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I'd like to remind Aussies that they can run their own Hottest 100 party from the Triple J website. ADSL seems to be ok most of the time and it sounds passable with your PC connected to a stereo. Enjoy !



Australia Day, January 26, is the biggest day of celebration in the country and is observed as a public holiday in all states and territories.

On Australia Day we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation.

It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.

There are many great things about this country:

The people - The life savers on the beach and the farmers in the bush; the larrikins; our sporting heroes, artists and visionaries; the volunteers who dedicate their lives to others; the spirit of pulling together in hard times and achieving beyond expectation; the eminent Australians from all walks of life, the battlers and the ordinary Australians who are anything but ordinary.

Our land - Fragile yet enduring. Harsh and extreme, lush and bountiful-a continent like no other. Our ancient land offers boundless opportunity, sustains us and makes us who we are.

Our diversity - A nation of difference and unity. People from the city, the country, different nations and backgrounds; we are one people, living together. Through our diverse beliefs and experiences we learn from each other and grow together.

The indigenous cultures - The rich and resilient spirituality; the knowledge, art and history. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are part of Australia's identity and culture.

Our freedom and democracy - A society built on fundamental rights and responsibilities. Freedom of thought and expression. Participation in government and respect for and equality under the law.

A fair go for all - An enduring spirit of mateship and fairness. A compassionate society committed to access to employment, housing, health and education. Ours is a land of opportunity where we can do anything.


Have a Good One all of you. :o:D:D

Please post your good wishes to our “Australian” Members below. :o

Happy Days :D

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :bah:


You are forgiven for the total unintelligibility

of your post.

Presume you were drunk AGAIN but I would be

the last to throw the first stone in that regard.

But just out curiousity how do you spend a

whole day celebrating what is great about

Australia ? Or do you start late afternoon

or evening or ten minutes to midnight.

Any information gratefully received.

Have to go. I feel some hot breath

on my neck and I don't think it's

anything amorous.



This is the real post that I wanted to do.

Sorry for the other post. Software problems me tink or just me.

Mods, please Merge both if you Kan.

Happy Hols.

Yours truly,

Kan Win


Well i'll be out celebrating it with the Ozzies. If its a reason for a beer then i'm there. Also a paid day off work. I also have a RDO on Monday. So a 4 day weekend for me. :D :D :o


Duplicate threads merged.

Thanks for the reminder Colonel... nearly forgot this year.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Another duplicate thread merged.

Happy Oz Day everyone.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Just got home. ###### i wish the wife could drink! I have to teach her. Dont try and keep up! Sick and pissed in the same conversation! :o


Too right gburns57au. I am in OZ right now and we had one of the best Australia days ever. Here are some images from Sydney, Australia Day 2007.








Just got home. ###### i wish the wife could drink! I have to teach her. Dont try and keep up! Sick and pissed in the same conversation! :D

you dont want your missus drinking, who will drive home?

mine drives all the time when I've had a couple :o

Just got home. ###### i wish the wife could drink! I have to teach her. Dont try and keep up! Sick and pissed in the same conversation! :D

you dont want your missus drinking, who will drive home?

mine drives all the time when I've had a couple :o

She is feeling like shit today. White wine and red mixed. Not a pretty sight coming back up. :D But we took public transport, so no driving. We were over at Cremorne Point with some friends. It was good until the wife was sick. :D

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