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Any Brexit deal will hit UK economy - government paper


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Any Brexit deal will hit UK economy - government paper


The UK economy will grow more slowly outside the European Union, no matter what deal is struck with Brussels, a leaked government document suggests.


The BuzzFeed News website reports the Whitehall analysis found growth over the next 15 years could be up to 8% lower than if the UK stayed in the EU.


The document is said to look at the likely impact of different scenarios. Government sources say the UK will not be worse off, and its preferred bespoke trade deal option was not analysed.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-42867668

-- © Copyright BBC 2018-01-30
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Yes from the same  source that said that the UK would melt down straight after the referendum result. The scaremongering tactics are boring, less believable than ever. It shows just how desperate the EU and its mouth piece Buzzfeed are at trying to keep the UK in, paying more and taking control away. They predict a forecast for 15 years. Laughable. Great to see the good old BBC sprouting this rubbish onto the people. Luckily I have faith in most people, to just treat it like the rest of the 'doomsday preppers' on brexit.


If only the government would do what the people voted for, get out of the EU and start to grow a pair. Obviously TM isn't the person. The sooner the Tories realize that the better and throw her out, along with Hammond. Until then we will still get these baseless predictions that have no credibility, like the last ones they gave.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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This is a damning indictment as I'm sure we all believe government mandarins are neutral, and have no preference for the UK to remain a member of the EU....


Of course on reading the article, there seems to be a lot of confusion.  Apparently the report says 'the UK economy will grow more slowly outside the European Union, no matter what deal is struck with Brussels' - whilst Government sources say 'its preferred bespoke trade deal option was not analysed'.  Etc. etc.


All of which only makes everyone involved look even more incompetent.  Exactly what were the govt. mandarins asked to 'guestimate'  - and by whom?


It seems v odd that govt. sources are saying that 'the preferred option was not analysed' - when surely they told the civil servants exactly what to include in their 'investigation'??

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Brexiteers just won't believe any report they don't like, however true. They just can't accept the fact that the UK economy will decline after Brexit. They wanted out. Fair enough. They must accept the consequences

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35 minutes ago, gamini said:

Brexiteers just won't believe any report they don't like, however true. They just can't accept the fact that the UK economy will decline after Brexit. They wanted out. Fair enough. They must accept the consequences

The government have accepted that the leaked report is likely accurate.  Their position is that they are trying to put together a "bespoke deal" that wasn't taken into account in the analysis.  The most damaging part of this is that the report was never meant to be made public.  The government have never been honest with the people over Brexit.

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57 minutes ago, pegman said:

Once Brexit takes place and the E.U. financial services industry leave London for the continent the impact will be much worse than this prediction.


The financial services industry isn't leaving London. It's not even moving as many jobs to it's newly-required European offices as it originally claimed it would need to.

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9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The government have accepted that the leaked report is likely accurate.  Their position is that they are trying to put together a "bespoke deal" that wasn't taken into account in the analysis.  The most damaging part of this is that the report was never meant to be made public.  The government have never been honest with the people over Brexit.


Can you post a link to your claim that the government has accepted the report as 'likely accurate'? They're saying it's a work in progress.




"Responding to an urgent question in the Commons, Mr Baker said the document was "not anywhere near being approved by ministers" and that ministers in his team had only just seen it.

He described the document as a "preliminary attempt to improve on the flawed analysis around the EU referendum" and said it did not asses the government's preferred option of a bespoke free trade deal.

It "does not yet take account of the opportunities of leaving the EU", he said, adding that civil service forecasts were "always wrong, and wrong for good reasons"."

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The whole purpose of "leaks" is to "soften up" the audience.


To "break it to them" gently.


The Gov know what the focus groups are saying.


They know the "right thing" to do.


A lot of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be evidenced in these pages.




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A pyrrhic victory for Labour's dodgy lawyer and Project Fear plant Keir Starmer in getting a partially completed brexit impact analysis paper released:




And he is getting ideas waaaay above his station:


"Commons speaker John Bercow ruled the motion is binding and said he expected ministers to hand the report to the Brexit select committee "as a matter of urgency"."


"Labour's shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer hailed it as a "victory for transparency and accountability". 

He expects ministers to publish the "EU Exit Analysis - Cross Whitehall Briefing" paper by the end of the week.

"I look forward to studying the documents in full and helping to ensure that in future Brexit policy is driven by evidence, not ideology," Sir Keir said."


They're not publishing it Keir, you clot! They're releasing it to the Exiting the European Union Select Committee, and that committee will decide what to do with it. You're not a member of that committee.


There are no lows to which remain's Project Fear will not stoop in order to stop brexit. British politics as we know it is being destroyed by them. This will not end well in any eventuality.

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On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 1:31 AM, pegman said:

Once Brexit takes place and the E.U. financial services industry leave London for the continent the impact will be much worse than this prediction.

More project fear and fake news that is constantly being peddled by the remain camp and the EU propaganda machine. This is very old news and has been quashed as incorrect.

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Every piece of news that runs counter to the Brexiteer dream will be pooh-poohed as being a relative of Project Fear. Then, when the reality arrives on their doorstep and the coin finally drops that said news was actually true and correct, politicians in charge will be blamed.....it was all going fine they will say, but then May and Hammond followed the bidding of the elite and that's why we're in the mess we're in now, this will not end well in any eventuality, they will say, if only.......!



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