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Rabies epidemic: Livestock Department says it won't cull Thailand's soi dogs


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11 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I was discussing this with a buddy the other day after his pet dog was attacked and bitten by a stray dog while on a family trip to the beach.


If you kick a soi dog, someone will get in your face for kicking 'their' dog. If you drive down the soi and kill a soi dog, someone will call the cops because you killed 'their' dog. But if your dog or worse, your kid gets bitten by a soi dog, then suddenly that dog doesn't belong to anyone.


So we reckoned they should just go around shooting these soi dogs and wait for the 'owners' to 'fess up.

If you knock one over it suddenly becomes a cruft$ champion.

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Is pepper spray legal in Thailand?


For personal safety I consider to have this to spray a barking dog that getting to close. 


Problem is is that the dog can not wash his eyes. How long time do you think the dog will be in agony?


If no one is interested to clean up the streets, one have to protect himself. 


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1 hour ago, oldlakey said:

Yes mate every chance the scabby thing will be carrying rabies, just like a whole lot more of them

Hope your luck holds out


 I will explain this in terms you can understand;

The likelihood of exposure to rabies  is far less than your dropping dead of a heart attack or developing a fatal cancer this year. You are hundreds of times more likely to contract lethal dengue or malaria  than you will of being exposed to rabies in the next year. Do you wrap yourself in a mosquito net and douse yourself with insect repellent?  You are more likely to be exposed to an HIV, or Hepatitis carrier  than you will be to rabies. Do you avoid contact with all humans?


Why then are you gripped with panic? Why aren't you demanding the mass  slaughter of  TB carriers? Did you know that TB can be lethal and that there are more people with TB in Thailand than there have been  cases of rabies in dogs? Foreign drivers cause more crashes and deaths on the road than  rabies has killed. Should we be slaughtering all foreign drivers? There is no logic in the demands of the foreigners for the mass slaughter of dogs and cats. Is is mass panic caused by ignorance and a cringeworthy poor education. 


These threads have shown that foreigners are in no position to criticize the intelligence of Thais, nor their education.

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1 minute ago, Hupaponics said:

Is pepper spray legal in Thailand?


For personal safety I consider to have this to spray a barking dog that getting to close. 


Problem is is that the dog can not wash his eyes. How long time do you think the dog will be in agony?


If no one is interested to clean up the streets, one have to protect himself. 


Vinegar, but not the chip shop type thats been watered down too much 5555555

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7 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Vinegar, but not the chip shop type thats been watered down too much 5555555

Actually good idea with vinegar but peper spray is handy, small and relatively long range. 


Cheep insurance for not getting bit by this mutts. 

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8 minutes ago, Hupaponics said:

Actually good idea with vinegar but peper spray is handy, small and relatively long range. 


Cheep insurance for not getting bit by this mutts. 

The financials are important, plus the " firearm " to be used for distribution of said vinegar will be easily obtainable shortly

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The suggestion of vinegar or pepper spray  is a red herring in relation to rabid feral vermin. Eradication is the quickest and most efficient means of control; vinegar or pepper spray is for when rabies has been all but eliminated.


I was only about 9 when I first saw a gamekeepers gibbet....

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Edited by evadgib
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7 hours ago, evadgib said:

The suggestion of vinegar or pepper spray  is a red herring in relation to rabid feral vermin. Eradication is the quickest and most efficient means of control; vinegar or pepper spray is for when rabies has been all but eliminated.


I was only about 9 when I first saw a gamekeepers gibbet....

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Vinegar and pepper spray are for general daily use in protecting yourself from dog attacks in general

I recommend vaccination for rabies 55555555

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22 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

What you mean " wait until ", it is way too late already.


They could start by deporting those foreign " heroes" hailed on this forum who feed a few hundred soi dogs every day.

Culling them  would be better....and more  fun, choose  your  method, death by rabid  soi dog, firing squad, death by lettuce??

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On 3/24/2018 at 1:26 AM, djayz said:

If I read this just one more time I'll explode!!!! They are forever forming commissions, committees, etc. to take care of problems - but the problems still persist! And what the <deleted> h**l are all of these committee, commission, etc. members actually DOING to justify their position on the aforementoined commissions/committee's?!?!  

You can't solve problems from behind a desk. 

