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Trump congratulates Putin on election, leaders look to meet soon


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34 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

I don't have a Washington Post subscription to view the article just grabbed it based on the headline. If that is the case though it clearly does say it in the others and the Washington Post one has that in the url so I would imagine it would talk about it in there too. In the Rachel Maddow segment she covers it.  

Paragraph 1 of the WP article in question: 



President Trump did not follow specific warnings from his national security advisers Tuesday when he congratulated Russian President Vladi­mir Putin on his reelection — including a section in his briefing materials in all-capital letters stating “DO NOT CONGRATULATE,” according to officials familiar with the call.


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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes a sham. Any meaningful opposition was disqualified or murdered by the Putin regime. Russians know it was a sham too. Don't bother arguing. I deal in reality not Putin propaganda.

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Of course you do... you tell us daily

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Guest Jerry787

Sure, Trump shall regard his Boss Putin for his new re  election

question if putin can command US elections, who may doubt that was not going to win with a large landslide of votes ?

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

I could care less who Trump congratulates or even likes.  Trump is not fit to be President so none of his actions carry much weight.


Trump is scared to death of Mueller and is trying to stall the investigation anyway he can.  What Trump fears most is that Mueller will find out that Trump accepted Russian money for his failing business empire before he became President and also that Russia meddled in the election.


The question that will be answered is did Trump himself know of the collusion between some of is employees and the Russians to affect the election and even if he didn't know before- has he been obstructing justice . Then there is the emolument clause of the US Constitution which forbids a President to use his office to further enrich himself.  I suspect there will be plenty of  fodder to initiate impeachment. The key to whether he will get impeached is the makeup of the House and Senate after the 2018 election.  If the Dems take the Senate- by a good margin- Trump is in danger of being convicted in an impeachment trial.

Is it a crime to due business with Russia!

American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About?

"If it is so bad to do business with the Russians, or even want to do business with the Russians, then maybe these companies should cut and run before the righteous threaten them with boycotts or defame their name in the press". Pfizer ,Boeing,Ford,Apple,Google and more in the link below.



I predict Russian salad dressing will be taken off the supermarket shelves,vodka will be only sold on the black market. The left is even connecting  the NRA with  Russia .


Edited by riclag
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36 minutes ago, riclag said:


I predict Russian salad dressing will be taken off the supermarket shelves,vodka will be only sold on the black market. The left is even connecting  the NRA with  Russia .


That's all fake in case some readers don't know. 

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


Sounds like a question Eric might ask.


Yes, of course, in some cases.


Obviously, it would be criminal to deal with companies currently under sanction.





 A link that goes to a 131 pages of documents , jeepers creepers!

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

That's all fake in case some readers don't know. 

It's a opinion,I'm entitled to a opinion! 

Except for the NRA being in cohoots with the Russians.

"Alleged Link Between NRA And Russia Becomes Fodder For The Left"



 My OP, to Is it a crime to do business with Russia hysteria"I predict Russian salad dressing will be taken off the supermarket shelves,vodka will be only sold on the black market. The left is even connecting  the NRA with  Russia".


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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, I was lazy and fell for your little trap. Obviously the salad dressing and vodka things are totally fake. Nothing to do with opinion. 100 percent FAKE.


By grouping it with something more real, you conflated different classes of things. But I fell for your trap so a small win for that style of propaganda. I'll try harder next time to be more specific. 

It's no trap Jingthing ,It's a opinion . You are giving me your opinion that it was a trap.When some one questions your accusations, haven't you said you have a right to have a opinion. I did start by saying, I predict

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Just now, riclag said:

It's no trap Jingthing ,It's a opinion . You are giving me your opinion that it was a trap.When some one questions your accusations, haven't you said you have a right to have a opinion.

In my opinion your reference to Vodka and  Russian dressing was fake B.S. and the kind of stupid joke commonly heard from "trump" supporters to try to act like the Russian influence on the U.S. election and their continued efforts to sabotage our American democracy isn't a real thing.  Don't bother me any more with your black hole arguments about what's an opinion and what's not. Anyone with basic intelligence knows there never will be any basis for your Russian dressing idiotic prediction. We're not that stupid and I reckon neither are you. 

