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Bum Squirter Or Paper


Bum Squirter or Paper  

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I voted paper, but I am a laydee. I'm not sure how it would affect my nether regions to have water squirted up them. I'll gonna stick with my first choice. Too much dampness causes schizers in my experience :D

darlin'...you got to check out the squirter or the ladle an' water arrangement...millions of asian ladies can't be wrong.

plus there is the improved hygene to be considered...asian ladies smell so sweet...I was inna lab for 3 hours in engineering school in SF with a female lab pardner who was menstruating...she was oblivious to the gagging and retching of the other students... :o

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Ringworm and similar fungal infections are common if the squirted area is not dried well.

MSM cream from the USA is excellent in preventing/treating itchiness and mild fungal growth, otherwise use Tonaf antifungal.

Thai toilet paper is the pits, isn't it? I use Scottowel kitchen towels folded into quartered-squares.

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Goggled "schizers" found no reply or ads :D

Also can someone from up country give some technics for the proper use of that floating bowl?... Or can one just cheat and bob the old arse in that nice pool of water? :o

'arse'? Be you English?

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If 'ANYONE' and I mean 'ANYONE'...has doubts about the positives of squirt over paper, take this test...and I have done it myself so I know what I am talking about from experience......over 2 sessions, go to the bog, do your biz and use the hose one time and then paper the next time.

Upon completion of the job each time, wipe your finger down the crack of your bot bot, all the way, dont be shy and then lift the finger to your nose....which one smells like shit ??

I rest my case.

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Ringworm and similar fungal infections are common if the squirted area is not dried well.

MSM cream from the USA is excellent in preventing/treating itchiness and mild fungal growth, otherwise use Tonaf antifungal.

Thai toilet paper is the pits, isn't it? I use Scottowel kitchen towels folded into quartered-squares.

isn't that a little bit too much information :o:D

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If 'ANYONE' and I mean 'ANYONE'...has doubts about the positives of squirt over paper, take this test...and I have done it myself so I know what I am talking about from experience......over 2 sessions, go to the bog, do your biz and use the hose one time and then paper the next time.

Upon completion of the job each time, wipe your finger down the crack of your bot bot, all the way, dont be shy and then lift the finger to your nose....which one smells like shit ??

I rest my case.

i'll tell you what i'll do mate,

i'll just take your word for it and keep my fingers well away from my arse ok. :o:D

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If 'ANYONE' and I mean 'ANYONE'...has doubts about the positives of squirt over paper, take this test...and I have done it myself so I know what I am talking about from experience......over 2 sessions, go to the bog, do your biz and use the hose one time and then paper the next time.

Upon completion of the job each time, wipe your finger down the crack of your bot bot, all the way, dont be shy and then lift the finger to your nose....which one smells like shit ??

I rest my case.

i'll tell you what i'll do mate,

i'll just take your word for it and keep my fingers well away from my arse ok. :o:D

See Fireman I told you fingernails are Dirty and dangerous but still you bite em... :D

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If 'ANYONE' and I mean 'ANYONE'...has doubts about the positives of squirt over paper, take this test...and I have done it myself so I know what I am talking about from experience......over 2 sessions, go to the bog, do your biz and use the hose one time and then paper the next time.

Upon completion of the job each time, wipe your finger down the crack of your bot bot, all the way, dont be shy and then lift the finger to your nose....which one smells like shit ??

I rest my case.

i'll tell you what i'll do mate,

i'll just take your word for it and keep my fingers well away from my arse ok. :o:D

Don't let Larry see this ... him of the shiny cockring ... he'll get himself in a right old excited fluster .... :D

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If 'ANYONE' and I mean 'ANYONE'...has doubts about the positives of squirt over paper, take this test...and I have done it myself so I know what I am talking about from experience......over 2 sessions, go to the bog, do your biz and use the hose one time and then paper the next time.

Upon completion of the job each time, wipe your finger down the crack of your bot bot, all the way, dont be shy and then lift the finger to your nose....which one smells like shit ??

I rest my case.

i'll tell you what i'll do mate,

i'll just take your word for it and keep my fingers well away from my arse ok. :o:D

See Fireman I told you fingernails are Dirty and dangerous but still you bite em... :D

thanks for that duck and ive just given up. :D :D

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Schizers are the red, rubbed rash that occur around the genital area also twixt the thighs if they are a tad on the plumpish side.....................

