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Partner problems, a family crisis, 5.5 years on...what happened next.

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11 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Any post can be offset by truth's from others with first hand knowledge, to which the OP is only repeating what he stated his partner told him. 


She wasn't making 50,000 a month working in a restaurant in Israel no matter what the OP says. He was not there, he is trusting the word of a woman that was arrested for breaking the law. As stated, restaurant workers are some of the lowest paid workers in Israel. Why in the world would an uneducated Thai woman from Isaan earn 50,000 baht a month? I suppose all the restaurant workers were making 50,000 a month? or only her because she was so fabulous with the tips? Come on man, you have no idea how Thai's are treated outside of Thailand. They are considered the low life laborers only.


We have friends working there right now in the fields, hotels, restaurants, etc. no one is making any where near that amount. The cost of getting scammed for room and board is taking half their earnings away. 


You have any idea how an uneducated worker in Isaan is able to get a passport and a work VISA to get to Israel? It is all a scam with people being paid off at every level. And like I said a million times, there is a huge cost for the people that accept these jobs unknowingly because everything they are told is a lie.


Clearly the OP only knows his partner's side of the story, not from 10 years of living in Isaan watching people getting scammed year in and year out. 


The OP is sharing a lesson here, however, he is only sharing what he knows from his convicted ex-partner.


Anyone that wouldn't want to see or hear some more of the story to learn how these scams unfold, is just plain stupid.


The OP doesn't seem to understand Isaan at all. If you have a 5th grade education, worked your entire life for 200 baht a day, never been out of Isaan ever and someone comes along stating "Come work in Israel and you will get rich", sure it is easy to scam these people whose dreams overcome any rational thought that this might not be true.


People in the rural villages are so poor and uneducated they will believe anything. How many people in Isaan know how much airfare is from Thailand to Israel? Zer0. So when they are told to pony up 100,000, 200,000 or 300,000 for a job because they will be getting rich (so they are told) they fall right into the scam.


The majority of these people that end up working in these jobs oversea's cannot even fill out an application, yet miraculously they end up with a passport, visa and overseas job.


People that live in the rural villages in Isaan all know this as some other posters have mentioned.


The lesson learned is the uneducated are easy prey to get scammed. Greed always overshadows what limited education they have. Isaan people continue to get caught up in these scams even today. 


My stupid brother in law was one of them.





Oh come on man you have clearly demonstrated that you have no idea about me or what I know or understand. Your condescending attitude towards me regarding all things Isaan is only out matched by your even more condescending attitude towards Isaan people themselves. Maybe all the people the village where you live or have lived including your extended Thai family fit the "uneducated cannot feel out an application form" bill but not all Isaan people are stupid. My ex partner for all her faults was a very clever girl, the fact that I could have a decent,inteligent  and interesting conversation with her was something that was most appealing and a refreshing change from most female encounters I had previously had in Thailand.

You see 5 years in Israel working with people from all over the world had given her an education that she could never have achieved back in her home village milking the local frogs.Yes she went to the village school and then one about 20 km away and yes we all know the standard of Thai education in these areas sucks....but that does not mean that no naturally gifted or clever kids ever materialise from these schools. Same applies to schools all over the world.

"Why in the world would an uneducated Thai woman from Isaan earn 50,000 baht a month?"

This has to rank as one of your most condescending statements ever.You really come over as a bigoted ex pat sexist who refuses to accept that any woman from an Issan village could have an ounce of intelligence in her skull. Believe me there are always more than a few exceptions to the rule.

But let me tell you why.It was because as a young 19 year old she was smart, clever and determined to make a success in Israel. She was independent,sociable,well groomed and was already competent in both written and verbal English and thus probably had a bit more savvy than the average immigrant illiterate male Thai fruit picker that seems to have lived in your Issan neighbourhood

"Anyone that wouldn't want to see or hear some more of the story to learn how these scams unfold, is just plain stupid"

You continue to rant about Thai people being scammed on overseas work and I have made it more than clear that I am aware of and deplore this dispicable practice,and having been through what I have for 5 years using an Issan lawyer you get to know about the origins of all these scams from somebody who has seen them all.  There is no need to repeat this again and again ,believe me we are all with you on this and understand that a large number of gullible Isaan people have fallen into this trap. Anybody that cannot grasp the above must be just plain stupid.

It was many years ago that my ex partner and I last talked about Israel but for the first time since I spoke with her last night regarding those days .It is a very long time ago so figures may not be exact but yes as a young women she did pay an agency. She remembers it as being around 120,000 thb so it was at the lower end of the rip off scale although by Thai standards still huge. Most of the money she says was raised by putting her families land as security but as you know there are plenty of loan sharks out there if you have no other means. On arriving in Tel Aviv she was originally placed with a well to do Israeli family where she was responsible for everything from the housework to caring for the children. She tells me this was extremely hard work and after about a year she had had enough. She literally walked out of her "contract" much to the dismay of the Israeli family who told her she had no right to leave. She mentioned something about also losing some form of extra deposit with the agency because she walked out  but she felt so suffocated she felt she had no choice.


