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In California, Trump examines Mexico border wall designs


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In California, Trump examines Mexico border wall designs

By Steve Holland



U.S. President Donald Trump talks with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol Agent while participating in a tour of U.S.-Mexico border wall prototypes near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. U.S., March 13, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


SAN DIEGO, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump toured the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday and examined eight styles of walls, prototypes for the barrier he promised to build to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs.


The Republican president brought a tough message on immigration to California during his first visit as president to the heavily Democratic state that has served as a base of resistance to many of his policies.


Standing beside the prototypes, as U.S. border patrol agents rode nearby on horseback, Trump discussed the merits of various designs with border officials, his chief of staff John Kelly and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.


"The border wall is truly our first line of defence," Trump told reporters.


Trump has asked the U.S. Congress for $18 billion to build the structure, but the funding has become ensnared in controversy over a host of immigration restrictions he and Republicans have proposed.


On the other side of the border, in Tijuana, Mexico, residents laughed off the idea that the monolithic slabs will stop desperate immigrants.

"The wall is just a waste of money. People will continue to cross, here, there, and everywhere," said Salome Pacheco.




During his visit, Trump took aim at so-called "sanctuary cities" in California - local governments that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials seeking to deport illegal immigrants.


He renewed complaints that Los Angeles, San Francisco and other major cities are providing protection for illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.


At Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, Trump said sanctuary cities nullify federal law and violate the U.S. Constitution.

"They shield criminals. You can't do that," he said.


Last week, Trump's Justice Department filed a lawsuit accusing California of violating the U.S. Constitution and putting federal agents in danger by approving laws protecting illegal immigrants.


California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law last October that prevents police from inquiring about immigration status and curtails law enforcement cooperation with immigration officers.


Brown, who accuses the Trump administration of waging war on the country's most populous state, has said the law was crafted with input and support from California police.


Trump also slammed Brown for high state taxes, saying Brown "has done a very poor job running California."


Ahead of the trip, an immigration official in Northern California resigned, accusing the Trump administration of making misleading statements about a four-day raid in February to arrest illegal immigrants in Oakland.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions said a public warning from Oakland's mayor helped more than 800 people evade arrest. But James Schwab, who quit his job as regional spokesman for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement department, said he believed the number was much lower.


"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," he told the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper.


After his San Diego stop, Trump will travel to Los Angeles to headline a political fundraiser in Beverly Hills. A Republican Party official said the fundraiser would net $5 million for Trump's prospective 2020 re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee.


(Reporting by Steve Holland; additional reporting by Lizbeth Diaz and Delphine Schrank in Tijuana, Mexico; Writing by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien and Lisa Shumaker)

-- © Copyright Reuters
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$18 BILLION?  OMG, This business man got elected president promising to keep Mexicans (and Muslims) out of the country. Amazing! Making America white oops, I mean great again. 


Don't dig the foundations of that fence too deep... It may cave-in all those tunnels currently in use!  55555  $18B, Wow!  Un-<deleted>-believable. Complete waste, except of course to those benefiting ($$) from it. 


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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I keep reading about these cities that sanctuary cities. Cities protecting illegal immigrants.  Can this not be called treason? Are they not traitors to their own country? Maybe they already have so many illegals that the illegals are calling the shots now. E.G. California

  I googled treason and got this little gem out of it that  supports the idea it is treason

(f) engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist:

(i) another country; or
(ii) an organisation;
  Seems to me illegal immigration is organized so treason fits huh. Or that Mexico is another country is obvious huh.

Instead of google, try looking at US Constitution (Article 3) " Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Given the vectors of investigation of Trump (and his unwillingness to enforce trade sanctions or implement security of elections) one could argue that soon he will fall into category of "adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort".


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3 hours ago, Lungstib said:

A simple matter of over, around or under? But thats a bit much for Trump's imagination. 

I would be very surprised if they hadnt thought of that possibility and will take steps to stop that happening .

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Stop in your tracks for a second, and imagine an unmanned wall. This wall will necessarily have to be unmanned along much/most of its length. How difficult would it be to defeat an unmanned wall? I think trump must have watched the game of thrones too much. 

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

I would be very surprised if they hadnt thought of that possibility and will take steps to stop that happening .

This satisfies one important requirement: no matter what side you fall on in the end, at least that was f.... funny as hell...


