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Trump proposes $100 billion more in tariffs on China, cites IP


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1 minute ago, billd766 said:


Probably because they can afford to, and they can also import labour legally and produce it cheaper and sell what they don't export to China to the US and make a profit. They don't have to account to shareholders to cut costs and maximise profits.


Why is the USA selling the farmland and meat production industries to the Chinese in the first place? Why not sell to other Americans?

Cuz they can't take the land with them.

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3 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

Trump fires a shotgun at Chinese trade and China fires an rifle at US trade, who do you think is the more stable genius ?




Trump fires a shotgun blunderbus at Chinese trade and China fires an rifle at US trade, who do you think is the more stable genius ?




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44 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Why is the USA selling the farmland and meat production industries to the Chinese in the first place?

Probably not seen as strategic resources. Otherwise in a capitalistic economy, it's the highest bidder takes all. If an owner stands to make a lot of profit in a sale, ie., to the Chinese, why not?

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On 4/6/2018 at 11:56 PM, spidermike007 said:

I believe Tiny Don is risking far more, than the Chinese. They are far less dependent on the US, than they used to be. And they are in a position of strength, with trillions in reserves. The US on the other hand has 21 trillion in debt (not counting the Iraq and Afghanistan related debt, which has always been off the books, after Cheney got congress to sign that ridiculous declaration, which probably adds another 10 trillion to the debt. So, we may be looking at 31 trillion. Is that sustainable? 


Thousands of American companies manufacture in China. Their products will now be subject to tariffs. Both the leader of the American Retail association, and a GOP senator from Nebraska have stated that Tiny Don is playing with fire, and may be completely out of his element.


Let us never forget. This man is a very mediocre businessman. He bankrupted five companies. He amassed most of his wealth by stealing it from investors and small businessmen. Anyone can make a fortune by stealing. Not much of an accomplishment. This guy is NOT a good negotiator. He is not a diplomat. He is a charlatan, circus huckster reality TV show host. Welcome to the Tiny Don show. 


This man appears to be becoming increasingly unhinged, by the day. I think the stress of the job is getting to him, and he does not appear to be able to handle all of the disapproval. He is used to having people kiss his butt wherever he goes. Now, he is getting alot of pushback, and it appears to be making him downright nuts. If he was not insane to begin with, he is showing real signs of it now.


My prediction is that he is going to crash and burn. Within 12 months. Either resignation under disgrace, or imprisonment. Both would be a beautiful thing for the planet, and the nation. 


This has got to be the most chaotic, least organized, and most incompetent leader, and administration in recent history. Every day brings more chaos. Little Don cannot help but shoot himself in the foot daily. The little bit of talent that the administration had, is leaving in droves. They are fleeing the most radioactive man in America.


Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don. Now he appoints John Bolton? This man is not qualified to lead the boy scout chapter of Indianapolis. Ge should be kept as far away from foreign policy decisions as possible, with his hateful and toxic views. I give him 90 days, before he is dismissed. 


The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 





They probably have to change little Xi's diaper several times a day because he is wetting himself while big Trump is showing him who is in charge of the world economy.

A banking crisis in China will show how much rot there is under the carpet. Just watch "The China Hustle"



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54 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Trump is doing what is best for America and the American people while Xi is doing what is hurting Trump the most, with little regards that pork prices will increase in China and it will hurt the Chinese people.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out who is doing the right thing. 


America's largest pork producer was bought by the Chinese a few years ago, which is kinda ironic.


Say, here's some news hot off the wire:




I wonder if they'll reduce the barriers to US autos and then give your "social credit" account a strike against it if you actually buy one.




It's always something. In your face 24/7/365



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3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

They probably have to change little Xi's diaper several times a day because he is wetting himself while big Trump is showing him who is in charge of the world economy.

A banking crisis in China will show how much rot there is under the carpet. Just watch "The China Hustle"



Big Trump. The only thing big about this man is his ego, which masks an incredible degree of self loathing and lack of confidence and ability. The man is a mediocre businessman and a horrific leader. He cannot even control his legal team, nor the leaks from his own cabinet. 

