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Why Should'nt The Mature Farang

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whether its a BG or a straight gal hes having a good time and she is also having a good time, bills get paid , his knob gets sucked regularly , and everyone is happy .

30 years ago such a mature farang would have been stuck with some whiny menopausal old trout who had gone off sex and his life would have been a misery .

So the young gal keeps him happy and smiling and he spends his money accrued over his working life on his young gal if he so wishes . Rather than going thru the motions with an old trout of a wife ..

Back home he would be called a " DIRTY OLD MAN " if seen with his young gal .

But thais in the soi dont call him a dirty old man , maybe he is seen a just a sugar daddy ?

maybe they smile and take the p1ss but does he care ???

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Yeah, why not. It's nobody else's business anyway. If the guy worked hard all his life and wants to enjoy it now, so be it.

Maybe we should get a second opinion from erco-polo-ducktape-chaamman first though and see what they think. :o:D:D

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I have never liked to be with [but do like to look] young things that are to much my junior, altho the older I get seems like the age difference is getting greater, my wife is Thai and 45 years old and I am 70,so there is a great span there,but she is not a teeny bopper either. I have never cared for girls in their teens. even as a young man..When in Korea as a young man,there were a lot of girls to young for my liking,When in Nam the same was true and I find it the same here.

But if a guy is attracted to young women and it is legal, Then it should be his own business what he does,ain't no need to settle for RAISINS when you can have GRAPES.

So what ever floats your boat. It's your money and it is no ones business what you spend it on or how much you spend. :o

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having a good time, bills get paid , his knob gets sucked regularly , and everyone is happy .

Back home he would be called a " DIRTY OLD MAN .

with an attitude like that you would be called a dirty old man anywhere in the world.

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whether its a BG or a straight gal hes having a good time and she is also having a good time, bills get paid , his knob gets sucked regularly

Back home he would be called a " DIRTY OLD MAN " if seen with his young gal .

I'll 2nd that and apart from that, ' a mature man and a 30 year younger Thai girl are as compatible as fire and water.

mai dai, it's money that makes girls put up with eric1000 types.

don't say you're suprised to hear that...


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I think Eric's just being downright honest, and real pragmatic, but then I'm single and pushing 45 fast. When you have a look around the world from my shoes it's a rather drab future in western terms. All the women which would be deemed 'acceptable' for me be western society just make me shudder.

So, that being the case, and with opposition to Eric evident, please enlighten us older, single fellas. What is the acceptible age spread for single gents in Thailand? Would it be a sliding scale? Perhaps a fixed figure, within say 10 years, 15 years, etc. Or what?

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i see nothing wrong in the pairing between older men and somewhat younger women. there is obviously something in it for both of them.and if mutual happiness is part of the equation then good for both of them.

but when eric gives as his only reason for having a young woman

his knob gets sucked regularly

then i think it shows an attitude that warrants the appellation

dirty old man, or in erics case, an extremely dirty old man.

i.e. someone who is purely driven by baser instincts and with little respect for the partner. the young girl in question would i'm sure move on to become intimate with younger organs if she thought that she was being referred to in such terms.

so eric..... start talking like the mature man you are and not like some 12 year old schoolboy who has just seen a schoolgirl for the first time. :o

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dirty old man, or in erics case, an extremely dirty old man.

Wise words...

The age spread depends on the situation, 'mature' guys should be clever enough to realize that a young girl will find a young man more attractive than a beer bellied dirty old man.

However, money may change the picture but don't think it's true, perfect love...

ha ha, the idea only...


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whether its a BG or a straight gal hes having a good time and she is also having a good time, bills get paid , his knob gets sucked regularly , and everyone is happy .

30 years ago such a mature farang would have been stuck with some whiny menopausal old trout who had gone off sex and his life would have been a misery .

So the young gal keeps him happy and smiling and he spends his money accrued over his working life on his young gal if he so wishes . Rather than going thru the motions with an old trout of a wife ..

Back home he would be called a " DIRTY OLD MAN " if seen with his young gal .

But thais in the soi dont call him a dirty old man , maybe he is seen a just a sugar daddy ?

maybe they smile and take the p1ss but does he care ???

Alot of theseguys that critise you willbe old theirselfs one day soonand will like ayounger woman maybe not a 18-24 year old but one that will give them a good time sure they have to pay but thats the way it is. allthemguys with the old trouts will more than not agree with you BUT watch out for POLO he will wish a.i.d.s on you


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I know 2 Thai women who are in their early 40 who married older(75 to 86) year old men.They did this with the understanding that they will take care of the guy until he dies. In return they get their green card plus what ever money is left when the old buggers kick the bucket. They have a mutual understanding so it not like these guys are getting ripped off. The one guy told me he would rather give his life saving to someone who treated him with care and affection than to his kids that see him once every couple of years or when the need something.

