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Im off to Penang this week to apply for a tourist visa. I appreciate this is a fairly easy task with the visa pretty much guaranteed - however, I have been a rather silly boy and have overstayed by four months. My understanding is that providing i make it to the airport all i have to do is pay the 20,000 fine and i should not expect any problems providing i am appologetic and polite. However, when i arive in Penang and apply for my tourist visa, is there a fair chance they will decline me owing to the fact that i have just overstayed for a long time?

My other option is to fly back to the Uk where im sure there will be no problems in aquiring a visa - maybe even a 12 month visa. However this is massivley costly and i would rather fly to Penang. If they turn me down though, i will then have to fly to Kl and on to Uk which will be even more costly.

As far as I am aware, the law states that providing you pay the maximum fine at the airport, you are welcome to return. With this in mind, theoreticly i should be safe for a tourist visa in Penang. There is allways the chance though that they will consider me as undesirable and decline my visa.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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My guess, and guess it is, is that Penang would not look kindly on a four month overstay and very likely would not issue a visa under current conditions. I do not believe there is any "law" that all is forgiven with fine payment - the fact they notate your passport should rule that idea out.


Thank you Lopburi. These are my concerns. Another alternative would be to apply for a new passport at the British consulate in Penang which should take 7-10 days, and then apply for a tourist visa at the Thai consulate?

I did telephone one of the Uk consulates and explained my situation. They assured me that the overstay would make no difference with them, and they would probably even give me a 12 month visa. So, I could always fly back to the Uk. I was rather hoping that i would not have to though.


My friend just made that trip to Laos under the same contitions. He got a lecture and was told leaving the country that they might not let him back in. But they did and he had no problems.

Good luck


Thanks Mlady. May i also thank posters out there not jumping on my back with the usual lectures for overstayers.... we all have problems, mine just happen to be the overstay.

Mlady - with this in mind, do you think flying to Lao may be an option? Have you an idea to which consulate your friend went to?

Any further alternatives would be welcomed by suggestion - i just want to get this cleared up. As far as i can muster, my only two options are;

Flying home, applying for year visa (safe)

Flying local country, applying 90 day visa (50/50)

Thats about it, correct?



I'd fly back to UK if I were you, in the long run it would probably work out cheaper. Lets say you get a tourist visa from Penang or Laos, in 2 months you will be sweating again when you go to immigration for the 30 day extension, in fact you will be sweating everytime you need a visa or extension.

Work out the costs, even if it costs a bit more it will be worth it, a clear conscience is priceless!


Lordsuk - thanks for the input. Lets say that i am sucsessful and do indeed get a 60 day visa and re-entry. Surely from that point on, all previous sins are forgiven? If i went to extend my 60 dayer, they wouldnt knock me back for an overstay way previous to my new visa surely? That would kinda undermine the embassy that gave me the visa?


The Embassy and Consulate are not the people allowing you to enter and remain in Thailand. They issue an invitation that allows you to be transported to the entry gate - if you pass that gate or not is the job of the Immigration Police and they are fully able to say go away regardless of any visa you may have. In general Thailand is very understanding of things that many other countries would have serious problems with - but I would not advise taking anything for granted - especially in todays world.

The Embassy and Consulate are not the people allowing you to enter and remain in Thailand. They issue an invitation that allows you to be transported to the entry gate - if you pass that gate or not is the job of the Immigration Police and they are fully able to say go away regardless of any visa you may have. In general Thailand is very understanding of things that many other countries would have serious problems with - but I would not advise taking anything for granted - especially in todays world.

well said,

needs to be said every now and then too ................................. :o


People on this board tend to be very conservative when it comes to overstays. In my opinion, the overstay is not as big an issue as it's made out to be. If caught within the country, of course it is very bad and you will be arrested, deported and possibly blacklisted. But in nearly three years of living in Thailand, I have NEVER been asked to show my passport aside from checking into hotels and cashing checks at the bank. No police officer or immigration officer or anyone else has ever randomly stopped me and asked to see my passport. Frankly, if you're obviously from a Western country and don't look like Kao San Road crap, I don't think they care.

