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US Vets: Plan "B" or not?

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8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

 I am not retired, no disability, just standard 10 years in during the 80s-90s). 

With no disabilities from your 10 years or service I can't see how FMP would provide any coverage for you since you have "no service connected disabilities."  Of course escaping 10 years of service without incurring even a minor non-combat or combat disability...even one that say only got a 0% rating...is a blessing in itself.  


Take a look at below VA FMP webpage/guide.  I also included a partial quote from it and I bolded the key statement as to what FMP covers "which is service connected disabilities"; not the whole array of medical conditions/diseases a person can develop, incur from accidents, etc.   Gotta be service connected.  




The Foreign Medical Program is a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care benefits program for U.S. Veterans who are residing or traveling abroad and have VA-rated, service-connected disabilities. Under FMP, VA assumes payment responsibility for certain necessary health care services associated with the treatment of those service-connected disabilities.  


10 hours ago, Pib said:



With no disabilities from your 10 years or service I can't see how FMP would provide any coverage for you since you have "no service connected disabilities."  Of course escaping 10 years of service without incurring even a minor non-combat or combat disability...even one that say only got a 0% rating...is a blessing in itself.  


Take a look at below VA FMP webpage/guide.  I also included a partial quote from it and I bolded the key statement as to what FMP covers "which is service connected disabilities"; not the whole array of medical conditions/diseases a person can develop, incur from accidents, etc.   Gotta be service connected.  




yep.  FMP won't apply to me.  I will just have to do something for a few years until Medicare: Get Thai medical, "lose" some of my passive income so I fully qualify for VA medical stateside, or whatever.  Maybe Buffet's health insurance scheme he is cooking up will be affordable unlike the ACA

13 hours ago, thaikahuna said:

Medicare is worthless outside the US & VA FMP only pays for service connection disabilities. Essentially, there is no VA outside the USA.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yes I know.  I would go stateside for anything VA related, or Medicare related.  I will probably have Thai medical for a few years as I jaunt back and forth between the LOS and the USA waiting for Medicare.  If I can ditch some of my passive income, I still may  go for the VA medical as a backup or convenience for when I am in the States.  Still a good question though if getting Medicare B/supplements is worth it if one has VA medical.  Given that the VA has been known to shut people out now and then and that the Med B charges you a fair amount more if you join late, it may be better to just get Med B and suck up the cost just in case you need it later. 

On 2/26/2018 at 11:47 PM, Pib said:

Update: I made that phone call to the FMP Office in Denver....in only a minute or two I was talking to a representative.  I was expecting a healthy wait time to talk to a rep, but instead I'm talking to a rep really fast.    A representative that was cheerful and answered my questions (I only had a couple mostly related.  to Tricare for Life interaction). 


The rep said I can even "email" my registration form versus mailing or faxing.  In fact, he highly recommended I use email over mail or fax.  I just need to complete, sign, scan, and attach the registration form to an email addressed to the email address at the top of the registration form.   If the creek don't rise I'll do that tomorrow.


Update: Well, tomorrow is now today...the creek didn't rise so a few minutes ago I completed, signed, scanned, and emailed the FMP Registration Form to the FMP Office in Denver.   Will setback now and set what happens and how long it takes to happen.    


Update to my Update: I thought I hit Submit Reply last night/27 Feb for above update to be posted to ThaiVisa but I noticed this morning it never posted...so I submitting again.  However, I already have an update to my update and that is approx 3.5 (three point five) hours after submitting my registration to FMP I got an email response from FMP which said below:



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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Yes I know.  I would go stateside for anything VA related, or Medicare related.  I will probably have Thai medical for a few years as I jaunt back and forth between the LOS and the USA waiting for Medicare.  If I can ditch some of my passive income, I still may  go for the VA medical as a backup or convenience for when I am in the States.  Still a good question though if getting Medicare B/supplements is worth it if one has VA medical.  Given that the VA has been known to shut people out now and then and that the Med B charges you a fair amount more if you join late, it may be better to just get Med B and suck up the cost just in case you need it later. 

