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Poor Thai Families Selling Their Kidneys For Cash


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My Thai wife and I have been married for over 2 years and we have a very health 15 month old son.

My wife has a huge scar around her right rib cage which she previously told me was from the removal of a damaged kidney.

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

She received 400,000 baht for this donation which she spent on a new (Thai style) wooden house for her parents in the north. Her parents do not know where she got the money from and the father has previously threatened suicide if my wife did not give him some money for whisky.

We do not support the family financially and from what I have seen the other (5) siblings do not take care of the parents much as well and therefore the house is becoming run down and termite ridden.

I am concerned on several fronts.

1) The house will collapse and my wife will be left short-lived with nothing to show for it except a large scar.

2) The family does not appreciate what she has sacrificed. She they be made aware?

3) I am not really sure how I should feel about this.

4) Is there anything medically that my wife and I should be doing to assist her with living with one kidney?

I have recently read of other ladies who were left with no income and made the same choice. Is this common in Thailand??

Any comments, suggestions, help or stories would be appreciated.

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It's really sad to read thee stories what low-lifes force their daughters to do, directly or indirectly, by demanding not only a basic level of money, but often more and more.

Your wife can live pretty much without problems with one kidney, but she won't have a backup 'incase' now.

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Actually, I suspected that my wife's family forced her to do it,, but she told me that it was her decision and the family doesn't know. Makes me wonder though. Where do they think the scar came from and the money for that matter!

Fingers crossed on the health side, I believe we have the same blood type so I may be writing here soon with my experiences of living with one kidney myself.

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My Thai wife and I have been married for over 2 years and we have a very health 15 month old son.

My wife has a huge scar around her right rib cage which she previously told me was from the removal of a damaged kidney.

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

She received 400,000 baht for this donation which she spent on a new (Thai style) wooden house for her parents in the north. Her parents do not know where she got the money from and the father has previously threatened suicide if my wife did not give him some money for whisky.

We do not support the family financially and from what I have seen the other (5) siblings do not take care of the parents much as well and therefore the house is becoming run down and termite ridden.

I am concerned on several fronts.

1) The house will collapse and my wife will be left short-lived with nothing to show for it except a large scar.

2) The family does not appreciate what she has sacrificed. She they be made aware?

3) I am not really sure how I should feel about this.

4) Is there anything medically that my wife and I should be doing to assist her with living with one kidney?

I have recently read of other ladies who were left with no income and made the same choice. Is this common in Thailand??


Any comments, suggestions, help or stories would be appreciated.

You have been married two years and waited two years to ask her about the scar?

Bt400,000 could build way more than one wooden house up north, no?

You are more concerned about the house's collapse than about your wife?

Amazing she had a healthy baby and does not need to take medicine to help her condition.

Dunno, feel something wrong about this story.

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I'm sorry but I find your comments completely insulting. If you can't be bothered to write something constructive, please don't write anything at all.

Please feel free to pop down here to Phuket and I will introduce you to my wife and son. I will show you the scar. Then if you have the time, which you obviously do as you seem to be writing here enough, drive up north and take a look in the village to see the run down house, we can even get a quote to see how much it will cost.

Sorry mate but I have read several of your comments and they all seem to be having a go at people. [insult deleted.].


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I'm sorry but I find your comments completely insulting. If you can't be bothered to write something constructive, please don't write anything at all.

Please feel free to pop down here to Phuket and I will introduce you to my wife and son. I will show you the scar. Then if you have the time, which you obviously do as you seem to be writing here enough, drive up north and take a look in the village to see the run down house, we can even get a quote to see how much it will cost.

Sorry mate but I have read several of your comments and they all seem to be having a go at people. [insult deleted.].


Sorry if I insulted you, Maxidad, but I stand by my comments. I don't need to see the scar to believe you. I just find it difficut to believe it took that long for you to discover the said scar and then to have sudden concern for the family home when you said you do not support the family financially.

Good luck with sorting it out and I hope your wife's health is OK.

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It didn't take me long to notice the scar. As it says at the top, she told me that it was damaged and had to be removed. It was only today, after my questioning, that she relented and told me the real story.

One of my concerns is the fact that the home is not being cared for. My wife has sacrificed her health for this home and I feel that this sacrifice is huge and unapreciated by her family. Would you or many people give up their kidney to buy their parents a house? How would YOU feel if that house (after that sacrifice) was let to go to ruin?

My major concern, of course is for her health. My wife on all accounts is quite healthy but as TAWP mentioned, if something does happen to the other kidney she will be in deep <deleted>.

Thanks for the wishes. There is really nothing to sort out. It's done, we can't put the kidney back in.

I will be heading up to the village soon and will be taking some Chaindrite and maybe some paint. With a little hope, maybe the family or some locals will lend a hand.

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He didn't write he just discovered the scar. Read, then post.

