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I just wondered how they manage to keep the food so clean in this tropical environment, I eat everything from the foodstalls, never regretted it. Only certain foods made from innerts or (to my pallate) exessive chilie I stay away from.

I even have varieties of 'laab dip'-raw ground meat- frequently.

Compare this to some of the neighbouring countries, where I wouldn't touch a tin of Heinz cream of mushroom soup after examining the can opener.

Any anecdotes or health warnings out there?


I got the beer shits last year!!!!

I thought it was the food, so i stayed off the Thai food for 3 weeks and missed out on all the things i wanted to try. Did not want to spend the rest of my time in bed with the squits. I stuck to eating european food. Mcdonalds, pizza, french fries.

But the squits remained. only on the last two days when i gave the beer a miss did it stop.

Damm that Chang!!


I even have varieties of 'laab dip'-raw ground meat- frequently

If I were you I would give this delicacy made from uncooked pigs blood a miss.

If you are into looking after internal parasites this is for you,especially a nasty hanger on you certainly don't want is trichinosis.

Sorry to spoil your supper but I eat Thai food providing it's cooked properly just check the Thai's dosing themselves with worm medicine.

Do a search on Google to see the delights of Trichinosis bet you won't eat raw pigs blood again.


In my country it is the same problem, have to cook very long and you wont get ill. I cook the oversea food very good, I can do for you also when I come to Thailand in July. Do you live near the ocean?

In my country it is the same problem, have to cook very long and you wont get ill. I cook the oversea food very good, I can do for you also when I come to Thailand in July. Do you live near the ocean?

You can cook for me Honey , my name is Erco I live in HuaHin.. :o


I donna have a friend in Thailand, I want to meet a friend only, nothing more, if you dont like. Please send me a message with your paticular.

But dont joke with me, Honey. I wish my daughter is not aproblem with you.

I'll stick to the beef varieties of laab,

Great absolutely mouthwatering, but watchout for hookworms,pinworms,whipworms and last but not least our old mate the tape worm.

Say hello to the longest internal parasite not only that they come in different colours for the fashion conscious among us.

As I come from the U.K. where the motto is if it's brown it's not done if it's black it's cooked but touch wood I have never had worms.

Unlike the young chap comes home from work one evening and his wife said darling I'm eating for two now.

Darling he said thats great your pregnant.

Nope ,she says I have a tapeworm.


I stay strictly w/Thai Food even in the states. The crap Americans put in their stomachs is not to be believed! No wonder there's so many anti-acid commercials on TV especially during meal times. :o

The crap Americans put in their stomachs is not to be believed!

Yes it is judging by the size of them.

Another apetizer for you is this, ever wonder where those little blue tankers go to after they have sucked out the contents of the septic tank?

There have been cases of people contracting hepatitis through the use of untreated sewage as fertiliser so make sure you wash the delicious Thai food thoroughly won't you.

Remember don't eat the food, drink the water or breathe the air and you should be O.K.


Boon, that's right I have now been married with a Thai for 11 years and have only been eating Thai food, it sure beats the fat, heavy Danish food I used to eat.

Thai food is the best, the more chilli the better, I'll eat just about anything as long as it's not alive.

Have you tried Kung Ten?-delicious!

And what about Nam Pik, P'laa (the of rotting shiit stinking stuff, not the sauce),

any parasites hiding in there, waiting to chew one's guts?

Have you tried Kung Ten?-delicious

If you decide to wash it down with a bottle of beer I would seriously consider pouring into a glass before drinking.

I notice there is a fashion now for drinking straight from the bottle there is also a fashion for rats to urinate on bottles, as a rodent they can't control their bowel or bladder movements so they are not proud as to where they do it.

Unfortunately for the drinker rats carry a disease in their urine called Weils disease or Leptospirosis this nasty bacterial disease can in extreme cases finish you off.

People who work in tunnels sewers etc. are vaccinated against this but party animals usually are not so think about drinking from a glass next time.

Bon apetit


My gf drools at the mouth everytime the bug van pulls up.

She eats 2 plagues of locusts whenever she gets the chance. I have tried these , they're ok I suppose.

I tried a scorpion once,never again.

The giant maggots and the cockroach looking muvvers are way out of my league,I cringe at the sight of them.

Mind you this timelast year I couldn't eat a hopper so who knows.... :D

Come on then, someone tell me I'm looking at Rabies with a side order of Scabies :D:o

I notice there is a fashion now for drinking straight from the bottle there is also a fashion for rats to urinate on bottles, as a rodent they can't control their bowel or bladder movements so they are not proud as to where they do it.

I haven't found any rats in my freezer, yet. But thanks for the warning!

Beetle larvae are quite tasty after a few Chang, when you stop thinking about what it is you are eating....

I notice there is a fashion now for drinking straight from the bottle there is also a fashion for rats to urinate on bottles, as a rodent they can't control their bowel or bladder movements so they are not proud as to where they do it.

I haven't found any rats in my freezer, yet. But thanks for the warning!

Beetle larvae are quite tasty after a few Chang, when you stop thinking about what it is you are eating....

It's not your chiller that's the problem - it's the wholesale warehouse.

This is getting to be a serious problem in many places, as the 'fashion' for drinking straight from the bottle grows among the young and thoughtless. I believe this started in the US, but I see it in UK, Germany and Thailand very frquently.

Also, as in the best restaurants, when pouring - the neck of the bottle should not touch the glass.

It just goes to show what they really think of us in Nana/Soi Cowboy,

In my opinion if you knock back your pop in those places bacterial and viral infections of the liver and gut and internal parasites would be the last of the medical conditions you should be worrying about.

Have you tried Kung Ten?-delicious!

Kung-Ten? Isn't that the one where you have to recapture the mini grasshopper-like things as they leap from your plate?

Any anecdotes or health warnings out there?

I remember reading an article in the Bangkok post about one year back on the issue of eating food from Bangkok vendors. The scientific survey tested the amount of bacterial dirt, microbes, disease's what not we are familiar with such as the deadly strain types we try to avoid in Europe!

In the conclusion, of the one hundred or so stalls tested only three were found to be within safe limits of having food that didn't have harmful microbes or other on the food. What's more the limit was breached three fold so you can imagine that the undeucated vendors working their much needed stalls need to be educated, correct?

Now I know this may or may not come as a big surprise to some, but when someone turn's ill in the kingdom you rarely get to here of the outcome as ignorance knows no bounds as there will be no follow up or plan to improve the situation!

Some poor unfortunates end up in a bad state and or in the worst case scenario dead. No under statement, dead! Talking with the fine gym owner of International Gym on Third road, he told me a lady died within weeks of eating or drinking something that wasn't clean, can't say where she ate or drank for the record.

Please be careful what you drink and never except chicken undercooked, never!

Thaimee. :o


At the risk of labouring the point, all one has to do is be sensible just because Thai's eat it it, doesn't mean to say you can,well you can if you are O.K. next day is another matter.

Theres a debate going on at the moment in scientific circles as to wheather or not being too clean is really good for you.

The amount of alergies asthma is increasing out of hand in the west one of the reasons put forward (and by the way I agree with this) is that people are too clean these days.

Adverts are always telling us this or that product will kill germs and bacteria, so will phenol this will also kill you.

Compared to say 40 years ago people today are relatively disease free but also the way people work has changed from factories to offices, air conditioned and very very clean.

So when they have their two weeks holiday in an envirioment where there might just be the odd bug or two,it's bug heaven because they do not have the resistance to the odd bit of bacteria that the locals have.

Enjoy your meal.

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