I can't see how it would hurt to signup for VA medical benefits.  But in your particular case with no service connected disabilities and a nice income you are surely going to be in one of the lower priority groups of 5 - 8 and have significant co-pays for "non-service" connected care....and non-service connected stuff is probably the type of medical care you would need.


Now the VA will bill any "private" health insurance you may have like a full or supplemental plan for the non-service connected care given by VA..  But the VA can not bill Medicare....nor can Medicare bill the VA....not allowed by law. 


So I guess if you first got some care from the VA while also having Medicare Part B coverage then you would need to submit a claim to Medicare for the VA care (any care they billed you for) you got in the U.S. and see what additional Medicare would reimburse you.  And keep in mind we are talking care "in the U.S."; we are not talking care outside the U.S. where Medicare does not provide any coverage/provide any reimbursement. 


For various reasons the VA "encourages you to keep your private insurance for various reasons" as talked about at below VA webpage.  But if a veterans had a high disability rating where most any non-service connected ailment he had could be linked to/aggravating his service connected disabilities and he had good access to VA medical facilities in the U.S. or under the FMP overseas then I expect having VA medical care would be about all he needs.   


However, I expect most veterans do not have a disability rating, only have a few service connected disabilities, or just don't live close to a VA medical facility in the U.S. which can make getting VA care more challenging. And when living outside the U.S., like in Thailand, you would fall under the VA "FMP" program (once registered with them) for any care given outside the U.S. for service connected disabilities.  There are no VA FMP medical facilities in Thailand although we have found out from thaikuhuna a few hospitals in Thailand will work with you in using FMP.     


See below VA webpage for more info on the subject of VA, private, Medicare, etc., medical coverage.  In your case I would definitely have other insurance.  And then figure out the best way to use you medical coverage from multiple plans....when to use one over the other, when to use one before the other one, etc.   Almost like quite often needing to have bank accounts with completely different banks since one bank does not meet all your financial service needs....nor does the other bank...but by having the two accounts at the two different banks all your needs are met.  Preaching to the choir I know.


Health Care Insurance



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Big thanks again for posting on FMP.  I was basically unaware the VA even had such a program. 


When I got out of active duty I made sure I got my VA exam for disabilities consideration, signed-up for VA medicare care in the States, etc....just did all those things your military service organization recommended you do to ensure you cover all your bases for benefits earned from the VA and other such government agencies.   But while living in the States I never had a needed to try to use VA medical benefits since I had Tricare Prime coverage which basically provided 100% coverage for the wife and I.  


With your ThaiVisa member name of thaikahuna I'm guessing you spent a lot of time in Hawaii...as did I where the wife and I got our medical care at the numerous military hospitals on Oahu military bases such as Tripler Medical Center.  And at Tripler, the VA had a major VA medical center right next door which I expect you know.  Government medical care for active duty, military retirees, and veterans is abundant on Oahu.


And overseas/here in the Thailand where Tricare Prime is not available to retirees/dependents but Tricare Overseas and if paying Medicare Part B Tricare for Life are available which provides 75% reimbursement, the wife and I still have good medical coverage.  


As mentioned, I had just never heard of the VA FMP before your post.   Well, maybe I had but quickly discarded any knowledge of it figuring it really couldn't provide me any medical benefit here in Thailand, but maybe it can.  Time will tell over the coming months as I try a few test reimbursements from FMP from some old Tricare claims.  I might be able to get a little more reimbursement for some of of those claims. 


While I had said in earlier posts none of my medical care provide so far in Thailand has been related to my VA rated service connected disabilities I'll take that back for now because after re-reading my VA decision on my disabilities where the decision gives a paragraph on history on each specific disability and possible medical problems it might cause, etc, the FMP might give me some reimbursement on some of the claims.   The test claims I send in will be those I think could fall into the "aggravated/nexus" category related to my service connected disabilities.    I have nothing to lose in trying....all FMP can do is say sorry, no reimbursement, not service connected, have a nice day.  




