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New Forum For Us Too Fat


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I'm baffled by this forum. What is its purpose?

The answer to being overweight is uniformly known. Eat a balanced diet, avoid too much fat and carbohydrates, and exercise regularly.

It aint rocket science.

If more calories are burnt than calories consumed, you lose weight.

You can send me my cheque in the mail.


Fat people / overweight / obese ect. ect. are usually so because in most cases they over endulge and do not take enough exercise / do enough physical work to burn all the calories off.

If you CANNOT apply these two activities for whatever reason then the only way you will loose weight is to cut down on your food and calorie loaded drinking. ( both non alchohol and alchohol )

It,s as SIMPLE as that.

Denial and making excuses is no good whatsoever if the desire to change is not there.

We are talking grown up and mature people here who with average intelligence are capable of looking in the mirror, observing reality and then face it and act on it.

No club is going to stop you filling your mouth / stomach with you " know what your consuming. "

While i applaud the idea of support it,s up to the individual to act CUT DOWN and if you are able, EXERCISE.

Change your life style, learn about good foods / bad ones and a start a healthy, balanced diet.

Then the new forum will be a useful thread and have a positive effect.

If you are concerned about your weight this is the ONLY way to lose the POUNDS / KILO,S

Forget the slimming tablets, because there isn,t a pill out there that can genuinely make them disappear and are just a waste, as any weight related expert of integrity will tell you.

marshbags :D:o:D


Good luck to those who need to loose weight and i hope you achieve your goal.

I,m being genuine here and not sarcastic, condescending, unsympathetic, just giving / offering you the facts.

fact and non-fact.It is not all cut and dried.How do you think that I lost 24kgs in two months by eating a <deleted> load,but only low GI foods...many with high calories.Hmmmmm??

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I'm baffled by this forum. What is its purpose?

The answer to being overweight is uniformly known. Eat a balanced diet, avoid too much fat and carbohydrates, and exercise regularly.

It aint rocket science.

If more calories are burnt than calories consumed, you lose weight.

You can send me my cheque in the mail.


Fat people / overweight / obese ect. ect. are usually so because in most cases they over endulge and do not take enough exercise / do enough physical work to burn all the calories off.

If you CANNOT apply these two activities for whatever reason then the only way you will loose weight is to cut down on your food and calorie loaded drinking. ( both non alchohol and alchohol )

It,s as SIMPLE as that.

Denial and making excuses is no good whatsoever if the desire to change is not there.

We are talking grown up and mature people here who with average intelligence are capable of looking in the mirror, observing reality and then face it and act on it.

No club is going to stop you filling your mouth / stomach with you " know what your consuming. "

While i applaud the idea of support it,s up to the individual to act CUT DOWN and if you are able, EXERCISE.

Change your life style, learn about good foods / bad ones and a start a healthy, balanced diet.

Then the new forum will be a useful thread and have a positive effect.

If you are concerned about your weight this is the ONLY way to lose the POUNDS / KILO,S

Forget the slimming tablets, because there isn,t a pill out there that can genuinely make them disappear and are just a waste, as any weight related expert of integrity will tell you.

marshbags :D:o:D


Good luck to those who need to loose weight and i hope you achieve your goal.

I,m being genuine here and not sarcastic, condescending, unsympathetic, just giving / offering you the facts.

fact and non-fact.It is not all cut and dried.How do you think that I lost 24kgs in two months by eating a <deleted> load,but only low GI foods...many with high calories.Hmmmmm??

Your tips, please.........now !

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I am going to carry on looking at this forum I am not sure that there is too much I can do about my weight. I am lucky enough to have polycystic ovaries and one (of the many symptoms) is obesity. I can cope with that, I just need someone to sort out my testosterone levels, seemingly I have more than my husband, my moustache is certainly something to behold. :D

Glad to have a sensible moderator on this forum :o

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I'm baffled by this forum. What is its purpose?

The answer to being overweight is uniformly known. Eat a balanced diet, avoid too much fat and carbohydrates, and exercise regularly.

It aint rocket science.

If more calories are burnt than calories consumed, you lose weight.

You can send me my cheque in the mail.


Fat people / overweight / obese ect. ect. are usually so because in most cases they over endulge and do not take enough exercise / do enough physical work to burn all the calories off.

If you CANNOT apply these two activities for whatever reason then the only way you will loose weight is to cut down on your food and calorie loaded drinking. ( both non alchohol and alchohol )

It,s as SIMPLE as that.

Denial and making excuses is no good whatsoever if the desire to change is not there.

