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Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim by May: South Korean official


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7 minutes ago, Different said:


I'm starting to like Trump for couple of reasons.

1- He never was a politician (Phoney) there for he makes mistakes  where as an ex-politician would never mistakes but rather twist his lies to be understood as a genuine words.

2- He tweets himself not like others who have staff to tweet usual crap.

3-It is to early to make final judgement on newly president while he reaches hands with lunatics like Kim Jong.

 No he was not a "Phoney" politician,

he was a "Phoney" human being who became an inept politician. 

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13 hours ago, stevenl said:

" I remember after he aced the election that we(we being believers in the democratic process) joked that Trump could send the Dow sky high, end strife in the ME and bring peace to the Korean peninsula"


Please show any posts around election time about you or your breathren talking about North Korea. I think there won't be any since it was not a major issue until DT made it one.


I think it became an issue when NK started lobbing ballistic missles over the Japanese landmass.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I'm not sure at what point Democrats became war mongers. Probably when they became the hand maidens of the Wall Street crowd. For most of us a reduction in military adventurism is a big big deal. Much bigger than what the economy is doing IMO. I am so sick of people who have never done us any harm dying in my name, not to mention all of the American kids who fight and die for reasons they know not.


Weren't the Dems in a not-too-dissimilar vein to our UK Labour party up until twenty years ago? The idealist party of natural opposition, who got into power when the 'party of government' screwed up sufficiently? It seems to me that the Dems have successfully  sold their soul to the Devil (corporate globalists) in order to make themselves the natural party of government. My own view is that the liberal left throughout the world has been bought pretty much lock, stock and barrel by the corporate globalists, who see them as much more a 'user friendly' way of pushing through their (non-user friendly) agenda than the Traditional Right..

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57 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


He might be a lot of things, but why is he an inept politician? The economy is doing fine, and the USA is in less international war scenarios than in recent years. Ignoring all the sideshows, these are the bottom line, and, so far, he's doing ok on them.

Is that because of him or is it in spite of him? and if the later is true then how much better would we be doing if it wasn't for him?

As fat as his political ineptness is concern one has to only look a t the approach of all his major  legislative initiatives. (health insurance, Tax reform, Immigration reform, Trade)

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:


Is that because of him or is it in spite of him? and if the later is true then how much better would we be doing if it wasn't for him?

As fat as his political ineptness is concern one has to only look a t the approach of all his major  legislative initiatives. (health insurance, Tax reform, Immigration reform, Trade)


The point I was making is that he isn't so inept that everything is going to hell in a handbasket. 'In spite of or because of' is a meaningless and inane argument at this point, no different than the claims that it's the delayed result of eight years of Obama's presidency. As to your second sentence, you're falling into the classic Trump-hater trap, and nobody knows how those things will pan out at this stage.

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2 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


The point I was making is that he isn't so inept that everything is going to hell in a handbasket. 'In spite of or because of' is a meaningless and inane argument at this point, no different than the claims that it's the delayed result of eight years of Obama's presidency. As to your second sentence, you're falling into the classic Trump-hater trap, and nobody knows how those things will pan out at this stage.

 Do the results have to be so disastrous that things have to "go to hell in a hand basket" for someone to be inept? Is a doctor inept if he does not heal you?  or is he inept only if he kills you? 

 Anyone who knows anything about economics knows that it takes time for policies to reverberate through an economy , but even if we were to accept that Trump's policies are having an immediate effect. What policies has trump implemented that   have created this  "fine"  economy?

      I will tell you how his policies have negatively affected me. I was set to retire this year, lose my work provided health insurance, but purchase health insurance on my own for the next 5 years until medicare. Given the current healthcare environment  I don't know if my pre existing condition will be covered, for how long, and at what cost.So I am back in the US, working to accumulate enough credits and maintain my trade Union provided health care. (I need 900 hrs per year)   

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40 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 Do the results have to be so disastrous that things have to "go to hell in a hand basket" for someone to be inept? Is a doctor inept if he does not heal you?  or is he inept only if he kills you? 

 Anyone who knows anything about economics knows that it takes time for policies to reverberate through an economy , but even if we were to accept that Trump's policies are having an immediate effect. What policies has trump implemented that   have created this  "fine"  economy?

      I will tell you how his policies have negatively affected me. I was set to retire this year, lose my work provided health insurance, but purchase health insurance on my own for the next 5 years until medicare. Given the current healthcare environment  I don't know if my pre existing condition will be covered, for how long, and at what cost.So I am back in the US, working to accumulate enough credits and maintain my trade Union provided health care. (I need 900 hrs per year)   


Sorry, but policies which show no benefits for eight years suddenly start showing benefits within a year of a new president with different policies taking office??? Trump has initiated tax reform which has given a kick up the ar$e to the US economy. Rates of tax do affect corporate decisions, don't you agree?


Sorry for your personal circumstances, but Trump has merely righted a wrong, which will affect you personally. We have a similar wrong in the UK: Local government spends more than fifty percent of it's annual budget on personal pension schemes for it's employees. This is legalised robbery of the greater population's tax payments in order to reward state employees with free money (state salaries are above the commercial rate, anyway). This disgusting legalised fraud will end eventually, but it's recipients will kick and scream over every penny that they lose when it does, just as you are complaining about your loss of free money through your healthcare insurance.

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On 2018-03-09 at 7:36 AM, janclaes47 said:

How the Trump haters gonna play this card?

White House: Never Mind the North Korea Meeting, Trump Was Just Babbling


Donald Trump snared headlines across the world by announcing yesterday he would meet with North Korea, breaking with years of American policy that held such a meeting could only happen if North Korea made concessions on its nuclear program first. It turns out Trump’s foreign policy masterstroke did not come as the result of a Metternichtian calculation but instead a completely spontaneous outburst.



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