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Healthy diet - blood work results one year on - Oh!

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16 hours ago, carlyai said:

I lived in Bali for 6 years and regularly bought freshish fish mackerel etc from the fisherman's boats.
I'd heard about high mercury levels in surface fish of Indonesia so had a test for mercury when in Australia. No mercury problem.

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Have you ever tried buffalo steak? Some beef in Isaan is actually buffalo. But buffaloes eat only herbs, so shouldn't their meat be healthy?


  I mean of course a lot healthier than pork. 

16 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Tinned sardines I think maybe the best choice but not really good value in Thailand. I've seen well priced fried little white bait at the markets but I just don't trust seafood in the sun



nothing canned is that good. sardines may be related to elevated  uric acid levels. but basically all canned food is industrial  crap and should be taken in moderation. Maybe  once a week...and different species...The role of corn syrup and other super fructose sugars has not been discussed on this thread but is a major cause of illness, gout,diabetes, obesity and maybe cancer. Canned sardines in tomato sauce are sweetened worth what? And how much salt is added?


Check LDL particle size without this factor investigated much can be missed


"Many recent studies have looked into the importance of LDL-particle size. Studies show that people whose LDL particles are predominantly small and dense, have a threefold greater risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, the large and fluffy type of LDL may be protective."


Again no one seems to be checking fasting insulin levels that determines much because insulin resistance seems to be at the route of inflammation . Seems inflammation seems to be the root cause of most all lifestyle diseases especially heart disease that is the number one killer so it's not cholesterol that is damaging the heart in fact the cholesterol is sent in to fix the damage done by the insulin resistance that is the real root cause of heart disease possibly . Check A1C , fasting glucose and ( for sure fasting insulin and possibly do a three hour 100 gram glucose challenge with insulin and glucose tested each hour it's cheap and uncovers so much .





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7 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Have you ever tried buffalo steak? Some beef in Isaan is actually buffalo. But buffaloes eat only herbs, so shouldn't their meat be healthy?


  I mean of course a lot healthier than pork. 

What's wrong with pork?

On 04/04/2018 at 3:02 PM, rak sa_ngop said:

The bigger the fish the higher up the food chain it is, and the higher the levels of mercury present in the fish.


I remember reading that body builders like to eat large amounts of tinned tuna because it is cheap protein. This can result in mercury poisoning although the effects apparently are reversible. Small amounts of big fish are OK.

Depends on tuna source.

8 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Have you ever tried buffalo steak? Some beef in Isaan is actually buffalo. But buffaloes eat only herbs, so shouldn't their meat be healthy?


  I mean of course a lot healthier than pork. 


"Diet. Buffalo are herbivores, and so eat only vegetation. Their favorite foods are grass and herbs, but water buffalo will also eat aquatic plants. Both African and Asian buffalo will eat shrubs and trees when they can't find grass or herbs to eat."

On 4/2/2018 at 4:10 AM, carlyai said:

Just about the prostrate thinggy...when I used to cycle like mad I had an enlarged prostrate as well. Prostrate trouble may be an occupational hazard for older bike riders. Those thick padded special bike pants help.


The horn on a bicycle seat will very often cause pelvic problems for obvious reasons and that's why I had a Spongy Wonder bicycle seat installed on my mountain bike.  No more pressure in the pelvic area.


Yes, I have a spongy bike saddle to basically avoid a sore bum...

My prostate has been slightly enlarged for years, but the finger-up-the-bum test indicates that it isn't getting any larger, and it gives me minimal problems about peeing in the night etc. I monitor the PSA every year in case it rises rapidly.

To be honest, my prostate/PSA is a very minor concern for me, and I have no major concerns about anything... :)

On 4/7/2018 at 5:59 PM, simon43 said:

Yes, I have a spongy bike saddle to basically avoid a sore bum...

My prostate has been slightly enlarged for years, but the finger-up-the-bum test indicates that it isn't getting any larger, and it gives me minimal problems about peeing in the night etc. I monitor the PSA every year in case it rises rapidly.

To be honest, my prostate/PSA is a very minor concern for me, and I have no major concerns about anything... :)

Back in the very early 1970's my father had an enlarged prostate and was getting up several times during the night to urinate and could never get a good night's sleep. His physician at the time told him that there was really nothing that could be done about it and that he would just have to learn to live with it.


Anyway, to make a short story even shorter, I got my father to eat a small handful of raw unsalted pumpkin seeds every other day and in less than a week his nocturnal visits to the bathroom came to an end. And when he had his next "finger-up-the-bum test" his doctor was shocked and told him that his prostate was like that of a young man's.

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2 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

eat a small handful of raw unsalted pumpkin seeds

My dad has the same issue with nocturnal urinating.  Any other solutions besides pumpkin seeds that may help?


... and better still buy fresh or properly smoked Mackerel,Tuna or other oily fish.

Unfortunately, I can't do that. I live in Naypyidaw (Myanmar) and fresh or smoked fish seem unavailable.

I chose to eat tinned mackerel because Googling suggested that tinned mackerel has the lowest level of mercury.

I suppose I can get the oily fish benefits from Omega 3 fish oil supplements...
  • Thanks 1
4 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Unfortunately, I can't do that. I live in Naypyidaw (Myanmar) and fresh or smoked fish seem unavailable.

I chose to eat tinned mackerel because Googling suggested that tinned mackerel has the lowest level of mercury.

I suppose I can get the oily fish benefits from Omega 3 fish oil supplements...

Yes Simon omega 3 will be just as good but again try and check the content of the capsule or the form in which you take it, some of the Chinese stuff is lethal.


