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Standard Of Public Bus Drivers To Be Upgraded Nationwide

Jai Dee

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Standard of public bus drivers being upgraded

The Department of Skill Development is quickly setting the standard of tour bus drivers nationwide, to boost people’s confidence of security and to draw in more foreign tourists to Thailand.

Md. Somkiart Chayasriwong, the director-general of the Skill Development Department, said the National Skill Standard Setting Subcommittee has officially changed the title of public bus drivers to public bus drivers for tourism. There are currently more than 10,000 tour bus drivers in the country, and in order to raise their standard, some qualifications have to be adjusted. Legal tour bus drivers have to be at least 25 years of age instead of the required 22 years, and they must not get involved with road accidents for two years minimum. However, tour bus drivers’ wages will also be raised. Md. Somkiart said this upgrade will help attract more tourists and create a positive image for Thailand.

On February 1st and 2nd, public bus drivers will take a test to ensure that their skills are qualified, and public members and tourists would also feel more secured.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 January 2007

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Standard of public bus drivers being upgraded

On February 1st and 2nd, public bus drivers will take a test to ensure that their skills are qualified, and public members and tourists would also feel more secured.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 January 2007

The story says it all - test (ALL) the public bus drivers over a 2 day period - come-on lets get real or do we only have a hand full of drivers or do we have 1000 inspectors qualified to test all the drivers -ha ha ha ha ha

Just more verbal b*ll sh1t

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I fail to see how these measures will have any effect on the numbers of tourists coming to Thailand nor Thailand's image overseas.

What proportion of tourists include the question "What qualifications does the tour bus driver hold?" in the list put to the travel agent when booking a holiday anywhere? It is a basic assumption that all staff charged with the transport and safe keeping of tourists are trained and qualified to do so. Maybe quality tourists do as such searching questions :o .

I suppose better trained drivers will result in less scare stories about coach tours with suicidal maniacs at the wheel so I guess that goes down as one less negative image.

What qualifications need upgrading? Perhaps their running skills for fleeing the scene and avoiding picking up that pesky 2nd accident black spot on their record.

For sure the quality of all bus drivers needs upgrading not just for the tourists nor for the the positive image of the country. It should be for the safety and wellbeing of all people using the public transport and all other road users.

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