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

My sense is that there are two major points:


1.) Trump's own national security team specifically recommended to him that he not congratulate Putin specifically. Evidently, according to WH leakers, this recommendation was included in both all CAPS in his briefing note-card, and in cartoon format (Trump dressed as a cheerleader with a red circle/line through).


2.) Russia is much more adversarial these days vs. when the last election/congrats (from Obama).


So things are different, and criticism, of Trump or Putin, certainly shouldn't be stifled, unless Vlad sends round a special "gift".

I think Vlad and Donnie deserve a nice gift. 

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I could care less who Trump congratulates or even likes.  Trump is not fit to be President so none of his actions carry much weight.


Trump is scared to death of Mueller and is trying to stall the investigation anyway he can.  What Trump fears most is that Mueller will find out that Trump accepted Russian money for his failing business empire before he became President and also that Russia meddled in the election.


The question that will be answered is did Trump himself know of the collusion between some of is employees and the Russians to affect the election and even if he didn't know before- has he been obstructing justice . Then there is the emolument clause of the US Constitution which forbids a President to use his office to further enrich himself.  I suspect there will be plenty of  fodder to initiate impeachment. The key to whether he will get impeached is the makeup of the House and Senate after the 2018 election.  If the Dems take the Senate- by a good margin- Trump is in danger of being convicted in an impeachment trial.

Unfortunately this slug is the "mouth" of America ... to the world. I'll be delighted to see the reasons Republican Congressmen are complicit in slug's diminishing of American institutions. 


At every turn he stands with dictators and attacks America/Americans/ America's standards and way of life. Unfortunately so many do not hear/read facts re: slug's maneuvers. One reason for their ignorance might be that they only view the "funny farm" pretend news broadcaster. 

congress is a threat to America.jpg

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9 hours ago, blazes said:

What is absurd in all this Russia-bashing (though it's being going on since at least 1945) is that the USA is, and always has been, militarily and economically, a million miles ahead of (first) the Soviet Union and now Russia.  What on earth does America have to fear from Russia?  Or any other nation on earth?


Does any one really think that America is NOT doing to Russia exactly what it is claimed that Russia is doing (or would like to do) to America???

Why then does Russia threaten the Baltic States, and Poland? Why does Russia  violate the sovereignty of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Canada with its  bombers and nuclear armed submarines? Those 4 are not nuclear weapons equipped, yet Russia threatens them with nuclear missiles.

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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Why then does Russia threaten the Baltic States, and Poland? Why does Russia  violate the sovereignty of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Canada with its  bombers and nuclear armed submarines? Those 4 are not nuclear weapons equipped, yet Russia threatens them with nuclear missiles.


And why then does the USA "threaten" Russia [and this mutual threatening has been going on for at least 6 decades] with all its missile-equipped submarines and maintain nuclear bases in allied countries around the world, not to mention the nuclear capabilities of the UK and France?

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Are the liberal left going to continue their melt down/lunacy  over the constant Russia hysteria when PT meets up with Putin for diplomatic talks!!!!!!! I think many American's are fed up with this ridiculous everyday commentary pushed out by the liberals and liberal media. 


A CNN reporter admitted on Sunday that her network’s obsession with Russia is out of touch with most of the American public.

“I’m so interested to see how the Russia investigation affects things, because so far, out in these districts when you talk to people about Russia, and that’s all we talk about at CNN basically, they say they don’t care,” Maeve Reston, a national politics reporter at CNN, said on “Inside Politics.”


Edited by riclag
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13 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Putin wants to intimidate neighbors/destroy The UN/ weaken democracy world wide. He also wants to control America and is doing so vie scumbag WH temporary occupant. He wants Russia to seen as a world "super power" rather than a gas station with an army.

bully bully.jpg

Russia, you perceive, is a "gas station with an Army'?  how many times have you visited Russia?  worked there?  you are CLUELESS about this wonderful country and its wonderful people. And, yes, I would stand up for America if I heard such nonsense from a Russian.  Of course Russia is a super power along with USA and China.  Please keep the debate attached to even a modicum of reason otherwise the arguments look stupid.

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