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Having a thai bank account

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Dear All

Does anyone know if it will make approval of multiple tourist visas (e.g. preferably dual entry over a 2 year period) easier if I have a Thai Bank account and take bank statements when re-applying - showing money transferred in from my savings in the UK ?  

I am hoping to get B2B Tourists in a neighbouring country, e.g. Laos or Malaysia.



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Thailand does not have "multiple entry tourist visas", single double or triple entries are most common.

There is (normally) no need to show bank statement for obtaining a Tourist visa at a Thai consulate/Embassy.

Non-Immigrant "O" visas (support, retirement etc) and "B" (Business visa) can be issued with multiple entries.

Not sure I understand your questions though, a bit confusing. Are you going to work or not? Could you clarify please?

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Thanks for the replies - to clarify:

By multiple I meant two entries to L.O.S on a tourist visa, i.e. 6 months total inc. two 30 day extensions ( I would have made it a lot clearer by not using multiple  :o  )

Re.  Plans:  I would like to stay without working for about two years.  I am not keen on in/outs every 30 days (the novelty soon wears off) and do not wish to hand my passport over for a "grey Non-Immigrant B".  So, I would like to B2B tourist visas - requiring 4 double entry or 8 single entry in order to make two years.  I have read threads which state that "local" embassies and consulates are not keen on issuing tourist visas if the applicant has previously had them.

Ideally I would like to take a week's trip to Laos, Malaysia etc every 3 or 6 months to have another tourist visa "rubber stamped".  I was wondering if there were any actions I could take, e.g. Thai Bank a/c which would make things easier and more reliable.

NB:  Just to add some confusion.  I plan to complete a BSc degree  whilst here (distance learning from a UK based university) - any scope for a Student's Visa ??

Thanks Again


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Get a multiple Non-Immigrant visa with multiple entries instead(vaild for 12+3 months) at any visa friendly Thai consulate.

These consulates are visa friendly, and give multies without heavy paperwork according to earlier postings:

Hull, UK

Brisbane, AUS

Houston, USA

Going as a tourist for 2 years will make the Immigration suspicious. My 2 baht.

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