However after a year being immersed with the local Thai expat community she had also found out where the better jobs existed and where she could share accommodation and live cheaply. She got a job just outside of Tel Aviv in a restaurant that specialised in Japanese and Asian cusine. This was no tin pot alley restaurant but a very large one which was fully booked almost every night. It is to this day still ranked as No2 on Tripadvisor. Tipping is discretional but expected in restaurants and usually ranges between 10-15%. There were a lot of tips every night that was shared equally amongst the restaurant staff. Restaurant workers throughout the world rely on their tips to make a living wage,Israel is no different from anywhere else. However you sound to me like somebody who is not a big tipper or probably tips nothing at all so making some good money from tips is probably a concept you are alien to.There were many such falang that I came across who suffered extreme alergic reactions regarding tipping during my days in Thailand.


Restaurant workers are some of the lowest paid workers in Israel.

Yes absoulutely trues as they are in many parts of the world.But that means work is readily available since the locals do not want the jobs.They see that type of work as "beneath them" irrespective whether the wage is good or not so the jobs are mostly filled by students and migrant workers. But for you to label a whole country as being bad towards Thai's because of the mal treatment of the fruit farm workers is xenophobia in the extreme. Unlike you I believe anywhere there are bad people there will be some good moral people too and it is quite possible that some would be prepared to pay the minimum wage particularly in a successful thriving restaurant such as the one where my ex partner worked.

You obviously have convinced yourself  that my former partner was part of a human trafficking racket despite having no evidence.As I have already pointed out ironically the fraud that my partner was part of years later is probably the biggest piece of evidence confirming no wrong doing in Israel. There seems to have been no shortage of customers coming forward largely based on her unblemished track record where feedback from villagers that went to work in Israel was good.Just because many Thai workers that went to Israel got ripped off and abused with poor working conditions does not mean that EVERY Thai that ever travelled there had a negative experience.No doubt you will come back with your condesending attitude towards all Issan people over this ,tell me once more that I'm stupid, and say that Isaan people really would be more stupid than stupid to come back for more punishment, even if my partner had bankrupt the whole village over Israel....but hey never mind.

I'm really done talking with you on this now.I expect you will come back sprouting a load of new condescending tosh about me being stupid,not knowing this ,not knowing that ,not knowing my partner bla bla bla but that is of no consequence to me whatsoever. My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed ,which intelligent people can also possess in oodles, but she has done her time , learned her lesson and is now leading a clean, honest life and right now and into the future that is all that matters for her, myself and most important of all our daughter.Amen.













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Yes she was a brilliant 19 year old criminal, who was so savvy and sophisticated compared to others in Isaan, that she ended up in jail. Does that make any sense?


It was because as a young 19 year old she was smart, clever and determined to make a success in Israel. She was independent,sociable,well groomed and was already competent in both written and verbal English and thus probably had a bit more savvy


Yet with all these traits she paid the scam money to get the job in Israel the same as all the others that cannot even write their own name?


You must be scratching your head, with your definition of your ex above, how she ended up in jail with all these positives traits and more savvy than others???????????????? If she had all that going for her, why turn to crime? Positive people with positive traits don't normally end up in prison?


Everything I have mentioned in my posts, including costs to get the job have been confirmed by you.


However, never met a 19 year old in Isaan that was that competent in English? Ever ask her where she learned her English at 19 years old because they sure as hell don't teach that in Isaan High Schools or maybe you care confusing rural Isaan with Khon Kaen or a city?


My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed


Intelligent and stupidity? How do you do that?


At this point you are trying to convince yourself to the point you cannot even make sense what you are saying.


Surely if she was as intelligent as you claim, she wouldn't have been stupid enough to get caught.


You believe what ever she told you.


You have already confirmed that much of what I posted was true.

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12 minutes ago, catman20 said:

i guess she was different :cheesy:

OP: My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed


Intelligent and stupidity? How do you do that?

5 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

OP: My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed


Intelligent and stupidity? How do you do that?

Read the complete quote por favor . My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed ,which intelligent people can also possess in oodles . Let me explain what this means...People that are deemed to be Intelligent, can and do, resort to some form of stupidity at some point in their life. Doing something stupid is possible for all of us from professors to politicians to doctors etc etc.So called  very wise people have sometimes been taken in by the most basic of doorstep scams.

  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Yes she was a brilliant 19 year old criminal, who was so savvy and sophisticated compared to others in Isaan, that she ended up in jail. Does that make any sense?

You are talking bullshit. You have no evidence that she was a criminal at 19.




It was because as a young 19 year old she was smart, clever and determined to make a success in Israel. She was independent,sociable,well groomed and was already competent in both written and verbal English and thus probably had a bit more savvy


Yet with all these traits she paid the scam money to get the job in Israel the same as all the others that cannot even write their own name?


At 19 with nothing that was the only way. She made a success of what she did in Israel working with her strengths.


You must be scratching your head, with your definition of your ex above, how she ended up in jail with all these positives traits and more savvy than others???????????????? If she had all that going for her, why turn to crime? Positive people with positive traits don't normally end up in prison?


Yes I am ...again you have not read my previous posts....leaving me to scratch my head even more over why i am continually having to tell you that.





