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Can someone identify the type of beetles in the attached pictures? Looks to me like ladybugs without spots, and googling for ladybugs suggests that these are indeed asian ladybugs, "Harmonia axyridis".

Got a minor infestation of them. Some trees have thousands of them, some not a single one. They don't appear to cause any damage to leaves etc, can someone confirm that they are a good aphid/scale/pest eating type of ladybug?



These are indeed a ladybug, but I'm not sure of the variety. They should be harmless and yes, they will take care of aphids. These were introduced in the the US to help control the spread of aphids. We see huge infestations around September or October before they get ready for hibernation. When I grow chile peppers inside over winter, I'll bring some of these beetles in to keep the aphids in check.


If you can figure out why you have so many let us know.....I wish I had so many...or at least I wish I knew how I could augment the ones I have already.


If you can figure out why you have so many let us know.....I wish I had so many...or at least I wish I knew how I could augment the ones I have already.


Yes, it is really weird. Maybe I should collect them, box and sell? :o

Another odd thing is that some trees are packed with them while others don't have any.


Correct, that is exactly what they are Harmonia axyridis (Multi Coloured Asian Ladybug).

The congregate in colonies for just before winter and will stay together as a group untill next spring.

But it is very unusual to them outside in large groups like that. They will push in a few days and find some cover nearby, usualy under a pile of leaves or a dead tree.

for Tim


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