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I loved The Lost Boys and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Don't really have much use for the old-timey stuff anymore. The first 3 Ann Rice vampire books were good, but not crazy about the films.However - IMO - a LOT of vampire books and movies are garbage.


Kind of embarrassing to admit it, but I am a huge Buffy fan.

A very intellectual buddy of mine highly recommended and boy was I surprised when I saw what it was. However, I have watched the whole series more times than I have watched the Sopranos, which means that it addictive - for some of us - indeed. Of course, it does help that Buffy is so hot.

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Just watched s02 e01 of The Bridge. It starts off featuring what at first seems to be a Lyle Lovett music video, starring the Weird Cowboy Crooner himself. It took reading another review to remind me that he plays a small town lawyer serving the cartel. The overall strangeness gets jacked up right off the bat, and quickly gets right back into the bizarre cross-border (El Paso/Juarez) nightmare, with a vengeance. The atmosphere and cinematography in this show is different from anything else on TV right now. A new character is introduced, played by the excellent German actress, Franka Potente.

This is going to be a wild ride. 9-1/2, with a Bullet.

Could not agree more. A great start, I liked it even better than the first episode of season 1, a season that provided some great TV but also some disappointments (still, all in all a good show). It seems that they will stay within the "ordinary" range of organized crime this time (which would be a good idea IMO). So, I am rather optimistic that they will keep up this high level over the whole season. Anyway, I am hooked (again).

For those who like The Bridge, there are 3 different 'Bridge' series out there for watching.

The Bridge (Danish/Swedish version and the original series) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1733785/

The Bridge (US version) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2406376/

The Tunnel (British/French) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tunnel_(TV_series)

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I hope they do another season of The Tunnel. Guess they would have to dream up some new sort of UK/France joint crime investigation. As a non-European, it was very interesting to me to see how the Tunnel itself operates (I know i wasn't alone in thinking you could just hop in your car and drive it yourself) as well as seeing the lovely countryside on both sides of the Channel. Still, if I ever visit there, I will be taking the ferry.

The tense interplay between the British and French provincial police was fun to watch also. A fine series. Haven't seen the original Danish version yet.

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Speaking of good shows, I'm hoping Person of Interest will return soon. Mr. Reese is a true hero, and you can't help liking Harold Finch, the mastermind, now in a death struggle with the forces of evil. Jim Caviezel (Reese) is quite a serious church-going man in real life, and will not do sex scenes. That's a refreshing change. You'll never see him slam Shaw or Root on top of a copy machine in a mad grope, like so many other shows (not that there's anything wrong with that...)

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the excellent German actress, Franka Potente.

I specifically downloaded this episode of The Bridge to watch Franka. I've loved her ever since the Bourne series, and then went back and watched her old stuff, such as Run Lola Run. IMO, she just hasn't gotten the breaks she deserves and has been in a few cancelled series, etc., and done German stuff in between her Hollywood stints.

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I tried to watch "The Bridge" (US version currently on Fox) but just got confused as to what exactly it was all about, Diane Kruger's accent also grated on me.

I'm slugging through the first season of Graceland, acting is still shit (for the main characters) but the story line isn't half bad. Overall it's like a bunch of characters from the OC went and joined a bunch of American security agencies :P

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Just got back from watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and I must admit, it was GREAT! There was a plausible story going on, and the effects were stunningly well done. Now I have to go back and find the preceding film, to get filled in on the story of the virus that caused apes to quickly evolve, but was deadly to humans. I saw part of that one (the end of it) on tv and remember thinking this looks better than just guys in monkey suits. Very impressive. I kept wondering...how did they DO that!?

It was the first time in a very long while that I viewed a film in an actual modern movie theater, at the sparkling new Central Festival mall in Chiang Mai. My first time in that place...very fancy mall and theater complex, equal to anything I've seen in the US, and then some. The sound was almost painful, sitting about midway to the back. I don't see how people can stand to sit closer, immersed in that sound, staring up at that monster digital screen. Best part, the early Wednesday show was only 100 baht, for a first run film. There were so few people in the theater, it almost felt like a private screening.

I confess, in the apes vs human battle, I was pulling for the apes, (just a little) except when they were under the malign influence of the severely damaged soul of Koba. Caesar (Ape) is a leader for the Ages. Can't wait for the sequel.

Think we'll go next week and see The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) in that new Hercules epic. Why not, now that I've shed my bias against blockbusters.

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Just got back from watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and I must admit, it was GREAT! There was a plausible story going on, and the effects were stunningly well done. Now I have to go back and find the preceding film, to get filled in on the story of the virus that caused apes to quickly evolve, but was deadly to humans. I saw part of that one (the end of it) on tv and remember thinking this looks better than just guys in monkey suits. Very impressive. I kept wondering...how did they DO that!?

It was the first time in a very long while that I viewed a film in an actual modern movie theater, at the sparkling new Central Festival mall in Chiang Mai. My first time in that place...very fancy mall and theater complex, equal to anything I've seen in the US, and then some. The sound was almost painful, sitting about midway to the back. I don't see how people can stand to sit closer, immersed in that sound, staring up at that monster digital screen. Best part, the early Wednesday show was only 100 baht, for a first run film. There were so few people in the theater, it almost felt like a private screening.

