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British lawmakers, celebrities call for 'people's vote' on Brexit


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58 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

R/r..the quote re Billy Connolly referred to the imo..odious repugnant snp who once again imo are full of hatred to England/English people..and all things British

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Ok, so I am correct - you are happy to see endorsements from celebrities who back your point of view but you want to shut down those who are against it. Sounds a tad hypocritical, does it not? Not to mention frighteningly authoritarian totalitarian...

Edited by RuamRudy
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R/r..in case you do not know..when a scottish kid reached their 18th b/day..they get a lovely b/day card from the snp...I would suggest a bit of " grooming".
C/h..lets face facts..we do not have much in common re political views .. I am too busy just now to spend a lot of time on British Values etc

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3 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

R/r..in case you do not know..when a scottish kid reached their 18th b/day..they get a lovely b/day card from the snp...I would suggest a bit of " grooming".
C/h..lets face facts..we do not have much in common re political views .. I am too busy just now to spend a lot of time on British Values etc

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Total deflection, Teddy - care to comment on my suggestion that you are being hypocritical, or shall we just accept it as fact and move on?

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5 hours ago, malagateddy said:

C/h..lets face facts..we do not have much in common re political views .. I am too busy just now to spend a lot of time on British Values etc

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Teddy old chap, you constantly bang-on about 'British Values' and when I ask you what these values are you tell us you are to busy to spend a lot of time on them.


Can you see how that might lead others to conclude your use of 'British Values' in discussions here on TVF is simply you blowing off wind?

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6 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

C/h..wish you would stop your rantings..I am BUSY with quite impirtant matters at the moment..no time to have debate..why not fire into the Israeli/hamas bit??

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Teddy old chap, many thanks for getting back to me and letting me you're a tad too buys right now to answer the question I asked you, manners in such matters are sorely lacking these days. 


Don't let me disturb you on the matter right now, you can come back to it when your not so busy, hopefully before the next time you drag up 'British Values'.


'British Values' being such a central plank of your comments here on TVF, I'm sure you'll be more than pleased to explain what these are. 


I'll pass on Israeli/Hamas bit if you don't mind. Not that I have no interest in the matter, rather I'm not inclined to encourage you deflecting from one thread to another, your habit of deflecting within threads is quite enough for me as it is. 

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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C/h..wish you would stop your rantings..I am BUSY with quite impirtant matters at the moment..no time to have debate..why not fire into the Israeli/hamas bit??

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Lol it's not a live conversation you can always reply later.I think can't stand being made 2 look a bit silly.

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And what will happen when the people yet again vote to leave? Another vote because people clearly chose the wrong alternative again? And so on until the people choose the "correct answer". The people has already spoken, deal with it.

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Far as I'm concerned..British Values have went "down the pan"
When I was a kid..you helped old ladies with their messages..people could go about their business/get on with their lives in comparative safety. S prison was quite a fearsome place.
Now..acid attacks..stabbings..murders galore..senior citizens frightened to leave their homes..etc etc.
Imo..the UK must bring back the death penalty for those involved in likes of murder..terrorist activities..drug dealers..people traffickers..child prostitution etc.
If your business is human misery..you have no human rights!!
Also..get rid of all the political correctness..load of trendy left wing nonsense.
Immigrants to the UK must adapt to the British way of life.
Me..I'm old guard..non pc..call a spade a spade and sometimes a shovel..no criminal record whatsoever.
The UK imo..needs hard line hard hitting government
Hope that gives you idea re my view on British Values.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Far as I'm concerned..British Values have went "down the pan"
When I was a kid..you helped old ladies with their messages..people could go about their business/get on with their lives in comparative safety. S prison was quite a fearsome place.
Now..acid attacks..stabbings..murders galore..senior citizens frightened to leave their homes..etc etc.
Imo..the UK must bring back the death penalty for those involved in likes of murder..terrorist activities..drug dealers..people traffickers..child prostitution etc.
If your business is human misery..you have no human rights!!
Also..get rid of all the political correctness..load of trendy left wing nonsense.
Immigrants to the UK must adapt to the British way of life.
Me..I'm old guard..non pc..call a spade a spade and sometimes a shovel..no criminal record whatsoever.
The UK imo..needs hard line hard hitting government
Hope that gives you idea re my view on British Values.

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Those aren't exclusively British values per se, but could be ascribed to most people around the world (of course, I am referring to the positive traits of being a decent human being - not commenting on your desire to reintroduce the death penalty).


So, what is this particularly British identity that you wish us to return to? What is the 'British way of life'?



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Those aren't exclusively British values per se, but could be ascribed to most people around the world (of course, I am referring to the positive traits of being a decent human being - not commenting on your desire to reintroduce the death penalty).
So, what is this particularly British identity that you wish us to return to? What is the 'British way of life'?
A country where you can go about your business in relative safety.no muggings etc
As already stated make punishment fit the crime
Respect and help for senior citizens..community spirit..I could go on and on r/r..but lots to do today
I would welcome turning back the clock to when I was a kid . put it that way..people did not have that much but were a lot happier.Respect was there

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It would be easier to say what British values are not, I think we all know where to point the finger there, it's a religion trying to impose it's values on the British instead of integrating alongside us. British values are not acid attacks, not gang rape and gooming, we do not have a history of slicing up the genitals of little girls for 'cultural' reasons. We are one nation with one legal system, we don't want another one running along side it for another group. British values do not include polygamy, marrying your first cousin, who was the product of another first cousin marriage leading to birth deformities. British values are not anti Gay, anti women, anti Jews and anti life.

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Far as I'm concerned..British Values have went "down the pan" When I was a kid..you helped old ladies with their messages..people could go about their business/get on with their lives in comparative safety. S prison was quite a fearsome place. Now..acid attacks..stabbings..murders galore..senior citizens frightened to leave their homes..etc etc.

