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Tourists can't just come and do as they please, says Thai media


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4 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Well Joey, if you'd read my earlier post, you'd see I don't have a "back home". I've been living abroad since was 6 years old and was therefore aware of different cultures from a very young age. By the time I was 10 I used to look at adult expats as a little "clueless". Because I was a kid I made friends with other local kids at whatever school I was attending in whatever country and picked up the language (kids heads are sponges in that respect), rather than the majority of adult expats who spent most of their time hanging out with other expats in their boring little expat enclaves discussing the locals (often in a negative way) as though they actually knew something about them. What is it with western expats, particularly in Thailand, that think they know more than others about "Thai culture" than other expats?  Most of them have never lived abroad before, then they come to Thailand to live for the first time and all of sudden they're experts on the place. A little anecdote for you to illustrate my contempt for the this mentality,  About 5 years ago I was in the cinema in Paragon trying to kill an afternoon, and as usual the king's anthem came on which was everyone's cue to stand up. I was slow getting up because I had a sprained ankle at the time. There was a farang male with what looked like his Thai rent-a-girl-friend, who thought that because I was slow standing up that I wasn't going to, and so the guy (he was British) told me to stand up asap "because of the culture mate, in'it". I told him to mind his own (deleted) <deleted> business and lowered myself down again and sat through the whole anthem. All the while he was standing their behind me huffing, puffing and tutting. The funny thing is his g/f was chuckling the whole time.

Yep-many of them like to adopt the cultural policeman role as it is tune with the general urge to dominate others and occupy some form of moral high ground-the West has not culturally "minded it's own business" for a long time now  and Westerners live in highly policed and intrusive states-generally without any form of social glue whatsoever.


It then becomes a natural urge to tell people what to do and think over in Thailand.


I just hope that the Thais don't catch the puritanical bug in its entirety.







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8 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Well Joey, if you'd read my earlier post, you'd see I don't have a "back home". I've been living abroad since was 6 years old and was therefore aware of different cultures from a very young age. By the time I was 10 I used to look at adult expats as a little "clueless". Because I was a kid I made friends with other local kids at whatever school I was attending in whatever country and picked up the language (kids heads are sponges in that respect), rather than the majority of adult expats who spent most of their time hanging out with other expats in their boring little expat enclaves discussing the locals (often in a negative way) as though they actually knew something about them. What is it with western expats, particularly in Thailand, that think they know more than others about "Thai culture" than other expats?  Most of them have never lived abroad before, then they come to Thailand to live for the first time and all of sudden they're experts on the place. A little anecdote for you to illustrate my contempt for the this mentality,  About 5 years ago I was in the cinema in Paragon trying to kill an afternoon, and as usual the king's anthem came on which was everyone's cue to stand up. I was slow getting up because I had a sprained ankle at the time. There was a farang male with what looked like his Thai rent-a-girl-friend, who thought that because I was slow standing up that I wasn't going to, and so the guy (he was British) told me to stand up asap "because of the culture mate, in'it". I told him to mind his own (deleted) <deleted> business and lowered myself down again and sat through the whole anthem. All the while he was standing their behind me huffing, puffing and tutting. The funny thing is his g/f was chuckling the whole time.

1st class disrespect.

Ignorant fool and idiot.

Spending time in the compound with mummy is no experience.

The guy (Brit or otherwise)  in the cinima was right to stand as I bet all the Thai audience members did.

The Thai girl you cast aspersions on was likely thinking you might get a kicking out side, hence the laughter.

Sheltered life in all the countries Dad took you too.

I bet he got you a job too....

Clueless is right. Nowhere to call home you have no idea,  no allegiance just lost in the ether.



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8 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

1st class disrespect.

Ignorant fool and idiot.

Spending time in the compound with mummy is no experience.

The guy (Brit or otherwise)  in the cinima was right to stand as I bet all the Thai audience members did.