You could also approach the chef’s in some of the 5 star hotels you mentioned about fresh supplies, undoubtedly they will have fresh fish on the menu so adding some oily for you would not be too much of a problem

7 hours ago, HLover said:

My dad has the same issue with nocturnal urinating.  Any other solutions besides pumpkin seeds that may help?

Tadafil...Cialis...and or a variety of Japanese mushrooms to aid benign prostrate enlargement.

  • Thanks 1
9 hours ago, Janner1 said:

Hello Simon,

listen to yourself, I have quoted you here, and pay attention to SimonD he has hit the nail on the head for you.

The problem is the TINNED fish, yes it is oily BUT it is full of heavy metals ( SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ) and the processing of it adds enormous quantities of SALT and therein lies the rise in cholesterol, the heavy metals attract the salt.


So cut down to once a week if you can, and better still buy fresh or properly smoked Mackerel,Tuna or other oily fish.


Farmed Salmon is also proven to be bad because it is also full of heavy metals by virtue of the food stuff scraped off the sea bed and processed into fish pellets, so again once a week only, and top yourself up with multi vit.


If you experience night time leg cramps at any time this is caused by the same heavy metals and salt.


I have been where you are and now I do not eat tinned fish ever, I am now 71 take no medication of any description and believe it or not I do not need glasses or viagra, and that statement is 100% honest


I hope this helps you.


The size of the fish is what matters. It doesn't matter if the tuna is tinned or "properly smoked" it will have more mercury than sardines prepared either way. Also, heavy metals don't attract salt.




Most farmed salmon is fed vegetable meal and fish pelets, and has less mercury than wild salmon.


I won't get into the inflamation possibilities from the vegetable meal, but it's something to look into. 

13 hours ago, HLover said:

My dad has the same issue with nocturnal urinating.  Any other solutions besides pumpkin seeds that may help?

He might want to avoid spicy and acidic foods, caffeine, and alcohol if he is not already doing that.

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You could also approach the chef’s in some of the 5 star hotels you mentioned about fresh supplies,

LoL, the hotels in Naypyitaw are like nowhere else on the planet. They are extravagant, impressive, with many staff running around. The only thing they don't have are guests..... (which means they don't keep decent fresh food in stock).
On 10/04/2018 at 12:22 AM, Mook1e said:

Most farmed salmon is fed vegetable meal and fish pelets, and has less mercury than wild salmon.

Fish pellets made entirely from heavily contaminated fish products SRAPPED FROM THE SEABED.


Me thinks someone has an investment in fish farms and wants us all to believe the rhetoric they pump out

i suppose the next thing you will tell is that the explosion of SEA LICE in the farms is causing no damage to the wild stocks or the environment.

On 4/12/2018 at 3:27 AM, Janner1 said:

Fish pellets made entirely from heavily contaminated fish products SRAPPED FROM THE SEABED.


Me thinks someone has an investment in fish farms and wants us all to believe the rhetoric they pump out

i suppose the next thing you will tell is that the explosion of SEA LICE in the farms is causing no damage to the wild stocks or the environment.

And yet they still have less mercury.

The fish pellets aren't made entirely from fish products SCRAPED from the seabed, but go ahead and make whatever unsubstantiated claims you want.

Me thinks...blah blah. I'll just type normally, how about you join me? No need for insinuations of conspiracies. PACIFIC SALMON and coho farmed in recirculating aquaculture systems for food doesn't have the same problems with mercury OR lice that conventionally farmed atlantic salmon breeds do.

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6 hours ago, Mook1e said:

And yet they still have less mercury.

The fish pellets aren't made entirely from fish products SCRAPED from the seabed, but go ahead and make whatever unsubstantiated claims you want.

Me thinks...blah blah. I'll just type normally, how about you join me? No need for insinuations of conspiracies. PACIFIC SALMON and coho farmed in recirculating aquaculture systems for food doesn't have the same problems with mercury OR lice that conventionally farmed atlantic salmon breeds do.

May I suggest that you believe what ever you wish to believe, and whilst I do not profess to know it all I have had 47 years of following scientific study in the problems and outcomes of fish farming and the collection and process used in the production of food stuffs to feed the stocks of fish within.


Eminent scientists have warned for some years now against regular consumption ie 2 or more times per week of farmed Salmon.


The evidence is also proven concerning the enormous environmental damage under the stock pens to the seabed from the waste products, and the explosion in Sea lice, and subsequent damage to wild stocks as these fish pass by the pens.


Please do not mis-understand me, I have not at any time tried to dissuade people from the consumption of farmed fish, I have merely offered the benefit of 47 years knowledge, whilst leaving the choices entirely up to the reader.


If you are a consumer of this product you obviously do so because you consider it to be good food !! and beneficial to your health, so please allow me without malice to wish you well in that.



  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/9/2018 at 3:41 PM, simon43 said:

Unfortunately, I can't do that. I live in Naypyidaw (Myanmar) and fresh or smoked fish seem unavailable.

A friend smokes his own mackerel in a purpose built smoker in his garden and does so without any salt. There are several 'how to' videos on youtube explaining the difference between hot or cold smoking & I even saw one where a bloke used a large cardboard box in order to smoke a slack handful hanging kipper-style inside.


They looked delicious.



5 hours ago, evadgib said:

A friend smokes his own mackerel in a purpose built smoker in his garden and does so without any salt. There are several 'how to' videos on youtube explaining the difference between hot or cold smoking & I even saw one where a bloke used a large cardboard box in order to smoke a slack handful hanging kipper-style inside.


They looked delicious.

And they will be delicious, hot or cold smoked. 

If you hot smoke don’t entirely waste the resulting oil, when it sets put some back on the fish when you eat it, if you have not used salt it is all natural goodness.

And get the misses to use it on her hands and they will be sooooooooo soft and no smell.


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