By the way Tutsi, laydeez shouldn't smell while on the rags, I don't (I hope)

in a previous life (and as an engineering student) tutsi did work study and cleaned toilets at SF State U as a janitor at the Student Union. The stench from de rags in de ladies toilets was hard to bear. Sum big boss caught me stealin' beer frum de Union bar and wanted to fire tutsi's ass. The head janitor said 'hey, lay off 'ol tuts...he cleans the ladies toilets an' don't complain...'

dat lady lab pardner knew that she stank an' was just enjoyin' the show... :o

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Schizers are the red, rubbed rash that occur around the genital area also twixt the thighs if they are a tad on the plumpish side.....................

By the way Tutsi, laydeez shouldn't smell while on the rags, I don't (I hope)

in a previous life (and as an engineering student) tutsi did work study and cleaned toilets at SF State U as a janitor at the Student Union. The stench from de rags in de ladies toilets was hard to bear. Sum big boss caught me stealin' beer frum de Union bar and wanted to fire tutsi's ass. The head janitor said 'hey, lay off 'ol tuts...he cleans the ladies toilets an' don't complain...'

dat lady lab pardner knew that she stank an' was just enjoyin' the show... :D

your a classic tutsi, :D

i got to tell you mate,

if i was gay id go for you. :D

but tutsi me old mate,

terry ain't gay, and my gate only swing one way, so you can just forget about that one. :o

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Schizers are the red, rubbed rash that occur around the genital area also twixt the thighs if they are a tad on the plumpish side.....................

By the way Tutsi, laydeez shouldn't smell while on the rags, I don't (I hope)

in a previous life (and as an engineering student) tutsi did work study and cleaned toilets at SF State U as a janitor at the Student Union. The stench from de rags in de ladies toilets was hard to bear. Sum big boss caught me stealin' beer frum de Union bar and wanted to fire tutsi's ass. The head janitor said 'hey, lay off 'ol tuts...he cleans the ladies toilets an' don't complain...'

dat lady lab pardner knew that she stank an' was just enjoyin' the show... :o

your a classic tutsi, :D

i got to tell you mate,

id go for you. :D

tutsi me old mate,

terry :D

Ain't love grand? :D

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Schizers are the red, rubbed rash that occur around the genital area also twixt the thighs if they are a tad on the plumpish side.....................

By the way Tutsi, laydeez shouldn't smell while on the rags, I don't (I hope)

in a previous life (and as an engineering student) tutsi did work study and cleaned toilets at SF State U as a janitor at the Student Union. The stench from de rags in de ladies toilets was hard to bear. Sum big boss caught me stealin' beer frum de Union bar and wanted to fire tutsi's ass. The head janitor said 'hey, lay off 'ol tuts...he cleans the ladies toilets an' don't complain...'

dat lady lab pardner knew that she stank an' was just enjoyin' the show... :o

your a classic tutsi, :D

i got to tell you mate,

id go for you. :D

tutsi me old mate,

terry :D

Ain't love grand? :D

very bloody funny mr G :bah:

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In Europe there is the bidet of course to replace the 'bum gun'!

I don't think even after four years my Thai wife has completely dispensed with the 'water-wipe'. She follows up with a baby wipe to stay dry.

Carpeted bathrooms are no place for a 'bum gun'.

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Schizers are the red, rubbed rash that occur around the genital area also twixt the thighs if they are a tad on the plumpish side.....................

By the way Tutsi, laydeez shouldn't smell while on the rags, I don't (I hope)

in a previous life (and as an engineering student) tutsi did work study and cleaned toilets at SF State U as a janitor at the Student Union. The stench from de rags in de ladies toilets was hard to bear. Sum big boss caught me stealin' beer frum de Union bar and wanted to fire tutsi's ass. The head janitor said 'hey, lay off 'ol tuts...he cleans the ladies toilets an' don't complain...'

dat lady lab pardner knew that she stank an' was just enjoyin' the show... :D

your a classic tutsi, :D

i got to tell you mate,

if i was gay id go for you. :D

but tutsi me old mate,

terry ain't gay, and my gate only swing one way, so you can just forget about that one. :o

terry, you're a pal...it's my compelling expository style that makes 'ol tuts so irressitible to young an' old an' all genders alike...

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In Europe there is the bidet of course to replace the 'bum gun'!

I don't think even after four years my Thai wife has completely dispensed with the 'water-wipe'. She follows up with a baby wipe to stay dry.

Carpeted bathrooms are no place for a 'bum gun'.

mate, when i use the bum gun not a drop goes anywhere near the floor. :o

what are you doing with it having a <deleted> shower. :D

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I noted that in Vietnam there were no bum guns but plenty ob bidets...must have sumpin' to do wid de french colonial influence. bum guns are useful for other purposes...when near a bum gun/bidet I use the facility to wash after a session widde girlfriend/wife...better than usin' the curtains as described in the 'you know you are a redneck when...' thread...

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