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Thai Pm And Liverpool Fc

Mr Helper

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Since I am living in Liverpool at the moment, and am also a big fan of Liverpool FC, Im wondering what the views are of the people in Thailand about the Thai PM wanting to buy a 30% £70 million share in Liverpool FC???

Here in Liverpool a recent poll suggests that only 13% of the people in Liverpool are happy for him to get the shares, the other 87% want Steve Morgan the Liverpool Business man to get the shares, his current offer is £73 million.

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Are you talking about Thais, or expatriates living in Thailand.

Most Thais are delighted at the prospect of being associated with Liverpool, even though the money (I understand we are talking about government money, nothing from Tacksin's personal fortune of $ 10 billion according to Forbes) would be better spent on poverty relief of some sort.

But the British ex-pats are, on the whole, opposed to the prospect, as they see this as a political ploy by the PM to change the focus from his recent mis-judgements to something more positive. (He must follow Tony B liar's career very closely).

Personally, I prefer the Steve Morgan approach - letting the people of Liverpool show their support for a great club. And this would be my view even if the money was coming out of Shinawatra's own pocket, because that money is needed in Thailand and no one else is allowed to ship out that amount of money from business profits made in Thailand. In fact, they can't ship out any profits, only pay for consultancies, goods or repatriate their original investment. So the Prime Minister is contravening his own currency laws by making this offer.

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Most Thais are delighted at the prospect of being associated with Liverpool, even though the money (I understand we are talking about government money, nothing from Tacksin's personal fortune of $ 10 billion according to Forbes) would be better spent on poverty relief of some sort.

I am a Thai and I don't think this is a good idea. I agree that it would be better and smarter to spend the money on something else in need. We still have loads of problems waiting to be solved here. I still cannot see why we should spend that money on an English football team. And someone mentioned national asset. An English football team as our national asset? Kind of weird.

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British ex-pats are, on the whole, opposed to the prospect, as they see this as a political ploy by the PM to change the focus from his recent mis-judgements to something more positive. (He must follow Tony B liar's career very closely).

Too Bloody True! :o

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I would assume that most Thais would be in favour of such a deal but not all. Many would prefer that funds be spent on other, more deserving projects.

Certainly there would be some benfit to being associated with sucha brand name.

Investing in sporting events seems to have brought some promortional benefits to Malaysia with its FI race and Tour De Langkawi bike race.

However what might be more of interest to KhunTaksin and his group would be the commercial rights to the brand in the region.

I would feel a lot more comfortable if public funds were not being used and that the PM was using his own bank account as I would need some convincing that all proceeds from the commercial activities would find their way back into the stae coffers.

The 87% vote for the Morgan proposal does not suprise me as he is a local man and is propsing simply to underwrite a new share issue which would allow the Liverpool public to buy-in to the club.

Obviously there is is more tothe relationship between him and Moores than I have read recently as this proposal has been rejected.

Perhaps Moores feels he can better keep control of the club if the new investment comes from a group of smiling eager to please foreigners with little knowledge of the game or the club. I suggest that he think again. The Taksin group is not stupid.

It should be interesting to see what happens

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I would feel a lot more comfortable if public funds were not being used and that the PM was using his own bank account as I would need some convincing that all proceeds from the commercial activities would find their way back into the state coffers.

Too Bloody True. Hope so!


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Liverpool are so desperate they would take money from anyone.

Arsenal are the Aristocrats of World Football. Liverpool will never reach that status. They will languish amonst the brothels of despair so yes Liverpool and Thailand deserve eachother.


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Thaksin should take care the problem in Thailand. He don't have time to play with the balls.

Probably. I would say Thaksin has more than enough balls and definetely numerous marked cards.

I'd like to know has he played his last card and kicked his last ball?

We will all find out near election time, but for now it's the latest Thai debacle!

Thaimee. :o

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What about the people of Liverpool??? Please remember all, Liverpool is our city, and we love it here. This deal is meant to be for the benefit of the city and the people of Liverpool, not the people of Thailand, and Im not saying that to be rude. But Thaksin lives 6000 miles away from Liverpool, and I bet he hasn't even been here before. Not only that but he is a Man Utd supporter apparently?!?! Not only that but I have been to Thailand quite a few times and spend a few months there every year, and one thing I know about the Thaksin government is that they don't like 'farangs' very much, infact many would say that they are 'anti-farang'!!! So why on earth would they want to invset so much money in a farang business, and a business of a football club which probably (moraly speaking) has the baggage (fans, and some idiot hooligans) of the very kind they hate to see in their own soceity? Im quite confused behind Thaksins thinking on this one folks!!!

Of all the businesses in the World and Asia, and in Thailand, why oh why does he want to start meddling with our citys fine football team. Looks like he will get his deal, because for some amazing reason the Liverpool board have just rejected Steve Morgans offer, even though he was born and bred in Liverpool, and has been a fan since he was a kid.

I just hope Thaksin can do the right thing by the people of Liverpool if he gets the deal, we will just have to wait and see.

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I just hope Thaksin can do the right thing by the people of Liverpool if he gets the deal, we will just have to wait and see.

Thaksin is self-serving, Selfish and definetely a cash driven Thai-Chinese scoundrel.

Logic spells 'Thai people love Thaksin for his efforts putting Thailand on the Map.

Perhaps Liverpool are D-o-o-m-e-d?

D-o-o-m-e-d I tell you, D-o-o-m-e-d!

Well OK, wait and see...

Thaimee. :o

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So he's finally got it.......

Well now the Liverpool board have offically accepted Thaksins offer, and some members of the Thai govt are flying to Liverpool with the money. And it looks like he did use public money after-all. I really can't belive Thaksin has done this with the Thai people's money and all the tax-paying expats money too, so how do you guys all feel now???

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So he's finally got it.......

Well now the Liverpool board have offically accepted Thaksins offer, and some members of the Thai govt are flying to Liverpool with the money. And it looks like he did use public money after-all. I really can't belive Thaksin has done this with the Thai people's money and all the tax-paying expats money too, so how do you guys all feel now???

I can, no surprise there. :o

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