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Less than 1 in 3 Americans support U.S. pullout from Iran deal


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Can someone explain to me how 1 man can pull out of something like this doesn't he need the backing if the house or something? Also the same on the Paris agreement how can one man have so much power.


It's a dangers and laughable when a megalomaniac failed businessman reality TV star who lacks decency can have so much power.


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1 hour ago, juice777 said:

Can someone explain to me how 1 man can pull out of something like this doesn't he need the backing if the house or something? Also the same on the Paris agreement how can one man have so much power.


It's a dangers and laughable when a megalomaniac failed businessman reality TV star who lacks decency can have so much power.


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Because it wasn’t binding to start with. That’s why it’s appropriately called the Iran “deal”.

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2 hours ago, juice777 said:

Can someone explain to me how 1 man can pull out of something like this doesn't he need the backing if the house or something? Also the same on the Paris agreement how can one man have so much power.


It's a dangers and laughable when a megalomaniac failed businessman reality TV star who lacks decency can have so much power.


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The entering and exiting of treaties are the within the purview of the presidency. In order for a treaty to actually be ratified it requires a super majority of Congress. 

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3 hours ago, juice777 said:



It's a dangers and laughable when a megalomaniac failed businessman reality TV star who lacks decency can have so much power.








That’s democracy for you...

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The real question we should all be asking ourselves is why does the agreement need the US's sanction? Are the rest of the world incapable of doing anything without the US's approval?


OK so the buffoon has played to his voters (some would say base and others would say he played to voters of jewish heritage) and arch hawks that now surround him (by his choice). 


The rest of the world (I am not from the US BTW) should have more pride and belief in ourselves to get on without the the constant need for the US's seal of approval. Why do we even pander to this buffoon? Because our buffoons are incompetent as well - or just children needing the US's pat on the head and kiss of approval?

Edited by MRToMRT
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Ideally, the USA should have stayed in the agreement and tried to  fix what was objectionable. However, the POTUS decided otherwise as was his legal prerogative.

I doubt that those who are opposed to a reassessment of the US participation  had even read the document. I read part of the agreement, and unfortunately, from what I read, there were  a number of loopholes that someone acting in bad faith could  exploit. The agreement was a rushed effort, and was a good first try. Unfortunately,  Mr. Kerry did not insist on some things that  he should have done. I suppose had he done so, there would have been no agreement and this was as good as they could get.

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i would suggest that those who were polled knew very little about the iran deal.  they do know they don't like trump (understandable) and anything he does.  so this is really a poll asking 'do you like trump' ?  it has very little to do with the actual iran deal. 

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I would suggest that "trump" knows even less about the Iran deal than you "suggest" the voters in the poll knew.

trump probably knows more but i'm sure the main reason he opposes it is it is an obama deal.  typical stuff for american politics over the last 20 years.  no effort is made to do the right thing for the american people.  that is why we still suffer with all the same issues (healthcare, immigration, gun control, etc...).  once the dems take over again, they'll change the recent tax cuts.  it is a never ending nightmare.

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5 hours ago, buick said:

trump probably knows more but i'm sure the main reason he opposes it is it is an obama deal.  typical stuff for american politics over the last 20 years.  no effort is made to do the right thing for the american people.  that is why we still suffer with all the same issues (healthcare, immigration, gun control, etc...).  once the dems take over again, they'll change the recent tax cuts.  it is a never ending nightmare.

and yet americans keep voting for the same clowns

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Yes. They think they're very clever to vote for whom they perceive as "least worst". "Shit or syphillus?  I'll have the syphillus please". Idiots.

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

 Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress

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1 minute ago, AYJAYDEE said:

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

 Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress


Socialism doesn't need to take root in every instance for American society to become more cohesive. It only needs to take root in those areas where private industry cannot provide appropriate and cost effective solutions for the entire citizenry. Roads, schools, military and healthcare being some examples of such. I don't think we need government in the insurance or home building or grocery or airline, etc. business as private industry provides acceptable solutions.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Socialism doesn't need to take root in every instance for American society to become more cohesive. It only needs to take root in those areas where private industry cannot provide appropriate and cost effective solutions for the entire citizenry. Roads, schools, military and healthcare being some examples of such. I don't think we need government in the insurance or home building or grocery or airline, etc. business as private industry provides acceptable solutions.

the point is  americans see everything as either/or so they cant have it in selective areas. the thin edge of the wedge syndrome rules in a simplistic society like theirs

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1 minute ago, AYJAYDEE said:

the point is  americans see everything as either/or so they cant have it in selective areas. the thin edge of the wedge syndrome rules in a simplistic society like theirs


I agree. It is not so much a simplistic society as an ego driven one. People vote in accordance with how it makes them feel about themselves to have made that choice. Even if they know they are being lied to it is the lies they tell themselves that take precedence.

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Yes. They think they're very clever to vote for whom they perceive as "least worst". "Shit or syphillus?  I'll have the syphillus please". Idiots.


Your getting very emotional. You are now calling millions of Americans idiots, simply because they don’t agree with your way of thinking. 

Edited by bushdoctor
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We know the Iran Deal was not a treaty and was never ratified by congress. 

It should probably be called the Iran Nuclear Suggestions. It was never a binding agreement. 


Meanwhile, North Korea is talking about the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. 

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

We know the Iran Deal was not a treaty and was never ratified by congress. 

It should probably be called the Iran Nuclear Suggestions. It was never a binding agreement. 


Meanwhile, North Korea is talking about the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. 

after they saw how little america's word means???? lol

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18 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

and yet americans keep voting for the same clowns

well said !!!  it is hard to understand, if i recall correctly, 90% of americans believe the members of congress are doing a horrible job (i think it was a CNN poll done last summer).  yet many get re-elected year after year.


the average american has some understanding on most major issues (as i said before, healthcare, immigration, gun control).  these are things they deal with somewhat regularly (they see their healthcare costs go up, immigrants moving into their cities, gun violence all over the nation, etc...).  but they've got no clue on the iran deal.  that is why this poll is just a reflection of 'do you like trump', it is really nothing about the iran deal.


edit:  i wonder what would happen if the media outlets began to focus on congress instead of the president.  what if CNN, BBC, and FOX took half the time they use to talk about trump (bad and good, depending on the network !!)and, instead, talked about the failures of congress.  that might help give the average american a clue to what is going on and they'd finally turn the page and vote some new people in.

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On 5/9/2018 at 9:54 AM, ezzra said:

Most American don't have passport, don't know the names of

other counties or where they are situated, ( except Mexico) most

american are pretty much clueless to foreign policies and who

and what the middle east situation is all about, and oblivious to

nuclear threats of  a country so far away, so yeah, I'm not surprise....



If that's true, it would apply to them in favor of Trump's move as well....


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On 5/9/2018 at 5:30 PM, maximillian said:


Agree with you, but why should Putin lick his lips ?  I don't see any opportunities for him.

The whole thing could take a very bad course.



"I don't see any opportunities for him."


Seriously doubt you don't, but given previous posts, an unsurprising position. Here are a few possible bonus points to consider:


A weakening of US global standing - check.

Discord among US and allies - check.

Rifts within the US - check.

Closer ties with Iran - check.

Possible effect on oil/gas gains - check.





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