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Just started watching. The new transformers movie,what a load of rubbish,I quite liked the others but this was crap of the first degree,and when that idiot of a father started going on about a 20 year old going out with his underage 17 year old daughter,I just gave up what rubbish ,sorry if any of you liked it

I agree, it was nonsense. very disappointing.

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Just started watching. The new transformers movie,what a load of rubbish,I quite liked the others but this was crap of the first degree,and when that idiot of a father started going on about a 20 year old going out with his underage 17 year old daughter,I just gave up what rubbish ,sorry if any of you liked it

I agree, it was nonsense. very disappointing.

Yup very hyped up movie that disappointed, should have kept with the previous characters, the introduction of Marky Mark (as decent an actor as he is) let the thing down.

Similar theme that happened with the F&F franchise (Tokyo Drift).

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Similar theme that happened with the F&F franchise (Tokyo Drift).

I Liked Tokyo Drift more than most of the series. It was very off the wall, but fun with hot Asian chicks and a very unusual leading man.

Transformers just seemed silly to me and I love Marky Mark as actor normally.

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Loving this, very well acted, episode 3 just out

Our World War


Also this has been leaked

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1085492/ new Brucie film

Our World War has only 3 episodes....looks good though !

BTW , LEGENDS based on the Novels w/ Sean Bean is so far so good !

Edited by TheWizardofRnR
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Also this has been leaked

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1085492/ new Brucie film

Its called THE PRINCE , and it has Bruce Willis playing an assassin again....how many times has he played an assassin now...

The Jackal

RED 1 & 2

Thats 3 x ....

12 Monkeys ?

Every time you turn around he is in a flick , even short cameos , Sin City 2 is out soon too!

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Also this has been leaked

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1085492/ new Brucie film

Its called THE PRINCE , and it has Bruce Willis playing an assassin again....how many times has he played an assassin now...

I watched The Prince and it is an awful movie. You have seen the plot scenarios dozens of times, the actors in this movie just doing it by the numbers.

3/10 from me

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Loving this, very well acted, episode 3 just out

Our World War


Also this has been leaked

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1085492/ new Brucie film

Our World War has only 3 episodes....looks good though !

BTW , LEGENDS based on the Novels w/ Sean Bean is so far so good !

Good heads up on Our World War bartender100.

Based on real life diaries and stories from WW1.

I watched the 1st episode and it was very good. Looking forward to watching the series and hoping it continues in the same vein.

8/10 from me

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Loving this, very well acted, episode 3 just out

Our World War


Also this has been leaked

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1085492/ new Brucie film

Our World War has only 3 episodes....looks good though !

BTW , LEGENDS based on the Novels w/ Sean Bean is so far so good !

Good heads up on Our World War bartender100.

Based on real life diaries and stories from WW1.

I watched the 1st episode and it was very good. Looking forward to watching the series and hoping it continues in the same vein.

8/10 from me

Yeah, I watched that first episode too, but found the music distracting from the WW1 mood and feeling as it was sort of rock music. Also, I found the dialogue sort of tedious. I love world war docs and movies, but these docu-movies sort of leave me a bit cold. Maybe it's just me.

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Yeah, I watched that first episode too, but found the music distracting from the WW1 mood and feeling as it was sort of rock music. Also, I found the dialogue sort of tedious. I love world war docs and movies, but these docu-movies sort of leave me a bit cold. Maybe it's just me.

I agree about the modern music, not sure why they chose that.

What I liked, that was different, was the acted drama style interlaced with the computer graphics.

Also, what is different here, is the focus on one very micro portion of a battle, rather than giving an overview of the complete picture

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I enjoy "Power". The bad black guy seems to be more of hero, but the bad white guy is looking more and more like a mental case.

I still like "The Last Ship," if there is nothing else to watch. I may be the only one though.

No, Sir, you are not! :-)

My God ,not two of you watching it ,how much do they pay you?biggrin.png

***MAJOR Spoiler alert for The Last Ship***

Being a fan of post apocalyptic I have stuck with the last ship, up to episode 9 now. Episode 10 is the last for this season

For me the show improved a bit from around episode 8. It looks like we might be seeing a move back to land for series 2.

I certainly hope so!

Taking the Russians out of action, permanently, was a thankful event. I was concerned it would be an ongoing increasingly implausible and annoying scenario.

Now they have a cure AND a vaccine for the 'red virus' it also opens up a lot more options. get off that ship and show us some action!

Yes a second series of 13 episodes has been commissioned for next year!