I confess, in the apes vs human battle, I was pulling for the apes, (just a little) except when they were under the malign influence of the severely damaged soul of Koba. Caesar (Ape) is a leader for the Ages. Can't wait for the sequel.

Think we'll go next week and see The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) in that new Hercules epic. Why not, now that I've shed my bias against blockbusters.

Good to hear a positive review of this.

I have been looking forward to its release.

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Just got back from watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and I must admit, it was GREAT! There was a plausible story going on, and the effects were stunningly well done. Now I have to go back and find the preceding film, to get filled in on the story of the virus that caused apes to quickly evolve, but was deadly to humans. I saw part of that one (the end of it) on tv and remember thinking this looks better than just guys in monkey suits. Very impressive. I kept wondering...how did they DO that!?

It was the first time in a very long while that I viewed a film in an actual modern movie theater, at the sparkling new Central Festival mall in Chiang Mai. My first time in that place...very fancy mall and theater complex, equal to anything I've seen in the US, and then some. The sound was almost painful, sitting about midway to the back. I don't see how people can stand to sit closer, immersed in that sound, staring up at that monster digital screen. Best part, the early Wednesday show was only 100 baht, for a first run film. There were so few people in the theater, it almost felt like a private screening.

I confess, in the apes vs human battle, I was pulling for the apes, (just a little) except when they were under the malign influence of the severely damaged soul of Koba. Caesar (Ape) is a leader for the Ages. Can't wait for the sequel.

Think we'll go next week and see The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) in that new Hercules epic. Why not, now that I've shed my bias against blockbusters.

Wonder if it's worth watching in 3D.

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Wonder if it's worth watching in 3D.

Well, that depends on how much sensory overload your eyes and mind can handle. I have only watched one modern 3-D film, last year's Gravity. I saw the normal version first, then the 3-D, and found the 3_D version wasn't a great improvement, especially at the extra charge for the movie. In the case of Dawn of the POA, you might emerge from the experience feeling like you'd been in a big fight. There's a great deal of action and destruction, plus the SOUND of it all. I was tired when I came out of the theater. But then, I am old now.

I saw a lot of 1950's 3-D movies when they were new. Great stuff back then. The original House of Wax, starring the incomparable Vincent Price, was a standout. The Charge at Feather River was a crap movie, but had one spectacular sequence where a whole troop of Indian warriors on horseback come charging across the shallow stream, right at the ground level camera. Water is splashing in your face and horses hooves are flying over you. If you don't cower in your seat, you're a tough guy.

Another standout was Man in the Dark, starring Edmond O'Brien. He gets held down by thugs on a table top, while all time villain Ted deCorsia asks him a few questions. Unsatisfied with Eddie's answers, he puffs up his cigar til it's red hot, then stabs it into Ed's (your, the viewer's) eye! Ow!

The greatest and all time cheesiest "special effect" came with a monster flick called "The Tingler". It was some sort of nuclear-mutated centipede that got loose in the world. The distributors of the film would go to the first run houses and wire random seats with some sort of a vibrator, which somebody offstage with a buzzbox would have fun setting off throughout the movie. Oh, the screams!

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So it's taken a full season for Graceland to get interesting!

Still shitty acting, for the most part, but the overall picture is improving.

BM this one might be up your alley, I know how much you love a slow developing storyline :P

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Just watched Extant ,could work out well, also just watched the second episode of series 2 of the dome ,oh God its utter crap ,especially when they all clapped when he landed that plane suprised they didnt all form a circle and praise the lord ,but i have to find out what the dome is for . i'me so sad

Normally, I would totally agree. But I am still very embarrassed. So, I'll give you and Bookman simply one of my rare "uber-likes" instead.

And now for something completely different (if I may): a few people mentioned "The Honorable Woman". I just saw the first two episodes and I think this is high quality British TV. Great opening scene, some realistic action, too. The whole scenario slowly unfolding and developing. I particularly like the British MI6 agent (can anybody be more British restrained than this character?). A great spy drama and worth watching IMHO.

Utopia Season 2 (prequel) is on right now (actually was a 2 part mini - both aired this week). The original season from 2013 was very good and starred the same actor in the same role a Honourable Woman, namely said MI6 boss :)

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i just discovered hemlock grove

naked woman in the first 30 seconds of episode 1

horror series

Season 2 has been released - it Netfix own, sop all episodes released together. I'm about half ay through, not as good as season 1 IMO.

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Suits: after today's episode, feel the season is on the edge. Whilst I had plenty of laughs, the serious side of the show was a bit 'ho hum'

Graceland: Hooked like a crack addict. Hopefully season doesn't take too long to kick off.

A new show also kicked off today (Pilot plus ep 2), The Divide. Watched the preview of it and lined it up. About a DA who discovers new evidence about a case he prosecuted.

