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Prayut wins Newin’s support


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On 08/05/2018 at 1:00 PM, Eric Loh said:

No justification in selling ones democratic values for a racing circuit or an airport. There are things more valuable than material gains like freedom of expression and universal suffrage and definitely respect of the people choice of leaders. By the way, who gets to gain more with these infusion of baht but Newin and his rich associates. 

You mixing apples with whatever but Newin did something for his people and Isaan.

With that football team he did something positive for the region and with the Racing circuit even for all Thais - brought now the Moto Gp to Thailand and created jobs too.

Nothing for you - so be it - good for others and me. ??

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33 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

You mixing apples with whatever but Newin did something for his people and Isaan.

With that football team he did something positive for the region and with the Racing circuit even for all Thais - brought now the Moto Gp to Thailand and created jobs too.

Nothing for you - so be it - good for others and me. ??

Racing circuit for all Thais... LOL

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22 hours ago, GarryP said:

No section 44, no military doing his bidding to silence the public, freedom to gather in groups of more than 5, protests, people speaking their minds at last and free to say what they think of him.

If Prayuth is "legitimately" chosen as PM under the new constitution what makes you think he won't be able to continue in the same vein. Constitutions can be suspended, emergency laws such as S44 invoked. He's done it before - why not again?

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2 minutes ago, tomta said:

If Prayuth is "legitimately" chosen as PM under the new constitution what makes you think he won't be able to continue in the same vein. Constitutions can be suspended, emergency laws such as S44 invoked. He's done it before - why not again?

I'll bet a fiver he will.

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7 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Racing circuit for all Thais... LOL

Yes Most Thais will be proud that their country is shown as a venue of the Moto Gp all over the World and it has Thai Drivers who will compete.

☺ ?

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Just now, ALFREDO said:

Yes Most Thais will be proud that their country is shown asva venue of the Moto Gp all over the World and it has Thai Drivers who will compete.

☺ ?

Most Thais? How do you assess that? I dare say most Thais wouldn't give a toss much less go to watch a bunch of yahoos drive ever so fast around a private road.


What a lot of nonsense.

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1 minute ago, Eligius said:

Of course he will continue to use his draconian powers if he is selected (not elected) once again to 'lead' this country: bullying, stripping away people's rights and liberty is all he knows - as long as he cannot be touched. That is his only template.


Without that - he is a shivering, trembling little coward, calling for his mummy to protect him from the millions of people he has wronged over these past four years ...

You not happy with status quo - you will see what you get after election. 

Worse ?

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2 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Most Thais? How do you assess that? I dare say most Thais wouldn't give a toss much less go to watch a bunch of yahoos drive ever so fast around a private road.


What a lot of nonsense.

Now I know you know nothing - only a lot of nonsense. My last posting with you. 

I saw how the Moto Gp and F 1 made whole Malaysia proud. ?

Will be similar. 

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8 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

Now I know you know nothing - only a lot of nonsense. My last posting with you. 

I saw how the Moto Gp and F 1 made whole Malaysia proud. ?

Will be similar. 

Yes I know, I talk to lots of Malaysians, they can't shut up about the motor racing, all they ever talk about, just goes on and on.


Lots of people in my village too, just bursting with pride over what Nevin has done for all Thais. He'll probably stand for PM himself, they'll call him 'Sir Nevin' I'll be bound.


Dear oh dear. Your last posting with me? Oh no! say it ain't so. However will I manage? I think I'll go right out and shoot myself. Goodbye cruel world.



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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:27 AM, Eric Loh said:

Got your point. Junta allies in Parliament need not have the majority to creat an impasse on premiership. PTP will win but not a clear majority unless they take seats from the Dem and BJT. Without a clear majority, getting 251 approvals for the PM is touch and go; depend much on the Dem. The conclusion still the same; Dem holds the key well unless they lost significant seats to upstarter FFP. They likely to thwart Prayut dirty attempt to get the appointed senators involved and vote with PTP in Parliament.

Actually, if PT gains a similar amount of votes compared to 2011, they would still acquire 248 Seats (based upon the new calculation rules) just three short of the required 251. What we see here is just the beginning, Prayut knows full well that an alliance here or there will not be enough. He will find a way to prevent PT from running the election, as that is his only chance of staying  PM.


I wonder what the excuse is going to be...

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1 hour ago, tomta said:

If Prayuth is "legitimately" chosen as PM under the new constitution what makes you think he won't be able to continue in the same vein. Constitutions can be suspended, emergency laws such as S44 invoked. He's done it before - why not again?