The Thai girl you cast aspersions on was likely thinking you might get a kicking out side, hence the laughter.

Sheltered life in all the countries Dad took you too.

I bet he got you a job too....

Clueless is right. Nowhere to call home you have no idea,  no allegiance just lost in the ether.



One part of me actually feels sorry for you. I had more experience of the world than you'll ever have when I was 9 or 10 than. The girl was laughing because her "boy friend: made a fool of himself, just like you're doing now. Anyway, Mr Thailand cultural expert, you're boring the B'Jesus out of me now so get lost and find hobby, or better still, a job.

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8 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

One part of me actually feels sorry for you. I had more experience of the world than you'll ever have when I was 9 or 10 than. The girl was laughing because her "boy friend: made a fool of himself, just like you're doing now. Anyway, Mr Thailand cultural expert, you're boring the B'Jesus out of me now so get lost and find hobby, or better still, a job.

I think my antagonist (Joey) suffers from 'I'm the only farang in the village' syndrome. It must be contagious because some westerners in BKK even suffer from it.

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1 minute ago, kannot said:

I seem to remember a  few  Thais who refused to stand in the cinema a  while  back it made the headlines ,and good  for them standing up to the BS they have been fed from birth, the peer  pressure  of  following a  myth, a  virtual religion. Question everything.

respect for the king is a myth?  are there no accepted signs of respect for ideas, customs, people, etc in your home country that you take part in?

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Just now, stephen tracy said:

I think my antagonist (Joey) suffers from 'I'm the only farang in the village' syndrome. It must be contagious because some westerners in BKK even suffer from it.

did the thais in the room congratulate you on your masterful way of punishing a foreigner by showing disrespect for their king?


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6 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

respect for the king is a myth?  are there no accepted signs of respect for ideas, customs, people, etc in your home country that you take part in?

 1st sentence  This  CANNOT be discussed!!

I cannot  respect an idea when its clearly nonsense, therefore religion has already lost any respect  due to its history and total lack of evidence, if  you follow a religion and  have to "respect" it you may as  well say god is a banana called  Derek because there is no way you can prove to me he ( notice always male) isnt and therefore you must "respect" my Banana god

Edited by kannot
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3 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

did the thais in the room congratulate you on your masterful way of punishing a foreigner by showing disrespect for their king?


In the usual way he was beaten half to death by the baying  mob.................as i said peer  pressure

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Just now, kannot said:

 !st sentence  This  CANNOT be discussed!!

I cannot  respect an idea when its clearly nonsense, therefore religion has already lost any respect  due to its history and total lack of evidence, if  you follow a religion and  have to "respect" it you may as  well say god is a banana called  Derek because there is no way you can prove to me he ( notice always male) isnt and therefore you must "respect" my Banana god

they are showing respect for their head of state and one of the three supports of the thai kingdom.


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2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

One part of me actually feels sorry for you. I had more experience of the world than you'll ever have when I was 9 or 10 than. The girl was laughing because her "boy friend: made a fool of himself, just like you're doing now. Anyway, Mr Thailand cultural expert, you're boring the B'Jesus out of me now so get lost and find hobby, or better still, a job.

I retired thanks, and your experience is worthless for the main part.

You are lost in a vacuum, and should be emptied into the trash.

My son did all you did with his step father after a divorce, so I know much more about it than you assume.

If anyone needs sympathy it is you for not understanding the question ON topic.


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1 minute ago, AYJAYDEE said:

they are showing respect for their head of state and one of the three supports of the thai kingdom.


THIS  CANNOT BE DISCUSSED,  so how can I answer your questions, lets say if you read the real true  history of Thailand you might think ( doubt it) very differently.

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Just now, kannot said:

THIS  CANNOT BE DISCUSSED,  so how can I answer your questions, lets say if you read the real true  history of Thailand you might think ( doubt it) very differently.

its not a question, its a statement. and i think there are some customs of respect that you adhere to in your own country 


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11 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

espect for the king is a myth? 

