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Trump to visit Britain, hold talks with UK's May July 13


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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

His visit has already been downgraded to the previously sort of promised full state visit. Perhaps that clear (and so well deserved) official DISSING will be enough to greatly reduce the protests. I don't know but my guess is that the "trump" people are banking on that. 


It reverse order if I may JT....


I think that is highly likely.


I think that is highly unlikely.


DT is really disliked by the Brits and by Brits I mean the general populace who will unquestionably be out in large numbers. The UK media WILL cover the reactions of the people and most likely throw a little fuel on the fire to boost their ratings. Bad timing too as it's middle of summer and just before the schools break up which is historically known to be a time to take care. The Brits are already a bit edgy what with the government mishandling Brexit (and itself) so it wouldn't take much to create a perfect storm of scroat taking to the streets. 



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On 4/27/2018 at 4:10 PM, simple1 said:

One matter is certain, attitudes expressed by a core group on this forum (plus it seems returning members who have previously been banned) only encourage and exacerbate discord; as does Trump.


Who was banned? 


And if they were why were they? You can't be banned for having an opinion on political affairs.

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On 4/28/2018 at 9:04 AM, mikebike said:

Somehow you are confusing pre-election pandering with objective, post-election policy, which has only put corporations and elites first relegating "the people" to a distant, oft unseen, mirage on the horizon.


Your NK statement is, if nothing else, premature and unsubstantiated.


I came to Thailand 13 yrs ago with my (western) wife. We still love the country. Is that the same as you?


I came to Thailand 13 yrs ago with my (western) wife.


Then you are one of a very small minority. I visit Thailand quite regularly and have only once ever met an ex pat couple. I've met holiday maker couples but ex pat couples are far and few between and are an exception rather than a rule.


The vast majority of fellows would consider taking a Western wife to the LOS akin to taking coals to Newcastle or buying a book in a shop when there's a library right next door.


Your NK statement is, if nothing else, premature and unsubstantiated.


Arrangements are being made about a summit talk regarding the relationship between North Korea and South Korea and the rest of the world right now. Details concerning these arrangements are available in the world's media.


They'll be the first of their kind since the end of the Korean War in the 1950s thanks to Trump. They are actually going to sit round a table and discuss matters which have threatened peace in that part of the world. Matters that have been a concern for well over half a century. Even the most ardent 'progressive' or Trump hater must admit that is a remarkable achievement. 

Edited by yogi100
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3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Then you are one of a very small minority. I visit Thailand quite regularly and have only once ever met an ex pat couple.


The vast majority of fellows would consider taking a Western wife to the LOS akin to taking coals to Newcastle or buying a book in a shop when there's a library right next door.


Arrangements are being made about a summit talk regarding the relationship between North Korea and South Korea and the rest of the world right now. Details of the talks are available in the world's media.


They'll be the first of their kind since the end of the Korean War in the 1950s thanks to Trump. They are actually going to sit round a table and discuss matters which have threatened peace in that part of the world. Matters that have been a concern for well over half a century. Even the most ardent 'progressive' or Trump hater must admit that is a remarkable achievement. 

Context: Your original statement was a sweeping generalization the that, "we all come to Thailand for the same thing". My point was, we do not all come for the same thing, which you now apparently agree with.


Whether or not I am part of "very small" minority is unclear. In my social circles it is not uncommon, whereas in yours it is.


Your comparison of my love for my wife with inanimate objects strange and telling.


Finally you haven't been keeping up with the news... the summit is far from a done deal.

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On 5/2/2018 at 1:02 AM, Jingthing said:

That's quite relevant considering the newly minted "trump" Secretary of State is a vile anti LGBT civil rights bigot. That means that any support the U.S. diplomats have given abroad to oppressed gay people internationally is not official over. 


"internationally is not official over." This part of your post makes little sense.


Hard working responsible citizens are not are not going to take to the streets to complain about the lack of civil rights of lesbians, gays, cross dressers and and people who consider themselves to be sexually confused. That's the last thing that concerns them.