Imo..the UK must bring back the death penalty for those involved in likes of murder..terrorist activities..drug dealers..people traffickers..child prostitution etc.

If your business is human misery..you have no human rights!!

Also..get rid of all the political correctness..load of trendy left wing nonsense.

Immigrants to the UK must adapt to the British way of life.

Me..I'm old guard..non pc..call a spade a spade and sometimes a shovel..no criminal record whatsoever.

The UK imo..needs hard line hard hitting government

Hope that gives you idea re my view on British Values.




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IMO Linking a NF/BNP is simply baiting, of course I expect you to disagree.

Everyone is entitled to their version of British values without being labelled or stereotyped.

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A fair point so I have deleted it.

It is worrisome however that their main political aims have become mainstream.

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A country where you can go about your business in relative safety.no muggings etc
As already stated make punishment fit the crime
Respect and help for senior citizens..community spirit..I could go on and on r/r..but lots to do today
I would welcome turning back the clock to when I was a kid . put it that way..people did not have that much but were a lot happier.Respect was there

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And do you think to leave the EU will bring that back?

Because it won't another ridiculous reason to vote to leave.Something else you are not going to get, unfortunately.

And I am Curious you say you are a Proud Brit and in Faver of the Union.Are you not a bit concerned that if Brexit goes pear-shaped it will leave to another Scottish referendum which could mean the breakup of the UK.

Plus with the whole Northern Ireland Border issue the future of a United Kingdom could possibly be under Threat.

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Juice..if there ever was another indy ref..the result would be the same..trust me on that

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The way I see it is this.

It was fairly close last time

The Scots was told if you stay in the Union you are guaranteed to stay in The EU.If they left it wasn't guaranteed that they would get in the EU.

The majority of Scots Voted to remain in the EU.

If we face a few years of economic hardship under a conservative government Independence could be quiet sellable if you add all that up especially If they was promised membership again.

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A fair point so I have deleted it.

It is worrisome however that their main political aims have become mainstream.

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IMO A lot depend’s on ‘how’ it’s interpreted by the electorate, however MSM left or right stirring certainly doesn’t help the situation.

I strongly believe an overhaul of the current political landscape has been long overdue too many were complacent, comfortable & in respects taking the electorate for granted.

The EU & Europhiles we’re heavily reliant on ‘fear of change’ and the safe route of voting, as that’s the usual British way.

The euroskeptic’s & maybe undecided saw what the EU offered David Cameron, believed CMD efforts and the EU’s was lame and pathetic and the annoyance, frustration of further EU dominance and taking the U.K. for mugs was too much.

Brussels had the opportunity, blatant arrogance along with other numerous factors, now the EU are doing whatever it can (playing dirty too) to make & show others how dirty politics is carried out.

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I do not think so..many many Scottish people are sick to the back teeth re the "wrong " type of eu immigrants arriving.
Organised crime UP BIG TIME..drugs.people trafficking.child prostitution.protection rackets.house breaking.muggings etc..the local lowlife are also involved in drugs for sure..but none of the rest of the above list.
The snp jacket is slowly sliding of the nail in the wall..busi ess and tax increases.etc.
Just wonder where the finance will come from if ever Scotland were to leave the UK.
Also..imo..distinct possibility of " hard" Brexit on the cards.
Anyway..yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery[emoji6]

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2 hours ago, juice777 said:

And do you think to leave the EU will bring that back?

Because it won't another ridiculous reason to vote to leave.Something else you are not going to get, unfortunately.

And I am Curious you say you are a Proud Brit and in Faver of the Union.Are you not a bit concerned that if Brexit goes pear-shaped it will leave to another Scottish referendum which could mean the breakup of the UK.

Plus with the whole Northern Ireland Border issue the future of a United Kingdom could possibly be under Threat.

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What is so sacrosanct about the act of the union that its dissolution is so unfathomable for so many people? Scotland won't become a hostile nation; our shared history won't be wiped out - the only difference will be that all decisions affecting Scotland will be taken in Scotland rather than only some of them. 

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I agree with[mention=194534]Malagateddy[/mention] reference crime, it's seriously bad in some largely populated areas (prime cities), remove the Brexit emotive element, focus on serious but level headed issues.


Excuse the thread drift:


The main vital factor behind this, less Police on the streets, and it's noticeable/tangibly seen by everyone, I'm surprised a repeat of the 2011 riots hasn't occurred, in parts it has become lawless and open season for the criminal fraternity.


The Met alone have lost 700 detectives and its budget is being strangled, it's having to sell off assets, old police buildings, anything to cover the budgets that are being redirected to cyber crime, counter-terrorism, CEOP and other specialist branches, I know three coppers, one a former SFO and current SGT and British Police are being ragged senseless and its primary cause is policies and politics interference, Rudd should resign.


The U.K. Is simply seeking a more stringent & rigorous EU immigration policy, similar to Australia or other models that are currently being analysis'd, PMTM stated a bespoke custom immigration policy will come into a affect, plain a simply GB doesn't want the low life scum/criminals from other countries flocking here, it's increasingly becoming lawless in many areas due to tribal/eastern bloc inter community clashes, IIRC the U.K. Is even spending money on a Nigeria prison so HMG can deport Nigerian criminals, my question is why can't the African region build its own, it's rich in minerals & oil rich.


Demanding a 'Quality not quantity' immigration policy is basic common sense, it's an asset not a drain, they pay taxes, limits the black market employment which is rife within the UK. many government departments & SME's rely on quality EU & non - EU immigrants, it's not racist or anti-immigration to demand your Government has a border policy fit for purpose not fit for just anyone who slips through the net or overstayers.






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