I am replying to the conversation about this subject which you mentioned  and continued in the following replies

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8 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

did the thais in the room congratulate you on your masterful way of punishing a foreigner by showing disrespect for their king?


No one even noticed except the ignorant, pompous farang idiot,  and if they did, they didn't say anything because most Thais are petty-minded like some of the western expats in Thailand. I know this because I know plenty of Thais and can converse with them in their own tongue on pretty much any subject.

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

No one even noticed except the ignorant, pompous farang idiot,  and if they did, they didn't say anything because most Thais are petty-minded like some of the western expats in Thailand. I know this because I know plenty of Thais and can converse with them in their own tongue on pretty much any subject.

of course they didnt, they are much too polite to criticize someone who refuses to show proper respect to something they hold dear. But that doesnt mean they dont figure you for just one more farang yobo


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1 minute ago, AYJAYDEE said:

there is no law against mentioning thais respect for the royal family


But  UNFORTUNATELY thats ALL that can be mentioned as  well you know so any other view is simply  silenced by obscene archaic  rules which Thai Visa HAS to follow or they lose the cash cow of their site.

Emeperor's new clothes ...........dont they  look wonderful

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Read a book. I suggest 'The King Never Smiles'... you can buy in Singapore. You might actually learn something but I doubt it.

And the guy who wrote it lives in EXILE, tells  you a  lot about a country that they force their own countrymen abroad for telling in many  cases but not all the TRUTH.

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8 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I retired thanks, and your experience is worthless for the main part.

You are lost in a vacuum, and should be emptied into the trash.

My son did all you did with his step father after a divorce, so I know much more about it than you assume.

If anyone needs sympathy it is you for not understanding the question ON topic.


I suggest you go back to your little self-righteous, I'm an ignorant farang life in Thailand. You are way out f your depth. Your comments clearly illustrate how little you know about the country you profess to be a cultural expert on. Their are plenty if farangs like you here, you're a statistic.

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Just now, kannot said:

But  UNFORTUNATELY thats ALL that can be mentioned as  well you know so any other view is simply  silenced by obscene archaic  rules which Thai Visa HAS to follow or they lose the cash cow of their site.

Emeperor's new clothes ...........dont they  look wonderful

I wasnt asking you to opine on the validity of their respect, just whether showing respect for a an actual existing entity is mythical?


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35 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I didn't live in a compound, and it was actually my mother's job that first took us abroad. I did attend international schools but with local kids in attendance as well. The fact that you said I "need to study"ore about Thai culture speaks volumes about you. Your just another clueless, Western farang who came to live in Thailand (no doubt the first time you've ever actually lived abroad) and are under the delusion that you actually know a thing or two. I've got news for you, you don't. I laugh at people like you and have dome since I was about 10. For elaboration see my last comment. A 5 year ban?  How bloody stupid. Even the Thai friends I have in Bangkok thought the whole thing was an embarrassment and a complete over reaction. They too laugh at western expats like you.

Ah, of course I expect mummy looked after you just the same, and nanny gave you a rub when you wanted one.

What a load of privileged crap.

Steven, you don't live in the real world, Very few Thais would dare to question the monarchy unless they are so rich as to be "untouchable".


Thai fairy land with the rich, famous and vacuous.


The rest of the population are not of the same opinion.



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8 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

probably not as I see you didnt


How can you comment on a book you've never read? And so how can possibly comment on a country and a culture you nothing about? Nix, nada. Marry a local woman from a socio-economically marginalized part of the country doesn't - I'm afraid - qualify you as an expert, although it is a common delusion amongst your type.

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4 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

I wasnt asking you to opine on the validity of their respect, just whether showing respect for a an actual existing entity is mythical?


When the respect has been "implanted" then  no, simply because its  not really "respect"

However I see what your'e  getting at and  yes they "may" respect the myth but you can never  really know because failure to respect the myth leads to severe punishment.

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