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Thai court issues arrest warrant for human rights activist Andy Hall


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If a person is so committed to their fight for what they believe in then they do not run away, they will stand a fight for their beliefs. The reason that this warrant was issued is because he ran away instead of fighting for his beliefs, so as far as I'm concerned he has lost all credibility in being a true activist.

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Once again Thailand is made to look stupid, arrest warrant for a man who highlighted big companies greed/ abuse.

When ohh when are those supposedly running the country realize they are making Thailand a laughing stock?

He should come to australia and get big brother stop abusing its workers, stop building industry killing its workers 

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12 minutes ago, pornprong said:

You are confusing commitment to a cause with stupidity - a mistake Andy certainly didn't make.



What is the mistake that Andy made failing to commit to his cause or being stupid

Edited by Russell17au
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2 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

What is the mistake that Andy made failing to commit to his cause or being stupid

Andy clearly knows that being committed to a cause does not require one to be stupid (which is what taking on the somewhat dubious Thai legal system would be).


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Artisi and pornprong, if you are not willing to fight for your commitment to the end then you should not start the fight in the first place. Andy has built up the hopes of innocent people and now he has walked away from them leaving them in possible worse conditions than what they would have been if he had not started the fight in the first place

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2 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Artisi and pornprong, if you are not willing to fight for your commitment to the end then you should not start the fight in the first place. Andy has built up the hopes of innocent people and now he has walked away from them leaving them in possible worse conditions than what they would have been if he had not started the fight in the first place

Of course if he was banged up in a Thai prison that would have been a better outcome for the innocent people, now wouldn't it? 

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9 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Artisi and pornprong, if you are not willing to fight for your commitment to the end then you should not start the fight in the first place. Andy has built up the hopes of innocent people and now he has walked away from them leaving them in possible worse conditions than what they would have been if he had not started the fight in the first place

'The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.'"

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7 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Artisi and pornprong, if you are not willing to fight for your commitment to the end then you should not start the fight in the first place. Andy has built up the hopes of innocent people and now he has walked away from them leaving them in possible worse conditions than what they would have been if he had not started the fight in the first place

Are they in a worse position? It would be interesting to see your investigation into that statement. 

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42 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

And I’m sure the people being mistreated in these factories would totally agree with you. 

Going back to my parents, grandparents and generations before them, they had to fight for their rights against unscrupulous employers and companies. Unions were formed and they fought long and hard to obtain decent working conditions and wages, a fair days work, for a fairs days pay.


There were no white knights defenders for their rights dictating to the employers how they should treat their labourers. Thai workers are no exception to the rule, this is a battle they have to fight on their own without do gooder western interference. Otherwise nothing will change.

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Then it shows that he has not done his homework on what can happen to him before he came into Thailand and promised those people that he would fix things for them. He should have known before he started this what would happen but he ignored that. He was not forced to come here and try and do something stupid that could get him in prison. It is up to you to check things first and find out what the consequences are if you do try to change things and you must also think of what the ramifications are if things go wrong before you start. So now what has he gained? absolutely nothing because now the factory just goes back to the way it was and he has deserted those that he told he would fix things for them.

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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

Once again Thailand is made to look stupid

I agree, there good at it! problem is they don't care!! the only way there stupidity may slow down is if it is highlighted by the so called "democratic west" yet I'm not seeing that, they are left to do what they want with no negative western press or foreign government "bad press"!

Why have they been given some sort of immunity?

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27 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Then it shows that he has not done his homework on what can happen to him before he came into Thailand and promised those people that he would fix things for them. He should have known before he started this what would happen but he ignored that. He was not forced to come here and try and do something stupid that could get him in prison. It is up to you to check things first and find out what the consequences are if you do try to change things and you must also think of what the ramifications are if things go wrong before you start. So now what has he gained? absolutely nothing because now the factory just goes back to the way it was and he has deserted those that he told he would fix things for them.

Did he do that? I'd be very surprised if he did. But I agree with you - if he 'promised' these people he would fix things then he should be ashamed. Now, where's that link to him making this promise?

