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<deleted> talk on a Sunday from the toad! :rolleyes:

You're welcome :lol:

Have you herad about their new Brazilian Toady ??

He's only played 10 Games & he's been so good apparently, that nothing more needs to be said about him..

For the moment. No.

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Have you herad about their new Brazilian Toady ??

He's only played 10 Games & he's been so good apparently, that nothing more needs to be said about him..

For the moment. No.

That should have been a comma & not a full stop Smokes..;)

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Traveling for the last 48 hours, not skulking (but yes sulking).

Don't write us off from our last trophy yet. We are quite capable of winning it with a one game a week schedule if we can get Fabregas and Song back fit.

Cesc is out 'maybe for the next 2 games - make that the rest of the season if the Vermaelen story is replicated. 'I don't know [when Song will be fit again] but certainly not next Saturday says Wenger. Djouro is out for the rest of the season - oh no it's back to Squillaci. Vermaelen will obviously not be seen again this season (Wenger says 'I don't know - maybe 3 weeks') and Sczesny is out for 'probably six weeks', so make that the rest of the season.

Forget what I said above, write us off now lads :annoyed:

As I said a couple of weeks back it seems like we have no inspiration when Fab is not there. The others (Wilshere and Djouro excepted) seem to have run out of spark, whatever bo$$ocks Wenger is pouting. Today's gems are "we still have steel in our side" and "the crucial moments went against us" (yeah like the 98 minutes of moments :rolleyes:)

I meant to type spouting but I think pouting is more appropriate

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Yep you can be written off..

You haven't got the bottle, as usual ( last 5 Years anyway )..

& if you can get Cesc back ??

Ther'es a serious underlying problem with Unibrow, i know that mauch..

Him & Van Persie can't seem to string 3 or 4 Games together ever without getting injured..

& your best Defender just got ruled out for the rest of the Season too.

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Goodness gracious me..

If this isn't Mr Wenger admitting he's truly fcuked up, without actually saying it heaven forbid, i don't know what is..


I don't often agree with you singher ;):) but i have to admit when i saw this on bbc news i started to snigger and that was the first thought that came into my mind. Too late in the season anyway, but regardless of that, a psychologically challenged 41 year old? :huh:

Edited by carmine
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Yup - he's barking! Look out for Tony Adams signing up next, we need a strong charismatic central defender.

If there were only 3 or 4 games left in the season then I might understand it. If we had no hope of winning anything I might understand it. Oh - hang on - perhaps he's realistic, not barking :rolleyes:

On a more serious note I do wonder about his mental health. He has put his all into this team and it's now almost too late to run with the line that they are a young team finding their way (one or two still are, but the squad is now average age 24 and should be in their prime). He must be feeling that he has failed in his ambition and what can he do with the rest of his life. I bet he'll be ploughing the bars of Pattaya within 12 months :lol:.

[Next season is ours for the taking. Shit - somebody slap me on both sides of my face hard and quick please. I almost turned into a Spud]

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I don't think it's appropriate to make jokes after this tragedy. I know it's hard to feel sorry or sympathy cos they're all Foreigners, but we have to remember they lost everything in almost an instant. They've been left with nothing.... Still there's always next season for Arsenal..:D

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

Its an unwritten rule?

That's OK then. :)

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

Absolutely MiGsy, but tellign that to people with about as much decorum, tact, & morals as your average T*ttingham Fan is like asking Arsene Wenger is he saw a dodgy decision that went his way, no chance at all ..:)

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

Absolutely MiGsy, but tellign that to people with about as much decorum, tact, & morals as your average T*ttingham Fan is like asking Arsene Wenger is he saw a dodgy decision that went his way, no chance at all ..:)

I like that Singher 2 digs in 1 post 113.gif

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

Absolutely MiGsy, but tellign that to people with about as much decorum, tact, & morals as your average T*ttingham Fan is like asking Arsene Wenger is he saw a dodgy decision that went his way, no chance at all ..:)

I like that Singher 2 digs in 1 post 113.gif

Nothing personal though....not to either of ya....he's slipping up I reckon....:D

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Also read the lehmann report in a few other pages.

On another note, in my early days on the forum, before I was a mod, we had this unwritten rule that is bad form to go on the losing term's thread to rub it in :whistling:

Absolutely MiGsy, but tellign that to people with about as much decorum, tact, & morals as your average T*ttingham Fan is like asking Arsene Wenger is he saw a dodgy decision that went his way, no chance at all ..:)

I like that Singher 2 digs in 1 post 113.gif

Nothing personal though....not to either of ya....he's slipping up I reckon....:D


As Mancini would put it. He's fatigued. :D

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nice to see the lad Ramsey make his come back in an Arsenal shirt today !

He was really good by all accounts at Cardiff & they was gutted he left them, big part of their Team in the little time he was there..

I see you're losing at WBA..:rolleyes:

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nice to see the lad Ramsey make his come back in an Arsenal shirt today !

He was really good by all accounts at Cardiff & they was gutted he left them, big part of their Team in the little time he was there..

I see you're losing at WBA..:rolleyes:

now now singher, just because you took 4 points off the spuds this season doesnt mean you can come on here a start being a cockey little cockney git. wink.giflaugh.gif

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nice to see the lad Ramsey make his come back in an Arsenal shirt today !

He was really good by all accounts at Cardiff & they was gutted he left them, big part of their Team in the little time he was there..

I see you're losing at WBA..:rolleyes:

now now singher, just because you took 4 points off the spuds this season doesnt mean you can come on here a start being a cockey little cockney git. wink.giflaugh.gif

I'm not, i'm just pointing out that you're losing...

Edit : By 2 now..:rolleyes:

Edited by MSingh
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Was a poor performance in the first half. Good come back in last 30 minutes but we needed that third goal to fully redeem ourself. The Manu goal in the 88th minute didn't help

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And I see u are quick to pay us a visit on here :whistling:

Not at all, i was writing in reply to Aaron Ramsey when WBA just happened to score against you which would be evident in teh timing of the Post..:)

you'd make a piss poor lawyer Singher in defence of your remarks and actions. what about the reference to the 2nd goal? best be on your way back to the spuds thread where they take less notice to the odd slip here and there.

quite surprising really, as i always thought that the 4 by 2s were always one step ahead of the game in that department. biggrin.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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And I see u are quick to pay us a visit on here :whistling:

Not at all, i was writing in reply to Aaron Ramsey when WBA just happened to score against you which would be evident in teh timing of the Post..:)

you'd make a piss poor lawyer Singher in defence of your remarks and actions. what about the reference to the 2nd goal? best be on your way back to the spuds thread where they take less notice to the odd slip here and there.

quite surprising really, as i always thought that the 4 by 2s were always one step ahead of the game in that department. biggrin.gif

We don't employ statisticians.....creative writers are welcome. Try the scouse thread singher. ;)

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