We are talking grown up and mature people here who with average intelligence are capable of looking in the mirror, observing reality and then face it and act on it.

No club is going to stop you filling your mouth / stomach with you " know what your consuming. "

While i applaud the idea of support it,s up to the individual to act CUT DOWN and if you are able, EXERCISE.

Change your life style, learn about good foods / bad ones and a start a healthy, balanced diet.

Then the new forum will be a useful thread and have a positive effect.

If you are concerned about your weight this is the ONLY way to lose the POUNDS / KILO,S

Forget the slimming tablets, because there isn,t a pill out there that can genuinely make them disappear and are just a waste, as any weight related expert of integrity will tell you.

marshbags :D:o:D


Good luck to those who need to loose weight and i hope you achieve your goal.

I,m being genuine here and not sarcastic, condescending, unsympathetic, just giving / offering you the facts.

fact and non-fact.It is not all cut and dried.How do you think that I lost 24kgs in two months by eating a <deleted> load,but only low GI foods...many with high calories.Hmmmmm??

Your tips, please.........now !

Ask nicely!


Worked out three times per week.Combination of weights and aerobic stuff.

Took all high GI foods out of the diet.This ment no sugar,beer,starch..bread etc or any refinned foods. So everything with white flour was out.

fruit (in small quantities) was only consumed in the morning at least 2 hours before any other foods.(fruit has suger in the form of fructose)

Had truck loads of cheese,beef,lamb,pork,bacon,milk etc etc.Lots of salads and veggies,but avoided..corn.carrots,pumpkin and potatoes .

Got blind drunk on friday nights..normally at least 2 x bottles of wine.This was the only grog that I drank.

no sweet drinks or any fruit juice.If you must have fruit,eat with the fibre that it comes with.eg:apple with the skin on,but no juices.Beer is the worst,followed by spirits with mixes.(malt and sugar)

treat sugar like a poison.

I read a book called "dine out and lose weight:The French Way to Culinary "Savoir Vivre"

by Michel Montignac.Written maybe 20 years ago.

he has also written "The French Diet: Why French Women Don't Get Fat" and many others.

I did not stick to the plan 100%.You were only ment to drink wine in the second half of the diet.well <deleted> that for a row of soldiers!he also wasn't big on excercise.

Take out of it what you want.It might not work for everybody,but it worked for me.

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We have free tubes of "Pringles" crisps at work, so I graze on those.

I also went through a phase about 6 months ago of eating large bars of Cadbury's chocolate and/or cookies n' cream ice cream in the evening whilst watching the television.

I bought one of those devices on which you can do abdominal exercises - which I thought I could use while watching television, but I just keep it under the couch and don't use it.

I put on 3 kilos as a result.

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I'm baffled by this forum. What is its purpose?

The answer to being overweight is uniformly known. Eat a balanced diet, avoid too much fat and carbohydrates, and exercise regularly.

It aint rocket science.

If more calories are burnt than calories consumed, you lose weight.

You can send me my cheque in the mail.


Fat people / overweight / obese ect. ect. are usually so because in most cases they over endulge and do not take enough exercise / do enough physical work to burn all the calories off.

If you CANNOT apply these two activities for whatever reason then the only way you will loose weight is to cut down on your food and calorie loaded drinking. ( both non alchohol and alchohol )

It,s as SIMPLE as that.

Denial and making excuses is no good whatsoever if the desire to change is not there.

We are talking grown up and mature people here who with average intelligence are capable of looking in the mirror, observing reality and then face it and act on it.

No club is going to stop you filling your mouth / stomach with you " know what your consuming. "

While i applaud the idea of support it,s up to the individual to act CUT DOWN and if you are able, EXERCISE.

Change your life style, learn about good foods / bad ones and a start a healthy, balanced diet.

Then the new forum will be a useful thread and have a positive effect.

If you are concerned about your weight this is the ONLY way to lose the POUNDS / KILO,S

Forget the slimming tablets, because there isn,t a pill out there that can genuinely make them disappear and are just a waste, as any weight related expert of integrity will tell you.

marshbags :D:o:D


Good luck to those who need to loose weight and i hope you achieve your goal.

I,m being genuine here and not sarcastic, condescending, unsympathetic, just giving / offering you the facts.

fact and non-fact.It is not all cut and dried.How do you think that I lost 24kgs in two months by eating a <deleted> load,but only low GI foods...many with high calories.Hmmmmm??

Your tips, please.........now !

Ask nicely!


Worked out three times per week.Combination of weights and aerobic stuff.