I did. OK, he didn't get an answer out of her for two years. I'd be demanding one way before then.

"Demanding". Is that what you do with your wife?

I am a little gentler than that.

Good luck in the LOS with that attitude.

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It didn't take me long to notice the scar. As it says at the top, she told me that it was damaged and had to be removed. It was only today, after my questioning, that she relented and told me the real story.

One of my concerns is the fact that the home is not being cared for. My wife has sacrificed her health for this home and I feel that this sacrifice is huge and unapreciated by her family. Would you or many people give up their kidney to buy their parents a house? How would YOU feel if that house (after that sacrifice) was let to go to ruin?

My major concern, of course is for her health. My wife on all accounts is quite healthy but as TAWP mentioned, if something does happen to the other kidney she will be in deep <deleted>.

Thanks for the wishes. There is really nothing to sort out. It's done, we can't put the kidney back in.

I will be heading up to the village soon and will be taking some Chaindrite and maybe some paint. With a little hope, maybe the family or some locals will lend a hand.

God speed, and it is really caring that you are doing this for them.

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It didn't take me long to notice the scar. As it says at the top, she told me that it was damaged and had to be removed. It was only today, after my questioning, that she relented and told me the real story.

One of my concerns is the fact that the home is not being cared for. My wife has sacrificed her health for this home and I feel that this sacrifice is huge and unapreciated by her family. Would you or many people give up their kidney to buy their parents a house? How would YOU feel if that house (after that sacrifice) was let to go to ruin?

My major concern, of course is for her health. My wife on all accounts is quite healthy but as TAWP mentioned, if something does happen to the other kidney she will be in deep <deleted>.

Thanks for the wishes. There is really nothing to sort out. It's done, we can't put the kidney back in.

I will be heading up to the village soon and will be taking some Chaindrite and maybe some paint. With a little hope, maybe the family or some locals will lend a hand.

We're I you or your wife, I would not cling to either the house or the family. it has been the root of prior suffering and will no doubt create more in the future. Instead, I'd try to get to the root of why your wife would do such a thing to herself.

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We're I you or your wife, I would not cling to either the house or the family. it has been the root of prior suffering and will no doubt create more in the future. Instead, I'd try to get to the root of why your wife would do such a thing to herself.

Thanks for that.

Yep, true. Why? The obvious answer is money. They had none and this was an easy option for a Thai to take. Most of us would see it as utterly insane. But most of us don't live with little or no money with not many options.

BTW. The man who bought the kidney aparently died several months after the operation.

I don't know if selling body parts is common here or not??

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It didn't take me long to notice the scar. As it says at the top, she told me that it was damaged and had to be removed. It was only today, after my questioning, that she relented and told me the real story.

One of my concerns is the fact that the home is not being cared for. My wife has sacrificed her health for this home and I feel that this sacrifice is huge and unapreciated by her family. Would you or many people give up their kidney to buy their parents a house? How would YOU feel if that house (after that sacrifice) was let to go to ruin?

My major concern, of course is for her health. My wife on all accounts is quite healthy but as TAWP mentioned, if something does happen to the other kidney she will be in deep <deleted>.

Thanks for the wishes. There is really nothing to sort out. It's done, we can't put the kidney back in.

I will be heading up to the village soon and will be taking some Chaindrite and maybe some paint. With a little hope, maybe the family or some locals will lend a hand.

We're I you or your wife, I would not cling to either the house or the family. it has been the root of prior suffering and will no doubt create more in the future. Instead, I'd try to get to the root of why your wife would do such a thing to herself.

agree completely. any father that lets his daughter sell herself or parts of herself :o deserves nothing. let the house fall down. get on with your own lives and forget the leeches.

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agree completely. any father that lets his daughter sell herself or parts of herself :o deserves nothing. let the house fall down. get on with your own lives and forget the leeches.

While I agree with that, according to my wife, the father does not know! She did it herself. But surely they could put two and two together. ie.. available cash...... huge scar????

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If you must go there, just drop off the preservative materials and leave. If taking care of the hiouse is important to them, then they'll do it, and you and your wife will have served them by making that happen.. If it isn't important to them and the house degrades further, then you'll know you you were right not to waste your time doing it yourself for their benefit. In either case, taking care of your wife should be your first prioity I think. Part of that might be in aiding her to let go of it all.

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He didn't write he just discovered the scar. Read, then post.

I did. OK, he didn't get an answer out of her for two years. I'd be demanding one way before then.

Yeah, but you're a Farang woman. You're used to demanding things, whether it be answers to your many questions or other more tangible goodies.

Edited by dgoz
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He didn't write he just discovered the scar. Read, then post.

I did. OK, he didn't get an answer out of her for two years. I'd be demanding one way before then.

Yeah, but you're a Farang woman. You're used to demanding things, whether it be answers to your many questions or other more tangible goodies.