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


America's largest pork producer was bought by the Chinese a few years ago, which is kinda ironic.


Say, here's some news hot off the wire:




I wonder if they'll reduce the barriers to US autos and then give your "social credit" account a strike against it if you actually buy one.




It's always something. In your face 24/7/365



Hopefully some of the Chinese tourist traveling the globe today will come home and demand some kind of freedom before China have a chance to export their facial recognition and social control systems.


The Chinese military is the wild card in all this. Throughout history ALL major military powers sooner of later ALWAYS have to unleash their military might.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Big Trump. The only thing big about this man is his ego, which masks an incredible degree of self loathing and lack of confidence and ability. The man is a mediocre businessman and a horrific leader. He cannot even control his legal team, nor the leaks from his own cabinet. 

Democracy is messy, but it is the best we have. If you don't like it, you can always move to North Korea...........or Thailand!

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On 4/10/2018 at 2:50 AM, ExpatOilWorker said:

Democracy is messy, but it is the best we have. If you don't like it, you can always move to North Korea...........or Thailand!

Democracy can be messy. But, not as messy as Little Don. He is the very definition of a mess. A mess of his own creation. He always likes to forget that he is the one who drew first blood, and declared war on the media. Now that they are all over his sorry butt, he complaints and bitches like a little 13 year old, on a daily basis. He is a weak and pathetic man. Fortunately, he will be a lame duck within 7 months, and this will be his one and only term, if he is allowed to finish out the term. By Don. Very few of us are going to miss you, but you will be talked about for decades, as the extreme failure, and circus clown that you are. Also Don, say goodbye to Melania. No doubt she already has one foot out the door. Divorce #4. Bankruptcy #5. WWIII? Keep going. Impressive record.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Democracy can be messy. But, not as messy as Little Don. He is the very definition of a mess. A mess of his own creation. He always likes to forget that he is the one who drew first blood, and declared war on the media. Now that they are all over his sorry butt, he complaints and bitches like a little 13 year old, on a daily basis. He is a weak and pathetic man. Fortunately, he will be a lame duck within 7 months, and this will be his one and only term, if he is allowed to finish out the term. By Don. Very few of us are going to miss you, but you will be talked about for decades, as the extreme failure, and circus clown that you are. Also Don, say goodbye to Melania. No doubt she already has one foot out the door. Divorce #4. Bankruptcy #5. WWIII? Keep going. Impressive record.


You make a good point. He is such an odious figure, every bad thing that transpires in the next twenty years can be pinned on him. It is like a "get out of jail free" card for future politicians and governments. If The Obama Recovery rolls over when the Fed Funds Rate breaches 1%, well you know where to pin the blame.


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

 He always likes to forget that he is the one who drew first blood, and declared war on the media. Now that they are all over his sorry butt, he complaints and bitches like a little 13 year old, on a daily basis. 

Did you see recently how his language has changed over the trade war Trump is kicking off since he imposed tariffs? When China responded in kind to Trump's tariffs, Trump said that China were being unfair and that he justified the next 50B of tariffs because China had "attacked the US on trade". He is actually trying to say that China started the trade war in a bid to convince the farmers that it is not his fault but China's. This is what he wants his support base to believe. The man is an evil sociopathic liar.

Edited by Andaman Al
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On 4/6/2018 at 9:36 PM, Andaman Al said:

Did you really just say that? I think when you get to 1.2 trillion (are you happy with that approximate amount?) then 1.2-1.5 is irrelevant, it is huge amounts of money and if the Chinese start cashing that paper in then their is big trouble.


Real genuine news!!---I know through one of my businesses that operates in China that they are quietly but massively off loading USD. They are exchanging billions and billions for other safe (ish) currencies. So if you know a country or individual wanting to offload several billion upwards at a time in currency then get in touch, the Chinese are willing to exchange for the USD with an 8% discount. Now I wonder why the Chinese are getting rid of all these USD? Something is happening, I don't know what, but there is frenetic activity going on and it is off market. Use the information however you see fit, it is genuine and I feel the Chinese are going to pull a blinder soon. I just wish I knew what it was.

