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Why Should'nt The Mature Farang

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I think anyone's love/sexual life is nobody else's business. However, there are some extreme cases when 70 year old's walk hand in hand with 18 year old's. Sometimes, honestly..they don't even look 18 years old. Come on, even if you're paying, you're still using her and you know it. An 18 year old doesn't have the same life experience as a 70 year old. Not saying if you don't go with her, she wouldn't go with someone else, but thats just my opinion on it.

Does it make me laugh if i see a 70 year old walking down the street holding hands with an 18 year old? A little, but you see it quite often. Does it make me laugh when he tells me that she truly loves him and isn't with him for the money? Yes, it does. And more than one guy told me so.

Face it, if you're 70 years old, no 18 year old will be with you for anything other than money. Maybe in a rare case of 1 in 100,000,000 cases and if she has a strange syndrome. Its nature, its completely normal. I don't care if you pay her, that's your business, but many people believe its love ...you're wrong.

What about me when i'm 70? You won't see me walk down from Nana Plaza with an 18 year old in my arm. But thats just me.

Don't attack me, i'm just being plain honest here.

(and i hope my post made sense, i'm still on medication from the surgery ...i may show some weird signs  :huh: )

Actually, I don't even notice the looks of envy we get any more from farang tourists. My 25 year old TG and I have been together three years now. I met her when I was 64 years old.

Is it the money that makes the relationship work? Yes, certainly that helps. But, like most relationships its more complicated than that. I likely supply the father figure that this orphan never had. And somehow we click together in a perfect trusting relationship.

Vive Thailand.

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