in a  position  of   economic power.

4 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

And  that  absolutely  defines  the  illusion  of  the   "Democratic"  absurdity  that  has  been  sold ! 

Wealth  by   virtue  of  merit is an acceptable.

Wealth  by  virtue  of contrived subjigation  derived  from that  subjigation  and  the  distortion  of  egality  is a  denial  of   democracy !

But being as it is the  empathy  for  those  in  society who genuinely have little  capacity  for  intiative are used  as a yard stick  by  the  rich  to  suppress a  far greater   majority into  a  similar   category.

In  general those  with any real  potential are  disallowed to form  any  challenge to  those  already  in a  position  of   economic power.


Well that's right out of the socialists handbook........comrade!!


I think if you asked almost any wealthy people, disregarding those who inherited or won their wealth in a lottery, they would tell you this...........the harder I work, the luckier I get!!  Even many who have inherited or won their initial wealth have built on it, presumably against huge opposition??


It's not rocket science, work, be paid, work harder, be paid more, risk what you have earned in a business, be paid even more, etc.


Tell me exactly how "those with any real potential are disallowed to form any challenge to those already in a position of economic power".   Be specific please.   I never encountered any such opposition.


I do know that there are "lifters and leaners", "doers and watchers", and regrettably the "leaners" and "watchers" are the ones who cry for wealth redistribution, i.e., they want to cash in on others' success without putting in the hard yards.   They're the democrat voters....then there are the Republicans........ you know the rest.

10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

All those awful northern European nations with higher tax rates than the USA and yet somehow the middle class is doing much better there. Evil socialists.

Lets send them our 10 plus million illegals to take care of. And, please don't tell us they receive no benefits.


Those who support Trump simply refuse to accept the truth and continue to believe all the lies; half truths; cons that this man has spread.  I truly feel sorry for you- because the greatest lie and con job is directed right at you. He is doing nothing for you and will never do anything to help you. 

Trump is the greatest flim flam man ever to come along. Even the rest of the World can see it.You Can't see it because you would have to admit you vote for a nobody but no problem- everyone makes a mistake, As the year moves forward- you will see Trump melt down especially when his son is indicted and the special counsel comes for Trump himself.

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