I guess your friend in the asylum was wrong:


Start with China. If it dumped dollar assets, it would push down the greenback, boosting American exports. That would be a strange move in a trade war. It has been reported that China could do the opposite—boost its exports by devaluing the yuan—though this too is improbable. A big devaluation would damage China’s authority around the world, and might trigger another round of capital outflows. The Chinese government has fought hard to stop these over the past two years.



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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Did you see recently how his language has changed over the trade war Trump is kicking off since he imposed tariffs? When China responded in kind to Trump's tariffs, Trump said that China were being unfair and that he justified the next 50B of tariffs because China had "attacked the US on trade". He is actually trying to say that China started the trade war in a bid to convince the farmers that it is not his fault but China's. This is what he wants his support base to believe. The man is an evil sociopathic liar.

Ehmm, China did kick it all all off, but not balancing its trade surplus.

They are bending and twisting WTO rules by subsidizing states owned companies and giving steel importers tax breaks.


This trade war was just a war on words, but as China is getting bigger more countries will follow the US lead and push back at the Chinese expansion model. Venezuela is a good example of what happen if you get too deep in bed with China. There is already rumble in the jungle in Africa.

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On 4/6/2018 at 10:01 AM, the guest said:

You could ask why in the first place did countries source out jobs and materials to countries like China ? The answer is greed ! 


Now that we have woken the sleeping Tiger, only this one has no morals or ethics, and will stop at nothing to get its way. 


Either way, this scenario could get quite ugly.

I have worked in China since the 70s and YES they woke up the TIGER

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23 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Start with China.

President Trump assumes the U.S. can act unilaterally, ie., in an international trade war, without consequences.

Economic history shows this doesn’t work. This has been evident since the Great Depression of the 1930's.


Engaging in an aggressive trade war with America's greatest economic nemesis just doesn't work regardless of whether the dollars or yuan is involved simply because of the diversified global nature of both economies (#1 world economy vs #2 world economy) and the substantial economic interrelationship between the two nations (foreign-owned supply chains established within each other's nation). As such, economic leverage is about equal between the two - there can be no definitive winner in a trade war. Compare that with the potential US success of a trade war between the US vs Russia - it would be a repeat of the collapse of the USSR economy all over again. 

What can work is a pragmatic and incremental trade-off between China and the US. But that requires considerable application of knowledge, internal national coordination with US industries and diplomacy - elements that thus far have been missing in Trump's leadership.

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

President Trump assumes the U.S. can act unilaterally, ie., in an international trade war, without consequences.

Economic history shows this doesn’t work. This has been evident since the Great Depression of the 1930's.


Engaging in an aggressive trade war with America's greatest economic nemesis just doesn't work regardless of whether the dollars or yuan is involved simply because of the diversified global nature of both economies (#1 world economy vs #2 world economy) and the substantial economic interrelationship between the two nations (foreign-owned supply chains established within each other's nation). As such, economic leverage is about equal between the two - there can be no definitive winner in a trade war. Compare that with the potential US success of a trade war between the US vs Russia - it would be a repeat of the collapse of the USSR economy all over again. 

What can work is a pragmatic and incremental trade-off between China and the US. But that requires considerable application of knowledge, internal national coordination with US industries and diplomacy - elements that thus far have been missing in Trump's leadership.

Everybody seem to forget that China have a $30 trillion banking sector and as we saw in 2008, banks are good a producing what?

China can't live 5 minutes without 6-7% growth, so they are desperately afraid to upset the current status quo. There will be no trade war, it is all just words.

Everywhere in the world governments are synonyms with inefficiency and the private sector is doing the heavy lifting. Except China?

Give me a break. SOE including the four $12 trillion states own banks in China are as inefficient and corrupt as any government run company in Asia. 

Xi will bend over and just hope big Trump will give him a reach around.


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On 4/6/2018 at 9:36 PM, Andaman Al said:

Did you really just say that? I think when you get to 1.2 trillion (are you happy with that approximate amount?) then 1.2-1.5 is irrelevant, it is huge amounts of money and if the Chinese start cashing that paper in then their is big trouble.