  • 1 month later...
On 2/28/2018 at 8:57 AM, Pib said:

Update: Well, tomorrow is now today...the creek didn't rise so a few minutes ago I completed, signed, scanned, and emailed the FMP Registration Form to the FMP Office in Denver.   Will setback now and set what happens and how long it takes to happen.    


Update to my Update: I thought I hit Submit Reply last night/27 Feb for above update to be posted to ThaiVisa but I noticed this morning it never posted...so I submitting again.  However, I already have an update to my update and that is approx 3.5 (three point five) hours after submitting my registration to FMP I got an email response from FMP which said below:




Update to my above 28 Feb post:  I did get registered with FMP.   Got a thick package in the mail with various information documents with a  "FMP Benefits Authorization" letter.  


Actually I got two of these  packages...absolutely identical letters/packages except one is dated 2 Mar and one 7 Mar.   For some reason FMP  generated a duplicate letter/package dated 7 Mar.   Regardless, they got my registration completed quickly since I emailed them the registration form on 27 Feb.   Kinda surprised they processed my registration so fast. 


The FMP Benefits Authorization letter is an unimpressive 2 page form type letter generated on computer printout paper...not like paper you buy at a store for your printer.  Doesn't even have a person's signature....the signature block just says: Sincerely,  then an open space for a signature which has no signature, and a title of FMP Specialist.   The letter has a date generated, your name & address, a few phrases about your VA Adjudicated Service-Connected Conditions, and several paragraphs of general info.   


Guess I was expecting a letter with color letterhead, a signature, etc.  But hey, the letter still gets the job done as it confirms I'm now registered with FMP....and as mentioned the registration was quick.  Included with the letter were printouts of below FMP/VA info docs: 


1. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/programguides/FMP_Guide.pdf

2. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-01.pdf

3. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-02.pdf

4. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-03.pdf

5. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-04.pdf

6. https://www.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=3048


Now I will send in a few Tricare processed/paid claims less than two years old which I feel could be related to my VA rated  service-connected conditions to see if the FMP will pick up any of the costs that Tricare didn't reimburse...costs related to Tricare annual deductible/cost sharing. 











On April 5, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Pib said:


Update to my above 28 Feb post:  I did get registered with FMP.   Got a thick package in the mail with various information documents with a  "FMP Benefits Authorization" letter.  


Actually I got two of these  packages...absolutely identical letters/packages except one is dated 2 Mar and one 7 Mar.   For some reason FMP  generated a duplicate letter/package dated 7 Mar.   Regardless, they got my registration completed quickly since I emailed them the registration form on 27 Feb.   Kinda surprised they processed my registration so fast. 


The FMP Benefits Authorization letter is an unimpressive 2 page form type letter generated on computer printout paper...not like paper you buy at a store for your printer.  Doesn't even have a person's signature....the signature block just says: Sincerely,  then an open space for a signature which has no signature, and a title of FMP Specialist.   The letter has a date generated, your name & address, a few phrases about your VA Adjudicated Service-Connected Conditions, and several paragraphs of general info.   


Guess I was expecting a letter with color letterhead, a signature, etc.  But hey, the letter still gets the job done as it confirms I'm now registered with FMP....and as mentioned the registration was quick.  Included with the letter were printouts of below FMP/VA info docs: 


1. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/programguides/FMP_Guide.pdf

2. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-01.pdf

3. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-02.pdf

4. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-03.pdf

5. https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/docs/pubfiles/factsheets/FactSheet_04-04.pdf

6. https://www.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=3048


Now I will send in a few Tricare processed/paid claims less than two years old which I feel could be related to my VA rated  service-connected conditions to see if the FMP will pick up any of the costs that Tricare didn't reimburse...costs related to Tricare annual deductible/cost sharing. 











I never thought of that.  That's a damn good idea try to get the VA to pick up the cost of whatever tricare doesn't pay.  Pretty much everything I go to the doctor for is service related.  