I don't blame them for wanting to live their final years of life around pattaya with beautiful Thai women. It may look rediculous but at their age who gives a sh1t.

More power to them and to the women who take care of them while making a better life for themselves.

I hope to be that funny looking couple in 40 years

Drive on old timers! :o

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Age has nothing to do with it.

It's the height.

Tall, old dudes with young short girls.

That gets the attention!

Same height, wildly different age,

doesn't bother people in the least.

In fact it looks cool.

But when the guy is as fat as the girl is tall,

and twice as tall as the girl is, well, tall,

that's what should be a 'closet' relationship.

Get in the closet, and stay there! :o

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Bad News says:

Age has nothing to do with it.

It's the height.

Tall, old dudes with young short girls.

That gets the attention!

Same height, wildly different age,

doesn't bother people in the least.

True ... there was a guy in Pucket a few months ago with a Falang girl who was about 5 ft 9in tall .... nothing too wrong there but he was at least 7 ft 6 in. I am 6 ft tall and I came up to his shoulder! there was more interest in those two than any old man with a young Thai girl I can assure you! :o

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I know 2 Thai women who are in their early 40 who married older(75 to 86) year old men.They did this with the understanding that they will take care of the guy until he dies. In return they get their green card plus what ever money is left when the old buggers kick the bucket. They have a mutual understanding so it not like these guys are getting ripped off. The one guy told me he would rather give his life saving to someone who treated him with care and affection than to his kids that see him once every couple of years or when the need something.

I don't blame them for wanting to live their final years of life around pattaya with beautiful Thai women. It may look rediculous but at their age who gives a sh1t.

More power to them and to the women who take care of them while making a better life for themselves.

I hope to be that funny looking couple in 40 years

Drive on old timers! :o

I agree with you PadkapowGuy. If I were a Geeza, I'd be a Sleeza, ###### I'm a bit of a Sleeza already. Know what? life's too short to not enjoy it to the fullest of one's

ability. For you people who look down on couples like this I have only one thing to say: You're not paying her rent.

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Old farts don't really care too much what you think about them. They have a few years left and they usually know that. So whatever fun they are going to have had better start getting done.

And even with Viagra/Cialis/*whatever* they are not really raging stud muffins. What they are really after is just the company of something that is easy on their eyes. Oh not to say they don't give it a poke now and again, but I doubt they are keeping the girls from losing any real amount of sleep.

It may tick some folks off to see it, and that's okay. I do feel a bit sorry for the girls that find this the best option in their life to get by. But not like I was personally consulted about the rules of existance.

And most of us want something from Thailand, me I'm looking for a good cheap (read affordable) maid. No washing dishes, scrubbing floors, etc etc for me when I hang it up the workworld. I want one good reliable house keeper and I'm a happy camper. And no poking the help either! Bad habit and sure as heck a good way to lose help.

However, please note that I am not taking a vow of celibacy on arrival in the LOS.


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Married at 22 to a British girl a year younger I played around shamelessly in a twenty five year marriage, successful in that I helped raise two beautiful daughters and rose from territory manager in the UK to President International for a Fortune 500 Co. in Northern California.

The marriage and the friendship of my wife broke up when I fell for the equivelent to royalty in NYC a women 19 years younger (Blonde). We persude each other for six years until the idea seemed to lose momentum and I met a Northern Cal winery eiress 23 years younger (Brunete). We lived together in , San Francisco Japan and Hong Kong for three years. We parted good friends her to Hungary me to Thailand. Oh all these women were/are head-turners.

I met my Thai wife in Germany at a manufacturer's exibition. I obtained permission to date her from her parents, who are not well-todo but capable of putting five daughters through UNI. We were married in Thailand and in England and are raising one daughter here in BKK. I am not wealthy in fact the opposite. I have, however, accumalated the trappings of wealth. My wife effectively keeps me right now. Not something I write with pride in myself, but certainly with pride in her. She is gorgeous , NO I mean gorgeous! I am thirty years her senior.

My point? My experience has been that if a man looks after himself, exercises his body and particularly his mind then whether it's the East or the West...young women will see the sense in a partnerships with older men. Greenbacks are not always the driving force. My NYC relationship would have said "whatever blows you dress up." :o

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JEEPZ; you might find that celibacy will not work with most women that you hire here,

I had a 33 yo. lady to help with my 5 YO. daughter when I first came here and she did a fine job with the kid,took her a lot of places and even taught her to swim, and I used to have to service her on occasions,and then when my kid went back to the states,I started to sleep in the kids bed and the broad was highly indignant about it and always wanting to sleep with me,and I finally had to send her packing.

