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90 Day Reporting

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Hi I'm on a 1year extension to my marriage visa and due to report after the first 90 days. I live near Sawankhalok, Sukhothai and for my visa runs went to Mae Sot. Can anyone tell me if this is still my nearest Immigration Office to report to or are there other options.

If anyone can advise I'd be grateful. Holidaybob

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Hi I'm on a 1year extension to my marriage visa and due to report after the first 90 days. I live near Sawankhalok, Sukhothai and for my visa runs went to Mae Sot. Can anyone tell me if this is still my nearest Immigration Office to report to or are there other options.

If anyone can advise I'd be grateful. Holidaybob

It is permissible to report by mail.


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Hi I'm on a 1year extension to my marriage visa and due to report after the first 90 days. I live near Sawankhalok, Sukhothai and for my visa runs went to Mae Sot. Can anyone tell me if this is still my nearest Immigration Office to report to or are there other options.

If anyone can advise I'd be grateful. Holidaybob

It is permissible to report by mail.


I did mine by post to Bangkok (it is nearly 400 km from where I live) and it cost me less than 20 baht plus a visit to the post office. It took about 3 weeks.

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I did mine by post to Bangkok (it is nearly 400 km from where I live) and it cost me less than 20 baht plus a visit to the post office. It took about 3 weeks.

Its 400km + to Bangkok from here so posting seem a good Idea. You say it took about 3 weeks so how long before the 90 days were up did you send it.

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Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days->print this

Procedure and notification

The foreigner makes the notification in person, or

The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or

The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.

The notification must be made within 7 days before or after the period of 90 days expires.

The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.

Offices accepting notification:

Counter 3, Immigration Bureau Office, Soi Suanphlu, Bangkok

Visa extension units, Ratchada Centre (BOI)

Immigration offices throughout the country

Notification by registered mail

Copy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp in the Kingdom or latest visa stamp)

Copy of arrival/departure card TM. 6 (front and back)

Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any)

Completely filled in and signed notification form TM. 47

Envelope with 5 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.

The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.

Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to





BANGKOK. 10120


The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.

If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.

If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.

For details contact 0-2285-5142, 0-2287-3101-10 ext.2262, 2263

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------I did mine by post to Bangkok (it is nearly 400 km from where I live) and it cost me less than 20 baht plus a visit to the post office. It took about 3 weeks.
In their guide lines they state your posted report should be registered (EMS). A smart move only costs 32 Baht and you have proof that you sent the documents. Takes less than a week to receive the 90 day report receipt from Nong Khai Immigration.
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It was due about December 12th and I sent it off on December 4th, but the delay was due to the amount of holidays in December. I usually send it about 10 days before the expiry date along with the information supplied by lopburi 3 and bdenner.

My next one is due 11th March so I will send it to Suan Phlu on 2 or 3 March so that it arrives during the week before the expiry.

From bdenner post

In their guide lines they state your posted report should be registered (EMS). A smart move only costs 32 Baht and you have proof that you sent the documents.

bdenner is correct it is just that I couldn't remember the price but I knew it was not much. 32 baht for the EMS and 6 baht for the return postage.

Because it was taking a while I called the office on all of the numbers and eventually got an answer from one of the ladies who checked and gave me the number of the entry in I suppose the record book.

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