Everything I have mentioned in my posts, including costs to get the job have been confirmed by you.


However, never met a 19 year old in Isaan that was that competent in English? Ever ask her where she learned her English at 19 years old because they sure as hell don't teach that in Isaan High Schools or maybe you care confusing rural Isaan with Khon Kaen or a city?


She went to high school in Buriram City where she told me they taught some English.Could be bullshit but I don't care. What I meant to say was she had at least some understanding of English before going to Israel and at the end of 5 years was well conversed in it from working in a multi culture environment.




My ex partner although intelligent was guilty of fraud due to her stupidity and greed


Intelligent and stupidity? How do you do that?



At this point you are trying to convince yourself to the point you cannot even make sense what you are saying.

At this point it is you trying to convince yourself to the point that your posts have been contrived and totally mixed up from the beginning. You have shown a remarkable lack of observation.


Surely if she was as intelligent as you claim, she wouldn't have been stupid enough to get caught.

I was talking about her intelligence as a person in general not in relation to her being a criminal mastermind.

Many,many rich ,wealthy hi so''s end up getting caught so why should a girl from Buriram be any different?

You believe what ever she told you.

No YOU believe I believed eveything she told me. You are wrong and if you read back( yes here we go again) you will see that over the crime I have questioned whether I have been told the complete truth.






Well said cornishcarlos ,wise words and absoultely correct,Its late here and I'm up way past my bedtime...when you get tired you do silly things !


Indeed Nextmove, I myself have met some very capable well presented and modern people in isann but also the majority there can be a bit simplistic and rural, who don't have any abilities or skills. The guy trolling you seems to think that 100 percent of isann people are the simplistic type, he can't get his head around the fact that this is not the case, he has his mind made up without considering the facts, which is an unfortunate trait a lot of people have, but every rural area in every country has a percentage of articulate well presented and modern people.


  • Like 1
7 hours ago, nextmove said:

People that are deemed to be Intelligent, can and do, resort to some form of stupidity at some point in their life. Doing something stupid is possible for all of us from professors to politicians to doctors etc etc.So called  very wise people have sometimes been taken in by the most basic of doorstep scams.

While I'm not super intelligent, I am not a moron either, but I've been scammed twice by women that took me for more than I could afford, so I certainly did something stupid, twice. Plus I fell for more than one low level scam during my life. Scammers succeed because they know how to play people, not necessarily because people are stupid.

I doubt there is a person alive that has not done something stupid, for a million different reasons. It doesn't make THEM stupid; it makes them human.

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On 01/04/2018 at 11:08 AM, Rally123 said:

I couldn't be bother to read such a long opening post so I'll just wait for the movie to come out.   :smile:

555 me too. Why do people spill their whole life story on here? Must be a form of therapy.

  • Sad 1
9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While I'm not super intelligent, I am not a moron either, but I've been scammed twice by women that took me for more than I could afford, so I certainly did something stupid, twice. Plus I fell for more than one low level scam during my life. Scammers succeed because they know how to play people, not necessarily because people are stupid.

I doubt there is a person alive that has not done something stupid, for a million different reasons. It doesn't make THEM stupid; it makes them human.

Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice shame on me

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  • Confused 1
10 hours ago, nextmove said:





Some one has to call you on your BS:


already competent in both written and verbal English and thus probably had a bit more savvy


She went to high school in Buriram City where she told me they taught some English.Could be bullshit but I don't care. What I meant to say was she had at least some understanding of English before going to Israel


Competent in English, then savvy, then it could be BS?


If you are going to tell a story how she made so much money and was more savvy, then come back and say the real reason could be BS, it sounds like you don't even know the real story yourself.

3 hours ago, sniper said:

Indeed Nextmove, I myself have met some very capable well presented and modern people in isann but also the majority there can be a bit simplistic and rural, who don't have any abilities or skills. The guy trolling you seems to think that 100 percent of isann people are the simplistic type, he can't get his head around the fact that this is not the case, he has his mind made up without considering the facts, which is an unfortunate trait a lot of people have, but every rural area in every country has a percentage of articulate well presented and modern people.


Sorry to say, not true


Get into the real rural Isaan, like my wife's village and you won't find 1 person that can speak even 1 sentence of English.


I think you are confusing yourself with cities in Isaan and not rural Isaan as I have mentioned numerous times.


There are small rural pockets all over Isaan where the main job is cutting rice and sugarcane by hand. The entire villa will have NO well presented and modern people.


I think modern people would at least have running water, right?


Articulate, well presented and modern people don't get scammed into going to work outside of Thailand.



2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Sorry to say, not true


Get into the real rural Isaan, like my wife's village and you won't find 1 person that can speak even 1 sentence of English.


I think you are confusing yourself with cities in Isaan and not rural Isaan as I have mentioned numerous times.


There are small rural pockets all over Isaan where the main job is cutting rice and sugarcane by hand. The entire villa will have NO well presented and modern people.


I think modern people would at least have running water, right?


Articulate, well presented and modern people don't get scammed into going to work outside of Thailand.



Love these guys who think they are the arbiteurs of the "real" authentic experience, as if no one else's perspective matters.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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