I don't doubt that he will try to continue as he is now. However,  he will need to claim legitimacy through election, and as a "democratically" installed Prime Minister, he will need to be seen as behaving in that capacity. Should he be so foolish as to invoke 44 (although he will have no power to do so) and call in the military to back him up, it will be seen as no different to the current situation and a sham.  He would certainly risk much more criticism and protests. Supposedly, the right to assembly will have been restored.


I really do wish to see him left with egg on his face. I really wish to see him so embarrassed that he rarely shows his face again in public. And if anyone is a perfect target, it is certainly him.      

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3 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I don't doubt that he will try to continue as he is now. However,  he will need to claim legitimacy through election, and as a "democratically" installed Prime Minister, he will need to be seen as behaving in that capacity. Should he be so foolish as to invoke 44 (although he will have no power to do so) and call in the military to back him up, it will be seen as no different to the current situation and a sham.  He would certainly risk much more criticism and protests. Supposedly, the right to assembly will have been restored.


I really do wish to see him left with egg on his face. I really wish to see him so embarrassed that he rarely shows his face again in public. And if anyone is a perfect target, it is certainly him.      

I really like your post, GarryP, and I share your feelings and sentiments. Yes, wouldn't it be great not to have to see that ugly, nasty face in public ever again?

But the whole situation, now and at the time of the 'election', is totally fake and fraudulent - and Prayut will do whatever he wants (as long as his masters support him) to maintain his power. If that means re-inventing Article 44, he will re-invent it. If it means, stopping people from assembling on the streets again, through military intervention - he will not hesitate to do that. It is all he knows, after all - and you cannot teach an old dog (or ancient dinosaur) new tricks.


As for egg on his face: he already has so much egg splattered all over his face and body that he could make the world's largest omelette!

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PT heavyweights taking a ride on the Singapore Flyer with Thaksin? It is about as reasonable as any of the other excuses that will be thought up to prevent PT running in the "joke election".
That might be the trick, but it is too early now. Better do it as close to the election date as possible. Stay tuned :)

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

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12 minutes ago, GarryP said:

PT heavyweights taking a ride on the Singapore Flyer with Thaksin? It is about as reasonable as any of the other excuses that will be thought up to prevent PT running in the "joke election".

You are right to call it a 'joke election', Garry - just like that joke 'referendum' on the new Constitution, where no one was allowed to say anything negative about it. If and when an 'election' comes to Thailand under Prayut, nobody will be allowed to say anything negative about Prayut's record in government and his numerous criminal actions (actually all of his actions are criminal - as he stole power from the people), as saying negative things about poor Prayut might cause 'confusion' amongst the 'voters'. In reality - the 'vote' is already in, and miracle or miracles - Prayut (or his faux-elite faction) will remain the chief wielder of power!


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11 minutes ago, Eligius said:

You are right to call it a 'joke election', Garry - just like that joke 'referendum' on the new Constitution, where no one was allowed to say anything negative about it. If and when an 'election' comes to Thailand under Prayut, nobody will be allowed to say anything negative about Prayut's record in government and his numerous criminal actions (actually all of his actions are criminal - as he stole power from the people), as saying negative things about poor Prayut might cause 'confusion' amongst the 'voters'. In reality - the 'vote' is already in, and miracle or miracles - Prayut will remain the chief man in power!

" In reality - the 'vote' is already in, and miracle or miracles - Prayut will remain the chief man in power!"


How do you know that?...... They told me it was secret...... oh well, as you have let the cat out of the bag..... 


          The Results......In constituencies with a large military presence all the Junta candidates were returned...... most with around 120% of all votes cast.   In Isaan...... the Junta candidates all came second....... but due to allegations of massive voter fraud, all the winning candidates were banned from politics for 5 years and the Junta candidates were awarded the seats by default.


As I said.... they told me it was a secret until after the election had taken place.

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3 minutes ago, PREM-R said:

" In reality - the 'vote' is already in, and miracle or miracles - Prayut will remain the chief man in power!"


How do you know that?...... They told me it was secret...... oh well, as you have let the cat out of the bag..... 


          The Results......In constituencies with a large military presence all the Junta candidates were returned...... most with around 120% of all votes cast.   In Isaan...... the Junta candidates all came second....... but due to allegations of massive voter fraud, all the winning candidates were banned from politics for 5 years and the Junta candidates were awarded the seats by default.


As I said.... they told me it was a secret until after the election had taken place.

Many a true word spoken in jest, PREM-R - you could easily be right in what you predict (it's quite likely in this Alice in Lunacy Land!).

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