Took all high GI foods out of the diet.This ment no sugar,beer,starch..bread etc or any refinned foods. So everything with white flour was out.

fruit (in small quantities) was only consumed in the morning at least 2 hours before any other foods.(fruit has suger in the form of fructose)

Had truck loads of cheese,beef,lamb,pork,bacon,milk etc etc.Lots of salads and veggies,but avoided..corn.carrots,pumpkin and potatoes .

Got blind drunk on friday nights..normally at least 2 x bottles of wine.This was the only grog that I drank.

no sweet drinks or any fruit juice.If you must have fruit,eat with the fibre that it comes with.eg:apple with the skin on,but no juices.Beer is the worst,followed by spirits with mixes.(malt and sugar)

treat sugar like a poison.

I read a book called "dine out and lose weight:The French Way to Culinary "Savoir Vivre"

by Michel Montignac.Written maybe 20 years ago.

he has also written "The French Diet: Why French Women Don't Get Fat" and many others.

I did not stick to the plan 100%.You were only ment to drink wine in the second half of the diet.well <deleted> that for a row of soldiers!he also wasn't big on excercise.

Take out of it what you want.It might not work for everybody,but it worked for me.

Impressive......Thanks a lot for the tips..

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Kudos to Chuchok, thanks- it seems very close to the Atkins model of low carbohydrates!

Bendix and Marshbags, no person with a weight problem is unaware that diet and exercise are key points. It's more complicated than you are apparently aware, however, and your skepticism is not really helpful here. If you don't have a weight problem, congratulations, but your lack of understanding is not that helpful here. Your points are duly noted; if you have any specific and constructive suggestions (as other posters do) you are welcome to post them. If you continue to be "confused" about this forum, it's probably best that you become lurkers.


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Kudos to Chuchok, thanks- it seems very close to the Atkins model of low carbohydrates!


Well Steven,I wish I could say it was all good.I have steadly put the weight back on over the last five years.

Two things.White rice and beer have done the damage.I changed from white rice to wholemeal,but it is still a problem.

Cut the beer out a few days ago and plan to keep on etc.

I actually lost more than the 24kgs as stated,but over a longer period of time(and I started to cheat a little bit.)I went from 124 down to 95kgs in total.When I hit 95,everybody told me that I looked sick! :o , so I stabalised at about 100kgs.About 3-4 kgs less than when I was playing rugby.

The best advice that i got was to use a tape measure instead of scales.

One thing to remember,is that if you increase muscle mass, you will also increase your metabolic rate.In that respect I am quite lucky (if you can call it that) as I tend to be able to increase muscle size quite easily.

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I've lost weight previously doing Atkins and have just started it up again recently to lose some extra pounds.

I lost 15-20kgkg in 2-3 months previously a few years ago, You have to drink a lot of water though, which is very good for your skin as well.

A typical diet for the day would be;

Vegetable Omelette and Bacon for breakfast

Chefs Salad for Lunch (Chicken, Bacon, Ham, Cheese)

Chicken Curry and Grilled Tiger Prawns for Dinner

Snacks: Cheese, Macademias, Olives

typically when doing Atkins I drink between 4-6 litres of water a day and just stay away from potatoes, pasta, rice, sugar, flour and some fruits/vegetables.

The only problem is it gets really boring after a month or so, and my favourite foods are Pizza and Naan bread - so I can only hack it for so long.

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Impressive......Thanks a lot for the tips..

Here is a brief review of one of Montignacs later books

The French have the lowest average body weight per capita in the western world, and yet they eat famously well. Montignac explains in The French Diet that this not only has to do with which foods the French choose to eat, but their quality, freshness, and most importantly, the way that they are combined. Although the book is based on the concept of glycemic index (GI), which other diet books discuss, The French Diet is the only book that provides the net GI values of combined foods. Already a phenomenon for years in Europe, Montignac's dieting methods have been helpful to tens of thousands of people around the world who have achieved impressive and long-lasting results and reduced their risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The diet has also found a celebrity following among devotees like singer Kylie Minogue and fashion designer Christian Lacroix.

Written for a range of readers, from those who dine out frequently, to yo-yo dieters, to those who don¹t want to give up wine or "the good life" but who do want to lose weight, The French Diet reveals the secret to living, eating, and looking like the French with this delicious, deprivation-free diet.

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What is stated is, FACT, IS HONEST and is taking into acccount the most common causes of being overweight.

Now the following is not intended for you personally :D but for the unfortunate ones who cannot achieve / understand certain important points.