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Suits: after today's episode, feel the season is on the edge. Whilst I had plenty of laughs, the serious side of the show was a bit 'ho hum'

Graceland: Hooked like a crack addict. Hopefully season doesn't take too long to kick off.

A new show also kicked off today (Pilot plus ep 2), The Divide. Watched the preview of it and lined it up. About a DA who discovers new evidence about a case he prosecuted.

I'm interested in The Divide. Wolf mentioned it also.

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Just watched Extant ,could work out well, also just watched the second episode of series 2 of the dome ,oh God its utter crap ,especially when they all clapped when he landed that plane suprised they didnt all form a circle and praise the lord ,but i have to find out what the dome is for . i'me so sad

Normally, I would totally agree. But I am still very embarrassed. So, I'll give you and Bookman simply one of my rare "uber-likes" instead.

And now for something completely different (if I may): a few people mentioned "The Honorable Woman". I just saw the first two episodes and I think this is high quality British TV. Great opening scene, some realistic action, too. The whole scenario slowly unfolding and developing. I particularly like the British MI6 agent (can anybody be more British restrained than this character?). A great spy drama and worth watching IMHO.

Utopia Season 2 (prequel) is on right now (actually was a 2 part mini - both aired this week). The original season from 2013 was very good and starred the same actor in the same role a Honourable Woman, namely said MI6 boss smile.png

Thanks, the summary I read sounded a bit weird. So, even more reason to order it. BTW, the actor is Stephen Rea (you probably knew that smile.png ) and he played in quite a few films and shows. But of all the titles on that long list I only knew "The Crying Game". And that is soooo long ago (1992)... But one can still recognize him.

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Has anybody mentioned "Power" already? In case not: It is about a rather successful drug dealer who maintains a fancy club as cover for his illegal activities. He gets tired of the brutality of his business (some of this brutality is shown, rather well done) and wants do go legal with his club. But his accomplice and his wife object. There is also some love/Infidelity involved. Not too bad. Watchable, I'd say, watchable.

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Suits: after today's episode, feel the season is on the edge. Whilst I had plenty of laughs, the serious side of the show was a bit 'ho hum'

Graceland: Hooked like a crack addict. Hopefully season doesn't take too long to kick off.

A new show also kicked off today (Pilot plus ep 2), The Divide. Watched the preview of it and lined it up. About a DA who discovers new evidence about a case he prosecuted.

I'm interested in The Divide. Wolf mentioned it also.

Just watched the first episode of "The Divide". First, I thought this will be another predictable death row race-conspiracy-brave lawyer-bad DA-legal stuff-drama. But there might be more to it. Actually, it seems to be about two death row races (sort of) and the inter-relations between the characters of the show and what is "behind the curtain" did not become clear so far (at least to me) The show might hold some surprises. I'll be bold now: I am expecting good things and will continue watching.

Yes agree. This must have had the worst dust jacket synopsis I have ever seen - made it seem like some arty-farty new age crap - when I fact it was pretty enjoyable and from the series preview clips, looks to be heading straight into major conspiracy territory. Hope it continues to please - shame they killed Chris Bauer (True Blood Sheriff Andy Bellefleur) straight off.

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Has anybody mentioned "Power" already? In case not: It is about a rather successful drug dealer who maintains a fancy club as cover for his illegal activities. He gets tired of the brutality of his business (some of this brutality is shown, rather well done) and wants do go legal with his club. But his accomplice and his wife object. There is also some love/Infidelity involved. Not too bad. Watchable, I'd say, watchable.

Think I mentioned it just as its pilot was airing. I am following it too, but does seem a little clichéd with the old love triangles in every direction. A bit tame too - the main guy just seems to light weight to be in the position he is - now the partner, he is a gangster. However, its a good watch for now, just hope the action heats up little.

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Suits: after today's episode, feel the season is on the edge. Whilst I had plenty of laughs, the serious side of the show was a bit 'ho hum'

Graceland: Hooked like a crack addict. Hopefully season doesn't take too long to kick off.

A new show also kicked off today (Pilot plus ep 2), The Divide. Watched the preview of it and lined it up. About a DA who discovers new evidence about a case he prosecuted.

I'm interested in The Divide. Wolf mentioned it also.

Just watched the first episode of "The Divide". First, I thought this will be another predictable death row race-conspiracy-brave lawyer-bad DA-legal stuff-drama. But there might be more to it. Actually, it seems to be about two death row races (sort of) and the inter-relations between the characters of the show and what is "behind the curtain" did not become clear so far (at least to me) The show might hold some surprises. I'll be bold now: I am expecting good things and will continue watching.

Yes agree. This must have had the worst dust jacket synopsis I have ever seen - made it seem like some arty-farty new age crap - when I fact it was pretty enjoyable and from the series preview clips, looks to be heading straight into major conspiracy territory. Hope it continues to please - shame they killed Chris Bauer (True Blood Sheriff Andy Bellefleur) straight off.

Perhaps "Jared Bankowski" will have a few more scenes when we get closer to what really happened? smile.png

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