Real genuine news!!---I know through one of my businesses that operates in China that they are quietly but massively off loading USD. They are exchanging billions and billions for other safe (ish) currencies. So if you know a country or individual wanting to offload several billion upwards at a time in currency then get in touch, the Chinese are willing to exchange for the USD with an 8% discount. Now I wonder why the Chinese are getting rid of all these USD? Something is happening, I don't know what, but there is frenetic activity going on and it is off market. Use the information however you see fit, it is genuine and I feel the Chinese are going to pull a blinder soon. I just wish I knew what it was.

Please let us know if you have more genuine (fake) news:





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6 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

I think if one takes the trouble to check it out, there is a correlation between China's increased purchases of US Treasuries and US dollar weakness. Bonds offer more than one way to make money. You can benefit from interest paid and if you're smart/lucky about the timing of your purchase, capital and/or currency exchange gains.

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16 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

I said the Chinese were secretly dumping dollars - that is real paper dollars, and it is true, not fake. Of course the Chinese are trying to buy US paper, as much of it as they can because it can't go wrong. When the ultimate economic downfall of the USA is engineered should Trump continue with his folly, what will happen to all that paper? Get rid of all their real dollars for safer currencies and buy as much paper as the stupid will permit. Makes perfect sense.


Why don't you go back to doing all that mucky oil stuff or if you are off shift do what other oil workers do and spend 2 K per month playing face book games and I will finish this order for another 25 000 MT of refined oil products I am buying. Get busy I have a ship to fill.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I think if one takes the trouble to check it out, there is a correlation between China's increased purchases of US Treasuries and US dollar weakness. Bonds offer more than one way to make money. You can benefit from interest paid and if you're smart/lucky about the timing of your purchase, capital and/or currency exchange gains.

Valid point, but in reality the amount China is adding to their holding is tiny. I think growth in the US vs. the rest of the world, which of course leads back to benchmark interest rates are a bigger factor to the value of the US dollar.


A small fund is betting against the mighty dollar:



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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I said the Chinese were secretly dumping dollars - that is real paper dollars, and it is true, not fake. Of course the Chinese are trying to buy US paper, as much of it as they can because it can't go wrong. When the ultimate economic downfall of the USA is engineered should Trump continue with his folly, what will happen to all that paper? Get rid of all their real dollars for safer currencies and buy as much paper as the stupid will permit. Makes perfect sense.


Why don't you go back to doing all that mucky oil stuff or if you are off shift do what other oil workers do and spend 2 K per month playing face book games and I will finish this order for another 25 000 MT of refined oil products I am buying. Get busy I have a ship to fill.

Silly me, I tough the Chinese had imposed capital controls because the average Wang is so eager to exchange red backs to dollars (or any other foreign currency).


Paper dollar is the M1 money supply, which is tiny compared to M2. The Chinese can make origami with US notes all day long, it means nothing for the real economy.


2K of Facebook games? huh?

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8 minutes ago, The manic said:

To avoid using slave Labour, child labour etc...yes we may have to pay more..

Send your post to Trump and Ivanka with all their textile businesses in China and Asia. Clever aren't they. Get everything made at slave labour prices in Asia, and even when he calls for business to return to the USA he does not bring back his family businesses and only will when he has got Americans to 'pay more' for the privilege. You have all been conned beyond measure.


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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

I think if one takes the trouble to check it out, there is a correlation between China's increased purchases of US Treasuries and US dollar weakness. Bonds offer more than one way to make money. You can benefit from interest paid and if you're smart/lucky about the timing of your purchase, capital and/or currency exchange gains.


China's GDP growth rate holds steady at 6.8%. And if you believe that I've got some bonds to sell you well under face value.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

I think if one takes the trouble to check it out, there is a correlation between China's increased purchases of US Treasuries and US dollar weakness. Bonds offer more than one way to make money. You can benefit from interest paid and if you're smart/lucky about the timing of your purchase, capital and/or currency exchange gains.

All other things being equal, shouldn't there be an inverse correlation between increased purchases of treasuries and dollar weakness?

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