3 hours ago, Issanjohn said:

I never thought of that.  That's a damn good idea try to get the VA to pick up the cost of whatever tricare doesn't pay.  Pretty much everything I go to the doctor for is service related.  

Sign up....just email in the FMP registration form like I did.  I just need to get off my butt and mail in a few Tricare processed/paid claims that are under 2 years old and see how it works out for me.    I will need to pick those claims which I feel could be somehow linked to my VA/FMP rated service connected conditions.   


Just for example, if I mailed in a claim for treatment of a bad case of the flu I'm don't expect any FMP reimbursement if say my only service connected connection related to broken bones.  But if I mail in a claim say for  skeleton-related issue (i.e., old, aching bones) then that might get reimbursement since its could be linked to VA/FMP rated condition of broken bones which quite often develop arthritis in your older years.  We'll see what happens.  Hopefully I'll get a claim mailed into FMP over the coming weeks.

On April 12, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Pib said:

Sign up....just email in the FMP registration form like I did.  I just need to get off my butt and mail in a few Tricare processed/paid claims that are under 2 years old and see how it works out for me.    I will need to pick those claims which I feel could be somehow linked to my VA/FMP rated service connected conditions.   


Just for example, if I mailed in a claim for treatment of a bad case of the flu I'm don't expect any FMP reimbursement if say my only service connected connection related to broken bones.  But if I mail in a claim say for  skeleton-related issue (i.e., old, aching bones) then that might get reimbursement since its could be linked to VA/FMP rated condition of broken bones which quite often develop arthritis in your older years.  We'll see what happens.  Hopefully I'll get a claim mailed into FMP over the coming weeks.

I hope they cover it for you.  I'm about to head out to Songkron with my wife and her family, in order to do that I have stoked up on enough codeine to last for 4 days because lately I've been having extremely serious back problems and some days I can't even get out of bed it hurts so bad as well as my right hip.  When I take the codeine I can either just relax comfortably or go out and do stuff if I have to.  


I think what I need to do is go in and get an MRI because I'm pretty sure that I need surgery, the pain is extraordinary whenever I wake up.  I already know that I'm probably going to need a prosthetic right hip, because they told me 5 years ago in the states that in 5 to 10 years I'm probably going to require a hip replacement if it gets any worse.  


I need to get the MRI, find out what kind of surgery I need, then talk to tricare and the VA FMP so they'll pay for it hopefully directly to the hospital instead of just reimbursement because I know it's gonna be expensive, then get the surgery (hopefully only one surgery), and then quit popping codeine pills every other day before that causes me additional problems.  


I get emails from the VA and tricare and I have received emails from them regarding their "OCONUS Connection).  I've read about it and the VA has lots of programs for veterans like us living or visiting overseas and I read one thing that says we are supposed to receive all the same benefits regardless of the fact that we are living abroad.  As soon as I get time after Songkron today I'll send you the link for the VA website regarding "veterans living overseas".  It says quote that "we remain entitled to the benefits and services that we earned through our military service".  Of course compensation and pension is one of the benefits listed, also education, and HEALTH CARE, as well as all of the rest of our veterans benefits.  I gotta go now but I'll send you the link later.  

On April 12, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Pib said:

Sign up....just email in the FMP registration form like I did.  I just need to get off my butt and mail in a few Tricare processed/paid claims that are under 2 years old and see how it works out for me.    I will need to pick those claims which I feel could be somehow linked to my VA/FMP rated service connected conditions.   


Just for example, if I mailed in a claim for treatment of a bad case of the flu I'm don't expect any FMP reimbursement if say my only service connected connection related to broken bones.  But if I mail in a claim say for  skeleton-related issue (i.e., old, aching bones) then that might get reimbursement since its could be linked to VA/FMP rated condition of broken bones which quite often develop arthritis in your older years.  We'll see what happens.  Hopefully I'll get a claim mailed into FMP over the coming weeks.

Actually here it is real quick before we head out:



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