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Police not sure evidence is strong enough to press bribery charge against Premchai


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It was believed from the beginning it wasn't his voice. But why is this grounds to drop charges? Why does no one care that the other 3 are equally guilty and one of them should be charged with bribery? The media, forestry people, and public seem to care less about saving the leopards. It's all about lynching the rich guy and ignoring the other 3 poachers. Why aren't they searching the houses of the other three? This is so strange. The repeated message from the handling of this case is if you are rich, we will throw the book at you. If you are poor, take what you want.

Yes, these hisos are such a persecuted class, and don't have a chance in the justice system...

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3 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Yes, these hisos are such a persecuted class, and don't have a chance in the justice system...


Since it went right by you without comment, it seems you are totally ok with poor people getting a free pass to kill endangered animals. I have never in my life seen the forestry department do such a good job nailing a guy to the wall as they are doing right now. But it is all too obvious it is because he is rich rather than because they want to stop poaching. They've already gone so far as to say the poor are the big poachers in Thailand which is no surprise at all, but it is absolutely ludicrous that in the same breath they excuse the behavior of the poor to pillage the forests by saying they are hungry. Poaching is wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone, not just the rich.


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Since it went right by you without comment, it seems you are totally ok with poor people getting a free pass to kill endangered animals. I have never in my life seen the forestry department do such a good job nailing a guy to the wall as they are doing right now. But it is all too obvious it is because he is rich rather than because they want to stop poaching. They've already gone so far as to say the poor are the big poachers in Thailand which is no surprise at all, but it is absolutely ludicrous that in the same breath they excuse the behavior of the poor to pillage the forests by saying they are hungry. Poaching is wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone, not just the rich.


Poor people got 15 years in jail for poaching mushrooms. You really think this guy will spend a single night in a cell?


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17 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Poor people got 15 years in jail for poaching mushrooms


They were neither accused nor convicted of picking mushrooms. I challenge you to prove otherwise. On the contrary, the "mushroom pickers" as the media coined them were charged and found guilty of illegal logging and the evidence was extremely strong including possession of large quantities of illegal timber at their house. Every court found them guilty. The mushroom picking was just a fairy tale the accused made up to try to get out of the illegal logging charges. You would be more informed if you read the whole news article and not just sensational headlines.


Edited by canopy
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They were neither accused nor convicted of picking mushrooms. I challenge you to prove otherwise. On the contrary, the "mushroom pickers" as the media coined them were charged and found guilty of illegal logging and the evidence was extremely strong including possession of large quantities of illegal timber at their house. Every court found them guilty. The mushroom picking was just a fairy tale the accused made up to try to get out of the illegal logging charges. You would be more informed if you read the whole news article and not just sensational headlines.

You missed the point. Do you think this guy will ever see the inside of a jail cell. I'll give you a hint: it's a rhetorical question.

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The point is the forests should be protected vigorously and equally no matter how poor or rich someone is. The "mushroom pickers" are an example of how difficult this is. The public was outraged to see these poor people singled out. And the media refused to write headlines about their crimes to downplay what they did. Everyone was rooting for the "mushroom pickers" and looking to find ways to excuse them and shame the "evil" forestry people for pressing charges. But now for the rich guy, the sentiment is the complete opposite. Everyone wants him nailed to the wall. The poor should be held to these same standards and scrutiny.


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