So you might find out just what is expected of you,and it ain't all bad either. It is nowhere like ######in the mother of your own children. Which as sleazy as I am,I would not do. :o

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My thai GF is 31, i am 30. So the age difference is not a problem.

However i am 5ft 7.And look small (small build, atheletic and not fat) (still get accussed of being early 20s. My gf Must just be 4ft 4 or round about. She is beautiful, but i cant help think if people see us together will they think i am into young girls?

I know thai ladies are small but my girl is SMALL!!!!

Do you think there could be problems the way people judge us?

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Back home he would be called  a " DIRTY OLD MAN " if seen with his young gal .

But thais in the soi dont call him a dirty old man , maybe he is seen a just a sugar daddy ?

If you go outside the generally accepted bounds you will get labeled a DIRTY OLD MAN. According to my research here is the magic formula:

The girl must be over 18 but not more than than half your age.

This may also explain the scarcity of punters under 36 years old.

I read it in a Thai physics book: 18 < TG < 1/2*F

This wisdom is offered at no charge.

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It is nowhere like ######in the mother of your own children. Which as sleazy as I am,I would not do. :o


Okay, I've stared at this line for awhile now trying to parce its meaning out. But I keep finding myself in a veritable quandry. If you don't eff the mother of your children, you don't get to have any children. But if you do eff the mother of your children, you get children and a certain sleaze attachement?

You are just trying to give me a headache, aren't ya? :D


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It's nobodys business if an old guy goes with or marries with a younger Thai girl. It's all these sanctimonious jerks and dried-up menopausal women that get their knickers in a twist when they see such a couple.

I know a quadraplagic guy in his early forties who married a Thai girl (real attractive) some 20 years ago to basically take care of him. He's not got long to live now and she will inherit a modust trust but she went into the deal not aware of any long-term financial security. You won't find that in western society fer sure... :o

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whether its a BG or a straight gal hes having a good time and she is also having a good time, bills get paid , his knob gets sucked regularly

Back home he would be called  a " DIRTY OLD MAN " if seen with his young gal .

I'll 2nd that and apart from that, ' a mature man and a 30 year younger Thai girl are as compatible as fire and water.

mai dai, it's money that makes girls put up with eric1000 types.

don't say you're suprised to hear that...


you've been perched on a bar stool for too long and appear to be suffering from barfly brainiculitis . You might have to bribe gals to suck your knob as you are probably so repellant and repulsive ,eric does not , his gals enjoy sucking his fabulous knob because

like it .

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He is Dutch.

Dr., I know you R our of town, but PLEASE, no more oneliners. it's politically incorrect.

So. let's move to the next line:

barfly brainiculitis

Can somebody please talk in English in here?

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JEEPZ; you might find that celibacy will not work with most women that you hire here,

I had a 33 yo. lady to help with my 5 YO. daughter when I first came here and she did a fine job with the kid,took her a lot of places and even taught her to swim, and I used to have to service her on occasions,and then when my kid went back to the states,I started to sleep in the kids bed and the broad was highly indignant about it and always wanting to sleep with me,and I finally had to send her packing.

So you might find out just what is expected of you,and it ain't all bad either. It is nowhere like ###### the mother of your own children. Which as sleazy as I am,I would not do. :o

..started to sleep in the kids bed and the broad was highly indignant about it ...

Sounds sleazy enough to me, as a lot of the other postings do, as well.

I wouldn't want to get it off with my own nor my partner's daughter, and have no interest in women of the under 20 age group.

Maybe I am very sick?

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There is a movie showing on the Hallmark Channel this week, which could be instructive to the "traditional value" anal retentive, judgemental and age biased types" posting in this thread, if they could open their closed minds for long enough to see the film.

It is titled "Love Came on Softly".

It is a story about a beautiful young woman who traveled "out west" with her young, handsome and vigorous husband. He was killed on their first day after arriving at their "dream land", when he fell off his horse and hit his head.

She was in intense grief to the point that she didn't even want to attend the funeral arranged by nearby settlers.

As she was bent over her dead husbands grave in the rain, an older, widower approached her and proposed that since she had no means to get through the winter on her own and wagon trains were not due to go back east until spring, she should marry him and help him raise his daughter until her departure back east in the spring.

She did so for expediency reasons and the majority of the story is about how "Love Came on Softly" to both of them. He was very religious, incidently.

The Hallmark Channel is known for its "traditional values" content and, in fact, one of the produceres of the film in the billing was a "Value Television" organization.

I have seen so many unhappy people in my many days on this earth living a life dictated by "what other people think", that my hope is that anyone reading posts with such "age bias" as their sole content will ignore them and live their lives as their own hearts dictates.

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On the subject of Thai wives and I am a bit of an expert here.

I said to my better half would you still love me if I had no money?

Bless her heart she said of course she would still love me as much as ever and she would miss having me around as well.

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