Edited by metisdead
Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording.
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Just now, Russell17au said:

Then it shows that he has not done his homework on what can happen to him before he came into Thailand and promised those people that he would fix things for them. He should have known before he started this what would happen but he ignored that. He was not forced to come here and try and do something stupid that could get him in prison. It is up to you to check things first and find out what the consequences are if you do try to change things and you must also think of what the ramifications are if things go wrong before you start. So now what has he gained? absolutely nothing because now the factory just goes back to the way it was and he has deserted those that he told he would fix things for them.

Not absolutely nothing, the company has been exposed for serious labour and human rights violations, including forced labour and human trafficking, which has been noted by multiple international organizations and companies and created public awareness. It also prompted companies under the umbrella of the Finnish Workers Union United to refuse to handle Natural Fruit products and highlighted the venality of the Thai "government" and the fact that its judiciary is anything but independent. So, not an insignificant victory.

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Did he do that? I'd be very surprised if he did. But I agree with you - if he 'promised' these people he would fix things then he should be ashamed. Now, where's that link to him making this promise?

All activists make these un-written promises same as your Grandparents and Great grandparents did so that things would be better for you. What if your Grand Parents and Great Grandparents walked out of the un-written commitment that they made before it was finished. Even though it is 2 different things the principles are the same. I have been involved in a war where there was a commitment and the promises were made to the people only to be left in the s**t when we could not win the war.

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Just now, Russell17au said:

All activists make these un-written promises same as your Grandparents and Great grandparents did so that things would be better for you. What if your Grand Parents and Great Grandparents walked out of the un-written commitment that they made before it was finished. Even though it is 2 different things the principles are the same. I have been involved in a war where there was a commitment and the promises were made to the people only to be left in the s**t when we could not win the war.

My grandparents, etc, were not activists. And when you say 'unwritten promises' do you really mean 'unspoken promises'? Because I'd be completely shocked if Andy Hall made any promises to fix things. You seem to be assuming he did. 

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Just now, Russell17au said:

All activists make these un-written promises same as your Grandparents and Great grandparents did so that things would be better for you. What if your Grand Parents and Great Grandparents walked out of the un-written commitment that they made before it was finished. Even though it is 2 different things the principles are the same. I have been involved in a war where there was a commitment and the promises were made to the people only to be left in the s**t when we could not win the war.

1) "All activists make these in-written promises", not a fact. Most activists do not necessarily make promises by nature of the fact that they are often dealing with power structures and mechanism that they know they cannot beat. Most activists settle for exposing an issue with the aim of creating awareness. This is where activism is most effective, 2) "Your Grandparents and Great grandparents" also made these promises. Also, not a fact. My ancestors made no such promises to me or anyone else. 3) In war commitments last as long as the resolve and resources of those waging the war, and this varies depending on numerous factors. Also, people that wage wars are not activists in the conventional sense of the word.

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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

My grandparents, etc, were not activists. And when you say 'unwritten promises' do you really mean 'unspoken promises'? Because I'd be completely shocked if Andy Hall made any promises to fix things. You seem to be assuming he did. 

Your Grandparents Etc, were activists same as I was in the Vietnam war, like your family I fought for the good of the people and it was the governments that cancelled the commitment and left the South Vietnamese people to face the North on their own. This is exactly the same principle but it appears that you cannot understand it or you are just trying to start an argument. How do you think Andy knew about the people and the conditions? Did the company tell him? he had to have meetings with the people to find out what was happening. Are you really that thick not to know that he needed to meet with the workers to gain the information that he had.

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Just now, Russell17au said:

Your Grandparents Etc, were activists same as I was in the Vietnam war, like your family I fought for the good of the people and it was the governments that cancelled the commitment and left the South Vietnamese people to face the North on their own. This is exactly the same principle but it appears that you cannot understand it or you are just trying to start an argument. How do you think Andy knew about the people and the conditions? Did the company tell him? he had to have meetings with the people to find out what was happening. Are you really that thick not to know that he needed to meet with the workers to gain the information that he had.

Your personal convictions aside, there are many that would disagree that the Vietnam War (or as the Vietnamese call it, "The American War") was waged "for the good of the people".

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