I've overstayed multiple times, though never more than 10 days. I have about five or six notations in my passport from each of those overstays, but the notation would be the same for a two day overstay as for a two year overstay. As long as you pay your fine, no one will bat an eye. I've never been scolded or lectured or even had two words said to me by any immigration official.

Anyone who has been in Thailand long enough knows that Thais love money. If you have money, you're more than welcome to stay here and do pretty much whatever you want.

I would guess that you'll get the visa in Penang without any problems. If overstaying were really such a serious offense, it wouldn't be so easy to pay your way out of it and at such a relatively low cost.



Remember that the over stay stamp and what the immigration official writes in your passport is there and every time you extend or go for a new visa this WILL be read…If viable for you better to Go back to the UK get a new passport and New 1 year visa…will save a lot of possible future headaches as no one knows what Thai immigration have coming down the line



Seems to me you will sleep better by going home for the visa.

Why take a chance?

If you can fly home without being too financially inconvenienced....do it.

Good luck.


"the thing i don't understand is why do you overstay in the first place?"

And low and behold, the question is posed. I wondered when it would come.

I have noticed with Thai Visa that some guys suffer with overstay tourets syndrome. Anyone who posts an overstay problem usualy gets inundated with replies along the som nam naa nature. Not that your question was, Rainman.

Anyway - fair question i suppose. Had many, many problems late last year, thats all i will say. Short stroy is; split with GF and moved out but forget to take small wallet with passport, driving license etc etc, GF then moved out and took stuff with her, took 3 months to locate her and get back. Everything back on track now but i do have this last problem to eradicate.

Some guys overstay


This is what I would recommend. Fly to Penang or KL, lose your passport and apply for a new one....then apply for your tourist visa.

If for some unforseen reason they refused your tourist visa which I think is highly unlikely, then fly back to the UK. Just take enough luggage in case you'll be away longer than anticipated.

The quicker way would be to pack for the UK and apply in Penang for your tourist visa. If you don't get it, or you're refused re-entry into Thailand, then fly back to England.

In your case I would not recommend you fly back to the UK unless you'd tried first in Penang.

Don't fly to Laos. If you're going to be stuck for awhile somewhere, you're far better off being stuck in Malaysia.

Thank you Lopburi. These are my concerns. Another alternative would be to apply for a new passport at the British consulate in Penang which should take 7-10 days, and then apply for a tourist visa at the Thai consulate?

I did telephone one of the Uk consulates and explained my situation. They assured me that the overstay would make no difference with them, and they would probably even give me a 12 month visa. So, I could always fly back to the Uk. I was rather hoping that i would not have to though.

My understanding is that the UK consul in Penang cannot issue passports.

All applications must be sent direct to the embassy in KL.


Would the Embassy be able to issue a passport to somebody who does not live in the area?

Emergencies, e.g. lost passport is a different story.

"the thing i don't understand is why do you overstay in the first place?"

And low and behold, the question is posed. I wondered when it would come.

I have noticed with Thai Visa that some guys suffer with overstay tourets syndrome. Anyone who posts an overstay problem usualy gets inundated with replies along the som nam naa nature. Not that your question was, Rainman.

Anyway - fair question i suppose. Had many, many problems late last year, thats all i will say. Short stroy is; split with GF and moved out but forget to take small wallet with passport, driving license etc etc, GF then moved out and took stuff with her, took 3 months to locate her and get back. Everything back on track now but i do have this last problem to eradicate.

Some guys overstay

i guess if they have the courage to overstay and risk getting arrested and jailed, they can also have the courage to walk into an embassy and apply for a visa?

i've been in thailand for 3 years, on 30 day stamps, tourist visas and now a marriage visa. i've lost my passport, renewed my passport, transferred visa stamps, been sick and even had surgery while my visa had to be extended. i never ever missed renewing my visa. not even by a day.

if you want to keep your visa legal, anyone can do it. even if you stay in a hospital half dead, you can use the hospital service to extend your visa. if you're just too lazy or don't give a ###### about when your visa expires, that's another thing though.

the excuse of your girlfriend moving out with your stuff, passport or visa is crap. if that happens, you go to immigration and tell them what happened and you go to your embassy and apply for a new passport.

sorry, i'm just sick of reading about people yelling for help because they overstayed.