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Watched , The Honorable Woman , Kate Gyllenhall excellent story with a big twist heres a link:


Also watched a brand new show called THE RED BAND SOCIETY , sad and hilarious look at a hospital treating teen cancer patients

and there attempt to enjoy whats left of their lives , really good stuff , not for too emotional people with cancer stories , might upset them, but might make'em laugh too !!


and the Doctor is back in the house , well Doctor Who's house that is , The Tardis with the latest re-incarnation of Dr. Who ,Peter Capaldi , very good so far in 2 episodes I have seen !


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Just watched Extant ,could work out well, also just watched the second episode of series 2 of the dome ,oh God its utter crap ,especially when they all clapped when he landed that plane suprised they didnt all form a circle and praise the lord ,but i have to find out what the dome is for . i'me so sad

Normally, I would totally agree. But I am still very embarrassed. So, I'll give you and Bookman simply one of my rare "uber-likes" instead.

And now for something completely different (if I may): a few people mentioned "The Honorable Woman". I just saw the first two episodes and I think this is high quality British TV. Great opening scene, some realistic action, too. The whole scenario slowly unfolding and developing. I particularly like the British MI6 agent (can anybody be more British restrained than this character?). A great spy drama and worth watching IMHO.

Utopia Season 2 (prequel) is on right now (actually was a 2 part mini - both aired this week). The original season from 2013 was very good and starred the same actor in the same role a Honourable Woman, namely said MI6 boss smile.png

Just getting around to Utopia Season 1. I'd only downloaded a couple of episodes, but the first got me interested enough to get the others of the season.

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Just started on Dr who,a little disappointed not as good as usual ,and trust the BBC to push the gay agenda with two women married in it,now I have absolutely nothing against gay people ,it's up to anyone the way they want to live ,but why oh why do the BBC always have to put it in entertainment programs all the time?

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So the wife wanted to watch Noah, at first I thought she meant Evan Almighty (the ads had been on the box earlier) but nope she was after the Russell Crowe variant..

Suffice to say I was left wanting a bit more considering the outstanding cast. Disappointed there wasn't any decent scenes with Emma Watson... That would have boosted it to an 8/10, but without that it's a solid 4.

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So the wife wanted to watch Noah, at first I thought she meant Evan Almighty (the ads had been on the box earlier) but nope she was after the Russell Crowe variant..

Suffice to say I was left wanting a bit more considering the outstanding cast. Disappointed there wasn't any decent scenes with Emma Watson... That would have boosted it to an 8/10, but without that it's a solid 4.

It was total rubbish, 4 is very generous.

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I watched every episode of The Honourable Woman, just to show I wasn't going to be intimidated by a plot that seemed to be soaring far above my head. Fortunately, good old Stephen Rea, doing his venerable George Smiley routine, popped up every now and again to give us all a synopsis of what has been happening, as he interviews various principal players.

If you're going to do a John leCarre-like story, why not hire the Great One Himself to write you a real one? This one dragged unnecessarily in so many places. It could have been edited down to six tight episodes, and been much better.

Maggie Gyllenhall does not look or act the least bit Jewish or Israeli! And that goes double for the guy who played her brother. I got so tired of her crying in every episode. It was humorous after a while. The Palestinian sidekick/double agent ("Atika") was an interesting element, and Stephen Rea carried the whole mess on his slight shoulders.


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Saw a very moving indie film last night called The Sessions (2012). John Hawke, who played Sol Star in Deadwood, plays a poet who is totally laid out from polio. He plays the part laid out prone through the whole film, much of the time in an iron lung. I didn't know they even still have those. He decides he wants to experience sexual intercourse before he passes on, and hires a sex surrogate, beautifully played by Helen Hunt. Great script, strong story, great performances.

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The season finale did not disappoint, although some may disagree. Recently introduced elements (three or four in one big whack!) will ensure that Daniel Holden will be fighting for his freedom again. He's an exasperating character, who doesn't seem as interested in his own case as his supporting cast is. He has the free services of a very fine lawyer, for free, but he won't follow the man's excellent counsel.

Also, consider that this man has spent his whole adult life in a 6 x 9 cell. He got to read a lot of good books, but has learned no viable living skills. If he had been in the general prison population, at least he could have learned a skill of some kind (Making license plates!), or gotten a university degree or two. All I can see him doing is maybe working in a bookstore, and they are going out of business every day. It's for sure he'll never work in the family tire biz with the Two Teds. And what can he put on a resume/CV?

It's my favorite of all of the shows I watch. I hope the writers can maintain the high quality, one more time. I can't see this series going on for years. There will be resolution.

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Also, consider that this man has spent his whole adult life in a 6 x 9 cell.

As I've said before, the flashbacks never let the viewer forget what he has been through and why he is so weird - although I suspect he was a strange one before ever setting foot in a jail. I was yelling at the TV, trying to convince him not to make such stupid choices, the last episode, but it did not stop him.

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