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Abdominal Pain

Paul Laycock1

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I have extreme pain in my stomach. After going to my local hospital I ended up going to Mukdahan where I was diagnosed with a problem with my Gal Bladder.

Given Paracetamol then Pethadine this treatment didn’t work for me so checked out and came home. My question is are patches available that give off slow pain relief.

My understanding is surgery is probably my only option but need something now.

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If your gall bladder is inflamed/infected surgery is usually needed and I would advise against delaying as thsi can be dangerous.


If it is just partial blockage from a stone ,without inflammation (so called "biliary colic") you have more leeway. In that case avoiding foods that contain fat will help the symptoms and the pain will tend to be intermittent/spasmodic.


Fentanyl (Duragesic) analgesic patches are available in Thailand but strictly controlled, available only from hospitals and they are unlikely to prescribe it to you, mostly used just for terminal cancer patients.


The strongest thing you can buy OTC is tramadol. If pethidine did not help your pain I doubt tramadol will do much, but you can try. Has to be gotten at a large pharmacy staffed by a "real" pharmacist as only grade one pharmacists can sell it. they are required to keep records and some don't want the bother so don't carry it but a really large one usually will. Try pharmacies near the provincial hospital.



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