Would the Embassy be able to issue a passport to somebody who does not live in the area?

Emergencies, e.g. lost passport is a different story.

I don't think it matters, for the British Embassy.

As long as you have a valid UK passport, which is full or close to expiry

or even just a request for replacement they will issue a new one.

I have never been asked to prove my status.

The disadvantage of postal application is finding someone who is suitably qualified

to sign the form and photograph vouching for you.

With a personal application that is not required, as the embassy staff member does the check

visually when you hand in the form.


Tks Astral. Seems the German rules are stricter. I can only get a passport at the place where my registered domicile is. OK, since I am registered in Bangkok, the embassy will do and it takes about 6 weeks.

Even once had problems with an office in Germany, who refused to extent validity (at that time it was possible) They declared themselves only to be in charge after I lived there for 6 months and suggested to go to Tokyo, my previous registered domicile. A well, officials.

Emergencies are different but neither easy. Had before 1997 a client who's passport (incl. attache-case) was stolen in Taipei where basically nobody has an embassy. The 'Cultural Institute' had to report everything through Hong Kong, who in turn checked with the poor fellows birthplace and the replacement passport was availablew after 5 (five) days, but in Hong Kong, not Taipei.


I "lost" my passport in Bkk. I got new one after 2 days (temporary passport - valid 1 year). After I got 2 TR visas in that passport and received new passport, regular one. Now I just have 5 minutes waiting time in airport (usually officer tries to figure out why I changed my passport), but not problems at all. I am from Poland.


:o Oh my,now when I read this stuff I am going back in my memories....About seven years ago(time flies)

I got robbed on gili island ,near bali.Lost everyting I had,only my clothes were left,and nobody was helpful to me.Even when I got to bali eventually,the bank which i wanted a moneytransfer from,didn't wanted to give it to me ,because I did not have a passport......Long story,eventually i was ready to fly out and the Indonesian imm came to me,and really asked the heck out of me,why do'nt you have a stamp in your passp etc.

they are a lot of tiring experiences indeed.But what you can do??

or don't give a ###### about when your visa expires,

the excuse of your girlfriend moving out with your stuff, passport or visa is crap.

sorry, i'm just sick of reading about people yelling for help because they overstayed.

No kidding. You definitely get worked up over these questions.

The OP asked a question in a very calm manner. He didn't seem overly stressed about it. You don't work for the Thailand Immigration Department do you? :o

Emergencies are different but neither easy. Had before 1997 a client who's passport (incl. attache-case) was stolen in Taipei where basically nobody has an embassy. The 'Cultural Institute' had to report everything through Hong Kong, who in turn checked with the poor fellows birthplace and the replacement passport was availablew after 5 (five) days, but in Hong Kong, not Taipei.

It is always a good idea to have a photocopy of your passport,

just in case it is stolen, as it can speed up the replacement procedure at the embassy.

I have mine scanned and stored on my computer, along with the family passports.

Emergencies are different but neither easy. Had before 1997 a client who's passport (incl. attache-case) was stolen in Taipei where basically nobody has an embassy. The 'Cultural Institute' had to report everything through Hong Kong, who in turn checked with the poor fellows birthplace and the replacement passport was availablew after 5 (five) days, but in Hong Kong, not Taipei.

It is always a good idea to have a photocopy of your passport,

just in case it is stolen, as it can speed up the replacement procedure at the embassy.

I have mine scanned and stored on my computer, along with the family passports.

When traveling for extended periods, I make copies of all my important documents...passport,credit and ATM cards, a detailed itinerary, and contact information for myself, my bank, embassy, etc.

I label this "My get out of jail/trouble package" .

I keep a copy with me (appropriately safeguarded) and leave a copy with a family member.

Peace of mind is a nice thing to have when on unfamiliar ground. :o

No kidding. You definitely get worked up over these questions.

The OP asked a question in a very calm manner. He didn't seem overly stressed about it. You don't work for the Thailand Immigration Department do you? :o

i'm entitled to at least my opinion, right? i'm just sick of people overstaying. worse, not thinking about what will happen if they overstay. so i come to the conclusion that either they don't care or they don't think.