Mind your manners. Flaming of other members is against forum rules.

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He didn't write he just discovered the scar. Read, then post.

I did. OK, he didn't get an answer out of her for two years. I'd be demanding one way before then.

Yeah, but you're a Farang woman. You're used to demanding things, whether it be answers to your many questions or other more tangible goodies.

Oh my God, dogz, you've done, you've actually managed to pull out a good joke, wow, fantastic :D:o:D

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While I agree with that, according to my wife, the father does not know! She did it herself. But surely they could put two and two together. ie.. available cash...... huge scar????

They probably didn't even think about where the money came from. It came, that's enough. That's what kids, sorry, revise that, daughters are for in many areas of rural Thailand, to take care of the parents. They probably just expected her to come up with something! As for the scar, I'm not trying to be rude, but are they worldly enough or educated enough to even realise what kidneys are, never mind that you can sell one to be transplanted into other people & still live with just one?

Yes, this is fairly common in Asia, India and Eastern Europe now. A hideous trade, but I guess there will always be people with money desperate to buy their health & those without money desperate to sell what little they have. It's very sad. In China there are allegations that the govt actually harvest & sell the organs of executed prisoners!

I wish your wife luck with her health. Of course, it's a gamble only having one kidney, but there's still every chance she can have a normal, happy, healthy life, as long as she doesn't take undue risks. Her parents don't deserve such a good daughter. I would actually give a kidney for my Mum, but it would only be if she needed it herself, not for money!

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Hello Maxi. I dont want to sound cold in what I am going to say, but you are not responsable for the wifes family. If they had the daughter sell a part of there body for a house it is very sad that morals are not a part of the family life. I had some problems with my wifes nephiu and set it straight after things happened around the house we had to take care of him, and he still stole off us and many other things and was a lazy useless piece of shit around the house and my wife catered to him which pissed me off. . I explained to my wife family or not, family do not do this to one another.

We had majour problems with this, she was worried about him ending up in jail, I told her I didnt care he is making his own bed.

Please dont take this the wrong way but if some one in my family came up to me with this horse shit I would give them the money for the bullet.

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agree completely. any father that lets his daughter sell herself or parts of herself :o deserves nothing. let the house fall down. get on with your own lives and forget the leeches.

While I agree with that, according to my wife, the father does not know! She did it herself. But surely they could put two and two together. ie.. available cash...... huge scar????

I was thinking on this, and I don't think you or your wife should tell her parents what she did for them. From the sounds of them, and given that your wife appears to remain healthy, they may just demand of the other 5 siblings that they do likewise; citing your wife as an example of a good daughter

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Perhaps her father can be introduced to the hospital that will buy his kidney for 400,000B. He will be right there when he needs some whisky the next time.

I think that he might also be interested in acting as a volunteer for medical experiments / pharmaceutical trials, which can pay quite highly.

Best to introduce these ideas whilst the bottle of whisky is still half full, i think.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

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Perhaps her father can be introduced to the hospital that will buy his kidney for 400,000B. He will be right there when he needs some whisky the next time.

I think that he might also be interested in acting as a volunteer for medical experiments / pharmaceutical trials, which can pay quite highly.

Best to introduce these ideas whilst the bottle of whisky is still half full, i think.

If the father needed whisky THAT badly, his kidneys would hardly be worth having.

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In most of SE Asia, the going rate for a kidney from a live donor is around $1,500 and no where neer the $10,000 price tag your wife claims to have comanded.

Bangkok has a thriving kidney trade and there are many private clinics catering to other Thais and a foreign clientele dominated by wealthy Arabs, and Chinese.

I would question if your wife is telling you the truth here, maybe the first story was real and the kidney was taken out due to it being defective.

Maybe she is covering up the real source of the money to buy the house (Farang sponser etc).

Either way, what ever the real story is your wife has already lied and been untruthful with you, how will you ever know now?

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give him some money for whisky.

Yes, no wonder the house is falling down apart.... people like that are usually tend to be out drinking too much and not giving a ###### about the House and family let alone allow the own son/daughter to sell a part of the body.

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In most of SE Asia, the going rate for a kidney from a live donor is around $1,500 and no where neer the $10,000 price tag your wife claims to have comanded.

Bangkok has a thriving kidney trade and there are many private clinics catering to other Thais and a foreign clientele dominated by wealthy Arabs, and Chinese.

I would question if your wife is telling you the truth here, maybe the first story was real and the kidney was taken out due to it being defective.

Maybe she is covering up the real source of the money to buy the house (Farang sponser etc).

Either way, what ever the real story is your wife has already lied and been untruthful with you, how will you ever know now?

Oh well done pal.

The OP seems a nice caring guy who has

a good relationship with his wife.

So why not throw a bit of paranoia his

way to make him feel better ?


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