Solving the problem is not the desired outcome for them, shuffling paper is

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17 hours ago, Genmai said:


I think there may be confusion on your part as to what actually constitutes an animal lover. I can tell you that wantonly throwing out scraps of food to packs of rabid animals with total disregard for whatever consequences might befall other members of society is NOT what an animal lover does.


The overwhelming majority of Thais subscribe to a responsibility-free sanuk happy-happy-fun-time culture that has no place in the 21st century. The out-of-control rabies and soi dog epidemic is just one of the many MANY symptoms of that cultural quirk. The level of mental maturity generally improves as you go higher up the socio-economic ladder (and in my experience improves drastically as soon as Chinese ancestry is a factor).


I'm a selective animal lover. I hate dogs but I love most cats. In my area there are a few stray cats and we have been caring for the friendlier ones whom we like (the not so nice ones get told to piss off with a bucket of water). The friendlier ones used to look like mangy bones in rags. Now they are clean, silky smooth and look like they can win awards. We regularly take them to the vet to get vaccines, de-worming, check ups, etc. They eat high quality nutritionally balanced cat food, not the fake fish pellet crap from China (that smells like Doritos) mixed with stale rice that the Thais insist on feeding them here. We also train them into socializing properly with the human residents - if the cats do something out of line they get a smack on the ass and eventually turn into well-behaved animals that are a pleasure to have around the house.


Are they still considered to be stray cats? Yes.

Are their lives immeasurably improved by responsible animal ownership on our part? Yes.

Are they a dangerous nuisance to anyone? No.


Every time I go to the nearby 7/11 I am horrified at the sight of the stray dog that the Thai locals 'care' for. The thing looks like something out of The Walking Dead, rotting from the inside out and with most of its fur gone. For the last 2 years it has been wasting away, leaking various fluids onto the steps outside the 7/11 door. I don't know how it has survived this long but it is a sorry sight to see. I highly doubt that animal has ever seen the inside of a vet's office.


I have yet to meet a Thai whom I can consider to be a real animal lover. To be an animal lover one has to assume full responsibility for the animal which they care for. That involves fixing them up medically, getting all the vaccinations, reinforcing positive behaviours while punishing negative behaviours and (most importantly) making sure that the animal is not a dangerous nuisance to society. If someone isn't ready to make that level of commitment then they have no business taking care of strays or any animal whatsoever. I don't care how much the Thais go on and on about how wonderful and compassionate and caring and friendly their bullshit culture is - I'm sorry but if today you feed a rabid dog (out of so-called "compassion") and tomorrow that dog bites a child then there absolutely is a degree of blame which you have to face. At the very very least if those same so-called "animal lovers" can afford to spend money on all the frivolous crap in their lives (iphones, makeup, fancy bikes, smokes, alcohol, hookers, etc) they can cough up a few hundred baht for vaccinations. There is no excuse.





Gawd  you feed  the cats, hows the local bird  population doing now then?

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17 hours ago, JOC said:

Just what we needed....A vegan joining the choir......:coffee1:

Yes.  I've often wondered what these vegan people want.  If we all stopped eating meat what would they suggest we do with the animals that farmers have bred for food?  Would they expect the farmers to carry on feeding their animals until they died of old age?  What about the offspring of these animals or would they expect farmers to pay to have them neutered?  The world is overpopulated with people?  It would soon be overpopulated with animals just like Thailand is overpopulated with dogs.  When I see a vegan or greenie come up with any solution to any of their rants...well, just won't happen.  I'm sure they would rather cull humans than animals that humans have bred (aka given life to) and provided for.  And, yes, to make a profit in most cases.

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17 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Years ago , I remember a farang man throwing a little puppy in the waves . The puppy struggled for it's life , but survived because I broke the nose of this farang idiot after he became agressive .


I do not like to read the comments of the TV members anymore it's a waste of time ... What do all you disgusting people who seem to hate the thais , the dogs , even the women , what do you look for here ?   Go back where you come from and Thailand will be a better place .





Often asked myself how I could save the lives of the pups that lay on the road in the village and get run over.  Now I know.  Just need to bust a few farang noses.  555

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14 minutes ago, sead said:

well, Either people are going to continue poisoning them and they will suffer or they can give them a quick shot. I hope one or another way they will dissapear


A word of warning to any foreigner who intends to poison animals, you will eventually be  caught and you will suffer significant consequences. People are watching. You will be prosecuted and most likely  incur a criminal record leading to your deportation. More likely you will poison someone's companion animal and suffer retribution  such as a beating or a bullet in the head. It has happened before.

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