"Let's get visible.. and show that we are a country that celebrates diversity"  


You may not like it but in the real world drag queens are normally regarded as sexual eccentrics whose antics should be confined to the entertainment world. Just like Liberace and Danny La Rue. Those that do consider these matters an issue should be demonstrating outside the London embassies of the Islamic nations where men can be murdered just for being homosexual.  If they were sincere and had any backbone that's where they should be demonstrating about the treatment of gays rather than how such people are looked upon and regarded by the Trump administration. 


Londoners do not 'celebrate diversity' whatever that means, it's been forced upon us. London is a divided city that is now partitioned into ghettos like those in Brixton, Tower Hamlets and Peckham. You'll see precious little 'celebrating' of anything let alone 'diversity' going on unless you consider young black men getting stabbed to death for venturing onto postcodes that are not the ones in which they live or for selling drugs outside of their immediate neighbourhoods to be a form of celebration.


Living with violence, murder, suspicion and distrust is not celebrating. Having street parties like we used to have on special occasions 50 years ago was celebrating. Old folk being scared to leave their homes or even to open their street doors for fear of getting mugged or robbed is not celebrating. That's living in fear and misery.


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49 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Context: Your original statement was a sweeping generalization the that, "we all come to Thailand for the same thing". My point was, we do not all come for the same thing, which you now apparently agree with.


Whether or not I am part of "very small" minority is unclear. In my social circles it is not uncommon, whereas in yours it is.


Your comparison of my love for my wife with inanimate objects strange and telling.

Finally you haven't been keeping up with the news... the summit is far from a done deal.


Your comparison of my love for my wife with inanimate objects strange and telling.


Don't take it personally, it was not my intention. I was speaking in general terms.


Finally you haven't been keeping up with the news... the summit is far from a done deal.


They've not even had the summit yet, we all know that!


At least Trump's getting them to the table. What other world leader has ever managed it. Did Obama, Bush, Clinton or Reagan etc even try to. You won't even give Trump a bit of credit for such an accomplishment will you.


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32 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Your comparison of my love for my wife with inanimate objects strange and telling.


Don't take it personally, it was not my intention. I was speaking in general terms.


Finally you haven't been keeping up with the news... the summit is far from a done deal.


They've not even had the summit yet, we all know that!


At least Trump's getting them to the table. What other world leader has ever managed it. Did Obama, Bush, Clinton or Reagan etc even try to. You won't even give Trump a bit of credit for such an accomplishment will you.


At this stage the two have yet to sit together so what are you going on about. If the two do sit down, hopefully there will be constructive outcomes, until then just hubris.


BTW commenting on banned members / Mod reasons etc is contrary to forum rules


From your comments in this topic sounds like you live in a closed milieu or in reality hyperbole.


Will be interesting if 'patriots' demonstrate supporting Trump during his visit. 



Edited by simple1
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8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

At this stage the two have yet to sit together so what are you going on about. If the two do sit down, hopefully there will be constructive outcomes, until then just hubris.


BTW commenting on banned members / Mod reasons etc is contrary to forum rules


From your comments in this topic sounds like you live in a closed milieu or in reality hyperbole.


Will be interesting if 'patriots' demonstrate supporting Trump during his visit. 




Also by the way this is a quote from your previous post. 


"One matter is certain, attitudes expressed by a core group on this forum (plus it seems returning members who have previously been banned) only encourage and exacerbate discord; as does Trump."


You were the one who first introduced the subject of banned members not me so if you want to complain to anyone about it start with yourself.

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:


Also by the way this is a quote from your previous post. 


"One matter is certain, attitudes expressed by a core group on this forum (plus it seems returning members who have previously been banned) only encourage and exacerbate discord; as does Trump."


You were the one who first introduced the subject of banned members not me so if you want to complain to anyone about it start with yourself.

Never mind, obviously you suffer from comprehension deficit.

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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Never mind, obviously you suffer from comprehension deficit.


What don't I comprehend and kindly explain why is it so obvious Simple 1. I understood perfectly what you wrote and my reply reflects that understanding.


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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


What don't I comprehend and kindly explain why is it so obvious Simple 1. I understood perfectly what you wrote and my reply reflects that understanding.


You asked me my understanding the reasons why Mods took action to ban some members and name them. It is not permitted by forum rules to post one's thoughts on member specific action/s by Mods.


Note I am not interested in communicating with you offline.

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