So it worked for you Chuchok and you should be congratulated for your achievements, discipline, and will power.

But, there are many dietary experts out around the globe who will echo in general terms what is in my post.

The Atkins diet which has also been mentioned has already been criticised and has featured on several T.V. programmes with the people behind it and they where given a hard time on the possible long term effects it can cause, ( vitamin and body essentials balance wise ) and in particular those with certain health problems.

May i suggest that all dieters get medical advice and a check up before starting anything.

Regarding your post to Steven - First of all

My reference to looking in the mirrror gives you a more effective observation as you will see the weight come off and your profile improving which in turn gives you further encouragement to continue.

Another important point to this is that you can stop once you are satisfied with your profile, this addresses the muscle mass you mention.

A lot of fat turns to muscle and your weight after a certain time will stabilise and in these cases you start putting weight back on again.

As you also say forget the scales, after the initial period because you will become demoralised if you go by weight alone and are not taking the above into account.

Your reference to looking sick is also a good point as people who have been used to you being fat have then got to adjust to your new healthier, thinner look.

( i hate that word as it must be offensive to most overweight people. )

Your face in particular starts to look withdrawn and as it,s commonly associated with being unhealthy, as we all assume of course, well the ones not familiar with a healthier weight profile anyway.

You mention time, and again this is very important as w. loss needs to be done over a longer period and your body can then adjust in a natural way that isn,t harmful and a shock to your system.

This also gives you a better chance of keeping it off whereby a crash diet is only stop gap and you then start to put the weight back on again as you lifestyle hasn,t changed in the long term.

Let,s call it re educating the mind and your eating habits, which if you do not achieve this, it will all be a waste of time.

With regard to your putting it back on again, if you know your healthier weight that you achieved and YOU were satisfied with it, this is the sensible / easy bit.

Monitor yourself once you stop and make sure you keep the mirror observations up and once you notice a difference cut back a bit on the things that make you start to go backwards.

The odd binge / treats are good for you and no one should feel guilty by having them.

Just use the old common sense and re engage the sensible eating ACCORDING to what ever worked for you as an INDIVIDUAL and that way it will stay OFF.

Also you and me for 2 are fortunate enough through sport ect. to appreciate exercise, proteins, carbrohydrates and so on so again it,s something we are / have been used to at one time or another and this makes it easier to appreciate diet and the good and bad food and drink.

W have to try and help those who are not as fortunate through experience and encouragemnet while not unfairly.

Leading them into believing it,s easy because it isn,t.

For certain it,s definitely worthwhile and achievable but it requires discipline and is not without sacrifices on your lifestyle ect.

Thanks for you post that i,ve highlighted on as it is worth reading, sensible and informative, especially for beginners and demonstates it can be done on an individual basis.

One cap doesn,t fit all heads as the saying goes and this is the same diet wise, to a point.

If one thing doesn,t work change to another until you find one regime your happy withand gives you results " over time don,t forget "

One further observation i find when i,m back in the U.K. is how much bigger many people are getting and this in fact makes people of an average, healthier weight look like abnormally thin.

I,ve even been asked ( and gossiped about ) that i have aids due to most of my friends being what i can only describe as Obese.

I just treat it as a joke and i even say casually, " by the way i haven,t got aids or anything and make a joke of it all." when i get that odd look and sometimes even a comment.

Be the weight you are happy with but remember it,s far easier to put it on than it is to take it off and it,s also easier to control when you are younger and it doesn,t have the effects on your health as it will when you get older and possibly cannot exercise are move about.

marshbags :o:D:D

Good luck, keep posting your questions and doubts all you non experienced dieters because that,s what the forum is all about.

Remember reading about the different diets can never suit everyone and never equal experience as both Chuckok myself and other posters will appreciate.

Edited by marshbags
Too many quotations
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Ok you see skinny Thais. My father in law exists on nam prik. It must be nutrition that keeps them thin, can't be just metabolic.

It is definitely not metabolic for Thais in general.

Look at all the "tubby "fast food" children in the Thai schools today...................

Mainly in the cities.

Out in the countryside the are still on sensible diets.

MacDonalds, KFC and the like have a lot to answer for.

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I don't know if this is any use to anyone but here is a link to Paul McKenna's weight loss training (sorry, all links must now be posted in the links thread).

I saw it on the TV a couple of weeks ago and to be honest it looked good, pretty simple and straight forward.

For instance, he says many people with weight problems eat too quickly and don't give their bodies the time to tell them that they are full. So he recommends chewing for at least 20 times before swallowing. This helps digestion and gives your body the time to say "Stop" i'm full now and don't need any more.