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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I keep reading about these cities that sanctuary cities. Cities protecting illegal immigrants.  Can this not be called treason? Are they not traitors to their own country? Maybe they already have so many illegals that the illegals are calling the shots now. E.G. California

  I googled treason and got this little gem out of it that  supports the idea it is treason

(f) engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist:

(i) another country; or
(ii) an organisation;
  Seems to me illegal immigration is organized so treason fits huh. Or that Mexico is another country is obvious huh.

By editing your definition of "treason" and taking it completely out of context, you have succeeded in defining all Presidents or government officials who make treaties, form alliances, or sign contracts as treasonous.  Good work.

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38 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Stop in your tracks for a second, and imagine an unmanned wall. This wall will necessarily have to be unmanned along much/most of its length. How difficult would it be to defeat an unmanned wall? I think trump must have watched the game of thrones too much. 

They could use CCTV along the wall , motion sensors or land mines

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"The border wall is truly our first line of defence,"

Republican Mayor of San Diego:

"there's more to our border than a wall."

Three of the Republicans running to replace California State Congressman Darrell Issa have confirmed they have no plans to be seen with Trump.


But unfortunately for them, Trump's ego is taller than his border walls.

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7 hours ago, Lungstib said:

A simple matter of over, around or under? But thats a bit much for Trump's imagination. 

You're quite right. No wall, and perhaps some refreshment stands along the way for those poor thirsty illegals.

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Just replying to someone who couldnt think how the wall could be secured .

Meanwhile think of how many border patrol Mexico along the US-Mexico border.

Apparently Mexico has no border patrol per se. It has immigration personnel at border crossing points. https://www.quora.com/Does-Mexico-have-a-border-patrol

The reference is personal knowledge/opinion. Every iteration I use to Google Mexican border patrol information, I get US Border patrol links.

If the illegal crossing of the US-Mexican border is a real issue (DHS indicates it's not), maybe the US could do better to help Mexico fund Mexican border patrol? That will be a difficult sell now with more illegals coming back to Mexico from the US than leaving. But certainly the cost is going to be much less than $25 billion amortized annually and far more durable.

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6 hours ago, irwinfc said:

dems are hell-bent on protecting illegal immigrants because they have nothing else to reel voters in.

The only "hell bent" is Trump.

ICE spokesman for the San Francisco Division of ICE James Schwab resigned citing what he says are false and misleading statements being spread by members of the Trump administration including Attorney General Sessions.

He said he had been told to “deflect” questions about the Oakland, Calif., mayor’s interference with an ICE raid last month and to refer reporters to statements from Sessions and Homan that suggested that hundreds of “criminals” (“criminal aliens,” Homan called them) escaped capture in Northern California because the mayor tipped them off.


D.C. is the only true sanctuary city in the US where a person like Trump can run amok with almost no accountability.

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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

The only "hell bent" is Trump.

ICE spokesman for the San Francisco Division of ICE James Schwab resigned citing what he says are false and misleading statements being spread by members of the Trump administration including Attorney General Sessions.

He said he had been told to “deflect” questions about the Oakland, Calif., mayor’s interference with an ICE raid last month and to refer reporters to statements from Sessions and Homan that suggested that hundreds of “criminals” (“criminal aliens,” Homan called them) escaped capture in Northern California because the mayor tipped them off.


D.C. is the only true sanctuary city in the US where a person like Trump can run amok with almost no accountability.

nothing bad with actually enforcing the law, catching illegals (yes, they are criminals), and giving america back to americans. they may have the number wrong - 8, 800 or 8000 illegals. it doesn't change the fact that california and other sanctuary cities are protecting criminals. libby schaaf and jerry brown should be jailed for openly protecting them.

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35 minutes ago, irwinfc said:

nothing bad with actually enforcing the law, catching illegals (yes, they are criminals), and giving america back to americans. they may have the number wrong - 8, 800 or 8000 illegals. it doesn't change the fact that california and other sanctuary cities are protecting criminals. libby schaaf and jerry brown should be jailed for openly protecting them.

Catching "illegals" is the duty of ICE.

The majority of "illegals" enter the US legally, then overstay.

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

They could use CCTV along the wall , motion sensors or land mines

FIrst, they cannot use land mines. I think that was a joke although I can never be sure. 


I posted the best response to this above. The “bad hombres” as Vincente Fox puts it, are exchanging ever sophisticated plans to defeat walls like this (holding up a picture of a 25 dollar ladder lol). 


Yes, let them put their thousands of vulnerable cameras or motions sensors (because nothing else in the desert moves at night except Mexicans! Lol). If you can’t see how that’s not going to be effective, well... 

Edited by utalkin2me
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