"the thing i don't understand is why do you overstay in the first place?"

And low and behold, the question is posed. I wondered when it would come.

I have noticed with Thai Visa that some guys suffer with overstay tourets syndrome. Anyone who posts an overstay problem usualy gets inundated with replies along the som nam naa nature. Not that your question was, Rainman.

Anyway - fair question i suppose. Had many, many problems late last year, thats all i will say. Short stroy is; split with GF and moved out but forget to take small wallet with passport, driving license etc etc, GF then moved out and took stuff with her, took 3 months to locate her and get back. Everything back on track now but i do have this last problem to eradicate.

Some guys overstay

i guess if they have the courage to overstay and risk getting arrested and jailed, they can also have the courage to walk into an embassy and apply for a visa?

i've been in thailand for 3 years, on 30 day stamps, tourist visas and now a marriage visa. i've lost my passport, renewed my passport, transferred visa stamps, been sick and even had surgery while my visa had to be extended. i never ever missed renewing my visa. not even by a day.

if you want to keep your visa legal, anyone can do it. even if you stay in a hospital half dead, you can use the hospital service to extend your visa. if you're just too lazy or don't give a ###### about when your visa expires, that's another thing though.

the excuse of your girlfriend moving out with your stuff, passport or visa is crap. if that happens, you go to immigration and tell them what happened and you go to your embassy and apply for a new passport.

sorry, i'm just sick of reading about people yelling for help because they overstayed.

So what happens if you are in hospital where they do not have a visa service,(THINK UP NORTH) or you lose you passport A DAY BEFORE YOU DO YOUR VISA RUN.

All is not cut and dried like you have made out. :o

"the thing i don't understand is why do you overstay in the first place?"

And low and behold, the question is posed. I wondered when it would come.

I have noticed with Thai Visa that some guys suffer with overstay tourets syndrome. Anyone who posts an overstay problem usualy gets inundated with replies along the som nam naa nature. Not that your question was, Rainman.

Anyway - fair question i suppose. Had many, many problems late last year, thats all i will say. Short stroy is; split with GF and moved out but forget to take small wallet with passport, driving license etc etc, GF then moved out and took stuff with her, took 3 months to locate her and get back. Everything back on track now but i do have this last problem to eradicate.

Some guys overstay

i guess if they have the courage to overstay and risk getting arrested and jailed, they can also have the courage to walk into an embassy and apply for a visa?

i've been in thailand for 3 years, on 30 day stamps, tourist visas and now a marriage visa. i've lost my passport, renewed my passport, transferred visa stamps, been sick and even had surgery while my visa had to be extended. i never ever missed renewing my visa. not even by a day.

if you want to keep your visa legal, anyone can do it. even if you stay in a hospital half dead, you can use the hospital service to extend your visa. if you're just too lazy or don't give a ###### about when your visa expires, that's another thing though.

the excuse of your girlfriend moving out with your stuff, passport or visa is crap. if that happens, you go to immigration and tell them what happened and you go to your embassy and apply for a new passport.

sorry, i'm just sick of reading about people yelling for help because they overstayed.

So what happens if you are in hospital where they do not have a visa service,(THINK UP NORTH) or you lose you passport A DAY BEFORE YOU DO YOUR VISA RUN.

All is not cut and dried like you have made out. :D

I thought that you might reply to this rainman? :o

I thought that you might reply to this rainman?

And you have set 1 hour and 30 minutes as the alloted time to reply to your posts?

or don't give a ###### about when your visa expires,

the excuse of your girlfriend moving out with your stuff, passport or visa is crap.

sorry, i'm just sick of reading about people yelling for help because they overstayed.

No kidding. You definitely get worked up over these questions.

The OP asked a question in a very calm manner. He didn't seem overly stressed about it. You don't work for the Thailand Immigration Department do you? :o

I agree. This type of reply just pads out the thread and serves no purpose. I have never over stayed but I am still interested in the replies. If you are sick of reading this type of thread then just do not read them, simple.

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