Another tip was about eating regularly, don't starve your body, as your body "thinks" food is in short supply and so it starts storing fat. Which again makes sense (going back to the cave men days and how they survived food shortages).

These are just examples and there was many more. Seemed good to me and not at all comlex like many of the diets around.

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Ok you see skinny Thais. My father in law exists on nam prik. It must be nutrition that keeps them thin, can't be just metabolic.

It is definitely not metabolic for Thais in general.

Look at all the "tubby "fast food" children in the Thai schools today...................

Mainly in the cities.

Out in the countryside the are still on sensible diets.

MacDonalds, KFC and the like have a lot to answer for.

My Thai doctor told me many Thais have sky high cholestrol levels due to the thai way of cooking. So skinny they may be but they are stockpiling problems for later.

I had mine and my thai G/f's level checked. mine was just over the recommended upper limit of 200. Her's was 285!!! The same doctor told me not to worry as his was over 300!!!!

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The best advice that i got was to use a tape measure instead of scales.

I wouldn't go as far as to call that "the best advice", but it certainly has good effects.

Maybe it is just me, but a loss of a few hundred grams on the scale after a couple of days of what I think has been good behaviour doesn't do much, but a centimeter or... nah, it's never more than that, feels really good.

The tape measure will also reflect much better the fat-to-muscle for those of you not able to come up with enough excuses to keep a poor or null exersise program.

Edited by besth
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The best advice that i got was to use a tape measure instead of scales.

I wouldn't go as far as to call that "the best advice", but it certainly has good effects.

Maybe it is just me, but a loss of a few hundred grams on the scale after a couple of days of what I think has been good behaviour doesn't do much, but a centimeter or... nah, it's never more than that, feels really good.

The tape measure will also reflect much better the fat-to-muscle for those of you not able to come up with enough excuses to keep a poor or null exersise program.

If you build muscle mass,but lose fat,scales can be big fibbers. :o

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thank goodness coopers isn't fattening

In some ways that could be true. I have found that i lost a bit of my gut when i moved to Oz. I am drinking as much beer here as in LOS. Its all the shit thats in Thai beers and diet that gets you fat. I have started excersising(sp) again. I train(football) on Tuesdays and play indoors 5 a sides on Wednesdays. My job involves alot of walking and i have now cut down my beer intake. Pretty soon my beer gut will be down a bit. I am not fat all over but do have a bit of a gut.

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The following are just biased personal comments by a poster who's gained about 12 kilos in three years in Thailand.

Of course, exercise and diet are critical, as are certain medical conditions. Your body needs limited amounts of sugars, fats, proteins, etc. Beer, wine and liquor are just poison and calories.

I got down to 71 kg when I swam three hours every day, sweated a lot, and ate very little. My current lifestyle is almost opposite, though I do swim some, and we have exercise machines. I'm lazy. And I love to eat sweet food. My Thai partner honestly thinks that being overweight is healthy. I eat a boatload of fresh fruit every day, plus a big dinner, candy, bakeries, Western food.

A writer on this issue said, "The fat is in your head." He meant in our mental attitudes.

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i'm "obese" by any standard at least 50kg over weight. I am sure the only reason i am not diabetic is because i exercise but i do want to drop weight even just 10kg would be good start. I am hoping to see a diet plan or menu that a person like myself who loves to eat everything can follow.

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Beer, wine and liquor are just poison and calories.

How right you are, PB. I pretty much gave up drinking at New Year. I've had a drink on 3 occasions in the last 27 days, as opposed to every night, before. Without even trying or doing anything else different I've lost 2 kilos. Not why I gave up, but a nice, unexpected bonus!

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Good idea George.

Why not.

I'm too fat too...and I find it very difficult to loose weight here as I don't really like Thai Food that much.

I was perfect body weight to height when I moved to thailand 4 years ago...now its all out the window,

I need to shed at least 8kg. I have diebetis so that just exacapates the problem.

I drink to much

I smoke too much

I dont excersise

I eat the wrong foods

I know someone will say "Get a grip" but that is easier said than done !!!

So anyone else want to join the Thai branch of "Fatfighters"??


Thai (Fat) Pauly

I always knew we had something in common, Paul. Why don't we call it, The fat backstuds club ?

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Research has shown that eating chilis can raise the metabolic rate for anything up to 2 hours after eating. Participants were fed identical meals but on some days 3 grams of chil/mustard was added to the meal. On the chili days participants burned between 4 and 76 extra calories with the average being 45 calories.

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